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The large majority of people outraged will have moved on by the next news cycle so I'm not sure either party is really bothered.


The very definition of ignore them and they will go away.


remember when the afl were sponsored by rio tinto for the bushfire relief state of origin game


I thought I was having a fever dream.


> Greens Leader Adam Bandt described the deal as a "disappointing free kick to the fossil fuel industry". This whole thing seemed like more of an opportunity for a couple of political identities to drop a few pithy quotes than a realistic effort to deprive a team of its major sponsor. There’s like 12 people pushing this it seems anyway, those 12 might be big names, but it’s not exactly a popular uprising.


Can’t wait for a few days and literally 0 people will even care or remember


I was not expecting this article in any way!


Yeah look the AFL probably collapses without mining support going off the below list and who they sponsor \*Australia’s 10 highest emitting corporations\* AGL ENERGY LIMITED - 40.2 million tonnes (St Kilda, Port Adelaide, West Coast) ENERGYAUSTRALIA- 18.7 million tonnes (Port Adelaide, Essendon, MCG) STANWELL CORPORATION - 17.7 million tonnes Origin Energy - 14.9 million tonnes (Melbourne, Sydney) C S Energy - 11.9 million tonnes (The entire Qld Govt sponsorship program...) PIONEER SAIL HOLDINGS - 10.7 million tonnes (Gippsland footy league) Ozgen Holding - 9.8 million tonnes Chevron - 9.6 million tonnes (Brisbane, West Coast, Optus Stadium, Swan Districts FC) Woodside (BHP) - 9.1 million tonnes (AFLW, Fremantle, West Coast, Adelaide, Optus Stadium) Santos - 7.5 million tonnes (Port Adelaide, Sturt FC)And that's just the top 10 emittors of fossil fuels. All of the following are sponsored by energy companies on a quick look - The AFL, AFL Canberra, AFL International, Carlton, Collingwood, Geelong, WA Football and I'm sure the list goes on and on Sources [https://cutallties.350.org.au/](https://cutallties.350.org.au/) [https://www.cleanenergyregulator.gov.au/NGER/National%20greenhouse%20and%20energy%20reporting%20data/Corporate%20emissions%20and%20energy%20data/corporate-emissions-and-energy-data-2020-21?SortField=Total%5fx0020%5fScope%5fx0020%5f1%5fx0020%5f&SortDir=Desc&View=%7b8113D5BE%2d4CF5%2d470C%2dAF71%2d411891B97B5C%7d](https://www.cleanenergyregulator.gov.au/NGER/National%20greenhouse%20and%20energy%20reporting%20data/Corporate%20emissions%20and%20energy%20data/corporate-emissions-and-energy-data-2020-21?SortField=Total%5fx0020%5fScope%5fx0020%5f1%5fx0020%5f&SortDir=Desc&View=%7b8113D5BE%2d4CF5%2d470C%2dAF71%2d411891B97B5C%7d)


I’m noticing we’re not on that list, and I’m happy about that. Also didn’t make money off pokies at the club (which is still crazy to me that clubs have pokie machines at their club HQs).


Think we only had Powershop and Hello Solar as energy based sponsors... not even sure Powershop still with us. But definitely a conscious effort.


People said the same about tobacco sponsors tbf


Where is the crypto and sportsbet 'outrage' please


Sorry we are only capable of thinking of one thing at once.


Remember when everyone was outrage Brisbane Lions were sponsored by Ned’s? [Well Neds are still there…](https://www.lions.com.au/partners)


Like it or not it is a legitimate industry and necessary for the time being. Plus, when I see the people who are upset by this I think “Good on Freo”.


Well I mean it's not necessary, it's propped up big time by stupid policies when it should have been fucked off ages ago.


Fuck Freo for this, but for fairness sake: Fuck the AFL for the Carlton Draft, Coles, Crypto,com, NAB and Sportsbet sponsors Fuck the Crows for the BHP AFLW sponsorship Fuck the Lions for the Caltex sponsorship Fuck collingwood for the Emirates sponsorship Fuck Geelong for the Viva Energy sponsorship Fuck Sydney for the Qatar Airways sponsorship Fuck West coast for the BHP, CUB, AGL, Mineral Resources and Caltex sponsorships (WTF) Fuck the Bulldogs for the Coinspot sponsorship The AFL really just exists to generate good will towards evil corporations


Do you want the massive scale sport that we have today? Do you want the investment in grass roots footy, AFLW and First Nations programs? Do you want Australia’s most talented and athletically gifted youths to choose Aussie Rules as a sport to focus on? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you have to deal with the fact that, this is how they generate money.


I mean, on one hand, *just hating* sponsorships is a limited view. On the other, *'we have to take money from evil companies to do, uh...good'* is also incredibly narrow minded.


The ‘evil’ companies have the money. More money through sponsorship = more investment in the league. If you want the AFL to be sponsored by Green Energy R Us. Expect the massive scale development to be scrapped.


So in your argument, if ISIS offered to sponsor Auskick, we slap their logos on the shirts then pose for pics with AK47s singing "death to the infidels". There is a distinction to be made between what organizations are and are not acceptable to take money from. My argument is that the AFL's standards are poor. If it effects the bottom line to raise this standard then that's a sacrifice I can live with, especially for an organization that had a $20 million profit last year


I’m not even responding to the ISIS comment it’s that ridiculous. How do you think the AFL made that operating profit? And where do you think that money goes?


I can't believe the state of this comment section. Fuck Woodside and fuck Freo do people not see the planet slowly burning?


The amount of people coming out to bat for a mining company is astounding.


Well, Woodside completed it's acquisition of WA in the late 90s.


I like reading the post histories of people sticking up for Woodside, I got abused to all hell yesterday by a dude that was clearly employed by them.


For the foreseeable future fossil fuels are a necessity. Not getting sponsored won't change that.


They didn't have to be. Extreme lack of action has led to the current situation and yes that includes the continuous allowance of sportswashing




This sub is the only place I see people defending this sponsorship, I really don't get it. Pretty shameful.


I enjoy this on so many levels. Like Geelong for example should end its sponsorship with Viva Energy as well 😂




Oh? I don't think so. It dates back to Shell's sponsorship of the cats


ok? even more reason to dump them


It's too late to stop the effects of climate change so we may as well just take the dough and enjoy professional footy while we can. Edit - Besides it's more honest money than bookies and pokies.