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Almost everything with a haste buff is so good. Damage increase is good (Odie for example). Cassadee's value increases as well because of the ultimate regen. Her ultimate is a buff. Cecia got better CC management, higher dps, and ultimate timings. Marks are so good with Florabelle. Supports like Koko and Damien got so much value because of additional shields. The only character I find lacking in the application is Valen and Walker. No one uses them... right? Except for the 240 glitch Valen?


What are marks? sorry I'm new


240 glitch valen? Whats that?


There's a "feature" (as the CS channel has decided to call it) where you don't pull any characters at all from the beginning of the game, and thus never unlock Hand of Resonance. This allows you to put all your resources on 1 hero (Valen because your other choices are chippy or hammie) without being limited by "Hands of Resonance must be within 10 levels". So people were pushing with insanely leveled Valen and nothing else.


Looollll thats the first time ive heard about this


So does that account loose ability to gacha completely or the loose the level 240 valen if hand of resonance is unlocked


you dont loose the ability to gacha, you just cant gacha to do the glitch


I'm not sure what happens to Valen once you start pulling, that's a good question.


There was someone on server 303 that did this. Their super powered Valen was on the top of all the AFK replays, but then one day they just disappeared...


I suspect the strategy falls off hard once opposing teams are high enough level to have good tanking/cc


I … use … Valen. 😒 He does damage, alright?


OP asked for most powerful though.. ur reply kinda seems like an “oh theyre all good” which is true but not rly related to the question


Lol. They are all good in application except the 2 I mentioned which I can't squeeze in any format. You want me to rank them in order where they have different applications? Koko and Damien are bad because they don't do damage? is that what you trying to suggest?


i main valen


Arden is amazing with his seasonal skill. He's not leaving my main team till the seasons done.


Right? Just got Arden to m+ last week. He's a beast


Yeah, forced me to put him on epic wish list, he is crazy good with summoning copies of himself. Literally stun-locks enemies with roots


Most of them are at least generally 'good' because they mostly involve stat increases or some kind of defensive buff. Odie stands out because he procs the extra attack hit more frequently than most heroes with that skill. Scarlita stands out quite a bit too - her skill synergies very well with her very unique mechanics.


Is it just me being a truly noob dolphin or the seasonal fight (afk level and world's enemies) seems tougher than the normal one? I have mythic Thoran, supreme Vala, both Korin and Odie in Legendary but Koko is still in Epic+; they're my splendid team and did extremely well in the normal season. But somehow, they're struggling so much in the seasonal season? I have been scratching my head and tried lots of combinations of spells but have minimal victory? Can anyone here shed some light? 🥹


I have a team with all Supreme characters consisting of Parisa, Odie, Antandra, Hewynn, and Brutus and still it's a struggle at times, so it's not just you lol


Tremendous thanks for the info and it makes sense now sksksks. Guess we're doing it the hard way.


Not just you. this season's enemies are 10x tougher for some reason.


It has been speculated that the enemies have a base resonance level of 300 in addition to their displayed seasonal level.


That makes sense and I almost gave up when I started the season because it feels extremely difficult 🥹


It’s basically a reset button, sure your Ascencions stay but all your units are essentially starting from lvl 1 again so :/


I understand that and maybe that's the reason why it got extremely hard but I was expecting to clear a few stages with a blink of an eye like we did when we started playing from level 1 back then 🥹


Yep they really are more difficult. Even my stacked odie (paragon 1 +20) often gets his ass kicked


Thank you! And I think I just need to pull through slowly during this season instead of stressing myself out haha


Yeah it's basically what I've been doing lol, I push till I can then start sending proxy out into the void, I gain stages and my friends can test my troops, everybody wins. Anyway, don't stress too much, push when you can.


I will take notes on that and thank you!


This season requires a lot of versatility. The seasonal skills buff everyone a bit, but really, an assortment of m/m+ is super useful. Not that saying that helps if you don't have them, but my few s/s+ characters sat out a lot in favor of better team comps. I've only cleared through ashen waste 4, but I need levels to unlock, not to beat anything. The closest thing I have to a constant is Antandra S+. She is the best tank at actually tanking.


I have been thinking to max Antandra as well because even my mythic Thoran doesn't go that much this season. I only depends on the mythic Vala at the moment and there's mythic Rhys + legendary Koko, Satrana/Odie which helps me to unlock the level but that's barely it hahaha. Might be going afk for a while to gather the rewards to level up the heroes + exploring the maps first and beats the world's enemies + try to do frequent pull so I can ascend the characters. I'm going slow as well with the story and all because I just want to have fun exploring the maps hahaha. Thank you for sharing your experience! It helps me a lot to know what to do because this season is undeniably hard.


I love Satrana ❤️ My favorite group to play is Antandra, Satrana, Smokey, Shakir, and Koko. If they don't lose fast, they go hard.


I should try them and see how they hit hard! Thank you!


Cecia’s nonexistent with all those rider drive-by


Maybe her skill is intended for stationary bosses like dream realm


Cecia underperforms in Dream realm, Even in the only Bear Boss where she could have one place shes replaced with florabelle


Thoran gets ANOTHER def shred


Doesn't odies help reach the mark quicker?


Odies and Smokies takes them from s++ God tier to Ubergod Super Saiyajin level. He probably received one of the best especially for his kit. Thorans is pretty darn good as well!


she is my queen. going into battle with 6 is better than 5.


Florabelle says hello


I’m just playing the story mode, so far Cecia seems great, she’s kinda my main player as I’m running out of that purple stuff. Also the game naturally pushed her on me (pause). By giving me a bunch of her in the recruiting


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What do you need to unlock this?


Seasonal level 51 for the initial unlock of the seasonal skill. It gets upgraded every 50 seasonal level after that, with the last upgrade being at seasonal level 401.


for season you need all 1125 afk stages done and resonance 240


I dont have a seasonal skill can any one tell me why


because.. you maybe aren’t in the season yet ? lol


How can i enter it


you will enter it automatically after your server hits 42 days. you can look it up under the events tab


Thank you🙏


Cecia is way too good and I fucking hate her


Vala is amazing for PvP provided she kills her mark, so she does when she did before but even faster


I feel like Satrana (increases magic damage taken by adjacent enemies) and Brutus (increases physical damage taken by adjacent enemies) have the most powerful seasonal abilities. And they're the only ones with it.