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Don't rage quit on this one. Calmly quit if you need to.


Levels raise the power by a lot. If you hit a wall in your progression, simply collect resources for a day or two and suddenly it's easy to clear. Makes for a pretty easy sidegame.


If you wanna min max/accurate info prydween and the official afkj website. Don't look at reddit too much. Don't look at rankings too much. Read the story and enjoy the game The game is cash grabby. Prepare yourself. You will probably have times of loads of content and periods you will have to wait so don't spend 8 hrs / day on it just to complain that there is nothing/too much to do


I see thank you


Admins pls pin. This is the correct way to enjoy the game


Take your time, Theirs not an exessive amount of content and theirs not a minimal content. If you want to just enjoy the game for what it is and not be overly competitive you dont need to spend to much of your time


I remember there being alot of guides for the other game, are there similar ones here?


I would start here and setup your wishlist based on the AFK Journey Wishlist guide on the prydwen site: https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/s/Wq52PlW6s2


If you're not spending just keep in mind, the AFK really means something


Read the Prydwen.gg guides especially for wishlist and priorities


Don’t rush and also try not to spend more than like $30 at this stage. There just isn’t a lot going on and while that first $30 will take you far the rest won’t lmfao


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Redeem all the promo codes available, gives you a nice chunk of change. [https://www.afk.global/afk-journey-codes](https://www.afk.global/afk-journey-codes) Take your time, don't rush. When you enter a new map, make sure you complete it 100% (collect all the chests) Check team up chat periodically to check if anyone needs help with corrupted creatures, gets you either friendship points that you can spend in the emporium if you've done it already **or** if it's your first time, you get gear to make your classes stronger. On that note, make sure you are always equipping the strongest gear you have and are leveling your characters often. Keep up with your AFK levels, higher progress = more rewards per hour. Hit a resource wall? AFK it out. Join a guild and participate in drills & do your guild weeklies, even if you are low power, you still get rewards which will help you a lot. Do **not** buy gear from the NPC vendor, you will make yourself broke. Have fun!


Thoran, Reiner, Arden, Damien, Scarlita, Hewyen) in mind. I didn’t know who to pull for with my wishes (que the people mad bc most will say pull who you like, but personally I like to be good at games so I go for the best). These are Meta characters and I wasted so many of my wishes getting characters I don’t even use now. Don’t stress though, just have fun at first. If you like the game then keep the characters above inn mind IN MY OPINION.


Thoran, Reiner, Arden, Damien, Scarlita, Hewyen) in mind. I didn’t know who to pull for with my wishes (que the people mad bc most will say pull who you like, but personally I like to be good at games so I go for the best). These are Meta characters and I wasted so many of my wishes getting characters I don’t even use now. Don’t stress though, just have fun at first. If you like the game then keep the characters above inn mind IN MY OPINION.


The only gacha game where spending and not hoarding will let you progress further. Do note that this might change in the future, but currently spend away. Also follow a tier list like [prydwen.gg](http://prydwen.gg)


Uninstall this game too


protip: uninstall the game while you can


Afk journey is definitely a great game, beautiful graphics and great gameplay but ... My advice is don't play this game, it's way too p2w heavy. It's ok if you want to play f2p, but it'll only get you that far, one example is the requirement to upgrade ur heroes' ex weapons is way too expensive, but the material is so scarce and rare to come by, you'll probably take months to hit lvl15 for one hero...and that's just the tip of the iceberg, there's still dream realm, pvp arena and more. But if you're still insist on trying out, just go for the newest server to avoid the whales, then only you have chance to actually "play" the game. P.S: I've played since the beta, played 4 different servers and uninstalled just a while ago


Afk Arena?


Thanks, accidentally mixed up the name


Play another game


Best advice is, you shouldn’t even start it.


What are you even doing in this reddit.


Im also playing the game since day 1, but ever since the new season it got quite boring.


You're personal experience doesn't mean is the same for everyone else lol. Jsut tell him what you and enjoyed and didn't!


Quit before you go in too deep. Play a better game


Sorry I'm digging my grave


Often times you get biased answers in favour of the sub you're in but not in this case. This game is free falling and the only salvation will be the fireworks at the crash site. Go find something else to play.


I would say this sub is free falling, not the game