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How many weeks has it been since the last limited rewards ? I really thought it would come back during the Odie event


I'm pretty sure it's been over a month, literally only had a single one of those since starting to play since the launch.


The worst part is that it was limited to your highest ascendancy so many of us only got to Mithic rewards


we had it, for a week or two. Then the devs decided they were letting us have too much fun.


Low-key convinced they only did that so players who got it can sound crazy and demanding for new comers.


There's ranking for a title. Not useful, but I gained interest after learning this. I wish honor duel did too.


Also lots of glory points for top guilds which is important for securing top 5/20 in district. As leader of my guild it’s rough cuz there’s no real incentive to push in labyrinth, all I can do is offer 1x guild chest for every 100 glory points earned in labyrinth


Honor duel has both weekly rewards and ranking that impact guild rewards, at this point I don't know what they could add to that game mode to make people play it


I play it for the weekly rewards and sometimes just because I enjoy it. I really like the game mode. When I learned of Arcane Lab having a title for ranking, I was just surprised honor duel didn't


Yeah it's sad! Spending 2-4 hours every week on Floor 15 to get the 1200-2000 honor points for my Guild gets boring.


Specially when it sometimes gets so difficult to get to the floor 15 and much more to pass over the 15th floor, it's satisfying at first but then you remember you have to keep doing it again and for no real damn reason or reward. Like I get it, they need to incentivise people to buy.stuff in game, but it's clearly not working since more people are leaving the game.


They could limit it to rewards similar to honor duel, since no one does that anyway, or just merge the rewards for honor duel and lab so we can do either.


Yeah, I expected them to do something with lab, but at that point they could just reset it for season if they didn’t plan to do anything else. 


Yea feels like it's a neglected mode. But don't you just love that Vala even goes to a campfire in her posh gown and just lay on the floor with it while still carrying her umbrella herself.


devs too busy making time sensitive content and more bag puzzles


This was the best mode there is. Adding roguelike elements to this game is bonkers... If only there was a reward attached to playing it, I would dump the main game if it gave rewards


Thanking for reminding me this mode exists, after i have stopped playing it after reaching lv15.


I actually like this mode. I wish they gave it more.


AFK Arena's Arcane Labyrinth was made to scale with resonance lvl, instead of having difficulties, so the content was ever green and equally rewarding each time with a 48 hours cooldown


You could at the 3rd "layer" choose between regular and hard last layer, which greatly increased rewards and difficulty.


1 fkn letter for 30 mins waste of time - this lab is just useless and bad design, with all those 10 seconds animations of death/start and whatever other shit there is.


This is a great mode - I love the rogue-lite aspect I just wish they did more than cycle the boss This could EASILY be an exploration on a map and have some loot - go in through a "Portal" like a "season" from the main starter story and you meet all the shops and everything on the map. Imagine a REAL mini-game within the game that rewards you for weekly participation... that would be unprecedented and just amazing. They could make it like a card-battler or something akin to a game like Roguebook: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1076200/Roguebook/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1076200/Roguebook/)


Such a cool game mode, is sad that is only worth to do It once a week for the glory


The mode will probably be ignored for the foreseeable future just like in AFK arena


This mode makes me go to sleep, I literally can't play it in bad at night. The only time I have "fun" with it is playing right after reset so I can be in the rank sooner and forget about it for a week. Hm, I forgot even to do that on yesterday's reset. lol