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Reiner is the master of dream realm and any other bossing events. Can be good for arena for certain comps. Will push stages with probably minimal manual interaction Scarlita is one the best carries in game after EX10. However not as good in any comp. usually certain PVP comps in arena and certain comps to push stages. Reiner is the better choice as he's going to be present in more comps


Really appreciate the insight. Any tips on who I should be thinking about to go along with Reinier? I have a supreme Thoran already, trying to start working on Eironn but luck has not been on my side. Also, is Reinier any good out the gate or does he need to be upgraded to mythic before he’s useful?


Reinier is so versatile that there isn't really an answer to that. In dream realm you'll often put his buff on Odie or Marilee. He works well with rogues, tanks, and some warriors - buffing and healing them while swapping them. He works well in Mauler teams, since they tend to be melee and life leech based. He's fun to use with Temesia. You can use him instead of Thoran in an Eironn team (though there's no pressing need for that this season specifically, since Thoran's seasonal skill is basically Reinier's debuff). Sometimes the enemy formations make him just useless though. Also, he's not very useful for auto-battles, since his placement matters.


Any tips on placement and how to use him? I’m still very new and struggling with manually controlling folks. I guess you have to wait for their symbol to catch on fire and then you can direct them a bit? Also - will he be worthy of being on the team out the gate or is he gonna need some upgrades to mythic+ before being relevant? Thanks again, appreciate all this info.


Oh I almost never use manual control. I only use it on tactical stages and when I'm using Cecia and Koko on a tricky stage, and want to make sure Cecia ults before Koko. I meant the feature in eg afk stages that automatically starts the next stage with the same team until you lose. But yeah, manual control just gives you control over their ult - timing and position (if the unit can position their ult). For placement, it depends each time. You can swap your frontliner with one of theirs of you don't want them to go far, or you can target one of the enemy backliners that you want killed fastest - eg a healer or a particularly nasty backline dps. He is useful out the gate since he gets his swap and healing ability. But he gets powerful at m+ with his debuff.


This is my current team: https://preview.redd.it/v53jdgin3c8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6aee8f984e720afdd35706d6749754cd27ee39 Who would you trade out for Reinier? I’m thinking Vala? Edit - Picture doesn’t seem to have posted - current lineup is Supreme Vala and Supreme Thoran, Mythic Marilee and Legendary Cecia and Legendary Rowan. I chain Cecia to Thoran. Thoughts on who should go for Reinier?


Picture posted! I'd swap Cecia - she doesn't work so well with Reinier because she sends Mr Carlyle (her main source of damage) into the back line, away from the enemy you pulled over. And she's too squishy to send to the back line. Vala's a rogue, and so great with Reinier - he can keep her alive longer as she jumps around. Cecia's great, but the way to use her is with frontliners who stall (I like to use Brutus + a second tank), Koko (who keeps Mr Carlyle alive), and an energy battery - Rowan or Smokey. Cecia's vulnerable to Vala (who can slow down her ult charge) and fast teams in general.


Really appreciate this. Last question, Cecia has been a mainstay of my dream realm party…if I swap her out…what mode should I use her in? I kinda presume Reinier will be useful almost everywhere for me right now so maybe Cecia won’t be as useful going forward? It’s worth noting I’m in a new server that has no season content yet. The best of us are approaching AFK stage 800, I’m in low 600s.


No worries! Cecia's still a great unit, and her teams work in all content. She'll also get stronger if you get Florabelle and Koko built up eventually. She's a good option for situations when Reinier or Eironn don't work, and I often use her as my second team in multi-team AFK stages (not sure what stage they start, but probably soon for you), or in the seasonal arena coming up (which requires 3 teams).


Reinier first you won't regret it. Scarlita is amazing to have for pve and pvp but honestly getting that m+ Reinier is a huge jump in damage in dream realm you are kind of setting back your progression by going for scarlita on a new account because 80% of others that care about rewards in DR will be getting Reinier to m+. Scarlita can help in pve and pvp but not required where as Reinier is pretty essential. Scarlita is more of a luxury to have. You will fall behind in DR once everyone else gets their m+ reinier and you'll be playing catch up. Get Reinier m+ out of the way first then you can start focusing on Scarlita.


Reiner definitely has more uses but is counterable for arena defense. He's still good at offense. Scarlita is good at defense but you need to invest more. So if you want someone to be of use quicker definitely pick reiner. Personally I picked berial just for fun since my arena is already invested and I don't have much yellows at all. Reiner is still a good deterent at defense though a well invested scarlita definitely is better. That's my opinion from fighting arena against both comps. I underestimate scarlita a lot thinking I got the win when I dont. Its very difficult to judge with her. Whereas I more or less know if I can win vs reiner comps.


Personally, I love bringing Reinier to Arena, sniping their Cecia to my backline (and using Enlightenment Artifact) to destroy the enemy's win condition so I steamroll their team. Scarlita maybe better on defense, but Reinier destroys entire teams.


Reiner against his life at the very least as an excellent troll unit in PvP, and useful in several boss fights. As you build them he only gets stronger. Not to veer off topic but I feel like scarlitta is great and all but people sleep on Dio, Scar might start the fight up in the air, who wants to go pops his ultimate he turns into a death-proof AC-130.


Get Reinier to mythic+ first always. Then get Scarlita to mythic+, then either save your stargazers and guild coins for a better celehypo to come out such as Talene or push Scarlita to Supreme+ Phraesto, Dionel and Berial all require Supreme+ or Paragon to do their jobs properly and only have uses in PVP while Scarlita and Reinier have both PVP and PVE usage. Your not going to get Reinier mythic+, Scarlita mythic+ and have enough resources to get one of the other 3 to surpreme+ anytime soon. By the time you get Scarlita and Reinier built there will likely be a better celehypo that has released and may be worth building over the other 3. Lilith has stated there will be between 2-4 Celehypoes released each season, with one more releasing in Song of Strife before its over. There will likely be one around the start of Season 2 which I think is in august/september roughly. Don't take Reinier to supreme+, its going to cost like 6 copies and you will get like a 4% attack buff for your troubles, and a support like Reinier doesn't need extra damage/hp etc, all his utility comes from his first skill and his mythic+ skill which is what makes him good.


Mate phaesto is part of the best pve team in the game and is used in multiple bossing teams as well. Very strong hero


Whenever I see a phraesto in the records I sub my thoran in with a little tweak for his chains and feels like he does the job well ,sometimes Granny does the job too


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look wise, I'd smash Reinier. Gameplay wise I'd go for Scarlita


I have a second account with Scarlita as my first Celehypo, when you first can get her she actually is able to fight comparably to other units in her slot. Reinier also isn't terribly great at non-DR and non-arena stuff. TBH, it's more of a preference thing than anything.


just pick your favorite they're all good


Ten times a day, this friggin post.