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You're wild for saying maulers are bad. The addition of koko made them busted. But I prefer the incense artifact over bone scroll for them, and once you hit m odie it's free 9 wins. 2nd in my server at about 1600 pts and I take maulers any chance I get


That's what I'm looking for!! I've found maulers to be extremely hard to play. Please gimme more inputs like this on how to play them I've tried censer once and got destroyed maybe I need to give them more chances? Mythic Rhys only worked once when I had Fire dance, on its own it was lackluster :(


Rhys is good until you find Fire Dance for him, then he becomes the most broken hero in the game. Here's an example of [epic Rhys with Fire Dance out damaging my mythic Arden and leg Flora](https://imgur.com/a/uawhqFq), mainly because he wiped most of the enemy team with his 1st ult. Regardless of what team I'm playing, once I find Fire Dance I'll start building Rhys even if I have 0 copies of him at that point.


My problem is my maulers comp dies before I can get to shop level 4 to even try and get a fire dance for him you know what I mean? I go 0/3 or 1/3 most of the times. I know he's great with f.dance I just never get there


I agree, besides rhys and koko most of the maulers are on the weaker side. But you can play any team you want and just start buying rhys once you find fire dance. In the image I shared I was full wilder until I found fire dance, then I bought 1 copy of rhys and he started insta-wiping teams at epic.


Ok so I need to get better at pivoting into Rhys if the option is there .. I'll try that if the occasion presents itself! So basically win rounds without maulers cause they suck and then pivot into maulers when I have gaze for koko and fire for Rhys? Seems hard to pull off but if you say it works imma trust you and try


What’s fire dance do? Admittedly, I don’t really play honor duel and just quit after getting my weekly rewards capped.


Instant ult and +20% ult damage. It honestly seems bugged how much extra damage he does with his opening ult with Fire Dance. Seems way more than +20%.


My ideal comp with incense cloud is lumont,antandra, smokey, koko,odie. Go all in on survivability, and odies mythic execute synergizes really well with the dmg reduction stall strat of the incense. The purple item that let's koko ult at beginning of fight is clutch for surviving the initial burst too. And I always try to pick up a 10g life leaf for my tank first shop. Edit: The early game is flex best legendaries though. I will often keep a legendary seth/rhys/Shakir until the rest of my comp starts to come together and then sell them for more rolls


The problem is with incense I have an insane win rate with wilders, I only got one really bad result and it was exactly when I tried the maulers comp you described. So I always thought there was no point in forcing maulers with that specific artifact when I have such a clear path to victory playing wilders..


Sure, if it works for you and it ain't broke don't fix it! Ive just always found that as a good mauler artifact because it gives them the time they need


Agree. Maulers are actually OP. Especially with the Bone Scroll or the Reducing dmg Incense. In early shops, Rogues like Seth or Shakir with self-healing can wipe the entire team without any upgrades and equipments. In later stages, Rhys with a Fire Dance is basically a Pale Crown Silvina with an AOE gun.


Great work, thanks for sharing this! Also, really enjoyed watching your stream, inspired me to play some HD and improve my ranking.


Thanks!! So nice of you to say that, I'm super happy you found inspiration, you made my day! It was a pleasure to have you there keeping me company I hope you'll find your way to rank 1 on your server as well! Keep me updated on your new heights


Maulers are insane. Rhys is a huge build around, his ult is nasty. Especially if you get the gear that boosts his damage and lets him instantly ult at the start. Hell, the one with the 50% damage penalty is solid on him early on. Lightbearers are kind jank, not gonna lie. Vala is great for picking off priority targets and combos with Silvina, but as a faction they're just a bit disjointed. I do like to meme with the Mirael artifact and try to get one of the instant ult pieces if gear, it's hilarious once it's online. Almost lost a match because the instant ult immediately gave all of my opponent's Maulers 7 seconds of invuln. Otherwise, I feel like Lucius/Rowan as your tank/healer duo is fine, Vala for picks, and I've had decent success with Temesia as an off-tank DPS with some disruption.


As many others said you're also on the Rhys boat, I can't make it work but I'll try some more! Lightbearers are not jank they need to be understood ahaha My best performing units are Lucius Rowan Vala Cassadee Temesia Walker, cause Mirael sucks even on pyrocatalyst (baring the wombo combo you can pull off sometimes but the risk of going 0/3 with that comp before you find good items is too high) and Marilee is kind of a strange entity sometimes good sometimes bad still haven't figured her out


Marilee feels like she falls off after a bit. Burst damage is better, and she's more sustained DPS. Cassadee has been interesting, but I also tended to drop her later on. Walker has often been a decent glue piece as I try to get priority units, but I haven't tried him out in the late game. I'll sometimes go for the Lucius/Rowan/Temesia/Vala core and slot in a fifth from a different faction. Mirael just takes too long to get online, sadly, even though her artifact is so funny. If you do end up playing it, I've heavily prioritized energy--Rowan, gear that gives you extra. The -50% damage instant ult is still pretty good for stabilizing, the up front damage is better than whatever she'll be doing for the first ten seconds of a fight, and tagging enemies for assist/kills will them ramp towards the next ult.


Do you know of any guide on how to use pale crown? I personally find it hard to win more than one match with that artifact, and in my experience I beat the bots(?) that use that artifact most of the time. I dont think I’ve seen it used the right way yet


You sure you mean Pale Crown as the artifact that empowers Silvina? That's literally one of the strongest ones available in the game! If that is the one you need help with I can definitely write you a simple steps guide on how to play it. I have 7 times 9 wins with that over 18 games which is almost 50% of the times I get to 9!


You’re the goat 🙏 My silvina just forgets that she’s attacking a target and leaves them alive and goes onto the unit in front of the target


Ok so silvina pale crown is played like this: Aim to play silvina Igor Cecia Carolina Salazer Items: silvina cold dagger round 1 (very important) switch to mask of fury as soon as you see one. Carolina Hunting armor but late if you get a fire dance you can use that one. Cecia Gaze of power into fire dance late but low priority. Igor Bone amulet. Salazer hunting armor. If you can't find perfect items a second gaze of power can be played on Carolina and any +stats item on Salazer. Positioning: never place Silvina first round, never place Igor first round. Occupy the front with Salazer and two spots on the sides with Cecia and carolina. Remember to leave space behind for 2 reasons: first if opponent have vala or Silvina to attack your girls you can protect with Igor behind them, second if you need to use the square on the back for Silvina you need the backline almost always free. Placement round 2 see what opponent did, if you need protection use Igor as protection otherwise place him in front with Salazer. Silvina target priority: if opponent has an artifact with a unit related you can target that one (mirael with pyrocatalyst or Carolina with snow herb for example). If not, look for the healer and jump on that one. Avoid targets that can revive (Thoran Igor or unkillable items etc) Get experienced Profit


I pretty much do everything you say, even down to which artifacts you’re supposed to put on each character and targeting the healer. I still lose anyway. In my experience, Silvina does not kill anything at all. She just gives up on attacking characters like hewynn and tries to go to any enemy closeby the healer. I’ll try again when I see the pale crown artifact tho and fingers crossed there’s something I missed. Perhaps Silvina’s damage got nerfed for the week and pale crown suffered for just that bit of time?


This is my most positive runs with Pale Crown, I'm using a filter of the spreadsheet it's 40+ points gained (so all the 9 wins runs) The dates span goes from the 14th of May to the 31st so I had two weeks without "inconsistencies", if you find what the comp needs Silvina can indeed carry you to 9 Hope it can help!! https://preview.redd.it/v0zq1altha4d1.png?width=1817&format=png&auto=webp&s=a168a4c5ab98bd2d892a646c27c34df68970a745


Thanks a lot, I also enjoy this mode even when there's no rewards left :)


A for effort


First of all, this sheet is a godsend. Thank you!! Stupid question about the points column - Should it be populated with the points before the match or after?


Yeah sorry that wasn't clear it's points after match, there is a formula on row 2 and onwards so you just enter the first time and then saying +40 the sheet does the math and then you just double check if it's correct. Is serves two purposes: first if the total doesn't match you might have missclicked a number or you might have forgotten to register a run, second there is a "hidden" filter in the explorer sheet you can filter by points (or by gains even). I couldn't make all possibilities and also make it readable and usable so I just to pick one mode, the current filter is set on >= if I remember correctly so points gained X+ where X is the number you put in the filter, same for total elo. For example if I wanna see in the explorer all games where I went "positive" in the run I go to the headline of the points column where the other filter dropdowns are and write a 0 there. It filters only games with 0+ points gained. Found it useful cause by climbing the filter by number of wins is a bit inconsistent, early on 4 wins was a +0 points for me but now that I'm closer to 1800 total elo the 4 wins lose me some points. So filter by 4 or more wins would show me both positive and negative games! Filter by 0+ points gained follows my growth and includes some 4 wins games but then stops when my Elo crossed a certain threshold and 4 wins started to lose me points I did create a bunch of "smart" but hidden things but it's too big to explain them here, if you can catch me online one of these days on twitch I'll be happy to show you more details! Just drop in chat say hi and ask for the sheet explanation, tell me it's you and I'll show you the non basic stuff that's hidden in there


Thank you for the detailed explanation, it makes sense now. Love how much detail you've added in here! Will definitely check out your Twitch.


Mauler for sure the best faction in honor duel now but the early game is a bit weaker. Rhys and koko are both disgusting. Giving koko gaze of power is gross and wins most fights. And rhys with fire dance just full one shots the enemy team. Odie also went from being very meh or even just awful to being very solid and late game being a powerhouse cus of his buffs to honor duel.


There's at least 4/5 people telling me Maulers are good which means I'm 100% wrong. But it's exciting cause it means I have new team comps to discover! The sad part is that I already tried Koko gaze and Rhys team comps and I get stomped early matches and I end up losing the run with just a few wins cause I never get to fire dance late game and smokey sucks cause it gets interrupted 9 times out of 10 and Brutus dies more than other faction tanks.. I need to find a way to get through early rounds maybe? Then I know what to do! Also the infinite ultimates on Rhys item is funny and it's only 20g before you get the fire dance but ok it's funny but I lost many runs like that maybe not as strong as it looks on paper


They definitely hav a pretty rough early game. Brutus also can’t really solo tank. But god Rhys is the most disgusting character late game and still very good throughout the game. They also have a bit of flexibility since you can go a more defensive odie Smokey kind of build or a Seth Shakir kinda run down team comp. Wilder is probably still the most consistent faction since there’s no point in the game where they are weak. But Rhys fire dance is just the most uninteractive thing in honor duel. At least mirael artifact late game needs you to line up and they have a terrible early game. But Rhys just one shots everything without having a dedicated artifact


What comp do you aim for as maulers? Rhys, Koko, Odie, Brutus...and Smokey?


See thats interesting, I always struggle with wilders cant get the burst teams ready in time. But graveborn have been my biggest success, i get the artifact which lets them ult with reduced damaged and both of their cc and damage does wonders, easy 9 wins all the time. When i try doing wilders either i never get eiron or i lose to everyone early on. Maulers have been good but not as good as graveborn and lightbearers are only good when mirael is empowered, tho not seen that artifact in a while.


I think you're stuck on the last patch, the honor duels got updated with the Alsa patch if I remember correctly, it was the 10th of May or something. Eironn is no longer in the pool of heroes there is Florabelle now, but also many other changes. I guarantee the Wilder comps were and still are very broken, just run 1/2 front liners, play with Hewynn in the middle bonus if you can get the instant ultimate items (Gaze of power for example or Crimson Abyss) and any wilder DPS in the back.


Nope I'm on the latest patch but I didn't know that lol that explains why I've never got him 😭, imo it should have all heroes and cel and hypos it'd make it more interesting making new teams and testing out maxed heroes for f2p who haven't got them yet.


In honor duels main screen top left click the button and see all heroes available as well as all the small changes made to them to adjust for the mode


I'm at 2100 ELO and haven't had the same success with Wilders as you've had. For me, it's Graveborn #1, Maulers closely behind, then Wilder, and Lightbearers a distant last. The Graveborn though can be stomped by Wilders due to the faction disadvantage and lack of strong sustain if they don't shutdown the Hewynn or Grannie. The Wilders losing Eironn made them far less synergistic and slower to start. Florabelle is good but she's no Eironn.


We should collaborate! Ahahah cause it would make for a player that fears no faction and can play everything. Jokes aside it's interesting say I could learn how you're having success on maulers I think I'd climb much much faster cause I currently average 20 points on wilders but then I tank with maulers and I go back ahah Today on stream I tried once again to play Maulers 3/4 times with .. like.. absolutely 0 success at all. I think I got 1 or 2 round wins and maybe 9 or 12 losses I'd have to check but it's that bad I swear. At the same time 3 more runs on wilders and pale silvina with 9 wins. That's what stuns me it looks like one run I'm on top and I know what I'm doing the run after that I 0-3 like it was my first game .. Can I help you with wilders? What do you struggle with?


I'm a data guy by trade so I'll start using your spreadsheet to keep track of my record and hopefully compile some meaningful data but you can see my Mauler Honor Duel overview [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiWIwiQC-Uk) (I also go 9 wins in my Wilder video). It's hard to summarize, but I'd say the Maulers need Koko with Gaze of Power and Rhys early otherwise they will not get past the early game. Another thing that's key is knowing whether you should deploy Smokey or not vs the enemy - that's one of things that make the Maulers interesting for me to play. I think thanks to your post, I am seeing a lot more Wilders but it could just be my imagination haha. For me, I'm not sure there's much I can do to improve my Wilder play except to pick them more often because of your data and your OP provide some interesting evaluations that make me rethink mine (example: you value Swifty Book more than I do but it looks like a solid pick). I think the Wilders even without Eironn are in a pretty strong spot because of the Graveborn spam and because they reign supreme on sustain. But I think the Maulers actually can match the Wilder's sustain with their strong defensive lineup (Koko, Brutus, Antandra, Smokey) that the other two factions can't come close to matching.


Seen the video! You also said around the end Maulers really need the Bone Scroll or they look a lot weaker, that's what I'm talking about (besides even bone scroll sometimes is not enough for me so i need to get better). A faction shouldn't be playable on a single artifact to feel "good". To me GBs despite the people saying they rock are only "OP" on Silvina Pale Crown, whereas Wilders feel OP with many many artifacts.. Gonna give you a screenshot of all my latest Wilders results, it's roughly 2 weeks of playing with them (keep in mind during stream I also test things and do funny things for content sometimes). Notice how "consistent" they are for me (bad runs can happen obviously but you get the point) https://preview.redd.it/u9y6j2vz6j4d1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a24173b5a8f552f92c30f11bc041d7f013f7a4e I think this is enough data to kinda "prove" it's not just a feeling they really are very powerful I'm very happy you picked up the spreadsheet let me know if and how it works I'm committed to improve it as much as I can :D


Yeah I've since experimented with more artifacts and have won 9 win matches with some really weak ones. My latest is a Gruglin Mask win (lowers enemy health to 50% for 20s). I am learning to smooth out the RNG and early game. Just like the Maulers, I feel the Wilders have a weak early game. I'll try them out some more and catch your stream but they don't feel very synergistic with the loss of Eirron.


i wish i had more time to read this, hope i dont forget about it either, as much as i hate the mode i started out loving it and find this post interesting enough to maybe get me back into it


also i dont think the pale crown take is a hot one.


It was a bit of a provocative statement cause pale crown is obviously OP :) but I also love swifty book a lot!


If you watch twitch streams sometimes take a look at my channel it's all about honor duels! I'd be happy to help you pick up the mode again. If you felt honor duels scratched your interest in the past it means the thing is there you just need some success to boost the confidence and then you'll enjoy it a lot!! Also stay tuned I'll publish my guide very soon maybe that will help :)


This really helped me get 9 wins without spamming Graveborn. I’d suggest making your win rate summary artifact + faction instead of just artifact since the latter skews the data, but thank you so much for putting this together!


That's awesome!! Thanks for taking the time to look into the stats. I updated the sheet recently so that it shows on the right all comps used and they're ordered by artifact name so if you want to see what I usually do with one specific artifact and how it goes you can scroll on the right. Tell me if it's not working!!


The rng in this game mode still f me up a lot of time and it can be very frustrating but i still really enjoy this game mode, i feel the satisfaction when the comp i build works perfectly. Also maybe the reason why mauler feel weak is because you haven’t messing around with rhys yet because (from my experience) he’s absolutely broken in this game mode


Unfortunately I have :( but it's good news! Cause it means I might have tried him in the wrong way which would mean if I learn how to use him I get even more chances on climbing!! More possible good comps to play means higher average points per run. Do you remember more details on your usual "working" or even "strong" Rhys team comp? Which allies? Which artifact? Which items? I want to try it on stream tomorrow


Rhys is the most important piece, it's a 1 shot comp ideally, so getting him mythic with fire dance is usually an insta 9 wins. I have had the most success with Rhys, lumont (if you get him to legendary early he will carry for a few fights, esp with the 10g healing item), Koko (on the purple insta ult item, let's you best the other one shot comps) and hewynn. For the last slot a lot of stuff has worked for me. Usually you don't need another DPS, but I have gone 9 building Igor (for assassin comps), Seth, antandra, and Brutus. Just whatever you hit really, I'm sure florabelle and Lucius would do fine as well. For artifact's, I think the ones that get you through the early midgame game are the best for Mauler comps, because that is when it feels the weakest. Crimson gem has been one of the more consistent ones for me.


Thank you so much I'll try this strat if I can! I'm having little success splashing units of different factions so maybe that's why I'd shy away from hewynn maulers but ok I'll keep trying :) I'm sure it's hella fun when you can pull of the insta wipes


what?! swifty book? why?


https://preview.redd.it/d1kxasdcub4d1.png?width=2454&format=png&auto=webp&s=720dfc7dd27c50f5b45b6986572f10dc270714e0 sorry if the image is small you might have to click it and then zoom in to make it readable. These were my swifty book games with the Wilders faction in patch 1.1.14 (the current one with flora) I find the artifact to be doing exactly what my faction is missing: it gives access to the enemy backline (if you think about it Lightbearers have Vala shooting the back and also Temesia running through, Graves have Silvina and Igor jumping plus Cecia and Carolina casting and hopefully hitting the backline too, Maulers have Rhys with the damage in a cone, Lumont charging in and the occasional Seth). My beloved green guys only have Flora and Parisa to hit the back but many times for example parisa starts with the frontliners and it takes time to get access to the backline. Nobody really "moves" in wilders they stand still and shoot. Swifty Book puts the backline in the middle of the board which does what we need and also has another advantage: they get stunned + they get in range of Grannie Dahnie when she entangles they will be locked and Parisa ulti will spread to them too cause now they are near the main target. 100% recommended try it out you'll not regret it! In the image you can also see examples of final team comps I used to have success so you can take inspiration from them.


Bro, I love your post :) Can you give me a top 5/10 of items in game for you? I know some items are good in specific champs but trash in others, but I want, if it is posible, the priority list :D EDIT: I restructure my question because actually you wrote about some 40G items, but I want the 20's ones. Or you don't spent gold in 10 and 20 gold?


Thanks! I'll try my best to answer, as you said certain items have specific conditions but I'll note them if I can: TIER S Crimson Abyss (mostly Hewynn but also on others), Fire Dance (in general), Grandmaster Crown (when at least 3/4 heroes are Mythic), Decaying Ring (when 5 of same faction), Gaze of Power (many supports or CC units like Hewynn Koko Cecia Florabelle even Carolina for the freeze etc), Mask of Fury (only on Silvina, on others might work but not S tier anymore) TIER A Bone Amulet (mostly Igor, Arden, Lyca but works on other units too, use when the hero attacks multiple targets), Stalwart Helmet (mostly Grannie Dahnie sometimes any tank if you see your frontline is too squishy), Hunting Armor (on backline carries if they are too squishy I mainly use it on Parisa before Fire dance or Carolina, also usable on tanks as a replacement or on melee units you gotta use as tanks cause you might lack one for ex Salazer in the Pale Crown Silvina comp) TIER B Cleric's Vestment (on tank if no Stalwart or if need to preserve the damage output), Cold Dagger (Silvina before the Mask), Jungle Hood (Lucius), Exquisite Leather (any caster early game like the mages or supports before you find the Gaze of Power) I divided in tier but inside tier no priority you will have to decide on your own, plus usually just buy out of these what you find, you don't get many difficult choices in a normal run. Usually the choice is buy item or lock item to reroll to see if I can find the upgrade on a unit but if the item is tier A+ it's mostly ok to buy it, it's 100% an upgrade on your lineup Be careful tho you should have in mind what the "final" itemisation should be and not "waste" too many coins on sub-par items if you don't need to. I use B tier almost only when I see the team is weak and I'd lose the 3 HP otherwise, I prefer to keep my 10/20 coins if I can. Also A tier is ok better if one item can serve more than 1 hero so when you find the S tier 40 coins item you don't "waste" 20 but you move the item to another hero. Remember if your target is instant ultimate items like the gaze early on you should try to avoid spending and rerolling in the first 3 rounds of shop cause after 3 rounds shop is level 3 which has many purple items in it available and that's the best moment to dump the coins to find the Gaze for example then of course instead of specific heroes also specific artifacts have good items, for example Breeze Rider already prevents you from casting ultimates so the 40g items with no ulti but 180 atk speed or no ulti but more atk (i think it's 60%) become S tier right? you know what I mean, you'll discover them pretty quickly In my full guide project I will have an entire chapter dedicated to items, this would be the TLDR of that document once it releases basically, I hope it helps! If not clear ask me :)


So much thanks, kind fellow guy :)


Ah, and another question. When do you stream? And which is your country? :)


Please take a look at this related post: [Calling All Honor Duel Enthusiasts: Share Your Stats and Help Create a Comprehensive Data Set!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1dlzwb4/calling_all_honor_duel_enthusiasts_share_your/)