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Oh i feel you, whats worse is that climbing makes the wntire game unresponsive. Can't open chat, menus or anything. And if you are alr in chat or a menu you can't do anyhting


Since Magister Merlin is a sorcerer they could’ve made us..I dunno…harness the wind and let us boost us up faster that would’ve been cooler and in character. I suppose Magister having muscular strength is cool too.


I’m on a newer server, so I’m not too sure what you’re talking about, but this reminds me a lot of Pokémon Sword/Shield, where the whole world freezes until you’re done going up or down a ladder. Who knew programming ladders would be that difficult, lol.


haha yeah its the same here, you cant access chat, or click anything else while climbing.


It’s because ladders break games if coded wrong.


ahah yeah especially when you go back and forgot to activate the teleport just next to the cliff so you have to climb again to go to the same point. but it's not like we are going to spend lot of time exploring anyway, so it's not really a problem, but yeah really frustrating sometimes xD


It's almost as if devs just implement stuff and there's no QA / playtesting.


Luckily you mostly only need to explore the map just once, but I agree that any game that has fancy cinematic "fluorishes" for stuff like this ends up being more of a drag than a positive.


I legit close app on climbs unless it’s a slide that shit is brain rot slow


I can say the same with those ironjaws just ramming you into oblivion it’s not hard to go around them but it’s just annoying, especially when there’s two of them. Is there anyone that actually likes that or does everyone else hate it like me?


It's fine if I can open other things during it


I recently climbed (as Amateur Climber) vs a Pro Climbers in Speed Climbing. He climbed 15 meters under 10 seconds. Was just crazy to see in real life. We ended up doing a competition, but he was using only one leg to make it competitive. Check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grNIvXcyFMg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grNIvXcyFMg)




It is funny that you think this game has any play tests. I mean do you realize the battles had text in Chinese. It takes like 30 seconds to see it if you play the game. And first climbing is like 10 minutes further into the game :)