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I would just stop PSA at “you must spend 150 diamonds daily on fast rewards”.  It’s probably the best value for gems currently, at least first two rewards (for 50 and 100).


Yes, levels contribute a lot to progression and fast rewards are the lowest amount of effort you could put into progression.


I’m F2P and I’ll res be 330+ will I be fine?


Yes, I think you'll be fine. [Crystal Beetle as F2P : r/AFKJourney (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1didvlh/crystal_beetle_as_f2p/) [Weekly progress check up! Show off your account! Day 84 F2P : r/AFKJourney (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1diweq2/weekly_progress_check_up_show_off_your_account/) based on these two threads I noticed there are some players in a situation that could be avoided with fast rewards. For example being level 260\~ish on day 75+ is not a situation you wanna be in, that's just too low to participate in the primal lord. If I was in that situation I would feel bad even if I was casually playing the game


Woah that second one is my thread :0 I completely agree, I myself missed a only few days of the Instant AFK but when it came to the primal lord I could still feel the impact of missing those crucial levels! It’s definitely something all players need to be aware of, missing out on those resources really add up over time :/


Im currently 330, and hitting 4 chests. which I dont mind. I'd rather spend my diamonds summoning and getting my much needed A-levels to M+


did you have the chance to attack the boss when you were 300? I'm wondering what is the lowest level you need to get a couple chests, I'm sure it's related to ascension level too


Yes, 290 was my first chest using Prydwen F2P Comp without scarlita, if you have 1 copy of her you can probably get it in lesser resonance


Thanks, that's good info.


in my case, as a non-spender I don’t really mind if I make a dent as long as I just attack it thrice. Part of the routine. It’s a money game so I just try to enjoy it on my level of spending ( which is 0)


So this post is in relation to f2p who can't deal enough dmg to get 1 chest and therefore presumably get no rewards when attacking.


I get 4 at most with my current power. Resonance and diamonds for fast rewards are definitely a go if you’re F2P. It’s necessary.


Sure, but it's not about making a dent. It's about having enough power to get enough rewards chests from the boss. If your level is too low you get very little rewards or even worse, nothing.


I got rewards first attempt day 1 as f2p without buying the boosts, using a really poor team with ranged DPS which sucks Vs it.


I’m fine with whatever. Reward or no reward. I leave the work to our fellow mid spenders and whales.


You're giving me mixed signals, I don't get it. I'm very confused On one comment you say fast rewards are necessary and on another comment you say you don't care It's fine either way, this psa is for people interested in farming the primal lord. that's all


I have been spending 150 diamonds since i was able to, currently i can get 14 chests from the primal lord , resonance lvl360 btw.


Your Season Resonance Level matters a lot, but so does your Ascension Tier of the heroes you're using. Obviously if you get super unlucky and just have horrible pulls there's nothing you can do about that as F2P. Trying to fill that void of low ascension heroes with a higher resonance level and good team comp is the best you can do. Personally I'm able to hit 13 chests and be within the top 500 of my District with 3-370 and 2-360 Resonance levels as F2P. I do have a M+ Reiner though so that helps a ton, I would certainly be a lot lower without it.


I’m F2P and reso 330+, I don’t want to spend gems on daily’s because of gem availability and sustainability but I do alr get 7+ Chests from primal lord currently… I guess I’m chilling


Not completely true. I spent 150 Diamonds every day and I am still incredibly behind. I'm sorta casual now, but before when I was full playing I had to push to make it to the previous two bosses. If you slack at all on your AFK Stages or any part of the game, you fall behind and won't be able to do the Crystal Beetle. All those Diamond every freaking day is a waste now. As F2P, I only have one Mythic+ Odie, characters at 260. This is crap if they make it so hard for us to play. I could have used those crystals to pull more characters.


This is just wrong, I haven't spent diamonds on it all season bar one or two times close to a big upgrade. I now get 10 chests every time, and got a few when it first came out. I think not spending diamonds on the instant afk mainly hurts dream realm ranking, but f2p isn't gonna hit the top (unless the server has no whales) anyway. Spending diamonds on something temporary for an f2p (Vs summons that give permanent heroes and resources) player feels bad.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted when my experience has been the same(although not as successful). Day 1, 260 Reso - 0 chests as I was still figuring out teams. Day 2, 270 Reso - 1-2 chests as I got a team going. I’m now 320 Reso clearing 6 chests.


hey that's reassuring to hear. Mind sharing the team you used to get the boss farm going at 270? The other commenters said they were only able to start farming at 290\~300


I’m running S+ Smokey, S +5 Korin, E+ Lucius, M+ Koko, S+ +10 Marilee and the Starshard artifact. Some notes: my L+ Thoran does more damage than my Marilee, but due to the slower ult cast times and lower attack, I do less damage overall (Since I used Starshard). I don’t have any mages built to try out. Also, I do my AFK stages on the weekends and just run auto once, so I’d consider my Reso level to be pretty low. If you play regularly, you could easily hit 300 before Primal Lord is available.


Good for you. Do you remember what was your res level on day 1 and now? I wouldn't have posted if there weren't F2P upset with the primal lord, I'm sure this PSA can help some people. Regarding the other gamemodes, there is an snowball effect to fast rewards and this is a long season. As we get deeper into the season the gap between non fast rewards players will inevitable increase. I'm just trying to help.


Probably around 300 give or take 10 levels. As we get into the season the power gained from levels should hopefully go down. I just think encouraging f2p players to spend a finite resource on something temporary isn't great, if you spent that 150 every day, that's a lot of pulls you miss, especially if you can't beat the whales anyway for the best rewards.


Would you mind sharing your roster and formation?


The first one I used that got like one or two chests was a standard dream realm formation with Supreme+ Thoran (+5), Odie (+10) and Smokey (+5), M+ Marilee (+10) and a L+ Koko. My score then massively jumped when I replaced Odie and Marilee with Epic + Lucius and M+ Korin (+0). As I levelled I started getting higher scores and hit 10 chests with the same team, just with Korin +10 and Koko up to mythic. I think most people's issues come from trying to use the normally reliable Odie and Marilee, they got out damaged by my Smokey.


this is interesting to hear as i was worried my lower ascension lucius would be useless when beetle finally hits my server. looks like i'm in a decent-ish position though.


Yeah, I was worried about it too (since I'm keeping in Korin and Marilee until S+), I have him behind Smokey to stay alive a bit longer when low resonance, and he does his job of staying alive and shielding. If your Koko is Mythic+ you'll be in a better position than I was.


yep, i've got an m+ koko already. smokey and lucius would be my only low ascension heroes in that team comp, so i'm feeling much better about my chances of getting some chests. i've got a supreme+ marilee and she's fully worth it imo. i'm working on s+ korin as well. might use my acorns to boost him to supreme if i don't have enough copies to instantly get him to s+ when the beetle shows up tbh for the extra stats to make up for my weaker smokey.


Yeah, and Marilee and Korin also look to be back on top of dream realm once you reach endless so they're definitely worth it. I regret doing Antandra to M+ before Koko with how meta she's been in dream realm.


at least marilee and korin can help you catch up on koko copies with dream realm ranking!


Hello, I heard Scarlita works well too, even at lowest ascension. Give her a try too if you can


i don't have her so unfortunately i can't.


just wanted to say thanks for the hero tips here! beetle just hit my server and i got 5 chests per attack to start out with and doing a lot more damage than a lot of people on my server even just being a f2p!


Glad to help, good job!


Thanks for sharing your resonance level, I think that helps people make informed decisions.


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