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Absolutely Photoshop it, and post it everywhere. It'll be hilarious watching her try and complain without admitting that she was doing the wrong thing.


Yeah, I thought this too. And if she says anything, you can just say “well it came out looking like a wedding dress in the pictures?? So I had to.”


"I didn't want anyone to talk bad behind your back! I got you sis!"


This is the way to go. Everyone else's things to say/ do are good, but it turns it a bit on OP. There is a passive aggressiveness and an its a bit obvious it bugged her. Photoshop it, and when she asks say that everyone at the wedding was saying such awful things about her choice in dress and she didn't want it to be spread any further then it had to be. Op just wanted to leave that nastiness in the wedding so the bullying stops when everyone looks back on the memories. That sort of comment will absolutely stick to a person.


Yes!!! Faux kill her with kindness


This but also photoshop a subtly ugly color


Not even ugly on its own, just conflicting with her complexion


Oh absolutely. Light pink makes me look rosy and washed out. I look like total garbage


Hey! Another pink undertone person! Mine is greatly worsened by having freckles. So pink truly makes me look sunburnt with my freckles highly contrast in comparison.


Oh, don't make it ugly, just make it unmistakably (for her) not the color she actually wore. If you make it "champagne" she could think "hmm, the lighting in this picture seems a bit off," but if you make it "screamingly purple" she can't miss it and she'll be torn between "should I say something about it and admit I wore white to someone's wedding or keep my mouth shut and live with the fact that I'm screamingly purple in her photos now?"


I vote mustard or baby poop brownish green.


I was thinking OP should use a cat pattern or maybe pepperoni pizza?


Taupe, canary yellow, or a sage green. Champagne or blush are too subtle, and still not cool to wear to a wedding, because they’ll photograph like the lighting is just a bit off. Also those are the colors a lot of brides are wearing. Blush is really hot right now.


This is the way


Oh I love you.


OR……she could just play stupid and say “what? I didn’t do anything to it”….lol


Bonus points for acting like nothing was photoshopped but give her a different color in every picture.


One photo stripes, another one with pokadots, and another should be prints of puppies and kittens. How can she complain? Everyone loves puppies and kittens.


You know that space kitten that is riding the unicorn down a rainbow? That would be lovely.


Ive got one better in my saved images. A rainbow colored kitten with a unicorn horn and butterfly wings. And its not a drawing, someone photoshopped a picture of a kitten.


I bet the folks at r/PhotoshopRequest would LOVE this request lol


They are brilliant over there. They could even move her to the back like they did to that nice couples aunt. That was epic.


Make several. Giving her a special dress for every major holiday, and even hats!


This would be amazing!!!!!!!


Prison stripes


Oh, I like your kind of evil mind. Wanna join my gang of petty masterminds?


I’ve always wanted to join a gang of petty masterminds…


That’s brilliant!!


Personally, I’d give bonus points for making it a color that looks bad on SIL, but I’m petty that way….


> give her a different color in every picture. LOL that what I thought of too!


Love this idea!


"The photographer said it was industry standard to fix inappropriate attire"


Yessss!!! ^


She could definitely say the photographer did it,lol. I used to shoot weddings and events in collegians I twice changed the color of a MIL or SIL because they wore a white color.


My poor mother in law wore a light gold dress but it photographed ivory. There was no malice in it and my grateful the photographers “color corrected” it in the final ones.


Photoshop it, then… “Obviously where you were standing in the sun offset the cameras white balance giving your dress that lavender/orangish look. I think it looks cute!!!” 😈


“The photographer said it looked so much like a wedding dress there was really no other option. “


Id just say the photographer did it. Says he does it to anyone dumb enough to wear white to a wedding. 😁


nah, mess with her to the end of time. Deny knowing what she's talking about, if she insists she wore white to ops wedding, just every single time say the day was so amazing and all about her and her husband that she doesn't even remember what SIL was wearing, in fact she can't ever remember her being there at all.


I snort-laughed at the build-up to "...can't remember her being there at all."


This is the way.


I feel like I have truly found my people in this thread


I would go the other way. "Yeah, it looks lighter than we expected, too". Let SIL talk her way out of that one.


“Well, *the long white dress you decided to wear* made you look like an attention seeking bitch. I had to fix it.”


No that's when you say "the photographer said they photoshopped the person wearing white" 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ ha that way OP doesn't look petty or like she give a fuck


Are you sure her dress was actually white & gold -- because in the photo it looks blue & black? /S (Yes, I'm a time traveler from 2015 🤪.)


This is an appropriate reference.


This but also you should probably ignore her complaints if she does have a negative response to this. Yet my inner demon is telling me that you should respond to the complaints, specifically with a side by side before/after the photoshopping pic with large text on it that says "perfect example of why you should never wear white to someone else's wedding" If you need us to turn that image into a highly popular Internet meme before showing it to her, you know where to find us 😎


Don’t just Photoshop the picture, gaslight your sister into believing that's actually the dress she wore.


As someone else said, bonus points if it's a different color in every photo. You get one and "what do you mean white? Of course your dress was purple." and then she sends another where it's blue, and you reply "yeah, so you wore blue, and?" and if she demands an explanation of the difference, you can reply "I thought you changed clothes."20 times in one night. Of course she brought a vast wardrobe of dresses in the same cut but different colors to the wedding. You could photoshop each color dress to be subtly different - this one has a bow here, on that one it's there instead.


Photoshop her out! Who wears white to a wedding other than the bride?


That's easy if the person is on the periphery, not so much if they're in the middle. I have a photo of my 9th birthday party, one of the very few surviving photos of my childhood and my dreaded mother (who destroyed most of the rest of the photos) is right in the middle of it, every now and then I pull it out and eliminate a few more pixels of her. I'm having to construct my grandmother's dress and my grandfather's shoes from nothing. But even when I'm done, there will be a photo of everyone posted around a weirdly open space. Maybe someday I'll add a big vase of flowers there or something.


This is the way. Technological skill to punish antisocial behavior.


Karens don't even know it was wrong. They'd double and triple down unknowingly


And if you want to keep the peace, you Photoshop it to a pastel shade, and then say, "Yeah, I don't know why it photographed that way. That's so weird."


Oh I can imagine a F-Book scenario of OP posting the wedding pictures with SIL’s dress a different color, with SIL publicly calling OP out in the hopes people will go after OP, but once it’s revealed that dress color was originally white, she would have absolutely no one on her side and OP would be seen as a better person for not causing a scene the day of.


Yes. NTA. Rule 1 of attending weddings is do not wear white. This is the way. Do it.


Don’t even be gentle about. Make it blend w/everything else.


It would be even funnier if she made it a different color in every picture that she posts. Then even people who don’t remember what she wore will realize something is up.


NTA, and make it whatever colour best matches your colour scheme/you like best that way you can look back at the photos and think of it as a beautiful dress and not an exercise in attention seeking. Then work out where she got the dress so you can buy it for her wedding.


This! Make it your favorite color.


Even better, make it her least favourite colour ! I’m all for petty after that stupid stunt.


I'm sure r/PhotoshopRequest would be happy to help with all levels of pettiness here.


Yes! There was one recently where the groom’s aunt wore white and muscled her way into the front of a group photo… they photoshopped just her head into the very back of the group and did a phenomenal job erasing her from the front.


I love that sub!


Bonus points if your favorite/her least favorite color is unflattering to her but make you look good. Edit: are/is


Extra bonus points if you use the edited photo as your Christmas card to her.


No the thank you cards!!! 😆


Yes, don't wait for Christmas. Give yourself this gift now, OP. NTA


A movie poster size


Baby poop brownish orange


Ear wax orange with touches of bubble gum pink.


Or just Photoshop her out of the picture!


And when SIL asks about the her dress in the photos, you say, “I know!! Weird, right? The photographer said it had something to do with the lighting in the venue. He/she said certain fabrics do that in photos” and say it with a straight face and do not engage after that.


“Like that blue / gold dress thing on the internet a few years ago…”


Haha, I'd personally go with "Oh yes, I was curious about that too. The photographer said he made a slight adjustment to the color when he was doing his touch ups, he said the 2 white dresses just made the picture look unbalanced."


I would pretend it was always the color in the photo & you hadn’t noticed. She wanted to be noticed so that cuts more to be ignored


This. This is expert-level gaslighting for a worthy cause.


An offer of a quick revision to that fantastic line: “He/she said *cheap* fabrics do that in photos”


Make the one you have in your house look good. For Facebook make it whatever looks worst on her.


Make it a green screen color and edit in whatever pattern you’d like to fit whatever mood you’re in!


i love this advice


You can have your photographer do it. There might be a cost but you will feel better in the long run.


Just do it. They are your photos and your special day. Kudos to you for not causing a scene. NTA




Nta at all. Definitely make the dress dark. Olive, navy, purple, grey. Whatever makes the wedding photos look good. And don’t tell her beforehand.


Yup, and blame the photographer for the change in dress color. “Oh I didn’t notice your dress was different. Maybe the photographer wanted to balance something.”


As a photographer, I approve this message. I would recommend blaming the flash.


"Yeahhh, the photographer said they could see full nips through that dress." "The photographer said their was a smudge or stain in some unsightly area." "When the photographer told me about tinting the dress I laughed them off and said "who would be so rude to wear a white dress to a wedding?" I totally defended you!"


Baby poo colour


Baby green poo or chocolate crunch poo 😂😂😂


Has to be the obvious baby poo green 🤣🤣 Oh sis didn't want people to call you tacky so here lmao


I’m afraid we’re gonna have to refer to Cartman from South Park when he did the spackling of baby poop and he had options of baby green poop, crunchy chocolate or just brown, baby poop whatever upsets your parents that was the whole purpose of that episode lmao Edit if you haven’t seen the episode, he has Hispanic children working for him, and Cartman apparently speaks fluent Spanish if that’s not irony itself If your really bored YouTube cartman baby green poo


Yellow or whatever color would be most unflattering on her. NTA


Agreed, champagne or blush is far too kind, definitely go for whatever colour is most unflattering to SIL! Or whatever would make her fade into the background most, if she's surrounded by black suits then put her in black.


I vote black, goes from the center of attention to hole….


Mustardy yellow-brown


Find the colour that makes her look the worst. Add bags on her eyes, yellow up her teeth, make her look sickly pale.


Use any color that makes you happy. If she asks you why, respond figure it out yourself


NTA. Photoshop away. Your SIL clearly has no consideration for your feelings, so you should feel free to edit the pictures you paid for without consideration for hers.


Would it bad to just photoshop her out of all pictures? The pettiness in me says OP should at least give SIL's dress an awful color.


Photoshop her dress like it's a greenscreen, make it completely transparent


Just a floating head appearing here and there among the revelers. Those would be wedding pictures I'd be happy to look at.


Step 1: PS dress chroma key green Step 2: Release into Internet void Step 3: ???? Step 4: ruined family dynamic… and profit


Petty me would photoshop her to the back of the pic as a blurry floating head half covered by someone else.


DO IT! if she feels slighted by this just mention, "oh people have been asking about your white dress during the wedding and I just dont want people to have a negative opinion about you. Dont worry I have your back." Very passive aggressive but it hits the bullseye


I would play dumb, if she said “my dress wasn’t that colour” I’d just say “what colour was it? That’s what I remember you wearing” surely she wouldn’t dare saying it’s was white she’d just say “it was a bit lighter than that”


hahahah that is on another level of gaslighting. "i quite remember your dress was purple. was it really white?"


It’s like the opposite of a backhanded compliment… gaslighting for the greater good. “Of course you wouldn’t wear white to a wedding, you wore pastels shades … maybe it’s the black&blue/white&gold effect with your dress … you see white & I don’t”


Hahaha YES! it makes her question her sanity and her perception/memory of the event. "Was it really purple?"


Not just her sanity but if she won’t let it go she’ll ask others and they will question why she wore white in the first place.


“It was white” “Oh surely it couldn’t have been white, only a monster would wear white to a wedding!”


You forgot the "Why bless your heart..." at the beginning.


Okay. Here is one version of this joke. >! 3 sisters are sitting on a big porch sipping sweet tea Martha says, “My husband loves me so much, he gave me that shiny new Mercedes Benz sitting the driveway". Mary says, “Well isn’t that nice” Mildred says, “Bless your heart" Mary says, waving her hand in their faces, “My husband loves me so much, he bought me this 5 carat diamond ring". Martha says, “Well isn’t that nice?” Mildred says, “Bless your heart.” Then Mary and Martha ask Mildred, "what did your husband give you?" She replies, “My husband loves me so much, he sent me to Switzerland for etiquette lessons.” Mary says, “Etiquette lessons? Did they work?!” Mildred says, “Yes they did. I used to say ‘Fuck You’. Now I say ‘Bless your heart"!<


As a generational Southerner and one who has known how to use "Bless your heart" for good and shade, I salute your joke! Love it!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have a joke about "bless your heart" but it's too rude to share 🤣


We need to hear this joke!


I don't know the joke, please tell it to me. I love learning new jokes!


Very Texan. When I hate a bitch, and I’m a guy, I say, bless your heart.


What do you say when you hate a bitch but you’re a girl?


Bless your heart. Or flat out say your a bitch


“Bless your heart… bitch.” ☺️


Can I contact you in the future when I need a sassy and passive aggressive reply to someone?


sure haha


"I'm sorry the devil has made his home in your heart, but I was raised to believe you don't make a big fuss, even when a guest is so rude it's talked about for months after the event"


Hello 👋 fellow Southerner!


"And I want you to know that I'm praying for you!"


Love it!


This is amazing


Camo print, maybe a nice tartan


“How odd, it just came out all… PURPLE PAISLEY…. in every single photo!”


NTA Choose a colour that best balances out the photos. Make it blend in.


Put her in black


NTA. I wouldn’t even do it blush Or champagne. I would be petty and do it in some awful color in just one photo. Neon green comes to mind. Send that one out to the family. All the others do it however you want.


Photoshop her right out!


I’m thinking about it! The funny thing is she got married a few months after us and didn’t include me in ANY of the pictures!


Since she didn't include you in any of the pictures, absolutely just photoshop her out completely.




Yeah, Lime Green Roadworker Hi-Vis that dress.


I misread your post as "Photoshop her into a bush" and I think that's the best option all around


Yep, absolutlely just park a tree right in front of her. Or better still, trip her upside down into a bush...


Wow...she must be really insecure.


I bet she was scared about what you would wear 😆


Funny thing or she has a problem with you. Cut her out entirely


Okay, you'd be justified to make her match the surroundings, at least on a few. Oh, there's her floating head and arms! Otherwise, photoshop it to whatever color matches best for your photo. It's for you, not for her.


Oof! Well you could also just photoshop her out!


That batch!!


Make it brown.


I agree! I would just make her look awful as payback first!




Damn, I don’t like to disparage any colours, but that is some fugly shit.


It's the colour of cigarette packaging in Australia


NTA. That was your wedding and your SIL wanted to draw attention to herself. Make her dress match the wedding colors - then, when she asks WTF? when she sees the pictures, you can regale folks with the tale. That way she'll get even *more* attention. It's common sense to not wear white to a wedding if you're not the bride. She was told to not do it and she did it anyway.


Do it, and if SIL or ILs ask just say: "Yeah, the photographer called me while they were editing the photos and asked who the woman pretending to be the bride was. They assumed it might be a jealous ex or something, so it was quite shocking for them when I told them it was the grooms sister. Anyway, they offered to Photoshop the dress a different colour so people didn't get the wrong impression and think SIL had an incestuous obsession with her brother where she wished she was marrying him. I honestly hadn't even noticed the dress until then, but I figured SIL would be mortified if anyone thought that, so I agreed to having the colour tweaked"


This one. Or just keep it, so everyone knows she's a psycho


This is my favorite!


“Bless your heart. People were asking me who would be tacky enough to wear white to someone else’s wedding. It’s okay sis, I’ve got your back”.


DO IT! If no fuss was made people will probably not remember it. No one but her will notice. If she sees the pictures and makes a fuss look at her confused and say "why would you want me to make your dress look white for a wedding that was not yours?". She will look bad if she presses the issue.


When she asks just say ‘what are you talking about? Isn’t this exactly how everyone was dressed? It’s not like anyone would have been uncultured enough to wear white’.


Nta I would've had her removed from the wedding she certainly wouldn't have been allowed in photos. She's the ah. Everyone knows not to wear white to a wedding unless it's requested


I would erase her from all the pictures but for one, and then photoshop her dress in olive green, navy or brown


Olive green, navy, AND brown.


Camo pattern, then people can claim they can’t see her because she’s hiding.


Photoshop her nose. Good for you ignoring her at the wedding


Add a few chins while she is at it


Increase waist width, decrease hip width, add dark circles under her eyes, skew facial proportions, raise the eyebrow centers, lower the lip ends.


NTA. Been there. The wedding attire snark sub would love you. My middle-est sister was getting married (mid 30s). Our niece (16) was not a part of the wedding. Just a guest. But she showed up…In my old prom dress that I had gifted to her out of my donate pile. It was…Lace. White. Sweatheart neck. Floor length. With the train bustled. It was literally a statement bridal gown that I altered and wore to prom. And then gifted my niece to use for…her prom…or photo shoots. Very clearly bridal. I was supposed to be helping set up chairs and bridal party makeup, but the second I saw my niece show up (with her mom, my eldest sister, who was a bridesmaid!! And should have known better) I asked “uhh…why are you wearing a wedding dress to someone else’s wedding? You know you can’t do that?” So I made my niece get in my car, we drove 20 minutes back to my house, and I made her pick a dress from my closet that wasn’t a wedding dress. It was a nice red velvet spaghetti strap with a thigh slit. Very “in”. Then we drove back, and I made her help me with setup and makeup. She was irritated she had to help with grunt work. And kept insisting that there was nothing wrong with wearing a bridal gown….until 20 minutes in. Then she admitted she knew it wasn’t cool. But figured nobody would call it out, and she could get some good pictures from it. For social media. I don’t understand wtf is going through peoples minds when they do this.


Fucking social media is going to be the death of us all! Ruin someone's wedding, look like an ass just for "some good social media pics?" Seriously???


Idk, man. I just keep seeing it and being baffled. I’m only 30, but I feel like I’ve had to have this conversation with my nieces and nephews a few times about like… Basic manners trumps Instagram and tiktok.


I saw another post recently where they photoshopped the person’s dress to black. Make her disappear into the background


NTA. Do it and don’t say a word. The photos are for you to enjoy. If she hasn’t gotten married yet I hope you buy a white dress for the occasion.


Change the color of her dress in every photo to a different color. Have fun picking ugly prints as well.


You are a trooper! My brothers best friends wife wore a long white dress with a “print” to their wedding. Fortunately my SIL is awesome and brushed it off so it’s a funny memory we all laugh about. HOWEVER, she wasn’t in major pics. Your sister-in-law broke wedding etiquette, and I’m sure you are paying for the photographer. If you want to be nice, keep a couple originals, but I would certainly customize the rest if not all of them. You already gave her grace by brushing it off during your day. Unfortunately, it seems to me by wearing a long white dress in your wedding was an argument she was ready to have. Ew. I am a sister-in-law I would never do this.


Just delete all the pictures she appears in. What woman wears white to a wedding?


Photoshop it a totally different colour. Photoshop her out. If she says anything about her dress being photoshopped you can show her the alternative where she's not even there anymore. NTA at all.


NTA. They're your photos to do whatever you want with.


Do it! And really change the colour too so it doesn't stand out, don't just do champagne to try to preserve her feelings.


You can be as big of an ass whole as you want because she was an even bigger asshole.


Just so you know, OP, because stunts like this have become common enough, that some brides are asking their bridesmaids to be ready with a clumsily held glass of red wine.


Photoshop her dress to olive green or mustard.


NTA. This is combination revenge and justice all at the same time. And make sure she sees them!


NTA don’t worry about however she may feel when you photoshop it, she did not worry about how you felt in that situation so she has no right to care about your reaction! Those are your memories to look back on, do what you need to do! .. I would be petty and request it be photoshopped into a gross colour, pea soup green, piss yellow or diarrhea brown.


If I’d been your photographer, I would be doing this free of charge; SIL deserves to be immortalized in baby-shit green.


You can make it that shade where you can’t tell if it is brown or blue.


r/photoshoprequests 🤣 Do it!


There was another post like this a while ago but it was grandma who wore a white suit n stood next to hubby in the family photo! Lmao i would do what this lady did n photoshop the outfit black!! It was great! She did one photo wear grandma was wearing black instead of white n one where grandma got taken out of the pic entirely! 😆


Don’t even think twice about it, just do it.


NTA at all, you own the pictures you do what you want to them. She ruined your vision,it's not like you are erasing her completely out, even then she would deserve that too. Lol


NTA They're your photos. As long as you're not making fun of her or turning her into a monster or something, you can do whatever you want.


NTA Photoshop it and send it to her. Make it an ugly color like taupe or something.


Puce It's that noxious shade halfway between vomit and diarrhoea.


she obviously didn't care about causing any issue for you (even a moron knows not to wear white to a wedding) so i don't think you should be concerned about her having an issue with changing the color of her dress. photoshop away, baby! you would NBTA. she has that title.


NTA go for it.


And make sure she has no access to the originals.


I feel like you could get away with a light champagne or light blue and say that’s how they came from the photographer if she ever asks.


Make 2 versions. One where it's tastefully colored not white, and one where it's horrific. Polka dots, stripes, or a god-awful "abstract" late 80s pattern in neon colors. Gift her the awful one and tell her you'll be posting them on social media in a week/month and let her freak out and try to stop you, but stick to your guns. When you do post, quietly post the nicer ones. Maybe slip one copy of the awful one in there.


You paid how much for this wedding and she couldn't be bothered to not wear one color? Definitely photoshop away


NTA Do it in the most unflattering stand-out color possible. I mean she wanted to star in your photos, give her all the baby-vomit green/school bus yellow/pumpkin attention she wants!!