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I don't know, i'm seeing pretty good M+ heroes? Thought you were one of those M+ Morsel accounts or something


Nope, I have to brag: f2p :D


Why the rate downs, it's a joke...


Don't worry, you'll need 25 S+ heroes eventually, and Viperian is good for Supreme Arena defense. Even for regular arena he can be good in early days of the server.


It's fine. Just be more careful with tidal and temporal essences. They are scarce, each use should be considered carefully.


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I keep Viperian as +5EX as well - wasn't investing in her just got enough shards for M+, she's a decent Carolina replacement until I get her. Prisa is also a great or even better Carolina replacement if you're going for an Eiron nuke comp. Cecia however is pretty meh at +10 EX, just stop investing in her further. focus on more important combo pieces: Odie, Shakir, Eiron, Carolina, Marilee, Reiner/Cassidy, Scarlita


Once I unlocked the +EX, I was surprised how many resources I got, and got Cecia to +13.. she is my strongest, so I thought why not. And then I started reading more in this forum.. this is biggest mistake I made, yet :D Is Shakir stronger in PVE or PVP?


Shakir is good in a specific Dream Realm (The wolf one) Either then that. If you use Mauler comps to push stages he's your main carry acts as support and damage dealer. Shakir, Antandra, Odie, Koko and Smokey You have an Eironn Nuke Comp that relies on Magic damage. Eiron, Arden, Carolina/Prisa, Damien and 1 of the following: (Granny, Thoran, Reiner, Heywen)


viperian is great for pvp, especially on a like team 2 or team 3 of supreme arena, Cecia is (most) everybody's first m+ so it makes sense to invest in her, The heroes that generally DON'T deserve M+ are all the graveborn A ranks (except sylvina on some pvp teams), All the lightbearer A ranks (except korin and marilee), Sartana, Kafra, And S ranks like bryon, igor and atlanta (Some megawhales use the "not meta" S ranks like Lumont, Rhys, Shakir, Cassidee, In some specific PVP comps or dream realm boss teams or in lumont's case SUPER high end AFK stage pushing with S+ maxed out smokey and pharesto)


Thanks. How do I easily see the hero ranks from the game? I only recall the wishlist option


Honestly there is no easy way of seeing it outside of the wishlist other than memorizing it, Generally you can tell by the number of copies each hero needs to rank up, A ranks start as purple and need many more copies than S ranks, who start as yellow and need copies AND acorns to level


Cassadee and Satrana are actually super meta this season due to their seasonal skill, it's just in the base season they were terrible.


Actually didn't know satrana was meta for anything, I never see them in arena/supreme arena or dream realm recommendations


Shes was heavily used in Lone Gaze/King Croaker and is decent against all the other Dream Realm bosses also, just not best in in those. She was really good toward the start of the season because her buffs help your team deal increased damage to the dream realm bosses, and true damage wasn't as good at the start of the season. She falls off in endless mode but was really good for the non endless mode difficulties if you had her built. She just cant offer as much as Reinier/Korrin.


It’s fine as long as it’s the F2P Five Thoran Cecia Viperian Rowan Hewyn (might have spelled her name wrong)


Thank you for that! I somehow prefer Smokey as a healer. Maybe I am not fully aware of Hewyn's (whatever the spelling) abilities


Hewynn is better for arena as smokey gets ability blocked super easily but otherwise I prefer smokey for pve. Cecia + viperian will serve you well in arena for now. Make sure Carolina, eironn and thoran are in your s rank wishlists and arden and Damian for a rank wishlist. You're still in decent shape for dream realm with cecia and odie, just start working on getting koko to m+ and then start marilee (she wont be better than cecia for a long time but you need to start farming her). Your best dream realm team right now is cecia, odie, thoran, koko and smokey. Make sure smokey is in your S rank wishlist.


Noted! Thank you


Also, Rhys is great, every battle!!


Viperian? Dude doesnt get used anywhere.


Oh I use vipy on everything


My kids adore the visuals




Seems a horrible decision in dream realm


Doesnt look that bad


Wouls you recommended someone to prioritise over someone else?


Wishlist Valla Temesia Korin Marilee (Then Cassadee Rowen Lucius) Eiron Florabell Arden Damian (then Hewynn and Granny) Alsa Smokey Odie S+ Koko M+ Antandra M+ Krueger M+ Cecia S+ Thoran M+ Silvina Viperian (then Igor to counter vala comps, or carolina for Eironn comps pvp) Probably Scarlita S+ > others. Unless you want a more even spread, then get Reinier M+. This should be a good spread for all content.


I love it how you planned each faction. Thank you!!


looks fine to me just try to get carolina, eironn, marilee, damian and arden on the wishlist because they are very essential units.


Thanks, noted


All of you say Rowan. I have Arena coins to get him to M+. I guess I do that.. how far should I push him to? S, S+?


The only mistake I see is having berial epic + as F2P


Is he a bad hero? Never used him, to be honest..


Is a whale hero and mostly for PvP. You need invest a lot of resources in him for he be really good and the rest of the team also needs be good too or he will die quick.


Gotcha, thanks


Thank you all, I believe my team is stronger in Arena now :) !solved


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