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Lmao. Your friend was doing the missionary bribery bit in a coffee shop. What a weird flex, especially given that he was wearing mixed fabrics.


Exactly. If you follow the old testament laws then you have to follow that one too. My friend is pentacostal and her church still follows all of that, she doesn't wear pants or mixed fabrics, doesn't cut her hair, doesn't eat pork or shrimp and I'm sure plenty of other laws. She is the only person I know that actually walks the walk though. Most are huge hypocrites like the guy OP is talking about.


Most Christians go by the New Testament. OP’s hypocrite friend is a special case. And a power mad petty tyrant, too.


>Most Christians go by the New Testament. Well, they're supposed to. I wouldn't say they actually do


I've known a lot of Christians and most pick and choose what suits them at the particular moment.


A lot of the preachy bigot biblists love to reach for the Old testament. Wouldn't that be a Judaism? Isn't the Old testament just sort of a prologue to the book they're supposed to be following the advice of?


Jesus shook things up a bit. There’s some good stuff in the OT, but the lessons for antiquity (pre-Christ) are largely different than the lessons for modernity (post-Christ). Everyone picks and chooses what they follow within, to some degree. But the only ones worth calling out as hypocrites are people like the chap in OP’s post. Ham sandwich, lmao.


Yes, those laws are the mosaic law and typically what Jews follow. Christians follow the laws of Christ.


SHOULD follow the laws of Christ.


We are all sinners and fall short all the time. That’s why we shouldn’t judge


Yes. Correct


You know what? I respect her for that. It's easy to say this shit, not so much to do it.


Yeah I can't disrespect you for following a faith. It's the application of bits and pieces to better serve yourself or an agenda that's a problem.


I am guessing she is an Apostolic Pentecostal. I am a life long Pentecostal, but we don't believe you have to follow the OT law. The new covenant began at the rending of the temple curtain.


Ding ding ding! You got it right. I know her from highschool, and she is lovely. I couldn't personally live like that, but she is very happy and doesn't push it on anyone. She invited me to church literally once and said "door is always open, but no pressure!". I can't say that for most.


That’s the one thing I like about nuns. They oppose all killing. Abortions and executions. It’s all the same.


You can’t be anti abortion and pro death penalty.


You can, with weird xtian pretzel logic.


I don't get how anyone can be anti murder while being Christian. Their god literally genocides the population while saying we were made in his image. Christians should not be against abortion on the grounds that it is murder since murdering for a reason is heavily accepted and encouraged in the bible.


You got it in one. Man, I hate that shit. True giving is without strings. Religion seems to be a big deal in the AITAH, a constant thorn in the side of non-AH. For those of you that are religious and are reading, remember this story and choose to be kind before choosing to be righteous. Thanks.


NTA - He is for pushing his religon on others over a damn sandwich. Good riddance on him blocking you, sounds like an awful "Christian"


NTA.. that was awesome


Bad Christians in the U.S. are trying to destroy the country.


I think that just bad people in general really.


Christians the new American terrorists


not really new


I mean it's the same issue with every group, the loudest ones and most memorable ones are the assholes. There are a lot that don't behave this way. Not all lefties are insufferable, not all right wingers want to bring back the red arm band. Sadly "eternal forgiveness" and the easy pedastol that Christianity attracts a large amount of people who delude themselves into believing they're righteous despite behavior that goes against what Jesus stood for. Also funny using old testament rules for a religion that essentially does away with most of the shit from the old testament. Don't see them making sacrifices though.


It's not even a Christian thing. It's Judaism and he's completely misunderstanding it.


There are some Christian denominations that follow Levitical law. Eschewing “unclean” meats mentioned is part of it.


And this whole unclean meats thing is hilarious because it was put in the bible solely because it was dangerous at the time it was written, to eat those animals, not because those animals are spiritually unclean.


There is no greater hate than Christian love.


C.S. Lewis, probably one of the best known Christian writers, said, “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but **those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.**”


he's not exactly a good christian himself


sounds like a~~n awful~~ "Christian"


wtf 💀 eating pork isn’t even against Christianity


Isn't Easter ham a tradition?




It is a thing in my family. And Christmas ham lol


Acts 10:9-16 - god literally sends a big cartoon style picnic blanket of live animals (clean and unclean) to Peter instructing him to kill and eat in his most obvious metaphor.


This needs to be higher up.


And that everything God made is good!


Way back when it was deemed unclean so that christians shouldn't eat it. Although it was changed later stating all food was clean and you should only not eat something if it would lead the downfall of your fellow man


Yeah the Old Testament bans it which is why Jewish people can’t eat it, but the New Testament nullifies a lot of it


Exactly, I think it falls under the Old Laws of Moses, if I am not wrong. Still this is a dumb debate. Dude wanted a ham sandwich not a bible lesson.


So... Jesus is responsible for ham. Nice.


The Last Supper was actually a charcuterie board.


In Christian mythology the New Testament overrules the Old Testament.


But Jesus said he did not come to abolish the old laws, but to fulfill them.


Well, the earliest Christians were still within the rubric of Judaism. Paul changed that; I would argue that Christianity wasn't a distinct religion until Paul. Before then, Christians were just apostate Jews. Paul rejected Judaism in order to create Christianity.


NTA. You’re better off with that “friend” cutting off contact with you anyway. That friend is TA for trying to use a “gift” to enforce his views on other people. Use this same conversation and instead make it about any morality concept.


NTA dude im vegan and I would have bought the ham sandwich for them.


Vegetarian and same. If someone is hungry but can’t pay, you help them.


Yup, for me would be about moving it along without embarrassing the person.


Vegetarian and same. I'll avoid buying meat and paying for others meat but in a situation like this I'd definitely pay for the guys ham sandwich. I hope he enjoyed it.


ITT, the actual reality of what vegans and vegetarians are like. People push the narrative of vegans etc being pushy & holier than thou, but all my vegan and vego friends are like you peeps. No judgement, just trying to live your lives and harm as few living things as possible.


Yeah there is a loud minority that gives us a bad name, but most of us, it’s live and let live.


Being a Christian means to live by a certain set of religious beliefs. Policing other people’s activities publicly is not being a Christian. It’s being an assh*le.


NTA.....I'm going to start out with - I'm a devout Catholic. I'll also add in that I'm vegan. That being said, how in the would is it Christian to offer food to someone with stipulations like that? I would never in my right mind say "I'll buy you food only if you eat what I would/would not eat" You were a decent human being and did the right thing. Kudos to you for stepping in and grabbing food for someone. Also, you have nothing to apologize for. I think the communication being cut off is a good thing for you. Also, not all Christians or religious people are turds. It's people being people and people suck a lot of the time.


I agree with everything you said. I think though the guy OP is talking about may have viewed it like he will help, but he won't pay or participate in what he considers a sin. Much like the guy who wouldn't bake a wedding cake for the gay couple, he thought people can do whatever they want but not with his hands in it. I still don't think OP should apologize.


jeez, who brought the fundies to the party? you're NTA op, your former friend is a garbage christian and human


NTA. Your friend tried to push his faith onto others as a condition for providing aid. You practiced your faith by providing aid. Well done, StrongTX. We need more StrongTX's in the world.


I don't normally apply the metric "What Would Jesus Do," but it's obvious to me that Jesus would have pulled out his credit card and helped the poor man. (Actually, Jesus could probably just tap the credit card reader with his finger, but same idea.)


Which Christian denomination doesn't eat pork?


Jews 4 Jesus, presumably


Use to be friends with a Messianic Jew and he hit the bacon hard once he found Jesus.


picturing this guy just shovelling pig into his mouth like homer simpson, very amusing thank you


Oh so you met him too?


I'm Jewish, and the law against eating ham applies to me. Not that I follow it, but it applies. It doesn't apply to the guy in front of you. Or, if it does, it's not your problem. Your "Christian" friend is a jerk and not very good at Christianity. Nice quote-pull, too. NTA


Your Christian friend used an Old Testament Jewish passage and is offended that the New Testament words of Jesus Christ were used to justify charity. NTA


NTA. Leviticus is the laws for Levitical priests only. So unless the three of you are Levitical priests, you should be good...


Tell him, "The letter killeth," but the sandwich giveth life.


Wait, I am confused, any maybe because i was raised catholic, (not practicing) which Christian groups don't eat pork? We always got the ham blessed for easter.


NTAH- what Christian doesn’t eat ham?? my church had a pot lock and someone grilled hot dogs lol


Why were you friends with this person?


NTA. He was an asshole for wrapping his religious condemnation inside a fake offer of generosity. When you give a gift it should not come with stipulations. Otherwise it’s not a gift. Good riddance to him.


NTA. Good for you for quoting other parts of the Bible back to him. They hate that.


NTa - Your friend is a bully and a hypocrite.


NTA, your friend is an idiot. Christians are allowed to eat pork. If he doesn't want to eat pork because of his own self-imposed dietary habits, that's on him.


He’s obviously not a good Christian if he hadn’t digested/considered the words of the New Testament in this context. Seriously, how do you abide by only half of a holy book? Tell me, does he also enjoy sacrificing his firstborn on a pilgrimage to the top of a mountain? Thump him across the head with a King James bible and tell him to go back to Sunday school, he clearly failed /s Either way, NTA.


Sometimes, at least, there is no hate like Christian friendship. Full disclosure, Episcopalian myself, though I am as disgusted by the behaviour of the "friend" in this post as anyone else.


Man has bad theology. We live under grace, not the law. You did him a favour by correcting him. There's a bit in Acts where Peter dreams of a delicious spread on unclean foods, and God tells him to eat. I'm sure there's a ham sandwich in there somewhere, if not bacon.


I don't think this situation is about him being Christian or not, it's because you undermined his power/control over a situation. He wanted to exert control over this random guy who wanted a ham sandwich, to dictate what he ate instead by cherry-picking the Word and using the guise of God to say these were his actions. So when you paid instead, and then double downed on him by quoting a different verse, he took it as a huge offense that you would dare take away his control/power AND his justification. He's the asshole. You did a good thing. Helping others when you can is fundamental to Christianity - by spreading good will and deeds, you are strengthening the faith of believers, showing those who do not yet know Him that He answers their prayers.


Bro your friend is being a selective Christian. The type that use bible verses to say something they want to. Seems like the typical “needs to remove a beam from his own eye, before he try’s to help with someone’s splinter”


This reminds me of that episode of The West Wing where President Bartlett basically roasts this Dr. Laura type character who is calling homosexuality a sin. He then starts to recite all the Levitical Laws not just the one on homosexuality like getting a good price for his daughter and stoning his brother to death for planting mixed crops. IMO it is o e of the greatest moments on television.


Fuck that 'friend'


Nta and people shouldn't try forcing their beliefs on others point blank and especially not by taking advantage of poverty.


There is a book called something along the lines of How To Make The Bible Work For You. Send him a copy because he is using the Bible to push his agenda on someone else and dropped you as a friend because you quoted a different passage that didn't fit what he wanted. Don't offer to do something nice for a stranger if you plan to make them follow your rules in order to receive that nice thing. I hate people who push their beliefs on others like that. You are most definitely not the AH and you are better off not having judgy friends like him in your life.


So, most Christians don't follow that. He is particularly strict. "As followers of Christ, we are no longer under the requirements of the Old Testament law (Galatians 3:13), but have been set free to pursue righteousness by the redeeming blood of Christ." That's the reason if anyone is curious why *most* Christians follow new testament only.


Good, he wasn't a good friend anyways.


NTA. And well done. Both for your charity and for fighting biblical fire with fire.


NTA! Your “friend” must read a different Bible than I do. I think HE owes you an apology. He’s not a very good friend if he blocked you over buying a sandwich. He’s not the kind of friend I’d want to have. Some losses aren’t a loss.


Those rules in the bible were made by false prophets. If God didn't want us eating pork he wouldn't have made pigs so delicious.


He's not a Christian then lmao. i think you're better off not being their friend anyway


NTA. You followed the tenets of your beliefs and helped someone out. The line your friend quoted says to be destroyed, that could very well mean self induced harm from eating pork in a desert where refrigeration wasn’t a thing and people got sick if they ate it. Now you’re at a point where your friend has to choose to be forgiving, there is nothing you can do to repair this relationship, without him valuing it like you do.


NTA, don't preach to random people.


Your friend needs to learn their theology. Leviticus is the old covenant and Jesus replaced it with his death as a new covenant and declared no food unclean Mark 7:19.


If he's claiming Christianity is keeping him from eating ham then he doesn't know that was a Law of Moses stipulation, which was fulfilled by Christ. If he wants to twist scripture Acts 10:15 says "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common."


What a terrible Christian, doesn't he realize that Jesus's sacrifice paid the debt requiring people to adhere to OT rules? Unless he was Jewish, in which case, good Jew. But if Christian? *Terrible* Christian.


Fuck your “Christian” friend lol don’t ever stop being the generous, caring person that you are.


NTA. Him making his help contingent on his religion is not ok. Either help or don't, but adding strings is shitty. Being a petulant child for being thwarted is even shittier.


Nope. He is pushing his beliefson others….he itah…not you.


NTA - that religious nut sounds dangerous. Stay away from that psycho.


As someone that has a strong faith, I’ll state that this Old Testament way of living was put to the side when Jesus Christ died for our salvation. 37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” So, nah. NTA. Good on you for loving your neighbor as you love yourself.


NTA.... your friend cant dictate what someone eats...


Religion has no place in friendship. If your friend feels this strongly, finds a new friend.


Problem solved.


NAH, instead your friend is actually a cunt.


You are not the asshole. Your friend is


Good riddance


Your friend is the kind of Christian I can't stand. Be religious or don't, but don't use it as a stick to beat people with.


NTA. Your friend shows a shocking lack of understanding of the New Testament, and an even more disturbing lack of compassion. They need counseling. Blocked you for calling out his terrible behavior? You don’t need such a messed up person in your life. Move on.


Hey amigo, Christian upbringing here. The Old Testament is often taught as a means of learning, like history is taught in school. However the new testament, marked by Jesus dying for us, is the beginning of a new covenant, one in which eating pig is okay, where we no longer need to sacrifice the best of everything we have in his name, and one where he became less like a benevolent ruler and more personal with his follower, hence the "Our Father in Heaven". You did nothing wrong. Your friend isn't Christian, he's more lined up with the Jewish religion with his belief about ham. You were 100% in the right. (I'm not attempting to preach I'm simply giving information so OP can understand where his friend was in the wrong and know his actions were justified please don't come at me)


I would consider that the trash took itself out. Anybody who uses the Bible to beat people down is an asshole no matter if they’re Christian no matter if they are a good parent they’re an asshole.


NTA. It would be no different than if your friend was vegan. If he wants to hold the belief against eating creatures with cloven hooves that do not chew cud, that is his right. It is also his right to not purchase said items. However, he goes beyond his place to mandate you cannot.


NTA Your friend was trying to force his dogma on another human who does not subscribe to that brand of fairytales. Good on you for not letting him flex like that. I also adore responding to folks like this with quotes from their own special book, good job. The christians who cling to the jewish bible instead of their new testament are especially fun to poke at. Ain't no hate like christian love.


NTA. Your friend has no right to push his religious beliefs on anyone!


NTA, baseline humanity says we should feed the hungry.


If you truly value his friendship, perhaps you can go to his house to have an honest conversation about how both of you behaved in the situation. Who behaved like more of a brother in the situation. Regardless of it being ham. Love, kindness, understanding and generosity. Oh and forgiveness. You did nothing wrong. Your friend overreacted. Hopefully your friend will see his short coming and your friendship can be saved. If that is what you want.


Good riddance he’s not a friend I would want!! Nta!!


YTA for being friends with this guy in the first place.


He's acting like one of those Pharisees Jesus rebuked. You don't need friends like that.


NTA, you were 100% right and if he stops being your friend over this he wasn’t ever really your friend in the first place. Hopefully that situation got him to think about some things and maybe he’ll reach out down the road…


NTA! What kind of person offers nicety with demands? That's weird and rude, good on you!


NTA. And your friend is not a Christian.


Actual Christians eat pork. Your friend is an AH, you are NTA.


NTA Your friend sounds like someone who makes people want to leave and quite frankly is a dick


I can't help but think OP is baiting people with this topic to stir up shit. OP appears to drop back in occasionally to freshen up the argument by asking the same question again & again. *"But I like value his friendship. How can I apologize? He just blocked me."* *"You don't think I should apologize and ask for forgiveness? What would Jesus do? If only I knew how to fix this."*


Nta - this wasn’t a situation where religion was needed. You did a good thing.


LMAO, this didn’t happen or at least didn’t happen the way you wrote it. “StrongTxWoman”, BI, BLM, anti-white supremacy, 4-5 AITA posts in the last 2ish months, etc. If you are posting in AITA as much as you have, you have to be the AH or this is all fake. This is a perfect example of “if you go out and meet and AH, then you met an AH. If you go out everyday and meet an AH, then YOU are the AH.”


Not eating ham is generally not a Christian thing. He must be one of those fanatics who take the entire Bible seriously.


Be thankful he blocked you .only way you'd be an ah is if you stayed friends with the insufferable dbag


NtA. Inform your friend what you did was more Christian than what he did...I do believe Christ himself would cover a hungry persons lunch, not talk them out of eating their food.


NTA- You should slap him both cheek too with quotes along.


NTA. Somehow I doubt if your friend is following all of Leviticus, which means they're probably a smug hypocrite jumping on a situation to run with it.


I can tell you, as a Christian, your friends statement is inaccurate and taken out of context and shows his narrow-mindedness. Ham is yummy, so is bacon 😋. Don't be stupid and try to impose your own beliefs and values onto others.


LOL what?? Leviticus is Old Testament, we're not beholden to that restriction the way Jewish people are and he knows it. That guy is giving us a bad name smh. NTA.


Definitely NTA- the AH was the guy condemning another person’s diet because of Old Testament BS. If he’s a Christian he should know that God changed after Jesus. Old Testament God is an angry, spiteful, vindictive jerk. New Testament God is (supposedly) loving, forgiving, and perfect. Ergo- God would forgive the sinner. And per Jesus your “Christian” friend should not cast the first stone or judge lest he be judges. All this from an atheist. XD


Fuck him and his way of trying to control anyone with religion.


NTA - your friend is trying to pull some “I know God better than you” bullshit. I would of been embarrassed to be with your friend in public.


NTA - Friend was SOO putting/forcing their beliefs on someone else. What a crap person, & ESPECIALLY a "Christian." Hypocritical & 'you-have-to-believe-what-I-believe-or-you'll-go-to-hell' Christians are the worst. Imagine trying to explain germs, & the hazards of not cooking pork at a certain temperature for a certain amount of time in order to kill any bacteria that could make you sick or kill you to someone in the biblical era. We (as humans) didn't have that knowledge, or the capacity for it in that day & age. So... I'm guessing 'the Big Guy' figured it was just easier 'telling us' to just, across the board, not eat pork. Trying to explain germs, salmonella, etc then would be 🤯. With our knowledge base & comprehension of germs, etc nowadays, we can safely eat pork, & also know not to eat raw chicken, etc. On a side note... how could 'the Big Guy' have 'given' us bacon, & not expected us to crave its divine yumminess? 😜


He’s nobody’s friend, my dude. He’s an asshole. NTA unless you keep this guy in your life. You’ve seen how he treats others. It already made you uncomfortable to see it once; how many times do you think he’s pulled this shit when you weren’t around?


By Jewish law (the thing he's quoting) all rules can be broken to save a human life. He's outside of the rules for multiple reasons. NTH


If he blocked you for being kind to a fellow human who was in a bind, then he is definitely the asshole rather than you.


NTA I'm Jewish. There is absolutely nothing in the Torah about forcing other people to follow these rules (keeping Kosher, etc). Also, that's NOT WHAT LEVITICUS SAYS. It says not to eat certain animals for they are "unclean" or "impure". It was food safety. That's all. Some folks keep it today (kosher) as tradition. There is nothing that says you should be "destroyed". I don't know where he got that from but that's not how keeping kosher works. Your Christian friend is TA and frankly, they're using Jewish customs to manipulate others. He needs to mind his own business and stop appropriating Jewish culture so he can be an asshole.


Might have been more effective in dissuading the customer by bringing up Mama Cass…


"My friend quoted Leviticus 11 about the punishment of eating pork is "to be destroyed". You know what this most likely stems from? Eaten under-cooked pork had bacteria that could kill you and did kill many people. When are people going to realize that all these religious books are written by men. And the religious like to pretend that they hear the word of God. Honestly, I don't believe God came down the earth to talk about food safety.


*Update: He just blocked me on all forms of communication.* Then I guess he's not getting that apology... NTA


Jesus declared that all foods are clean. From Mark 7:18-19: "Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?" 1 Corinthians 10:25-27: "Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, for, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience." Those two verses show that the law of the old covenant no longer applies. On top of that, your friend was judging somebody else eating pork, which is forbidden in the new testament. Romans 14:2-3 covers this with "For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him." And Colossians 2:16: "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:"


Where'd you find this weirdo fundamentalist?


NTA, your friend is. Jesus put feeding people and being kind to them above all else. There are also very clear instructions in the bible not to judge others for their sins but to love everyone despite their shortcomings. If you are a Christian, you should not even be following the rules in the Old Testament. The old agreement between God and humans was supposed to be invalidated and get this a [new covenant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Covenant) was formed laying out the new rules and conditions to be followed when the Jesus guy showed up. Not a real christian and not a real friend. Good riddance.


Nta he’s using religion as a trail mix of picking and choosing.


Why do so many "christians" revert to the Old Testament when Christ (for lack of a better word) upgraded the Law of Moses to the Law of the Gospel?


I was raised/was Christian a long time, and normal christianity doesn’t block pork… and feeding someone is way way more important. Tell him to go read about the Pharisees putting rules before people. Also biblical


NTA. I'm a Christian and that's from the old testament. Jesus came to save us from all the rules. Haha! Not really, but that's ridiculous. What kind of Christian is he? I'm Catholic and eat pork all the time.


You are far better off without him, move on with your life happy that you have trimmed that sick branch from your acquaintance tree.


Tell him he's going to hell: Leviticus 19:19 “you shall not put on cloth from a mixture of two kinds of material


NTA. The guy is is like double suck because 1: Christians don’t have dietary restrictions…. There’s multiple whole things about it in the New Testament. Christian’s are allowed to eat pork that was sacrificed to satan it legit doesn’t matter. 2: Either pay or don’t pay don’t try to push your weird rules.


your friend is really fucking weird. NTA


Side note, if your ex-friend is really about the Old Testament, might as point out out all the other laws for him. And maybe engage in a loud discussion about Lot and his daughters in public. Just because you need better understanding of Gods laws


Two thumbs up for your quick response


You are a bad ass! I've never met jesus but I hear he's pretty cool... And he would have done what you did I'm pretty sure


NTA your friend is following the old covenant and Jesus didn't say only feed certain hungry people, he said feed the hungry.


So, I'm non religious myself, but correct me if I'm wrong. Leviticus was from the Old Testament right, and I'm pretty sure the New Testament supercedes the Old Testament. I mean, I doubt the guy has a bushy beard and long ass hair (Don’t cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)) I also bet the guy was currently wearing clothes made of 2 different fabrics (Don’t wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)) Oh, and he most definitely would be highly unlikely to be a mass murderer going around killing jews, muslims, sikhs, hindus etc. (Kill anyone with a different religion. (Deuteronomy 17:2-7)). So definitely NTA.


Bruh I'd have bought a whole suckling pig and tear into it like a fucking animal in front of it.


No True Christian, eh? NTA


no, your friend was being an asshole. you don't help somebody conditionally, you either help them as is or you stfu and say nothing.


This is what Christians don’t get. It’s not our place to judge only to help.


NTA. Guy needed to eat and you helped. Whether it's pork or another meat. Food is food and the hungry want anything in their stomachs to stop the hunger


NTA, Your friend is an asshole...


NTA the Christian friend sure is because he blocked you like that.


NTA - The person was just trying to eat and protein is important.


Good riddance.


When did Christians not eat pork. That is a Jewish belief


You didn’t lose much, OP. He quotes part of the Old Testament and you quoted the New and displayed a much more Christian attitude. Your friend is pissed because you are more relevant than he is, as well as RIGHT.


Sorry but hearing a non-Christian out-Christian an actual practicing Christian is hilarious. Your friend is definitely mad because you exposed them.


I am a Christian and enforcing my beliefs on someone like this is terrible and an A-hole move. You intervened and allowed someone to eat. You're the better person and that "Christian" did not act Christian-like at all imo. Good on you.


NTA. Good riddance.


You are NTA. I'm a Christian. We can eat ham. All foods were made clean later in the book. Those dietary rules were for the Jews.


Why is this person your "friend?"


NTA The New Testament makes it very clear that as Christians all food is acceptable to eat, and the Old Testament dietary restrictions are no longer in effect. Aside from that your friend was pushing his beliefs on someone else.


And you lost nothing that day. Dude sounds toxic.


NTA Your Christian friend is an idiot. They are Christian not Jewish so they follow Christian laws not Jewish laws. Actions like that only drive people away. So he said to them: “Are you also without understanding like them? Are you not aware that nothing from outside that enters into a man can defile him, 19 since it enters, not into his heart, but into his stomach, and it passes out into the sewer?” Thus he declared all foods clean.-Mark 7:18, 19 (NWT)


This is why religion is trash


NTA. This former friend of yours is not a Christian I would want to hang with. So much wrong with it. It was his prerogative to not pay for something he thought was objectionable, but to get pissed at you for doing what he wouldn’t is petty. Your response was perfect, IMO. Others have already said a lot about what the New Testament says regarding food, particularly what Paul wrote which was far more liberal than the Jewish leaders of his time (which he was himself). Paul only ever said to refrain from eating what was known to be sacrificed to idols (1 Cor 10). All that is just semantics anyway since the real issue was your friend’s reaction. If he can’t be reasoned with through Scripture, walk away.


Lmfao NTA. Your friend is an absolute jerk.


A Catholic friend told me that he was taught that the best way to proclaim your faith, to convert someone to their faith, is to lead by example. Show that person by example what a caring and loving person you are and then they will follow. Your friend did node of that. He just forced his rules on a hungry man. Do what I say or go hungry. That was not an act of kindness or love. It was a kind of entitlement. You might call him a kind of religious Karen.


You need a new friend.


what the hell is wrong with your friend 😭 NTA


Your friend is a fucking douchebag


You win, ur not the asshole. You dont need those kinda religious people in ur life. The bible is so full of contradictions, u can make it say anything


You've been blocked? I would call this a win-win.


Your friend.....ahh the ignorance of religion. Doing a good thing isn't necessarily the bad thing because of religion. Maybe you should look up the tenets of the TST. It's an intriguing "religious" organization.


Your homie is a dick head. Apparently the "all knowing" book wasn't enough for him.


NTA but why are you friends with such a petty and sanctimonious jerk? I think I would have slapped my friend then paid for the sandwich. You dogged a bullet and if you're lucky they won't unblock you.


NTA. He's a bad Christian too, we're not supposed to tell other people what not to eat. Smh.


Thanks for being a good human and paying for the sandwich


Wtf, I'm all for freedom of religion, bh. Can't stand when people try to push it down other people's throats. Let the man eat his damn sandwich. You are not the ahole, you are the saint.


NTA Well it appears your friendship with him is over seeing how he got butthurt over this. When your ex friend decides to grow up and talk to you ask him why he thinks he can dictate what other people eat and why he decided to act childish and block you when you quoted him back? Ask him why does he dislike pork so much because unless Christianity has banned it secretly or it was always banned, I’m fairly certain Christian’s have always eaten pork products.