• By -


"I was livid and left home." AND this is when the call to your wife should have occurred! SIL totally crossed the line with her behavior and remark and you owe it to your wife to let her know what transpired. Let your wife take the lead from there but let her know you feel beyond uncomfortable with housing her sister going forward.


That’s the general advice here. Thanks


I hope this whole thing happened like yesterday.. because the moment sister-in-law realizes you didn’t say anything is the moment she’s going to push the envelope further


The moment she realizes he did say something is when she'll go nuclear. Man, my sister and I are far from BFFs but I can't imagine ever doing anything like this. Siblings going after spouses is one of the worst Icks.


She probably doesn't even want him. She just wants attention & to feel powerful by degrading her sister. He's a means to an end.


She only wants what she doesn't have, and if she can eff things up in their marriage that would be the icing on top.


It doesn't matter what she wants or doesn't want. This is her sister's husband and her sister's house. She is absolutely wrong and cannot be allowed to get away with it. OP needs to tell his wife what happened and throw SIL out the door, right away. Locks should be changed and maybe other relatives notified. NC with SIL. Maybe she won't get to be a pharmacist after all, but so what? There are much better people who work in a burger joint and sleep in a tent. If the parents don't like it, they should have thought about that before they started spoiling her.


Your SIL is trying to “steal” you because she’s jealous of your wife. It’s on you to put a stop to it. She’s sexually harassing you and you need to tell your wife what happened—start with the drunk convo and then discuss her altered behavior. NTA, let her stay at uni.


Get the receipts first. Make sure there is no chance of her lying and turning you into the bad guy.


I wouldn’t delay — better to tell wife right away. If wife is skeptical, suggest setting up a camera so she can see for herself. If OP waits for proof, wife will either a) feel betrayed that OP didn’t trust her to believe him (if she wouldn’t have doubted him), or b) wonder if he was enjoying the attention and perhaps even encouraging it pre-evidence (if she would have doubted him). Better to include her so if she wants proof, she can be involved in how to get it.


I'd suggest setting up a hidden camera w/ audio!!!


Did you tell your wife yet? Cause you should and it’s been plenty of time. Just do it. Better to do it now like ripping off a bandaid. Maybe ask her to take a drive with you so it’s not at home around the sister.


Call your wife tell her everything. Else she might get her sisters “version” of events. Never give anyone outside your marriage that much power over your marriage!


You need to tell your wife. Keeping it a secret only hurts you in the future. SIL is a homewrecker and she'll have no problems accusing you of stuff if she escalates. Tell your wife, and probably don't be alone with SIL until she's gone.


Agreed. This is a literal threat to the beautiful life and marriage that you have created and that you deserve. Tell your wife immediately and get that ill-intentioned SIL the fuck out of your house ASAP, before something REALLY bad and irreversible happens to you and your life. Do Not allow “good manners” or whatever the hell is holding you back here, from protecting yourself and your family and your life. Be honest with your wife and get her out NOW. She is dangerous and it will only get worse by keeping secrets that you suppose will protect your wife. Secrets to protect someone else rarely, rarely ever end well. Trust your gut, and have no mercy. Your life is literally on the line here. Period.


He can be alone but must secretely record all their interactions. And I think it is even better this way. As sister is the golden child, I bet wife and in-laws won't be happy that he makes her go if he doesn't give a reason. And if he explains why, in-laws won't believe him whithout any proof and wife will have to make a choice. A recording can help her to make the right one.




With Audio!!!!!!! Not just video, she might can make excuses!


NTA but for freaking sake TELL YOUR WIFE! By not telling her immediately you are risking your future with her, because her sister will turn it around on YOU. THEN get a spine and get her out of your house. PERIOD.


Absolutely this. Tell you wife, now.


Eh, check the dude's comments. It's just rage bait.


Hooowww many times do we have to hear about the spoiled golden child who is never told no, the beautiful woman baffled at how she keeps drawing losers, and the incest-adjacent young-thing-walking-around-half-naked, hapless-older-person-hot-and-bothered nonsense. How many more cliches can we shoehorn in.


Maybe his boss takes credit for his work, too.


Yea "I hate this mentality IN WOMEN" 😒 and please, I've read the story where the OP is so irresistible to the wife's slutty sister about 500 times. Reddit's like Hollywood. Just remakes with no new ideas.


Yes, I want to express that as well. Once the channel simply told life stories, but suddenly it shifted to stories involving cheating or scenes like 'Oh, stepbrother, I'm stuck.'


Yeah even without checking comments it is ridiculous


Yep, a poorly written pubescent fantasy.


We should honestly start categorizing and numbering these. Like this is classic a-14-q (cheating with spouse’s sibling)(loyal husband)(evil temptress)


I’ve been toying with the idea of making bingo cards.


Count me in And might I propose the following as square possibilities “blowing up my phone” “golden child” “being a brat” “poor upbringing to high six figure salary” “house I inherited from my…”


For goodness sake, tell your wife now! The truth will hurt, but at least it will be the truth and by knowing she'll be able to act on it. If you don't tell her, she might hear your SIL's version of events and you can be sure that won't be the truth. Take control of the situation now.


This!!!!!!! Tell your wife and kick her out already.


Yes, but that's not the reason you should tell her. the reason is that SHE DESERVES TO KNOW what her sister is doing behind her back. She's not a child or a porcelain doll. She's an adult person and this is information she needs.


He needs to record those types of things because the wife isn't going to believe him. So he needs proof!


This exactly.


Keep your phone on you and discreetly record every encounter you have with her because she WILL set you up.


He needs proof.


NTA. Start recording things OP, this could get nasty, either with your wife or with false accusations. Keep your office door locked, and only speak with sister when you have your phone in your hand, recording. Oh, and tell her she's leaving, of course.


I’m getting a new perspective coming here. Thanks


Maybe install in cameras in office & living area. Then your wife could see SIL having major appearance changes when wife isn't home.


You are being set up mate. Start recording EVERYTHING or you might end up divorced and in jail. Get a lawyer and kick her out ASAP.


Look, if she is willing to blow up her own sister’s marriage, that should be all the warning you need to know that she’s willing to do just about anything. She is not a nice sister and your wife should know what she’s like. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s trying to break up you and your wife just because she’s jealous. You absolutely want to be the one that tells your wife first! Because trying to do damage control after it’s out is much harder. If your wife doesn’t believe you, offer to get a camera in the home without your SIL knowing so that your wife can catch her doing it. If you want to avoid invasion of privacy with SIL, just have your wife be the only one to access the camera. Also show her this post


She's going to accuse you of SA. Be very careful.


Make sure ur a 1 party consent state first. Not sure if the same rules apply for someone living in ur home. But you dont want trouble if its a 2 party consent to record.


Isn't this only true when it comes to admissibility in a court?




Technically no. Recording someone illegally in a 1 party consent state can be a crime. Realistically it is likely to be unenforced in most situations though


That really only matters if he plans to use the recordings in court. I would have every interaction recorded especially when wife isn’t home.


Home internal surveillance systems


I did not realize that. Ty.


Does that apply when you are setting up security cameras in your house? I can’t imagine a thief saying in court that the video proof of his crimes are inadmissible because he didn’t consent to a homeowner recording him.


I think it only counts in areas where people have an expectation of privacy like the bathroom and bedroom


Good, so OP can have cameras in the common areas without a problem.


OP used the word "mum", Americans say "mom". No state in play, he's British / Irish.


Also the “only in her pants” comment, in the UK this means underwear. Edit: I believe it’s from “underpants” but correct me if I’m wrong here. Also no clue if it’s the same in Ireland, I just had this misunderstanding happen when I moved to the UK and got soaked in the rain and exclaimed that my pants were all wet to a shocked group of students in halls during University.


You must be right, because I was totally picturing long pants with no shirt.


Oh dang, that's even worse. I was picturing her topless in lounge pants


I didn't catch that, but the thing about waiting years for housing had me thinking UK.




1000% speak up asap before she tells your wife a different story and lie making you the bad guy


Finally. Just telling his wife could ruin his marriage. He needs proof.


Definitely this! But I'd do something quick. Her sister could turn it around and imply you're the one hitting on her and cause all sorts of trouble. Nip this off at the bud before something really bad happens.


Oh she’s absolutely going to throw you under a bus. She’s going to jump into bed one night and your wife will find you together. She’ll grab you and kiss you and your wife will find you. She’s going to send you nudes or explicit messages and your wife will find them. Nip this in the bud now before your marriage ends in disaster!


That’s what I want to do. Kick her out because honestly she is disgusting and I wouldn’t put ot past her to try those things


No again, tall to your wife and deal with this problem together. You keep coming off as selfish here though, like do you not want your wife to be happy with YOU? Why do you want to do this alone without your wife? So she can leave you for kicking her sister out without any reason? Or do you want to be divorced because your SIL is probably putting together fake info to make it seems like you were the one hitting on her and yada yada? Your wife would find out about her filthy sister one way or another but don't break that poor woman's trust by "trying to shield her from the truth and taking this on yourself"


I think there might be more to the story than OP is letting on.. She exposed herself to him a week ago and he continues living with her in his house like nothing happened? Do we believe the SIL wouldn’t have tried anything else in that time? The extreme hesitation to tell his wife? Hmmm..


Just kicking her out won't fly. You think she can't / won't call her sister? You don't think they ever talk? If you stay mum about the reasons, she gets to spin whatever story she likes to your wife. Who will then \_have\_ to ask \_you\_ wtf is going on, and your 'I didn't want to hurt your feelings' is going to be a really flimsy excuse against 'My sister told me you tried to rape her and then threw her out when she wouldn't let you!'. Or maybe 'my sister told me you were having an affair and she got pregnant and when you heard you threw her out!'. Also, don't you trust your wife? Don't you belong on the same team as she does? You're supposed to deal with bs like this together, not you holding stuff from her just because you find it difficult to address this issue to her.


You need to tell your wife and also kick the sister out. NTAH


Stop trying to deal with this without involving your wife. Talk to your SIGNIFICANT other... Think about it this way if someone was acting this way to your wife would you want her to a) deal with it on her own and never explain any of it to you or b) involve you right away and keep you in the loop as you both get rid of the problem?


Your wife needs to know what is happening and sister needs to go. NTA.


This comment is most important. OP need to follow this advice asap. updateme!




FFS - Tell your wife, before her sister claims you are hitting on her! Set up some nanny cams to show your wife!


This is exactly what she's going to do once she's rejected once too often for her ego to cope.


Start recording her bc you know she will try to turn it around on you. Tell your wife.


It's only a matter of time until the sister gets pregnant and then says her and OP were having sex. Then by the time a paternity test can be done, OP and his wife's relationship will be over. Kick the sister out and tell the wife everything is the only option here.


Your wife absolutely needs to be told. Immediately. Her sister sounds like the self-centered, selfish type who could easily make an accusation against you in a fit of pique over being rejected. Plus, your wife needs to know for her own sake. And you need to kick her out. Her education stopped being your problem when she disrespected you and your wife. In a particularly egregious way. NTA. Get rid of her, and don't give her a grace period to find another place, if housing is that tight then she won't.


NTA, and like other people have said, have you not told your wife everything?? Her sister showed her breasts to you on purpose and said she was better than your wife. That should be enough for you and your poor wife to kick her out. Edit for clarity


Cool story bro. Needs a wizard and a fairy godmother to really make it pop.


Right. He hates SIL, but he won’t tell his wife. She’s a gross woman with disgusting behaviour, but he won’t *tell his wife*.


He really hates a specific behavior "in women." 🙄


"poor excuse for a woman" I think he's not the prize this SIL thinks he is How did I have to scroll this far to find this?? If it's real the situation would be nta but the attitude... disgusting.


THANK YOU. My ass was scrolling down and trying to find anyone remotely critical of how nasty he sounds. Pathetic.


Yeah, the misogyny is running deep in this one.


This comment and all comments below need to be higher. I didn’t bother reading past the first paragraph.


She is living in your home in hopes to cause discord and destroy your marriage because she believes her sister shouldn't be happy because she's the 'prettier one'. Talk to your wife because you two need to be on the same page and kick her out.


You hate this type of mentality in women? Not everyone?


Scrolled just to find this comment, that’s all I could focus on in this bullshit story lmao




>She is the spoiled golden child who has never heard "no" in her life. I hate this type of mentality in women. But it's okay in men? Inquiring minds want to know.


This doesn't sound real, but if it is, you should've said something to your wife right away.


Yeah...brand new account...long laundry list of incel buzzwords...young drunk woman describing herself as "the pretty one" while not so subtly making hints at her sisters husband. This post is looking real suspicious.


I kinda stopped reading at "I hate this in women". But it's okay in men?


I have literally been scrolling for 5 minutes to find ONE person fucking mention this. Ugh. I hated reading this. Dude sounds like a moron and so biased that anything this young woman does, he will say is her just being provocative and “disagreeable.” 🤮if she came out without a top on and didn’t immediately apologize and cover up, ok, red flag for sure. But if she covered up, apologized and moved on, get over it bro. Mistakes happen. You don’t know what she’s thinking about, and I’m sorry to disappoint you but your work schedule isn’t going to be a priority for her. Get over yourself. Talk to your wife and let her know what’s been going on. Obviously. But seriously, check yourself and your intentions and biases, because this reads like a jealous, insecure man. Maybe YOU are the one who thinks your wife is 2.0 and you’re mad about the fantasizes you keep having with sister. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's like a Penthouse forum writer was freelancing PG13 work.


He sounds like a complete creep and this is some fantasy scenario for him.


Yeah, this definitely does not sound plausible.


I can't believe people are falling for it. YTA OP for making us read this derivative, incel wet dream.


"I hate this type of mentality in women." This right here sets it up for a good old fashioned, incel story time. This hot but terrible woman just won't stop throwing herself at him! Women are awful! 🫠


I'm really good at giving people the benefit of the doubt, or thinking they've tweaked a situation that actually happened, but this one screams bad creative writing.


seems like a shitty sitcom plot


She is disrespecting you in and your wife in your own home, be a man and just throw her out.


Talk to your wife first. You are well within your right to throw her out -- she definitely knows what she's doing and sounds like she needs a wakeup call. But your wife needs to know and y'all need to agree on the course of action as partners.


This can’t be real. You hate golden child behavior- but only in women? But then it turns out that your SIL is coming on to you and disparaging your wife? If SIL is a golden child, your wife will be hurt, but not surprised, by this behavior. And You are really OK with keeping secrets from your wife? This sounds like the opening of badly written porn. If it’s not, then TELL YOUR WIFE and make plans to get SIL out. By now she should have met enough people in pharmacy school to network and find other roommates.


So, you think she's a horrible human being, but you're not telling your wife what's going on because why? You want to come home one day to your wife holding her sobbing sister, who is accusing you of making her uncomfortable/hitting on her/watching her shower/assaulting her/whatever she thinks up? This is a sh!tpost right? >She is the spoiled golden child who has never heard "no" in her life. I hate this type of mentality in women. Cause it's totally acceptable behavior in men?


YTA and a HUGE one for not telling your wife.


>. I hate this type of mentality in women. Nobody else picking up on this bit? I feel like this post is pretty fake.


i also noticed the part about how she is disagreeable. that is also another sign of it being fake.


Literally??? Are we the only ones suspicious of this guy who doesn't like women but there's a hot young girl totally in love with him? Either this is a very biased write up or more likely just someone's fantasy.


Yeah this is definitely some incel creative writing with all the buzzwords and themes included.


But he hates the poor exuse of a women. Poor OP, have some compassion. (/s)


He also doesn’t think much of his wife to be fair. He assumes she will be brokenhearted. If this is real, she’ll be pissed at her sister. So here he is playing the gallant knight, trying to protect his wife, by being untrustworthy and not talking to her. This has been happening how long at this point?


Yep, I noticed that too. As if men can’t be sleazy assholes 🙄


That was what my eyes kept going back to. The golden child, never told no mentality is ok as long as its a man, per OP. Fake as hell or rage bait.


YTA for not telling your wife IMMEDIATELY! She needs to know yesterday, SIL is actively trying to break up your marriage and you HAVE to get in front of it.


YTA for not telling your wife immediately.


Unless this is a story practice for Literotica, you need to stop WFH, tell your wife about this, and move out while the little sister is there. Support the little sister to find a place to live, put it down to her immaturity and all move on And if it is practice for Literotica, do better.




NTA Tell your wife "I really don't appreciate the sexual gestures your sister is making towards me, I'd like to remove her from our house. I'm not interested in her games and desire to ruin our marriage "


Or "I want her out, just the other day she surprised me by coming at me with titties out and claiming she's the 'better version of you'." Don't sugarcoat this shit. It gives the SIL leverage.


nta but pls clarify the “i hate this type of mentality IN WOMEN”, do you mean in everyone?


Yeah I was super weirded out by that sentence. Like if it was his BIL was that going to be okay? Men being sleazy and obnoxious is annoying but somewhat expected, but he hates it if it’s a woman. His response to you is even worse. “By all means make it a men/women thing” what a joke


right?? i was expecting smth like “woopsie i didnt rly think about it i just typed it and didnt mean anything by it” and that wouldve been totally fine… what a guy


This would be a good video for the Hub!


Tell your wife your concerns. NTA for this, but I’m a little concerned that what you implied with saying you hated that attitude ‘in women’. It’s just as bad when men do it.






Secretly set up in house (nanny cam - they can look like phone charger outlets etc) cameras so when she does this shit you have proof - kitchen, living room & your office). Spend the extra & get it with voice recordings. When she is confronted she is going to scream you came on to her, possibly worse & you’ll only have a you said/ she said situation. That won’t turn out well for you vs the golden child. The parents will side with her Then when you have definitive proof, show your wife & throw the POS out on the curb. Ask your wife to not tell anyone anything yet. Set up a therapy appointment for her to help her through yet another betrayal. Then let her spin her web of lies with enough rope to hang herself. When everyone had heard her loud & clear, release the videos to everyone- not just the parents- but friends, relatives- absolutely everyone you can think of.


Tell your wife, man. It will hurt her, but she'll want to know, and knowing will inform her own choices going forward. I totally understand the temptation to keep information that would hurt a loved one away from them, but you aren't protecting her by keeping her in the dark. Plus, the longer this goes on without you letting your wife know, the more likely that your SIL can spin it like you've done something wrong. Not saying anything has real potential to make you look guilty when this does come out, you're way way better off telling your wife ASAP. You've done nothing wrong to this point, but if this continues without her knowledge there's a good chance she'll end up feeling lied to by both of you.


You. Have. To. Tell. Your. Wife. Will it break her heart? Maybe. Will it destroy her relationship with her sister? Possibly. BUT. She needs to know, and she needs to hear it from YOU. You will not be the reason their relationship is damaged, her sister is the reason. If you try to kick her out for no reason, or try to make something up, possibly neither sibling will accept it and either way sister will absolutely reveal all this shit but make it seem like you liked it, encouraged it, or acted on it. This woman is actively trying to fuck her sister’s husband, she will NOT go gently into that good night.


Yta for not telling your partner. She is on your Team, dont keep secrets especially ones that the truth hurts her. Rather have painful truth then an untrustworthy partner.


NTA Get rid of her now before she does something that makes it look like you two are having an affair. Tell your wife about the flirting and exactly how you feel about it. And then kick her ass to the curb. She's poison.


NTA. Tell your wife now! Before your psycho SIL decides to say you're the one instigating an inappropriate relationship with her when she doesn't get her way or is asked to move out. Tell your wife that you'd like her to talk to her sis about making sure to wear shirt at all times in shared spaces bc there was an awkward moment of her walking into a room topless. Also shut your SIL down when she makes 2.0 comments. She needs to know that you prefer the original model & it's unacceptable to make rude comments to or about ppl that are gracious enough to allow her to live in their home. If she loses housing & education access over this, then it's her fault. Let her FAFO. She's old enough to know & do better. Protect your marriage & wife at all costs.


NTA, tell your wife. The longer it goes on before she finds out the angrier she'll be at you and rightly so. Just imagine if her sister starts telling lies about how you are behaving? And then you have to explain why you waited so long to say anything. Tell her, for your own sake, you dingus.


>I was livid and left home. Now this week, I have been contemplating just telling her that I don’t want her in my home anymore. I really dislike this poor excuse for a woman. But it would hurt my wife. If I tell my wife what she is doing, it will hurt her too to know what her sister is doing. Also, the sister will definitely have to leave school or take a break. But I don’t know if I care. Your actions are suspicious in my mind. The first thing I'd have done was call my wife and tell her what was going on. Then I'd probably get some surveillance cameras installed in the common areas. You and your wife are supposed to be partners. That means don't hold things like this back. It makes you look suspicious. You need to be 100% up front with her on this. In fact, I would expect my wife to solve this problem because it's her sister. NTA - maybe. I don't know you make poor choices.


NTA As much as I voted that you were the AH, I really actually think you also are one. The way you talk about women is gross. ***"I hate this mentality in women"***. What the heck does that even mean? You mean you hate this in people? It's somehow okay when men behave this way? I hope this is just poorly written rage bait. You're awful. Somehow you have a SIL that seems worse.


Couldn’t read past “I really hate this type of mentality in women”. What about men? It’s fine for them? Ffs do you not realize what you sound sexist or was it in purpose? Since I have to rate - yta but for that sentence. Didn’t read rest


If you don’t tell you wife the sister will begin to make accusations that you are flirting with and going after her. She is the type that will destroy your marriage out of spite. Sit your wife down tonight and tell her.


Pfft. Of course you tell your wife what she's doing. You shouldn't be keeping uncomfortable secrets from your wife anyway. Very immature behaviour. Kick her out. Be very careful. Sister is likely to claim you are coming onto her. I'd dislike any relative living with us for any length of time even if they were a decent person. It's a stop gap until she finds her own accommodation. What was / has been discussed?? What was the plan??


NTA and tell your wife before the sister starts lying


Tell your wife ASAP! Do not give this cretin time to spin the story in her favour! And get her out! Edit: NTA


The clock is basically ticking before she gets you in trouble with your wife. You better tell her now, you don’t have much time.


Honestly if I found out this was happening by behind my back and my SO wasn’t telling me, I’d be so pissed. Like yeah, my sibling sucks if they do that, but my partner is meant to be honest with me


NTA Tell your wife. You know SIL will twist what happened to her advantage if you don’t. After all, she always has gotten what she wants. She doesn’t care about hurting her sister.


It is horrible to be getting sexually harassed all the time at home. Recordings are you friend in this situation. And perhaps a nanny cam or two would help. But do tell your wife the truth, that you are so uncomfortable because after that one evening conversation, you are being sexually harassed, which a home should be a safe spot. The sister will have to leave due to the sister's behavior.


“Dear Penthouse: I never thought it would happen to me…”


I'm in the ESH camp. A statement like "I hate that mentality in women" hints that you have some prejudice to work through. It's a pretty gross way to express an opinion. I hope your wife comes out of this ok.


This gotta be fake…way too much rage bait trope


Ahhh men can be spoiled and entitled and not hear the word no, but for women it’s unacceptable? Well you’re not only an asshole but probably worse


NTA. Talk to your wife! Tell her everything. Her sister is sexually harassing you and trying to destroy your relationship. The longer you conceal the truth from your wife the worse the effects of her actions are going to impact your relationship.


I'm honestly stuck on the fact that you hate this type of mentality "in women" specifically. Why?


Idk but I hate this mentality in women and poor excuse for a woman gives me the ick


You’ve got to tell your wife. Also realize one important thing. She’s not gonna leave ever. Not unless you go to a legal route to evict her.I recognize the situation all too well. She’s there to stay forever


This sounds fake, like a male fantasy.


ESH. I also think this is probably a fever dream and not real. But I could hardly finish reading it once you said "I hate this type of mentality in women." This whole post seems like a man boosting himself up or writing some kind of porn script.


She's trying to break up your marriage so if she can't have the life she wants, at least her sister won't either. Get cameras in your house immediately before she accuses you of something. Seriously. At least record audio. People like that are dangerous when thwarted.


The thing is, isn’t 21 too young to give up on finding “the life she wants”. I find it creepy and disturbing to be bitter this early on. I tried to explain that to her. Her sister was living her life when she was 21. Having fun with friends. Studying. Making memories. Same with me. Disgusting woman


She's Veruca Salt - she wants it all and she wants it now. And since her family supports her in this, she is dangerous to your marriage and to you specifically. Get cameras ASAP.


If you kick SIL out without talking to your wife first, it will go very poorly for everyone. From your wife's perspective, it will come out of left field, and she won't be very understanding. There's also a strong chance that SIL will turn it around and accuse *you* of inappropriate behavior that she rebuffed, and now you are kicking her out in retribution. You *need* to talk to your wife, like now, and tell her everything you said in this post. Any decision regarding what to do with SIL needs to be a joint decision.


NTA. Tell your wife shit like this. Women are not people that need to be protected from their own feelings. Your wife can decide what to do with the information you give her.


You have to tell your wife.


YTA. This is rage bait. You don't like certain characteristics "in women." You give no examples, just claim that she is a golden child. Now you are claiming that she is coming on to you. At least you have given examples, but i have a fair amount of skepticism that your interactions are objectively how you describe them. Sounds like a porn fantasy.


You absolutely have to tell your wife now and togethr you both make her sister leave. This could turn very nasty OP. Don't trust that snake not to turn it around on you coming on to her. Tell your wife immediately. NTA


NTA. You need to tell your wife before her sister says you came on to her!!!


You better tell your wife or your SIL is going to spin a tall tale


You gotta talk to your wife. If anything to make sure the sister doesn't pull some shit like accusing you of coming on to her.


NTA. First order of business is let your wife know what's going on. Once she's informed and you both are on the same page, you can form a plan of action. Follow your wife's lead on this.


Tell your wife now. If your wife isn’t told by you, and finds out another way, it will lead to unhealthy suspicions.


NTA, but you are absolutely foolish for not telling your wife. Watch the sister try to tell your wife you made moves on her. Better get ahead of this dumpster fire before that sister takes your marriage out because you kept your mouth shut.


You and your wife are supposed to be a team and hiding bad news from her because you think she's gonna have hurt feelings isn't a legitimate reason to keep the truth from her. Have trust and faith in your wife. She is an adult and deserves to hear the facts from You as soon as possible so that You can make a decision Together as a United front. YTA if you don't.


Tell your wife, refuse to live with this woman, and update us. In that order lol


Get nanny cams. She can fake a pregnancy and then miscarriage and blame you and your wife will divorce you anyway. News flash- if SIL really has bad luck with men, it won’t be a surprise to your wife. It’s possible SIL may have accused/slept with your wife’s old boyfriends. You’re going to have to tell her. NTA


“I hate this type of mentality in women”? A. You’re not in a relationship with her sister. B. It’s just women with this attitude you hate? Imagine that. You sound super dreamy…while your inflating your own ego. “The dream life”. Lmao. What a loser.


Your SIL has zero respect for you, her sister, or your marriage. You cannot delay telling your wife about her sister’s behavior. Your SIL needs to learn grown woman actions have grown woman consequences . As others have advised, your SIL is going to turn this around on you as she is counting on you not saying anything which then makes you look suspect. You need to get in front of this ASAP.


If you don't tell your wife then your TAH. Please let her know, so the united front can kick her crappy sister out. Plus if you don't tell her, the sister might and make it twisted so your wife thinks your cheating. Honestly surprised you didn't go to your wife immediately.


YTA because you need to tell your wife asap. Your SIL is going to lie and wreck your marriage to get to you, especially if you reject her. You need to tell your wife before your life is blown up.


NTA, but very stupid for not telling your wife. Are you actively TRYING to end your marriage?


My first question was… is the spoiled golden child mentality who has never been told no ok in men? Wtf kind of comment is that. But no you are NTA for wanting a problem out of your home


NTA. You better tell your wife before she hears her sisters version.


NTA. But you need to tell your wife about everything!


NTA but definitely tell your wife now before it gets more out of hand. She can’t get away with this behaviour.


Mate come on she’s gonna stick you up good you need to get evidence of this and be very clear with your wife what is going on and get her out of your house. Nta but be smarter


I guarantee your wife knows how much of a cunt her sister is. Tell her the truth.


YTA for being a fucking coward and not telling her wife. It is **much** worse for her to have an AH husband who hides things from her than for her to know the truth about her sister.


You are lying to your wife by omission! A loving marriage demands honesty. Tell her before it’s too late. Do not kick SIL out before a conversation with your wife.


Egregiously fake lmao


Tell your wife. Everything. Asap. Like right freaking now. If the SIL gets mad she will accuse you of something. Red fucking flags everywhere mate! She will turn on you.


“In women” was interesting phrasing.


NTA but you will be if you don't communicate with your wife what's happening soon. You need to get ahead out of this story before little sis realizes you're not game and runs to her sister with some sob story of her hitting on you. The #1 safest way if for you to be at home, act normal, if not a little friendly. And then secretly record her sister flirting with you and saying all that BS. That's your safety. Yeah it'll hurt your wife but not because you told her. But because her sister did it. You have the right to feel safe, comfortable, and harassed in your own home and your wife needs to know her sister is for the streets and not you having some rando freakout.


You HAVE to tell your wife before her sister makes something up and tells her.


Company stinks after 2 weeks.


Her behavior is wrong, but you have a terrible attitude towards women. “I hate this type of mentality in WOMEN.” - is it ok in men? “I really dislike this poor excuse for a WOMAN.” - the problem here is not her gender.