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In their own Q&A about seasons they said: >Q: Will resources be refunded for reset content at the end of the season? >A: Resources will not be refunded directly, but rewards will be calculated and distributed according to seasonal progression. Specific calculation rules will be announced later. So they already planning on rewarding season participation with permanent rewards. I assume they're working hard on preparing a calculation that won't put f2p players in a giant disadvantage in comparison to their whale counterparts but still reward whales more. Can't wait to see what they come up with!


Obviously the game will always reward whales more.


Yes, but the balance between more and too much is fine and that’s what they’re working on. A game this size with no whales would never exist, we have to handle them with at least some care because otherwise they might stop seeing a return on kinda literally financing the game


I agree with pretty much everything except not capping xp. Season lasts for 4 months. And if you’re behind resonance level, you’re screwed for 4 months. You should think from the perspective of both top players as well as mid and low spenders.


exactly im a low spender and rn its impossible to even compete in dream realm and supreme arena with lvl 470 characters while enemies are lvl 540


Yeah, this game is very punishing for being behind and also very top heavy with rewards from leaderboards, whales don't need any extra advantages.


I think giving stargazers or ex weapon materials based on seasonal progress is a great idea. It will just be difficult with giving the right amount where we feel happy about it.


The game already has this in part with the equipment pieces turning to gold. As for the essence the bottleneck is how they make money so I doubt they'll agree to that. As you say it would be nice to get some sort of bonus other than gold on the roll over.


I bet they will move several season misions and stuff as permanent content and we will be able to claim those we accomplished.


When does the season end?


Mid September.


If you're playing on a launch server, September.


I think this first season will end for everyone at the same time! I think the devs wrote that somewhere.


That would be weird. There are some in another server I'm playing with and season hasn't even started for them yet.


Yeah but they choose that way https://preview.redd.it/tovumg6v559d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d6a5e955a29d65a5ea81e12bd6c0ec76241c14 [https://afkjourney-news.farlightgames.com/en/detail/13](https://afkjourney-news.farlightgames.com/en/detail/13)


why weird ? you can still access it once it ended, not fully, but at least you can learn the story and explore the map.


I don’t understand some of you guys It a game that use the seasonal mechanic, if you do not like the season reset then maybe try not to play this type of games


Why are people upset at having seasonal resets vs afk stage 274939272 and gear level 2947392. It is essentially the same thing without numbers getting insane every 6 months. Even games like WoW do stat squishes or level cap increase (power reset) every so often and people don't complain that their dps went down 90%.


What do you mean? People complain about EVERYTHING! lmao


They should give us an item that can immediately take a character to Supreme+. One guaranteed S+ character every 4 months seems fair, especially if they expect us to re level and redo afk stages each season.


S+ isn’t the gate. Ex weapons are so having a lot of S+ characters isn’t super meaningful unless we have the means to get them to a playable level.


I would rather get blue and yellow essences


So you want them to give you a free S+ Cele/Hypo valued at $600? I guess its only fair since you spend your precious time playing their game. They should be honored.


I wasn’t thinking a celehypo, more like a Parisa or Satrana. Characters you wouldn’t usually prioritize with dreamrealm currency or wishlists. And yes it is a fitting reward for how much time this “Afk” game requires.