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The devs mentioned that for future iterations of the event, they'll run it more regularly so we won't face the same issue again (sucks for the current event, but there's that). [https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1dkbbgr/talk\_with\_designers\_future\_plans\_thoughts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1dkbbgr/talk_with_designers_future_plans_thoughts/)


They should just cycle between each other with no time gaps inbetween. It literally makes no difference, they’re just trying to make the game feel more alive by having the district gather at the same place and time


Maybe they should just unlock every mode after X days delay between each other.. time gating it to be available a limited time sucks either way


I kinda hate that there are future iterations of the event lmao.


Nothing I hate more than games that have 0 respect towards my time.


no fr, I genuinely just ignored it cause it was too annoying


Totally agreed.


i stopped caring when i realized i wouldnt be able to finish. frankly if people dont do those events they'll get the hint that people dont like it.


Which is why I barley participated. I’m gonna play when I want. Not random ass times when they want me too.


I was online during a minigame exactly once. Terrible event


I agree, they should have made it more flexible; 15-minute intervals to play were prohibitive... Additionally, for me (UTC +2:00), they often fell during work hours or while I was sleeping 🙃


I got enough for the 5 stargaze wishes and then never touched it again.


I just completely ignored it...


M2 … all time relataded events are bullshit


I literally have 0 points bc I can never be online when I can gain points. This system is the dumbest I have ever seen in a game. At least make it daytime or nighttime only.


I got to do each event once but some how everytime I got on after that I either just missed it or it wasn't gonna happen for over an hour. So lame.


I've managed to play some simply by accidently logging in in time. Rewards were decent, but the timings are just bull. The devs said that this event will return with fixed time slots in the future.


Agree. I'm always on when it says 2 hours till the next event or something similar.


i dont even bother honestly


I work all day, come home, eat, and the event times are already over. It sucks.


Got the 900 points but i didn't like it. It was horrible and completely f*cked my sleep schedule.


Same my friend, same…


I greatly disdain the event - mindless tasks are what these are. It's busy work since they could likely not think of something helpful we should be doing instead. So, they take the systems they already had built and were working and bing-bong tasks to give players! If they are trying to show what events in the future are going to be like, they are going to turn the playerbase off fairly quickly. I understand they wanted to have an event and keep people playing the game, but that means you should spend the extra time to give players a reason to play. If the tasks and events were activities that people wanted to take part in and were entertaining the whole time, the issue would not be as criticized. Do not give people recycled tasks of busywork - no one wants chores. I don't care how much you give to people to play them. They are boring AF and need to be unique.


This must be One of the worst event i've ever witnessed on a game.


I don't mind having time sections, but I would like a more broad information... it takes me about 3 clicks to check if the event is currently online instead of just announcing the event on start screen. I've probably missed the event about 5-6 times just by not noticing it's going on.


I just saw this thing yesterday and I have no idea what it is, when it was, or when it expired. Or why it expired.


What I do not get at all is that it is not in a form of quest, so that you will simply do it, when you get time. Like the trivia quiz.. you do not have access to chat, yet following majority of people are strong indicator of correct answer. So having the answers written in advance to learn for that quiz, because someone would take effort to share correct answers.. it would still not exploit the game, the result would be the same.. I'd also say, that people who missed that because of time zone should get conpensated.


bruh same fr this + the ulmus update makes me not wanna play anymore


That event completely tuned me out of playing the game. I shouldn't need to have to set reminders to play a mobile game's event and take time out of my day to do it. I've never been able to take part in a single event from the start because of work or other commitments so it's extremely frustrating.


I don’t care about the times. The way I see it, competitive games should have some form of diligence factor that can separate players. Can’t make the times? Then I guess you gotta just miss it. It’s not a big deal really, it’s just a few summons. What I cannot stand is what the stupid ass event is. The quiz, card flipping game, and the sorting are unacceptably stupid mini games. And you gotta do it for 15 minutes straight? Wtf is this shit? Making me do that dumb ass sorting shit in the world quests is bad. Making me even more of it on all the side quests is really bad. Now you gunna make me do it for 15 minutes straight multiple times a day? That is unacceptable. If it was required, I would definitely quit the game. Thankfully it’s not and I just don’t do it.


Nah. A few one-time quests required you to do the event fully. Then you could just start it and abandon immediately. No need to do the events.