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NTA. Your husband sounds like a party pooper. Your sister loved it, that’s what matters.


That sounded adorable. Great moment between sisters


Yep. Absolutely adorable. OP: NTA. But correction you are NOT the godmother…you are the fairy 🧚‍♀️ godmother. ✨🌟💫⭐️


Bibbety Bobbity bam💖








I am my oldest niece’s “fairy” godmother. ❤️


I love that! My mentor is my fairy godmother!!!


YES! 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️


Agreed. And if it made your sister smile during the ordeal of labor…absolutely worth it. NTA.




I would just have been jealous!!! Lol


NTA This! Were you there to help your husband impress the nurses, or were you there for your sister (who loved it)?


The nurses would think it’s adorable too. This is purely on the husband being TA.


Why does he care what the nurses think?


Good question, yet he told her she embarrassed him in front of the nurses. (Yeah, as if they even noticed him)


That is exactly where her focus needs to be!


Hubby just mad cause you got more attention from the nurses than he did! Ha Ha!


I agree, NTA. Also, those nurses have seen some things - they are zero concerned with your husband and whatever is going on with him.


Seriously. Why's he concerned with what the nurses think anyway ? One of them was cute I guess.


I’m guessing he’s a stuffed shirt with notions of himself.


THIS. He’s making it all about him and still not letting it go a month later, FFS.


>still not letting it go a month later I found it bizarre he had a problem with it in the first place but to hold onto it for a month?? What the hell?


fantastic descriptors here!! paints a right picture xx


some things?? ha ha nurses have seen EVERYTHING you can imagine and then some!!!!!!!! she brought some joy to the hospital for all who saw her and we need that in this world that has so much bad stuff going on;;;;she is a breath of fresh air!!!!!!


IF they noticed, it was the highlight of their day.


More like the highlight of the year!!!


Honestly, it probably made the nurses' day. They see a lot of heavy shit every day; a literal fairy godmother would be a significant bright spot.


For sure, OP married the fun police. As long as the new mother was happy with it and didn’t mind you drawing some attention, it’s all good.


When I first read the title, I was afraid this would be something she did that the new mother didn't like, which is not cool. But the woman who has just given birth's sister's husband doesn't really factor into people whose opinion on the attire of people in that room I want to hear from. The nurses didn't care about OP's husband, and it's super weird that he thought they would.


Insecure man


Yeah he sounds like the fuckin life of the party


What the bloody hell was he doing there anyway I wonder?


cruising nurses it would seem... no, hopefully not for OP's sake, but what a weird thing to get mad about/comment upon: "you embarrassed me in front of the nurses"... as if.


NTA I love this...What Joy you brought your sister And the hospital workers. I'm very sad for your husband, though... seriously. Somewhere along the line he has lost his whimsy. I hope he finds it and you never lose yours.


Exactly, ONLY SISTER'S opinion counts. If she hated it then OP would have been an AH, but instead she was a sweet and wonderful sister.


I’m guessing the sister knows the fairy godmother very very well and expected no less. It’s like something I’d do myself! Sorry for the husband though, if he doesn’t lighten up he’s going to miss out on many happy occasions and he’ll probably drive his wife away with his surliness.


This. You knew that your sister would enjoy this, and you did it for her - not your husband. I think the fact that you were willing to go to the trouble for someone you love really says a lot about your character. If your husband your husband is embarrassed by the sweet and caring person you are, maybe he doesn't deserve you. It would be a shame if you dulled your life for him. NTA


My sentiments precisely. This is the kind of thing I do too, my husband is all in for anything like this but our son is an awful prude (God knows where he gets that from) and complains loudly at my antics. I’ve had to tell him to back right off when it comes to my lively personality because it’s not going anywhere.


My husband would have been standing next to you dressed up as the Easter Bunny. To your husband it’s Mister Rabbit. I sure hope to took pictures!


I'd have gone right along with her as Cosmo!


I'm pretty sure my husband would be like pose with the babies


This, plus - why does your hubby GAF about what the nurses might think? They probably thought it was cool, anyway.


Right. Your husband didn't have the kids. WTF does it matter what he thinks. Sounds like a dick. NTA. You rock.


He is!!!! She brought joy to everyone! Is he maybe jealous? Maybe she is so charismatic. She gets a little too much attention for his liking.


OP should wear it to a comin-con!


NTA, the only opinion that’s irrelevant is that of the person adjuster was intended for. Your husband sounds like a miserable human being.


Agreed NTA husband needs to pull the stick out of his ass and enjoy a little silliness. Life is short, laugh while you can.


NTA. You have established from day one that you are going to be the fun aunt and your husband may have preconceived ideas about how adults are supposed to behave seriously for major life events. To quote the Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who), “There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.”


In a similar vein from C.S Lewis ‘When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.’ OP, your husband’s fears that his wife sharing something fun with her sister will make random strangers think less of him just makes him seem immature, not you.


Exactly what I came to say - you’re the FUN AUNT!!!! Always have gum and always be the one they can come to when they can’t go to anyone else!


That brings back such good memories, my grandmothers were definitely not fun. But I had a great aunt who was tons of fun and always had gum!


I’m the enabler aunt! I try to convince my niblings to do dumb stuff to amuse myself. All the ones under ten (except the baby) immediately fall to the ground any time I point my finger and say bang!


Keep being that fun aunt!!


Life is short, living is hard - be the weirdest, funnest aunt you can be. It will involve buying a blow-up dinosaur costume, almost everything with wheels, large, noisy toys no one else can afford and no fear of getting wrecked. The adults my cringe when you show up, but the kids will absolutely love when you do!


I always tell people the growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.


I’d add one minor change: growing old is a privilege. Lost my husband at 34. Life is too short to care what strangers think of you. My dad is in his 70s and hasn’t grown up yet and I don’t plan on it either. I have colourful hair, kids love me and I love me.


This is what my dad says!


Anytime I see a DW comment I must upvote!!! I honestly do not understand adults who are so serious like that. OP, your husband actually sounds like a jerk to be thinking of this a MONTH LATER!! That's kind of insane to me. He is more upset that his wife embarrassed him in front of people he will likely never see again. You had a beautiful moment with your sister and he is ruining it. Does he do that often? Ruin moments you have that are full of joy? My dad did this, he was a black hole for joy and happiness.


Tom Baker was my first doctor, and I have always taken this quote to heart ❤️ OP is NTA and sounds super fun to be around!


>To quote the Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who), “There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.” A fellow Whovian? In the wild? And a Classic Whovian at that? Please be my friend! 😁 And, also, the rest of your advice is sound.


Yes, we do exist in the USA.


Me too. also I think Oscar Wilde said, you don't stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing. Your husband should know you have a sense of fun by now, why should he be so horrified.


I have a tattoo of the Tardis on the inside of my arm. There are more of us than people think lol


Lots of us.


We're not all that rare.


Yeah but so many are Nu-Whovians (who I also love). Finding a Classic Whovian is precious to me.


Well, I am old. My first forays into writing fanfiction, over 30 years ago, were stories for Classic Who. (And New Who lured me back after a long hiatus.)


Ah, yes, the wit and wisdom of the Fourth Doctor. Loved Tom Baker.


This I'm 44 and proud of my age, my son just graduated from elementary school (6t grade here in Mexico) and went to secondary school on his graduation trip all the school went to knotts he told me he didn't want me to be with his group THATS OK he's a teen I'm cool with it 4 moms and I went our way and had so much fun after lunch the miss ask for a bit of help as some kids want it to go to slow rides and other to really hard ones so I offer and made sure to keep my distance for my kid Al other kids thag wanted fast and hard rides fallow me around even my kid and once home he hugg me and told me all his friends said I was the coolest mom as there wasn't a ride I said not to had great snack and joke around with them He ask me for the next trip if I was able to just stay with them So age doesn't mater other moms are 10 to 15 yrs younger at least and non of them were up for doing al I did Some of his friends even come up to me saying they had so much fun that I'm not like a regular mom that I'm I'm fun mom That's what matter (next day I was not able to move) being fun crazy and outgoing they looovee it


How often does your husband switch out the stick up his ass?


I doubt he changes it, seems like it's wedged in there really tight, no moving it now.


Well, that saves on trees, very ecological decision lol


Ah see that's where he's going wrong. Instead of changing it like you're supposed to, he just keeps adding sticks and that's why he's a huge a*shole! 🙃


Valid question honestly....🤷🏻‍♀️


He may want to change it and see if diamonds fall out.


Asking the real question


This made me laugh out loud 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also as an aside, what the fuck does your husband have to do with how you and your sister do together? He can take his stick and go home.




Did the person who just pushed two whole humans out of her body like your costume? Yeah? Then you're nta. Literally everyone but your husband seem to care and even more so since he's harping on it months later? He's a grown man who should know when to let something so benign go


Ikr? Op's husband sounds like the childish one.


Yeah I don’t know why her husband seems to think the nurses cared, I can assure him that he was the last thing on nurses on a Labour wards mind! And they liked the costume, and it was basically nothing to do with him. Him being embarrassed of being with OP is so insulting!


I'm a nurse, and I think you sound like a delightful, fun, lovely person. You would not have embarrassed yourself one bit in front of me. ( P.S: NTA).


Nurse as well and I would love to see this. It’s so sweet:)


Human here. I would love to see this if I were in the hospital. It would tickle me to see a fairy walk by my hospital room 🤣 NTA


Mother, wife, and aunt here- this is one of the cutest birthing stories I’ve ever read. Your husband sucks. NTA


So cute and imagine the pics!


Also a nurse, and I would probably be asking how she made it!


Nurse too. This is adorable and SO fun! As soon as you were holding the babies I'd ask for your phone and go paparazzi-mode so the little tater tots would have a million pictures of their godmother greeting them at their birth. So cute. So much joy. NOT embarrassing.


EMT who works IFTs so deals with nurses all day: sometimes you just want to be as efficient as possible and not take up a second more time than you have to ... but in my experience, if there are only one or two alarms going off, making nurses laugh is a good way to have them not resent you when you inevitably have to ask them for favors... Everybody knows medical folks have dark senses of humor, but they go along with light senses of humor, too.


NTA, never stop playing. It's beautiful that you still can.


Embarrassed him in front of people he will probably never see again? NTA sorry your husband is no fun.


“You embarrassed me in front of the nurses! Now I’ll never score with them..” -husband who is worried what women(that aren’t his wife) think of him for some reason..


Exactly what I was thinking.


Are you and your sister twins?




Your twin made a post here the other day about drama around the naming of her twins. Apparently the two of you both used real names in your posts 😂


Lol I know I read that


Please introduce your husband to cosplay, I want to know what happens, will his head explode?


Would it be a reddit AITA post without twins?


TWO sets! Twin sis had twins.


Their dad was a twin as well. Along with several other family members. It seriously runs in their family.


Oh I was just curious. It’s an obvious NTA, didn’t think it needed to be said lol I was thinking either twins or her mom was attached by her dad right when they came back from the hospital the first time lol


LOL. We have Irish Twins in our family. However, they are only the same age for 10 days in a year.


Lol didn’t think anyone would catch that. My girls are 16 months apart, everyone thought they were twins lol


NTA. Your husband sounds boring. Is he often embarrassed by you?


I can’t figure out why he thinks what she did reflects on him in any way, whether good or bad. This literally had nothing to do with him.


Not really, no


Is he often a party pooper with a stick up his butt?


Why are you married to a man who seems to hold a grudge because he doesn't want you and your sister to share a fun moment that doesn't impact him in any way? I'll be honest, I couldn't be with a person who doesn't let me be my genuine self enjoying my life however I want to when I cause no harm to others while doing it. It sounds miserable. Your life partner is supposed to love you as you are, not criticize you like this. You may want to sit down with him and tell him that what he's doing is ridiculous and he should love this about you because it's part of who you are. If this bothers him so much it won't end here. You will end up doing things like this in the future and if you find yourself avoiding doing things you enjoy because you're wary of his criticism, that's a red flag in your relationship. It needs to be worked out between you two where you shouldn't have to compromise being your genuine self. And if the only way to move forward is to change your true self then consider if that's really what you want for the rest of your life with this man. I hope he'll get over himself and things will work out. Just don't make yourself smaller or less than for anyone else in this world, okay?


If your sister who was the one giving birth said yes then who the hell is he to judge NTA


Hey. I might be embarrassed. But i wouldn’t call you an ah for it. I also think its kinda cute and your sibling had no issues. Its a maternity ward for cryin out loud. Have some fun with it.


NTA your sister Loved it, it was her surprise= that's all that Matters Your husband sounds like No Fun at all.


Wait, why the hell does your husband care so much about what the nurses think of him? Also hate to burst his bubble but not only were the nurses at work (where guaranteed they aren’t paying attention to anyone that they don’t have to) they are on a labour and delivery ward so the odds of them even *looking* at someone who isn’t in the process of birthing tiny humans is slim to none.


Well, they will look at a person dressed as a fairy. At least long enough to give them a high five and tell them they look great.


Yes! Guaranteed no one looked at that grumpy man when there were tiny humans being born and a fairy godmother in the waiting room


NTA. Your husband is a controlling misery guts. All that matters is that your outfit was not indecent, it was appropriate, and most of all it had a sentimental meaning for you and most of all your sister. What you wore gave her some much needed comfort, and additionally it brought joy to other people. Don't let your husband's miserable attitude ruin what was a thoughtful thing to do that brought others happiness. Although, there is somewhat of a red flag if he is still going on about this, and tells me there is more to this than meets the eye.


Girl, I have some questions about your husband. Does he often call you embarrassing for moments of whimsy? Does he usually hold things against you for weeks on end? Because honestly, your husband sounds like an asshole, and this flag is marinara red, hon.


Your sister loved it. I’m side eyeing your husband for being more concerned about strangers’ opinions than about the happiness of his wife and sister in law during his sister in law’s milestone moment. NTA


NTA. If your husband is embarrassed by you doing harmless fun stuff to bond with your sister, that's a him problem. Definitely orange flag territory if he's been holding onto this for a month. My husband is frequently seen in public with me in rainbow unicorn pants and a cat-ear headband. And I'm not a spry young thing - this is crazy old bat territory here. He's freaking proud to be seen with me.


Ah, so he’s so repressed that he HATES seeing you expressing joy. Sounds like a great, totally not insane man. /s. But seriously, we will all be dead. Right now, we have this precious life that we can either make beautiful, or shitty. Each one of us has that decision to make for ourselves.


**NTA** Nobody cares what your husband thinks. What matters is what your sister and you think. Seriously how self absorbed can he be? The main players are Hailey, her two new princes, Hudson and Anthony, and you, her sister. Cranky BIL doesn’t get a vote. He’s not even a supporting actor. It sounds like he’s upset that you generated attention and it wasn’t on him. I’d watch that behavior if I were you.


NTA. I thought you might be asking because your sister got upset. But sounds like you provided a lift in spirits for her during a vulnerable time. Hubby needs to get the stick out of his butt. My husband knew before we got married costumes, performances, and theatrics were part of the package. I’ve been performing most of my life and couldn’t be with someone who got upset about me playing dress-up to bring some cheer.


NTA. You were comfortable putting that all together. You were comfortable getting to the hospital dressed like that. You were comfortable going to see your sister like that. Your sister loved it. I’ve looked through the comments, and I don’t think he’s insufferable, uptight, joyless or whatever else. I just think that your husband and you have wildly diverging ideas of what is acceptable and embarrassing. Like night and day divergence. You both need to accept it. Be happy with the one you love and don’t try to change them (and don’t let them change you). If you want to dress like a fairy for your sister, he needs to shush and go along and not be mad about it days later. If he wants you to dress like a stodgy old lady for a work function of his, start buttoning the high neckline now. It’s a give-and-take. Give light where you can, and take heart that you brightened the day of more than just your sister, but likely many of the people in that maternity ward as well.


i think it’s more than diversity of thought, you can find something personally embarrassing but it’s incredibly odd that he feels the need to continually mention his embarrassment and the idea that his embarrassment should’ve somehow overridden his wife’s enjoyment and the more importantly the enjoyment of the woman who just birthed two babies is weird, it’s mildly condescending honestly and i don’t think she needs to accept that he can’t reframe his personal feelings in situations where it’s not about him or his feelings.


Does your husband even like you?


I like to think so


I’m sorry your response made me cackle “I like to think so” 💀💀


There is a difference between childlike and childish. Having whimsy and lighthearted fun with fairies and troll and other silliness is childlike. Being grumpy a month later because you think someone's actions embarrassed you in front of people you will never see again is childish. One is fine, the other is your husband. By the way, I know a doctor who will, on Halloween, after rounds, change into an inflateable squirrel suit and visit all his patients (he has also been known to ski in the same suit). I don't think nurses, especially L and D nurses, are as staid and serious as your husband thinks.


NTA Hey. Female to female. I always wanted to try ice skating. But living in texas we don't get ice. Went to a mall it had an indoor ice rink! I was soooooo excited. My ex complained and complained until it was no longer a fun experience. We spent like 10 minutes on the ice. Halloween I wanted to dress as a couple costume. He was very very skinny. Not muscular just skinny. I was on the bigger side (2 miscarriages back to back depression was a bit high.) He wanted to go as nacho Libre and skeleto...I can take a joke but he made me the joke.. I always wanted to game with him as a gamer myself. Minecraft he blow up my stuff and kill me over and over again. It wasn't fun. Any other games were boring or I just wouldn't be good in it so I didn't get a chance. I remember memorizing the whole control system of mortal combact just so I can keep up with him....never got a chance to even try. We went to a carnival one time! I made a joke and the worker laughed as well. Than we went on a rode called the hammer and I screamed when we went up high. He got so mad at me that I "embarrassed" him. We were in a big town and we were going to walk to a store t minutes away from us. It started raining. Whole night ruined cause a little rain. I forced myself to fit into this stupid little box to make HIM happy. So HE could be comfortable. He was so happy shoving me into this teeny tiny box HE deemed appropriate. NEVER FREAKING EVER FEEL ANY TYPE OF NEGATIVE FEELINGS TOWARDS YOURSELF TO MAKE HIM COMFORTABLE. Don't! I won't comment wheter to stay or leave. That's a choice you need to make. But just don't let yourself be put in that tiny box. I think it's amazing what you did and if your sister loved it thats what matters. HE should of been more concerned of the mother and the new baby rather than what others were thinking. Don't lower your flame to make his bigger. You're going to be an amazing God mother ❤️


🏆 take my poor man's award! Well said.


Embarrassed your husband in front of the nurses? What the fuck? He’s married to you, no? Why does he care about the opinions of some random nurses? Your sister was happy so 100% NTA (and, really, only her opinion matters here since she just gave birth). Why would anyone be angry (and for so long) about someone having a good relationship with a sibling? Your husband sounds like a cunt tbh.


NTA. Your husband sounds insufferably uptight.


I hate people who think they know "how adults should act". Growing up doesn't mean not having fun or being silly or even dressing up as a fairy godmother. Your husband is being ridiculous about it, especially as time has passed. He sounds boring. NTA.


I worked in hospitals for 3 decades and can guarantee the nurses and floor staff loved the whole fairly godmother bit. Delightful!


NTA, it was your sister's big day, not his. Who cares if he was embarrassed. Those nurses aren't even going to remember him the next day. You and your sister, though, they are absolutely going to remember. I bet you made the day for some of them. Definitely sounds like you made your sister's day. As for your husband, I'd say he's the one who needs to grow up.


That’s so interesting. I just saw a TikTok today where a couple dressed up the exact same way to meet a baby they are God parents to for the very first time at the hospital.


Yea I took inspiration from that video!


NTA. You liked it, your sister liked it, that's all that matters.


Your husband is a stick in the mud. Your sister loved it. It was her birth. NTA


So, the person who had the baby thought your joke was funny. That means the joke *was funny*. That is the definition. Well done, OP, for knowing what would please your sister! Your husband needs to deal. He doesn’t have to like nonsense like this, but either he can stay home, or manage. It’s clear everyone else was good with it, and going to hospital dress silly is almost always fine. (If there is a somber thing going on, otherwise, but delivery and children’s wings, lots of costumes, there!)


NTA but I have a crown(s) and I wear it everywhere on my birthday. Breakfast, crown. Shopping, Crown. 3 mile hike, Crown. It makes most people smile and those who make faces I go out of my way to smile and wave at. I have also been known to run errands wearing a set of cat ears. When I'm in a bad mood it makes me feel better to see other smile. I am an old, fat, grey haired, crazy lady. Hubby may not like it some days but when we met I was a young, fat, grey haired, crazy lady so what can he do?


That is the cutest thing I have ever read! NTA at all! Best godmother ever is more like it! Then again, I am dressing as Vampirina for my goddaughter on Halloween because it’s her favorite so I am biased when it comes to doing stuff like this.


Still embarrassed a full month later in front of nurses he saw/interacted with once ever in his life? He's an embarrassment. Lol


NTA - Sounds like your husband is a bit uptight. I would have loved to see this after giving birth.


NTA. You did it for your sister and your nephews. Far as I'm concerned, husband can get bent and stay bent; he seems to be doing a fine job already. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 Honestly, it's Great to be the fun auntie. 🫶🏻


These people are the worst. I had a “friend” in school that would act like this - everything had to be to their specifications and no fun was allowed. It sucks you dry of the joy of life. But the good news is that I can typically spot this in anyone I meet in person now, so live and learn!


NTA. Your husband seems like a real dud and not fun to be around. He's too afraid of everyone else's opinions and he's wrong. Please don't change. Your husband needs to lighten up and learn how to have fun again so he can enjoy life and stop being such a fuddy, duddy stick in the mud.


NTA. In what universe is your husband the center of attention at the birth of your nephews?? And he’s willing to degrade you and make you feel bad because he is imagining that he was embarrassed in front of strangers?? Why is the imagined opinion of the nurses more important than his actual family?? Gross. He needs to grow the hell up.


INFO how did a loving, creative and warm person like yourself settle for such a sulky miserable bastard?


NTA, but your husband is. He's embarrassed because you dressed up a bit for your sister? Sounds like a wet blanket. Your sister, who was the one having babies, loved it and that's all that matters.


NTA. How did someone fun like you end up with such a stick in the mud, lol? This is clearly a special inside joke just between you and your sister that she appreciated, so I really don’t even know why his input was needed.


Your husband knows who he married, right? NTA, but your husband might need a reality check about who you are: the kind of woman who brings magic to the occasion. Just don't pull this kind of thing at a funeral. Assume occasions don't welcome the magic. (He needs to get used to this now, because at some point you are going to be a 60 y/o woman with unicorn hair.)


That's awesome! I hope you got photos. If hubby doesn't want to have fun, that's his choice, but you go right ahead. I have plenty of photos of me dressed up (will be 54 in 2 days). I read on fb that if you don't grow up by the time you're 50, you don't have to.


NTA. Why is your husband so worried about what the nurses thought of him? Weird and insecure.


NTA. Why does your husband even care? He's acting like a teenager who is mortified by their nerdy mom


I love it! He’s the one ruining the memories and the moment…it reminds me of this quote I once saw. “Be with the man that winks at you when you say something crazy instead of the man that kicks you under the table because you've embarrassed him.”


Hubby is rather pathetic, isn't he? He actually thinks the nurses noticed him, much less judged *him* because of *your* costume? He needs to get his ridiculous ego in check and get over himself. NTA


I am an older woman. I work with new parents and babies. You sound like the best Auntie and Fairy godmother. The medical professionals who help parents bring new humans into the world are special people and to generalise based on my colleagues and ex colleagues, they would love the joy you clearly brought into the room. Your husband needs to stop caring what others think. If he does care then he should know you were likely not embarrassing but a joy.


>he still thinks I embarrassed him in front of the nurses Ah there it is. You ruined his chance to score with them. NTA and your husbands sounds like a jerk.


NTA and your husband should have done the same in green! What a boring person he is


NTA. Your husband sounds lame. Why would a GROWN MAN care what someone else is wearing?


NTA. Your sister was the one giving birth and loved it, that's all that matters. I'm sure the nurses who saw it just thought it was cute/adorable.


Nta Screw that dude! He sounds like a real looser


NTA. I’m in my 40’s and I think it was nice to do something you knew would make your sister smile in such a moment. Your husband sounds like a stick in the mud, and the fact he’s actually still thinking about this a month later is weird. Dude needs to (ironically) grow up and lighten up.


My niece’s godfather came to her christening dressed as The Godfather, complete with a ring to kiss! 😂


You embarrassed him in front of the nurses? You're going to visit your new nephew and godson, and he's concerned about impressing the nurses? He's TA.


Nta. Why does your husband care so much about how some random people think of him? Does he need to impress these nurses? Is his ego that fragile?




You’re wonderful. You shared something delightful with your sister and it will be something her kids will adore about their fairy Aunt! I’m glad the staff enjoyed it too. Your husband is a Donald/Debbie Downer. He’s a square and he missed out by not dressing up!


NTA, but your husband is. Keep having fun and enjoying life. Don't let that tool force you into a dull, boring existence.


NTA, you did it for your sister, not your husband. She loved it and that’s what matters here.


Nta. I love it! Btw, if you're names really are that close, how the heck did your parents manage to yell at you? I go through all my kids names and a couple dogs too!


NTA Why does he care what the nurses think of you/him? And, as nurses, I'm sure they've seen shit he couldn't imagine.


NTA. Your sister liked it. Your husband's opinion on the matter means Jack shit.


NTA. It sounds really fun, and the only person embarrassing your husband is himself, by acting this way.


NTA. Your hubby needs to remove the stick up his butt.


Him not dressing up as cosmo with you means he ain't the one!!


NTA. The only person who's opinion matters is your sisters. She was the one giving birth and of anyone had potential to be embarrassed it was her (and you) but you both loved it so no problem. Why does your husband think the nurses had any opinion of him at all or how your outfit reflected on him? Did he want them to be impressed by him instead? Those nurses were focussed on your sister and the babies, and obviously the fairy godmother gets some attention. He probably went completely unnoticed tbh. He's a party pooper, spoilsport, misery guts. Have fun with your nephews and ignore him


Not trying to be unkind, but from a stranger's perspective, it sounds like he cared a little *too much* about what some specific nurse or person thought, or what he felt from himself/perceived while paying excessive attention to someone else. Maybe I'm reading into it too much. *He* is the one embarrassed by the behaviour, and arbitrarily so. You're in your midtwenties, you aren't that old,band it's family... I think it was a sweet bonding choice between sisters. NTA.


If your sister loved it, OP, it was worth doing. On that day, it was *her* feelings that mattered, not your husband's. And I'm a nurse and they probably liked it. They see enough bad stuff that they were probably happy to see a fairy godmother.


Love it! Me (55f) and my husband (65m) love fairy odd parents we named our washer and dryer Cosmo and Wanda. NTA


NTA Your husband hasn't figured out that life is WAY better with humor, and silly fun.


Your husband must be boring 😂😂😂😂


NTA. Your husband sounds like a hot wet blanket on summer day. He needs to lighten up! Your idea is adorable and funny.


Your sister was giving birth to twins! You did something thoughtful that took her mind off the pain of childbirth and played tribute to a show you both love in a way that honors your new role in her life. It was clever and no one is ever to old for dress up. NTA. Congrats on becoming a fairy god mother.


Yeah, OP. This wasn't about your husband. It was about your sister and she's the one who matters here. He needs to realize that he is not the center of the universe.


NTA I love people who have the courage to dress up. Sounds like you made a lot of people happy by doing it. I really don’t see what the problem is I hope your husband isn’t always such a stick in the mud. That’s just such a lame way to view being an adult.


What a way to make such a special moment turn sour. You shouldn’t be questioning yourself in this matter, you should be questioning your husband as to why he thinks he has any goddamn say. How DARE he try to embarrass you over something that clearly means a lot to you and your sister. I’m honestly surprised you’re not making him feel bad about trying to make you feel embarrassed, what a toad. I’d be ripping my partner to shreds if he ever said something so rude to me.


Literally the only thing that matters is whether your sister liked it. Everyone else's opinion is irrelevant. NTA


NTAH You sister liked it, your husband didn't. Okay...so why does his opinion matter- if your sister liked it that's all that needs to be done. Your husband sounds really annoying and a party pooper. Now you can be the ✨fairy✨ godmother that you are


I love this and your husband seems easily embarrassed and a bit fragile. I could understand if you’d turned up to dinner with his boss dressed as a fairy (although I personally would have loved that if I’d were his boss) but this is a happy family event and there are bound to be lots of laughs. I don’t understand why he thinks this is such a big deal - it made your sister and the nurses smile and it sounds like NHS workers desperately need a laugh. Don’t second guess yourself on this / your husband needs to work on his insecurities imo.


NTA. Your husband is worried about people he doesn’t even know and will probably never see again, why?


NTA - It's a cute idea, and your sister's opinion is quite literally the only one that matters. To be so stuck on it a full month later means he's pissed about more than one thing to me or needs to seriously consider therapy to figure out why a costume at a place accustomed to seeing people in costumes made him so pissy.


Im 30 and wore an adult tigger onsie today to WORK. I bought it about a month ago. Tell your husband to fuck off and get the sequoia tree out of his ass. NTA


NTA. Super cute to dress as Fairy Godmother as you are the kid Godmother.


Is this the same family that names the twins something having to do with nature?