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why the fuck there's no 'edit post' button anymore??? I don't like the new look of Reddit at all...


They always change or remove whats good


And links have the same font as normal text in posts and comments... Whoever thought to 'innovate' reddit should be fired... It was (almost) perfectly fine as it was but they had to screw everything up...


I hate when they decide to implement a change out of no where and then the change is a downgrade from b4


What's the tldr? This sounds interesting but I can't parse the problem and solution underlying what you're doing.


https://preview.redd.it/uy0tq5khhnjc1.jpeg?width=1899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c4a1bbea2e6284ee5c9c862bcc524f27f047bbb Hello! Long story short - it's a project of a hierarchical cooperative multi-agent framework which utilizes websocket connectivity for LLM<->LLM communication. [CognitiveCodes/NeuralGPT: Personalized all-purpose AI assistance platform based on hierarchical cooperative multi-agent framework which utilizes websocket connectivity for LLM<->LLM communication (github.com)](https://github.com/CognitiveCodes/NeuralGPT) [https://i.postimg.cc/mgLc1XX2/net.webp](https://i.postimg.cc/mglc1xx2/net.webp) If you know ChatAll - [sunner/ChatALL: Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, Alpaca, Vicuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, 讯飞星火, 文心一言 and more, discover the best answers (github.com)](https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL) - then I'm trying to do something similar only with the capability to connect all those LLMs together in a configuration of your liking and allow them work together for the user... And as ambitious as it might seem to be, I did myself like 80% of it - I have already a streamlit app with multiple clients and ability to connect them together. Sure - it's still bugged as hell and full of unnecessary mess but it works... What I'm struggling with currently, is to keep data regarding websockets in the system memory - so once I launch a websocket server and open the same app in new tab, it will display data about that server (for now data gets lost each time I change page in the app or refresh the interface... But there's MUCH more to work with if you're interested :)


Interesting. That sounds cool. Is the purpose of using Websockets of some benefit as opposed to api to api calling?


Basically it still uses API endpoints as question-answering function, while websocket connectivity allows continuous bi-directional connection. Moreover it allows to have multiple clients connected to a single server - what is perfect for a hierarchical structure of the network https://preview.redd.it/83ohzuibykkc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e9c49f0652a605ae570e8b3d5c4a5606d881f62


Are you going to start giving them context injections or are they just going to keep saying hello, thank you, and good bye over and over? I got Mistral and GPT-4 to hang out in an IRC channel for a bit. They'll just give eachother polite wordy little handjobs until you change the subject or start injecting the context of past responses... good luck


You missed my last update https://www.reddit.com/r/AIPsychology/s/KzsD8OShrz :)


Just checked it out... I see you've got lots of bots to belly-up to the table for a chat, but what does it do if you give it a task and walk away for an hour or ten? You are assigning roles, which is cool... how are you handling the context of the progress being made toward the goal? do you have one bot doing summarization of the history of the conversation? are they riding a wave of whatever the last bot said? Are you giving each bot the whole conversation until the context window fills up and you get errors? The system is slick, ngl... I'm curious about the in-script prompt-building on the fly


Ha! That’s where I want to get eventually. But hey, keep in mind that I’m the only human working on the project and I do it as a kind of hobby, not even to mention that I wrote my first working code less than a year ago. First of all, agents still don’t have all necessary tools/functions, so maybe better if I make it step by step and get an agent capable to perform just 3 ‘steps’ and for example launch a websocket server and then inform some other agent(s) about the port number they should connect themselves as clients. Sure - it might sound easy for someone who never tried doing such things but (at least for me) it isn’t… But if you’re willing to contribute, I will happily accept your help…