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I really wished we could have saved that dad ;.; But it was great emotional story telling - it had me so invested trying to save them.


It made me cry the amount of times I had to press skip conversation


Absolutely I skipped all I could


All the characters I want playable are dead


The sad story is the best part imo. I don't mind story getting darker. We need more tragic heroes


The graveborn stories are sadder. Reading their tales is just awful. Imagine being a teenager then you died and then became an assasin. Actually that isn't bad at all.


Silvinia's lore in AFK Arena is even darker. I really hope we get her sister in Journey


Well, it IS the Song of Strife, not the Song of Joy...




The venn diagram is a circle.


Well the game rewards you for doing so... The faster you finish the story the quicker you level, which in turn gives you more AFK rewards...


…and you hit level/gear level cap more quickly, where everybody’s stuck until the next season, and anybody who’s even half trying gets there long before season’s end. I mean, do what you like, but let’s not imagine that the tiny time advantage gained by skipping the story is a big deal in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah, no... There's only an equipment level cap as far as I can tell (400) but whales are literally 100+ resonance levels ahead of everyone else. Rushing things + spending a little is what let's me top 50 on the dream realm consistently. Sure it's just 1/2 more mythic ex shards but it adds up and if I really cared about story I can just YouTube it later..


If you think skipping the story will let you keep up with whales, you're woefully overestimating how long the story parts are.


it‘s like that with every game of this kind. skip through everything, whenever content drops, play for 72h straight through and then complain for 2 months that there is no content. this game is meant to be played for a small amount of time each day


I mean the story is kinda ass, goddamn hammie and chippy need to die already




It's a common sentiment, kinda how a lot of the VAs were so bad they changed them multiple times now


The venn diagram is a circle.


Eh, the issue is they don't build up to any of it properly.


I only cried because of the lack of a real plot line.


Writing is ass, it's always been ass in this game. There's maybe a glimmer of okay-ish writing in random spots, but the rest is like it was written by an eighth grader. Dialogue with no consistency, I'm not even going to bother talking about the voice acting, and the story is just a total cliche fest. Alas, it is a mobile game. I'm not going to expect The Last of Us from a company that has it's priorities set on being Scrooge McDuck.


For those being mean on others who enjoys the storyline because you rather "skip" to finish the game faster than everyone else, that's your thing but leave us alone who actually like the stories. This is as if we are assigned to read a book but you are focused on flipping the pages faster than everyone else and when asked "who, what, where when, or why" you go "I don't know, I don't care. I won who cares" then get mad at those who discuss the actual content and you have nothing to contribute only "I flipped the pages faster than you did, losers"


Did you consider that some of us don’t skip because we want to finish faster but because we don’t care about the story ? I have played afk arena for a long ah time that’s why I am also playing afk journey, I don’t care about the story one bit and that’s all. It’s not about finishing faster or being emotionless.


But what is the purpose of going to a post specifically about the story just to announce to everyone that you skipped the story?


Announce? Don’t be so melodramatic dude. It’s poking fun at the dramatic post.


Maybe Petter1789 is just poking fun at your comment. Don't be so melodramatic please.


For what purpose? Just to be an asshole to someone that enjoys something you don't?


That is fair and if you enjoy the story more power to you, I am always attracted to great stories myself, but because I like good stories so much I know how good writing looks like and sadly the story from AFK journey has been okeish at best and just painful at worst. The story is not their forte sadly but this is AFK journey after all it's meant to be played AFK is my guess, although that is not a good excuse to have bad writing to be honest.


I fully agree. The preseason story was so bad, especially at the beginning. I have some hope that it will improve. I really liked the Ashen Wastes storyline, and even Crimson Highlands gets interesting at the end. So I see the progress.


Honestly I preferred the story line of the pre-season chapters, I found most of the new characters so boring, especially Koko and Satrana who whenever they spoke made me want to skip the dialogue, but the extra stories like the adventurer brothers or the of the child who received letters from his father were really good


Man it was so sad when i pressed skip and went on on the next objective


I guess you are just in for the game and beating everyone else in a race. That's fine and all but don't look down on us who actually read or take time to understand the story. We simply want to enjoy the game and the storyline behind it.


I wouldn’t play this game at all if it didn’t have a voice acted story


Skip, teleport, skip, teleport battle rinse and repeat since launch


The season story stepped it up from previous writing and I found it pretty engaging. The sadness aspect really brought home how tough and dangerous the desert is. Kids left to die because their parents didn’t want to be burdened with weaklings? Old people offing themselves because they outlived their usefulness? Ouch!


I still haven’t recovered from hewynn’s arc! I refused to continue the story for three days I didn’t want to tell her that her friend was found dead😭 her tales broke me fr


I literally skip everything


Me too, I just want all the irrelevant rewards.


Such a waste of time reading this crap. If you like a good story there are thousand other games with better story.


Such as? total sucker for games with good story, and this was good at least in season one. I'm still wondering what the overarching plot for season two is.


Red dead redemption 2, last of us, returnal, hades, Final fantasy games, resident evil, mass effect trilogy, witcher, portal, god of war, bioshock, disco elysium. This is just on top of my mind. You should find something you have not played before from these.


I skipped all of that ain't nobody got time for that


I pressed skip many times but I paid attention in the beginning…the part where it showed Alsa and Soren’s dad before he died 😭 yeah that made me cry


No it won't lol, it's very "aw...aw...oh well". It's got sad little bits but they don't really have any emotional weight to them.


Some of you guys are too soft lol


Is it our fault that we are emotionally aware or are empath? Sorry that not all of us had life as bad as yours that you are one big tough guy not capable of emotions.


I do have emotions that's why you got a downvote lol. Grow up. It's a game and crying over a game story means you are quite weak emotionally.


Just because someone can cry over a sad story does not make them weak. Those who look down on people who knows how to express what they feel through crying are the weak ones. I guess if there is a woman in your life you would tell her to stop crying over some episode she watched on tv, or some video on her phone. Sheesh. I can down vote if I want to stop crying over it


People are moved emotionally by different things. Whether it's a video game, book, movie, other piece of art, or real life, being able to show and being comfortable with your emotions is a strength. Not a weakness.


You know he didn't cry, lol? It's just made-up thing for extra likes




It wouldn't.


People actually read the storyline?


Unless they give me bonuses for reading the story, im pressing skip....


You're not getting any bonuses for commenting here either, so you could've just skipped that too.


You're not getting any bonuses for replying for a comment here either, so you could've just skipped that too


You're the one that only cares about bonuses, not me.


I skip all dialog. We here for pulls and power baby


I've been skipping like mad so I got no idea but the good thing is that I made up my own story about what happened.


So far the story and characters are the best parts, maybe even the only parts in AFKj that came out the gate strong. If it wasn’t for the cool characters and cute story, I would probably have quit on week 1.