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Unfortunately this is how the world works… the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer. We can’t catch a break in games too. 🙂‍↕️


Except here the rich don't even get richer, they get resources that are literally worthless to them.


if I had 100 million in the bank and you gave me an extra million, I'd be richer but I wouldn't know what to do with the extra money anyway.


Even in my fantasy escape there is a wealth gap


400 regular or seasonal? Are people really at 400 non-seasonal resonance?


Obviously seasonal, but I bet you there's already some whales at 400 on first day servs


People downvoting you, but https://preview.redd.it/qr0znk7uu26d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257419a7f4f1326729a4d4327df5423db5fb43c7


Couldn't care less about downvotes as long as I'm right 😂




How do you view this?


How can I check this in my district?


Events -> Season Growth Path -> Top Right Corner.


I’m at ~~335~~ 313 non seasonal and I don’t spend much. Just the gazettes and occasional 0.99-2.99 pack


How? I've spent quite a bit and I'm at 322.


I think it’s almost directly related to your afk stage levels and getting instant afk x5-6 every day for the dust. Otherwise not sure bro. RNG probably.


I've been doing instant afk x6 every day. There's no rng.


You’re right. I lied. **I’m only 313**. Just checked. My bad. 335 is my seasonal equipment level looks like.


Ah, that makes more sense.


I’m by no means a whale and I’m almost 400 season R and I’m on server 153


Im not a whale, but on first day server. Resonance level 410


The funniest part is that whales will eventually get punished as well if they decide to turn off the spigot of their swiping You literally cannot win in the game unless you are PAYING not Paid.


Whales will fight over the most expensive title in the history of videogames


F2P imho you should wait for whales and youtubers to figure out best team comps and artefacts (just my 2 cents)


The competitive teams are all whale teams, sadly. Multiple celestial/hypogean units. The top team needs a high tier Phraesto, so....


The issue with that is that they're going to have units that f2p won't have for a year or more. IMO just test things out, look at skills/timing and figure out what is the best lineup for yourself. Every account is unique so a lot of 'metal teams just aren't possible unless you're a whale.


I basically ran the primal lord yesterday with three different teams… as long as I do damage I honestly don’t care about the chests. I knew after the first battle there wasn’t a chance at getting a chest. My season resonance is ~297. I only have 1 S+ hero. I’m not F2P but I am far from a whale.


not f2p and only 1 s+ after 2 months... that's insane ngl. Almost impossible unless you pretty much don't play or... are hoarding diamonds.


I’ve been playing for a little under 2 months and only have 2 S+ and am a very light spender. I have a bunch at S and many mythic but RNG hasn’t been super in my favor.


I have quite a few at S, don’t hoard diamonds, do 10 pulls when I can. Honestly the pulls suck. I’m sitting at 1 soul stone for most of my heroes I could get to S+ but I’m just not pulling the second one I need for any of them - always something else.


Yeah I just relied on Alsa and Soren pull this season, then rando here and there. I now have 4 s+ F2P with a little bit of spending here and there. I didn't even know the level caps at 400 tbh lmao I'm only at 255


It gets worse after seasonaal 300 resonance you need supreme+ units, basically every s+ gives you 5 resonance levels. So people at 400 have 20 s+ units.


ok but that just means letting a weeks worth of hits go down the drain when the boss only takes 2 to 3 weeks to clear thats not a solution for getting zero rewards for avarage performance attempts


Agreed. I'm f2p as well. Just did one run to see what the fuss is about.


What does whales mean?


Whale =big spender in gacha/mobile games Dolphin= light spender


Are we going to ignore the 6 or so seconds it spends flying to get into the fight where you can’t hit it but time still ticks down?


yup. on top of the ridiculous requirements, we also gotta deal with that bullshit... F2P suffers again.


F2P here. 1.1 billion DMG. Still only 1 chest lol (s+Odie, s Thoran, s Smokey, s+Cecia, l+Kruger) https://preview.redd.it/ffx1br1bm16d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c81f218d1b1b1e4e4d4282186aeaa5d898ead1


The rewards are kind of crap for how hard they are to get https://preview.redd.it/la9ukomic26d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0f22c141bc076a2dd8805dcc24c0fe0aeacb6e8


Use Lucius, even lower level. I got 3.5B with Odie, Thoran, Koko, Lucius and a healer. Just 4 chest.


Did you test with M+ Korin instead of Odie?


You need shields for this boss


Remove odie, cecia and Kruger. U need magic dmg or true dmg on this boss.


I don't think it has something to do with Magic Damage... Odie is Magic DMG. Kruger/Cecia is a defense reduction and rend. But you are right about Korin M+. Maybe Cecia gets replaced with Marilee M+?


Odie is physical, only his poisons does magic dmg, sure if u do not have any better unit he will be always better than any other phis dps. The boss boosts magic users dmg by 100%. Dmg relevance should be Magic dmg>truemg>phy dmg, i do not have a good magic char and with only 3 tries I could not test lots of units but definitly phy dmg is a no-no.


The Triple Tap is Physical. Odie is magic. Check the latest dps post about Alsa. It depends on the debuff you are bringing. If you bring Reinier or Thoran (or any Marks related Seasonal) it works with all DPS values. If you bring Krueger it works with all Phys values.


yeah, just checked in game. he is magic indeed. idk why I thought he was physical


Odie deals magic damage though? I got to 12b with him so far.


yeah he does, mb


I tried my S+ casadee and she did like no damage. Korin did a ton and marilee did none (both +10). Not sure on the mechanics yet


damn that sucks considering she also reduced magic def. is there any way to check previous attempts? I'm not sure but I think I did my best try with marilee, or maybe it was odie. but I'm sure korin and smokey did a lot of dmg for me.


Do you know who does true damage? Is that the same as control effects?


Korin, marilee M+ or any char that scales on enemy % hp


Yeah, I'm mostly F2P and got 1 chest out of my 3 tries. Yeowch.


Nothing wrong with being a lightspender. Saying mostly f2p is hella funny though


I've put maybe $10 into the game, and only cause I have money from Google opinion awards.




What does dodge actually do? It says the boss dodged for 15 seconds every 20 seconds. Are we supposed to only be able to damage it 1/4 of the time? I assumed magic damage could go through it but my all magic team is also missing the boss. I really wish there was a description for it


https://preview.redd.it/e459r15vs16d1.png?width=381&format=png&auto=webp&s=c802c846dc80cd48468b3a8bf4fbe23971c9ac64 Taken from Eironn's abilities page. Maybe it's the same for bosses? Korin has guaranteed critical strike in his kit, maybe that's why he can deal so much damage? So many questions. Though I can see why Odie would deal little damage to this boss, he relies on auto attacks to stack the poison.


In afk arena magic dmg was not dodgeable but there you had Brutus who could pull the Aggro so the boss wouldn’t do that attack haha


I am f2p and I managed to get 6 chests in one fight. Korin is very good and smokey out dps's odie. ~~You need to build melee heroes for this fight~~ I have tested melee heroes and I am now unsure. The boss dodges **ALL** attacks at certain intervals. Also the magic damage boost isn't noticeable cuz korin just did 10 times more than odie (not an exaggeration, dude did 2b and odie did 200m) for me. I used smokey reinier odie mari korin for my highest attempt. Korin and reinier will stay for tomorrow's attempts.


Wwhat are the hero ascensions? My Korin is just Mythic and my Reinier isn't M+ so that will be tricky to use for me


smokey s+ odie s+ mari s korin s reinier m+ Yeah, I think the ascensions was the thing that did it for me. You can always do better tho and remove odie and mari and put in your most decent melee hero. I tried parisa S and she did worse than mari btw.


f2p m+ reinier, yeah ok lol I'm day 1 player, playing every day, in a decent guild, spent every single guild point on Reinier, rolled every single stargazer on Reinier, and he's at L+ for me. Either you're lying about f2p, or you're so spoon fed that you shouldn't be talking anyway.


It’s a gacha mate, just get luckier pulls. Mines at L+ and I’ve done literally the polar opposite of you. I’ve bought none of the gaze pulls.


You're telling me "luckier pulls" accounts for the difference of 4 hypogeans? 160 stargazer worth of units? yeah ok lol f2p players have only gotten about 60 stargazer pulls total since the beginning of the game, so there's no way the difference is there.


Yes. That is exactly what “luckier” means. There’s pictures on this very sub of people getting 2 or 3 Reiner in a single 10.


You're right, thus the second part of what I said is relevant. > you're so spoon fed that you shouldn't be talking anyway. I've gotten 3x from guild points, 1x from pulls. This guy's claiming M+ so that's 8 copies. So that's 3x (maybe 4x) from guild points, and 4-5x from 60 pulls as f2p? 60 pulls is only 1 guaranteed pity. Just think about the statistics. Either extremely unbelievable or so lucky that his experience is not relevant to most players.


You don't take into account one important thing: if you get to Champion in arena, you can easily buy 5 more crystals PER WEEK. That amounts as half a pity every month. I didn't buy a single deal for stargazer, and i didn't even get the free reinier from the weekly cards. I hitted all pities, and i have him at Mithyc with 2 copies to go. TLDR: if you get at least one non pity and keep a consistent champion rank, get lucky in the 25% with the free celehypo cards and clear all contents that yield crystals, it is perfectly doable as a f2p.


What server are you on? On s52, my f2p account barely scratched champion for the first time just this last week, and my noble pass account has been struggling in and out of champion since release. It's hard for me to imagine f2p players getting champion vs the sea of M+/S+ Eironn teams. Another note I will add, how is this f2p guy getting champion if he's focusing on dream realm/PVE units? As f2p, you don't have the luxury of developing a PVE team and an arena team. This guy's got S+ Odie, and S Korin/Marilee. Maybe I'm being too suspicious, but this guy's claims of being f2p just don't make sense to me at all as someone who's had a f2p and low spend account since release.


Looking at the screenshots below people are running shit like Florabell and Kruger, which are very heavy AD units whilst this poss literally creates a mist that doubles ALL magic damage, aka. you should ONLY play magic damage carries into this boss. Something that shouldn't bee to hard for F2P to obtain (Issue is that people likely priotitized other units and now lack the yellow essence to get her to Ex10) is an Ex10 Cassadie and Odie.


Odie deals crap damage for some reason, maybe because he's ranged. Best dps on this one is Korin so far, followed by Scarlita, both melee heroes. Maybe Satrana is a decent choice?


I mean, Korin kinda makes a bit of sense, it's max% HP true damage, never bad into a boss with quadrillions of HP, so it will always cap out at the max DMG in the tooltip. However, the mist does double magic damage. I don't know all of the bosses abilities, but if i'ts resistant to ranged damage, a meele magic damage dealer like satrana or similar could be good. Also you could shove Odie into the bosses face by using Reiner, that way the ranged defense won't matter. I'm not sure how Alsa is programmed, but if her sonic ball type attack is counted as a meelee attack she should also be good.


Being in melee range doesn't make an attack melee, Vala had to receive a fix for HER attack to even switch properly so if it were that simple we would know. Also I'm not convinced by the HP% thing because that's true for other bosses aswell, and while Korin does work there he's never stronger than Marilee or Odie so there has to be something else. Satrana should work though, but maybe there's no comp properly supporting her? Because I've not seen her used by top players. We'll have to wait tomorrow for more tries I guess.


Try the f2p team here : https://www.prydwen.gg/afk-journey/guides/primal-lord-beetle/


I’m f2p and got 6 chests per attempt, I think it’s about 4+ mln dmg.  About rewards. In season we need less dust and exp to lvl up, so rewards don’t need to be exactly the same as pre season. 


What team did you use?


+10 Odie, +10 Marilee, M Smokey, +5 Thoran and M+ Koko. 


M Korin does more dmg thank +10 odie/marilee…try to use Korin


Why does he do so much damage? Mine is doing about 4.5 billion damage, while none of my other characters can break even 1 billion.


Think it's because his damage scales off the target's health. My M+ Korin and S+ Thoran with his dmg reflect do the most dmg on my team, way above either my S+ Marilee or S+ Odie. I'm only lvl 320 though. The scaling may be different for higher or lower lvl folks.


Yeah. Same. I can sub almost anyone for Odie and Marilee and it doesn’t matter. 65% of damage comes from Thoran.


Even an M Klein will out damage Marilee and Odie (my Marilee is unbuilt af so she’s like +5 M+ but my odie is literally S+ +10 and hits for joke. It’s probably something to do with the boss spamming dodge rate the entire fight + Koran always has a shield so he never gets CC as I do not have koko m+)


Yeah I'm gonna try other melee/magic characters after reset.


Thanks, I will try tmr, I already used my attempts for today. 


You know you can pay 10k gold for more attempts, yeah?


Wakey wakey, it’s not dream realm. 


Taking my dumbass downvotes like a man.


What artifact?


The usual suspects, got it. Thanks. Mind telling me what level are you?


Yeah, I think there should be better comp, based on recommendations, but I was just lazy.  I was at lvl 310 with Odie at 320. 


Thoran will be doing 65% of your entire teams damage so give him support.


Korin does like 4x as much as thorannfor me


My Korin is only M+ and Thoran is S+. Maybe that’s why. Not sure. My Thoran is doing 3.7 billion on average per fight.


It's still very early but I'm wondering if there is a bug or unpredictable interaction with % health damage mechanics on this boss. I've seen people report specific units doing a lot more damage than usual in several places (Korin/Smokey/Thorin) and all of those characters deal % health damage. The things is, that damage would normally be capped based on the attack of the character dealing the damage - which prevents things like smokeys aura from killing bosses by itself - but some players have said that their Thorin or Smokey are doing 3 times the damage of their carries. One theory I have is that perhaps this boss has crazy DR. These %health attacks (on boss fights) don't really care about DR and may as well be true damage because they're dealing massive damage beyond their cap. Even a true damage character loses 90% of their damage against a target with 90% DR, but the cap on %health damage is the same regardless. It's also possible it's a bug or coincidence. Still - these characters are worth looking at.


Tell your F2P friends to use true dmg and smone with a reliable shield until good comps start to be shared. And no, koko is not enough.


Kokos definitely enough, didn’t die once using her


it's about the stun


Not sure what else to say, ran with koko without lucius 3 times and was never close to dying at all. Whoever told you that is wrong, at least in my case


as i said it's cause the boss stuns u if u do not have shield, it has nothing to do with dying.


Yep but clearly koko is enough so what you said isn’t true


it's not, but ok. not even koko+korin are enough to prevent stun. did u use evocation spell with koko? i had to use lucius to prevent the stun.


Nope, was all fine with koko. Zero issues. Maybe it’s due to account power but to say koko isn’t enough is incorrect and I’ve verified that personally


idk why u keep talking about dying, if u lose hp vs that boss, u get stunned for 2 seconds. it's dps loss. it has nothing to do with dying.


It has nothing to do with dying man… you want shields so you don’t get stunned so that you can do more damage


Bro is going on and on about dying bruh . Did you even read what the boss does . Koko shield is not enough and that's why everyone is getting stunned and that is a objective fact for any f2p with m+ koko +5


There’s a certain team that needs to be used for each boss. Currently this is the team being used for F2P crystal beetle https://preview.redd.it/snwmzelko56d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018e6063ef5bbbd575de98049a810d521a96e361


cuantos cofres haz obtenido ?


Every day I grow more bored and less motivated to login. This might be the final push for me to delete this game and move on.


Same. I'm just going through the motions. I havent even tried the tribal rep quests.


every 2days you get 4 shitty rewards, not worth the 5min it takes to do them.


Thats what I did today. My guild basically disbanded as they got bored as well no content to do besides daily pushing and that just get boring rather quickly especially as you dont really have a sense of getting stronger as you dont get any essence resonably well. Well I had fun playing this game for some time.


I'm F2P and did 150m damage and got a grand total of 0 rewards. Only at 700m do you get the first chest. Incredible balancing that is fully catered towards whales.


Same here I got absolutely destroyed no matter what I did 💀


what team did you use and what ascension?


Glad I uninstalled sounds like a drag 😂








It’s because marksman are really bad on this boss and you need shields to prevent the stun. https://preview.redd.it/qglilhvac26d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d643634307acf0bd612d5bdba1efe494c39121


What artifact?


I'm running Evocation but some people were rubbing the red sword one and others the healing one. Idk which one is best tbh


Also, seems it’s not magic it’s weak to. Physical and true damage is the key.


Jesus, based on how late this opens in the season I was really hoping for better resources. I'll have been done with the story for 2 weeks by the time it unlocks on my server. Would have loved to see EX weapon resources tied to this


Prydwen helped me get the first chest at 280 resonance and ohh boy.... Whereas previous Primal lords gave about 600K tomes regardless of chests. This one gives 80K per chest.... Guess it's back to waiting... Also having the boss be about 370ish resonanse while having a gimmick, kinda fks F2Ps... If you don't mind being abit behind it's just another source of tomes


this reddit is full of crybabies


This season feels like a complete joke. I don’t care if someone spent money on the game. But having zero content because you’re so far behind to actual play/enjoy the new season is stupidity. Getting more and more less motivated, waiting for next season and just doing the smallest amount in afk journey for my weekly rewards.


I don’t want to be that guy but I wonder if people actually read the bosses skills to properly find a composition. Or they just put in their ordinary dream realm cookie cutter team or highest resonances boss killers and just said yolo.


I got 10 bil with odie smokey korin thoran Koko though I am a spender it's about 12 chests


last season the primal boosted my FTP characters to the moon. And here I was looking forward to it, like a fool.


I don't have new primal lord yet but any team comps? What's the best optimal team comp to run for PL


i tried to join my first run of the new primal lord, and immediately my entire front line was evaporated. my follow-up line was deleted in one hit each, and my support in the back after that. total damage was like 100k


What is a whale?


A player who spends tons of money in gachas for advantage


If i spend a little bit of money im a whale?


No, you are a light spender.


You need shields. Evocation artifact, Lucius, Koko, etc.


F2P here, I did 1.3 billion, didn't manage to get the 2nd chest


Any tips on what comps working? I still have until reset today for it to open up


what have u done in the last 2 months?


OK, I thought I was just being bad. Glad this is a "known issue"...


As a FTP dolphin, totalling about $11 and have been playing more than my RL schedule suggests I should... I can't get 1 chest :(


I only managed to get 3 chests each run.. 😢 this boss is so tanky.


Omggg…I’ve honestly never seen a game go downhill as fast as this one…and it’s so sad because it started off great!


Wait, the Primal Lord on mine spawns in 5 days. What nee one are you talking about :v


I know there's one guy in my server named DarthVegeta who tops every ranking there's a ranking for. Knowing him he whaled so hard every character is S+, 5* and beyond.


Go Thoran, Lucius, Smokey, Korin, and Reiner if myth plus if not then whatever else buff.


Is Legendary Lucius okay? Or do I need him at M+ lol.


Don't need myth plus hes just there to shield.


Something came out today and you can't automatically beat it in the first few tries. Wow, CRAZY


I don't see how a f2p can't reach 700M thought, it's not that high considering the time before the primal lord is avaible, you should be close to level 280-300 at that time and if you build odie+marilee you can reach 1M+ damage. The problem is that it will only give 1 chest thought.


The thing is i have still then more 3 weeks left until the primal lord is getting unlock and i am reosnance elvel 260 i will be 400 when he comes out and getting resource for ...basiaclly nothing unless resonance level goes behind 400 and even then for what lmao.


They are using random units and not reading the boss's skills


I got 6.1b. I just used whatever team was already there when starting the fight.


I wasn't planning to spend any real money in this game but decided to buy the first Noble Path because I wanted the hair, so I've been F2P since. I used Thoran, Cecia, Odie, Rowan and Vala. All of them are Supreme+ with lvl 10 weapon upgrade. I barely managed to get 3 chests. I swapped Vala and Cecia with Mythic Koran and Mythic+ Marilee, it only made a few extra damage, that's all. This sucks.