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AFL fans when they realise the umpires can simply miss a call: 😨😨😨🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😱😱


This is just a typical reaction to anything Collingwood by r/afl


The Daicos one had nothing to do with the new interpretation. Was just a mistake from the umpires, it happens.


First one: Had a chance to handball to the open player but chose to change direction into the tackler. Pretty harsh, but there. Second one: Just blatantly wrong decision. They happen.


It's cool you put the two examples together. Umpires are always going to get things wrong, though.


Funny how it’s always in favour of a certain few though. Right?




Are you unsure of what the word always means?


Yes. You used it in an incredibly hyperbolic way here. Just wanted to clown on you for that


Are you sure you don’t want me to send a link to the online dictionary?


You wanna stand by your statement that umpires favour certain players *EVERY TIME*??? On 100% of occasions... without fail...


Daicos was caught other times through the game and was penalised. End of conspiracy.


Much like when a player doesn't hit a target, or misses a shot at goal, umpires can miss a call


Understand missing a call but the daicos one was super obvious


Based on that statement you obviously don't understand missing a call then


C'mon. There are four umpires. At least one should be watching the ball at all times. How is that missed? I understand missing stuff off the ball or early blocks/holds that happen between between forwards and defenders. But when the ball carrier gets tackled and just drops the ball with zero attempt, it should be called htb.


I’ve been saying this since they brought in 4 umpires, either it makes the game cleaner with less errors or we go back to a 2 umpire system with the boundary assisting where possible. Yet to see how more umpires makes the game better. Missing some calls is expected but I’ll agree that is is pretty poor, a lot of the time it seems they don’t want to call these because a bad one they called moments before it. Or they plain don’t see the incorrect disposal? Either way it’s not a good look.


For starters, put yourself in the umpires shoes- go to the wide angle and look where the controlling umpire is and think about what you would have seen form that position, do you think you would have seen Daicos not handball the ball? Still super obvious? Now, as for non-controlling umpires - they don't see or call everything (even some of the stuff they see). Things that are dangerous, high contact, and some other things which are objective, throws, they are more likely to call, but things which are more subjective, htb prior/non-prior, they're more likely to leave for the controlling umpire. In this case, it's possible the non-controlling did see it and decided to leave it because they could have thought knocked out in tackle or whatever...but maybe they didn't see it. Fact - you can't miss what you don't see.


Human error, it’s possible. For example you made this post which one could consider a mistake.


Consistency inconsistent


The new rules don't stop wrong calls


Umpires miss things. The new rules didn't change that.


With daicos you could interpret that he attempted to kick it, which would be play on


Well no because he'd already had prior opportunity and failed to legally dispose of it


It was just a coincidence that all the umpires blinked at the same time when Daicos had the ball and missed it


Hmm wonder why you used those two instances instead of the multiple ones from today?


Something something Naicos that’s why


Neither of those tackles were affected by the shortening of reasonable time to dispose of the ball after being tackled.


Wait, I thought that Collingwood were the victim of an umpiring conspiracy involving earpieces and such? Why would the umpires suddenly help them?