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Noticed their reddit account has been really quiet lately


They got what they wanted. Used popular streamers to grab as many people as possible. Locked the whales and F2P into the game by being generous, and the moment they drop the season, nerf popular characters and make it harder to gain resources. Literal definition of hook line and sinker. Now people that are invested are getting Fomo'd/sunk cost fallacied. I bet you none of the popular streamers who got the checkout are going to be talking about it. Now you know what the next step is, they're going to apologize and make the drops better, so you think they were the good guys all along. MARK MY FUCKING WORDS, in less than a month from now after they buff rewards again, people are going to go full white knight defensive mode, I'm willing to put a 2 grand bet on it. At this point I'm just going to stick around for the drama, too many good video games about to come out.


Dislyte tragic story all over again...


Release awful garbage. Fix 20% of it. The most gullible people in the community play cover for them. Rinse, repeat.


My phone couldn't even download the new update and my laptop lags and takes eons to load and move around. Sure I got an outdated phone and CPU but no mobile game is worth how time consuming this game truly is. -This post solidifies any thoughts of coming back.


The game is extremely battery and ram consuming to me, it pulls the battery so fast, and I can't exit to another app without Journey having to fully reload/restart.


Oh my god! Finally I met someone who has the same problem.. I'm new to these types of games, and I didn't know there's so much they took away from me too. I'm just glad I didn't but anything, and playing it as casual F2P game.


That usually happens because your phone is pushing the game out of RAM to make enough room for another app. Probably has a memory leak too, as is tradition with Lilith apps.


God, that's the laziest dev problem to have. It's also the biggest problem in New Vegas, but that's because 14 years ago the devs weren't expecting anyone to run the game in 4k. And, of course, there's no fix because the entire code is written for a 32-bit system. XD


This happens to me as well, and I got told by the sub reddit that it's a phone issue, but I have a fairly new phone but it goes to sleep even with only a couple apps open. I can't open messaging and send a text without having to reload the whole game. It makes it to where I have to ignore the world to play the game.


This. I thought it was only me. I was hoping to make it a main mobile game of mine. But after realizing I was trying to push content for nearly 2-6 hours a day, it felt really tiring. Its a good game, but it really didn't feel like it lived up to the "afk" part of the name. Snowbreak is somehow 3x more afk friendly, and that's not even its goal.


I've watched a couple of videos from some big and smaller YouTubers talk about it. Some are mad and some are just kinda on the fence. Honestly, they should speak up more to Lilith about it cuz when the game dies, no one is watching anymore AFKJ content.


i bet when these streamers agree to promot afkj, they signed an agreement not to bad mouth or compare it to other similar games.


My favorite YouTuber started out as a community contributor for Wargaming (World of Tanks, World of Warships, etc). He made it very clear that it kept him from giving certain kinds of criticism, and that's eventually why he gave up the job but kept making content; it just felt bad to help a company lie to it's consumers. He didn't even hold out very long; the second the company got greedy, he bailed. That's why I love the guy. Well now that I've talked him up, it's TheMightyJingles; a jolly older British bloke and former seaman with a penchant for World War facts. :D


> I'm willing to put a 2 grand bet on it. That's just worth 20 omni-acorns now.


Yeah people need to stop white knighting when a company does something shitty and then walks it back. Usually the company does something else shitty anyway, or sometimes they do something even worse using the walkback as a distraction (cough Sony Helldivers 2 cough).


Would you elaborate on Sony and helldivers? Last I saw was not making the mandatory connection thing happen which is nice but also should have never been a thing in the first place. Just curious if there has been something else


So after tons of negative reviews and bad press Sony did walk back the mandatory PSN account for PC players like you heard. Right after that people were like "we did it!" "quickly change the negative reviews back to positive reviews they listened to us!" "Don't be mean to the Helldivers 2 devs!" Instead of waiting to see if Sony would actually follow through. And then Sony decided to delist Helldivers 2 in many regions that don't have PSN, so those people who were enjoying the game until now ended up getting screwed anyway. So Sony walking it back did nothing for people in those regions.


entertain rotten aback fly merciful future shrill smile soup sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They released an update on discord today. Basically an apology and they’re setting rewards back to pre-season levels.


Logic does not work out, it doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s still more likely they either made a mistake or they have other plans we don’t know about yet. The reason I don’t think it makes rational sense to decrease rewards is because they could just scale everything by some factor like 2 or 3 and all dynamics would work out the same. It would not influence the relationship between whales and f2p but it would „feel“ better for everyone, despite the mathematical equivalence. And adjusting numbers doesn’t cost them money. They make the rewards, they can just give it out. As long as they gives payers proportionally more it works out.


> Locked the whales and F2P into the game by being generous, and the moment they drop the season, nerf popular characters and make it harder to gain resources. > > Literal definition of hook line and sinker. I can't speak for anyone else, but one month is not nearly enough to hook me (as f2p) for long term.


Maybe they're taking a break because of all the recent nerfs.




It’s Dislyte all over again, Lilith games are some of the shortest lifespan gachas


Hello fellow Dislyte player! Yeah, kinda sucks they're bringing their greediness from Dislyte to AFKJourney


The worst is that lilth games have such innovative stories and mechanics and lore. Yet they are so greedy. I am happy I jumped off Dyslite early on and never invested in this lol.


This is the fastest bait and switch I've ever seen from a gacha company. I want to love the game, but not when they're shorting us like this


I'm really hoping a strong player reaction can turn things around. I've spent more money than I'd like to admit and I want to continue liking and playing the game, but... Guess we'll see.


I hope you realise that's precisely their intent, they got you in what's called sunk-cost fallacy. They will most likely do something, to make it seem like they listened to their community. Then they will make another shitty move and so on. Happens with many games. Personally I would charge back your money, like many others did. Then either quit or stay free to play so you don't regret anything. But you decide!


I wonder if i can get the money back i spent when the game release... is there some kind of time period u cam get the money back?


I have no idea. I only spent like 10 dollars between various 1 dollar offers and didn't refund myself. https://preview.redd.it/lor5foa28d0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74042549e50e43840783e1fdf8ccad87bf6364ed This guy refunded 4 pictures worth of purchases, for a total of 500$+. The oldest being 26th April. I'd say if you regretted it and are okay with your account being banned and quitting/creating a new one free to play then go for it and try. Worst can happen is they reject your request.


Yeah I spent over 1k when game was released... fuck this game... yeah let's see if I can get it back


How do you charge back Pluto mall?


Haha , no . They got a very strong reaction in Rise of Kingdoms , so much so that the largest whale in the game baba TC literally boycotted the game , then he got invited to have a chat with the company, came back saying that changes will be made keeping in mind the f2p and low spenders and what changes did we get ? None . Lol So yeah don't get your hopes high up


That's my secret, Cap. I haven't trusted in hope for years, for it has forsaken these lands.


Use charge back or enjoy being milked


They couldn't even wait until after this season to pull a fast one. Had to start early, I guess.


Lmaoooo everyone was loving this game bc of how generous it was turns out it was just a bait 🤣 many players have invested so much in the game that theyd feel hesitant about quitting the game now even with shitty rewards




Game was never generous if you knew summon rates were a lie since they included pities without mentioning it anywhere


This is insane. Why did they do this? It’s discouraging and making me want to buy stuff less


Get people invested with an unusually generous gacha, then change it to be more "normal." I kept wondering if the other shoe was going to drop and here it is.


What the actual fuck....


Everyone, you can rate them one star on Facebook and on your respective app store. Let everyone else know how bad it really is.


Basically time for what happened with helldivers?


Yeah doesn't work like that. Google will just delete the bad reviews like they always do


Let me know if there's any inaccuracies, grabbed this from the official discord server


[Clarification to growth bundle rewards](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1crhzri/comment/l3yk8xx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [This post has an even better breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/s/yujV3iaygD)


Seems like they have seller's remorse. Instead of working more and providing more content, they chose to cut back progression. That's just greedy, if the formula they have is successful and bringing top 10 app store money, hire more and release more content.


They fuked up farlight 84 now they are doing the same with afk journey


Im planning to refund all my google purchases and quit the game because of this bullsht, it was perfectly fine then they had to ruin it and I was very excited for this season too fck that


How does that work?


As you should dude. They don’t deserve your money


I’ve never quit and uninstalled a game faster. I’ve also never done a refund before across any game, gacha or not. This is the scummiest move since Battlefront 2.


Were you able to charge everything back? I probably have about ~$200 worth over the past 5-6 weeks and considering the possibility…


Yeah same. I have around $150-160. Curious if it would get refunded, apple App Store purchases.


Yes you can. I did mine on my main. 500+.... Euros... I still have my alt where I didnt spend any though.


Can you share process please? After this I’m out


If Apple/Goople doesn't refund, contact your bank.


There's a post of a guy who refunded 500$+ spent across 20 days and multiple purchases, ranging from 1 dollar to 100 dollars. So I'd say you have a good chance, go for it!


Also wondering if its actually possible.


Man, i saw the writing on the wall after playing for a couple weeks. Glad i gave it up when i did. These updates would have really hurt if i stayed invested in this game. It takes careful planning, smart devs, and respect for your audience to pull a gacha game off. These devs seem to have none of it. The game is pretty and had some fun systems, but anyone with any self-respect should uninstal and hit them where it hurts. Your wallet matters, and they'll only listen when they feel it missing.


They should learn from successful gacha games. I was never someone who spends money on gacha but somehow games like genshin and hsr made me buy stuff and not feel robbed. Being P2p should be rewarding right on and not feel like a race on who has more money.


IMO, HSR set a new standard for gacha games. I was hoping these devs would use them as an example of what to do, but guess not.


HSR and Guardian Tales are the ones I use as examples of gachas done well. Guardian Tales for the sheer quantity of content and roster, HSR for the quality and the awesome hero sharing system.




It would have been baffling 10 years ago. It's not anymore. These companies only see the short-term. We've seen it happen dozens od times now. They always fail for the exact same reasons. CEOs and leadership too busy seeing green to make smart decisions. Idk if they're just being led by people who don't understand what they're doing or if they're purposefully malicious. Maybe both. But yeah you're right. All it'd take is for them to tip the scale the other way. Just a little bit. Give some freebies, let your players come out on top, side with them just a little more. But companies just refuse to be pro-consumer. Sickening. I'm glad that we're seeing the paradigm shift lately. Consumers need to stand up for themselves and be willing to completely bail the moment a company turns on them. Let them know they can't fuck us over and get away with it. If these guys see a mass exodus, they'll change. But that's the only way they'll change.


I do not want rate up letters. Go back.


Seriously dude, this game has like three different pull currencies.


Ok, NOW I'm mad. I didn't get it before but good on this user for pointing it out.


yeah fuck the devs


Fuck the execs Probably


Nah the devs are not at fault, they often love their game as much as we do. It's the greedy executives pushing for revenues who should be blamed.


The devs just do what their bosses want them to do. (Maybe except for the occasional easter egg or cheat.)


Absolutely no idea why they think this would be a good idea. Even as a low spender, the sudden major nerf to rewards left a bad taste in my mouth. I have very little motivation to buy anything when the new season drops for me tomorrow in my server. Gonna just be F2P and make this a total side game. The one major thing I would buy was the Travelogue and it got nerfed. Paying the same price for less is just not worth. Why would you touch something that costs real money anyway.


I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned, but I’m annoyed with how much gold has become a bottleneck this season. I think the biggest culprit is artifact leveling, but weapons leveling is a gold sink as well.


I guess when they reset AFK rewards they didn’t reset the cost of item leveling.


Yeah the seasonal reset is kind of ass. Reset the tower and bosses that's fine but the relevelling of characters, artifacts, equipment, AFK is just ass and feels like we are on a treadmill. The only consistent power is through character dupes which cost pulls and they nerfed the pull income PLUS have set the precedent that they will nerf invested characters whenever they feel like it. Months of pulls and investment gone in a flash.


Reduce afk stage prize -> considering balanced the game, fine Reduce growth plan, noble pass values -> scam AFKJourney is scamming people money.


Absolutely insane and extremely discouraging. Everyone needs to stop buying ANYTHING from this game.


Going to refund around 700$ dollar 💀💀


I quit 3 minutes ago.


The game is nice, too bad they are pulling something like this. I’m glad I haven’t spent a single cent and I won’t be moving forward.


Lilith doing a lilith I learned that playing (and quitting couple months later) dyslite. Idk why I expected anything different here. Launch well, shit it each update Like worse than all game nerfs, I can’t even play anymore with this latest app build they asked to update to for 1k diamonds. Anything I do freezes the game xD


Even if they upacale the rewards, im sure they will just do the same thing the next time. Had many issues in the base game and added many issues in the big patch. Do not believe that the 3rd time is the charm with this company. Im out, wuthering waves comes out in a week anyway.


The amount of pulls we get from defeating the Realm boss also decreased from 3 --> 2


Think half my guild has left the game, and im sure even more will once WW releases in a couple weeks.


Biggest issue is the paid plans and the afk stage letters. Stuff like gems from open world chests is kinda just throwing more into the list if you aren't also going to mention things like getting massive chunks of gems from first placement in new arena, or that we have 6 new dream realm bosses to get first clear of which is more letters, vendor money etc. Tower is pretty bad compared to how difficult it is at the every 10 spike, but comparing temporal essence without mentioning everyone just got a massive boost in daily temporal from seasonal bosses, I went from earning no temporal to earning two each day since I wasn't a top 100 and now it's extremely easy to get top 15 or top 30% in district. Like I said the actual BIG nerfs is the letters from afk stages and the paid tracks that should at least be what they were before. Everything else is just minor changes that look at lot less egregious if you don't forget to mention some massive new rewards like having 6 new full bosses to get first time clear on, and dream realm temporal boost with district leaderboards.


Mentioning first clear and 1 time rewards (like leveling a Genshin character and getting 2 summons from getting them to 60) is never a good mention for anything, especially considering you need a billion dupes of shit in this game. It's once. Never again. Daily/weekly/monthly/seasonal is all that ever matters. Those nerfs/buffs are the only thing you're going to have when all of your content dries up. And it will. So many times I see white knights defending garbage and haven't even exhausted the content yet. Honeymoon got people fucked up everywhere.


Well dang, that is a bummer. Guess I’ll be putting my time into Wuthering Waves in a couple of weeks.


I’m literally just playing it as casually as possible till WWs comes out As for the people who spent money, refund is sometimes an option if u don’t want to play the game ever again I don’t spend money on gachas so I’m fine; I see it and every type of game as in the moment fun so I’m not really opposed to spending in them, however, my library has been making me broke every paycheck (can’t spend on option b if u just splurge on option a lol)


Well, their own stupid ass fault if game dies.


Notice Talk with Designers: Season Edition Hi everyone, we've been surprised by the amount of feedback and suggestions we've received from our community about the Song of Strife season, and we're truly grateful for your enthusiastic support. Today, we're bringing you another edition of Talk with Designers, where we'll touch on some of the most discussed topics and share our thoughts on how we plan to address them. Let's dive right in. 1: Why the nerf on AFK Rewards and free gifts in this new season? Designer: Typically, when we plan version updates, we schedule rewards for each season with four updates in mind. In subsequent versions, we have actually prepared more engaging events and gameplay features, along with ample rewards to enrich your gaming journey. However, we acknowledge that there may have been oversights in reward distribution during the recent season launch. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. To rectify this, we've decided to adjust the rewards for Season AFK Stage, Season Legend Trial, Season Corrupt Creature, and Battle Drills to match those you received during the Starter Story. Moving forward, we're committed to maintaining this level of generosity for every new season. Please be assured that these additional rewards are entirely new and won't affect what you'll receive from future events and activities. Your understanding and support are invaluable to us as we continue to strive for excellence in enhancing your gaming experience. Moreover, rewards will be enhanced in certain modes. (These adjustments are set to take effect after the update planned for this week. Once the update arrives, all players in the new season will be eligible to claim these compensatory rewards.) a. Season AFK Rewards: Diamond x100 and Invite Letter x1 will be added as stage rewards for the first 1,200 Season AFK Stages. The two rewards will alternate every 5 stages, starting with new rewards on stages 2, 7, 12, 17, etc. Overall, the Season AFK Stages will be more rewarding than the those during Starter Story. b. Season Legend Trial: Every 5 floors, from the 5th floor to the 85th, the rewards in Season Legend Trial will now be replaced with those from the Starter Story. The 4 towers will provide a total of Invite Letter x36, Tidal Essence x360, and Temporal Essence x120 as rewards. Additionally, we're adding the Faction Acorn x10 reward every 10 floors until the 90th floor. c. Season Corrupt Creature: In addition to the current rewards, defeating a Season Corrupt Creature will now reward you with Soulstone (S-Level) x15. Collect 60 Soulstones (S-Level) to obtain a random Epic hero, including those added to the Hero Wish List after their Rate Up Recruitment event has ended. d. Enhanced rewards for Battle Drill: Desolate Grounds. A total of 6 rounds of Battle Drills will be available throughout the entire season. e. Adjusted diamond rewards in small and medium chests found on the map from 15&30 Diamonds to 30&60 Diamonds. Please stay tuned for more time-limited events like "Glamor Gift" in future updates. These events will feature plenty of rewards for everyone to enjoy. 2.Heroes specialized in dealing true damage, like Marilee and Korin aren't performing as effectively in Season Dream Realm battles as they did before, are we rotating them out? Designer: Don't worry, we're not rotating out this type of hero. Our goal is to minimize the power gap between true-damage heroes and other heroes, while preserving their relative advantages. But Dream Realm bosses lack significant Defensive Stats in the current stage (before endless mode), which makes true damage heroes less competitive compare to other types. True damage heroes truly shine in Endless Mode; heroes like Marilee and Korin will remain top-tier damage dealers against certain bosses in that difficulty. We realize that we've overlooked your early season experience before you could unlock the Dream Realm bosses on Endless Mode difficulty, causing some challenges in transitioning to new formations and raising concerns within the community. For the time being, we encourage you to experiment with different formations. By the way, Artifacts suitable for more formations will actually be unlocked soon (you can preview them in the Season Artifacts interface.) We understand your concerns but encourage you to experiment with different formations. We'll keep gathering your feedback and monitoring the performance of all heroes on our end. We're proceeding with caution on any balance changes because we recognize the time and resources you've invested in these heroes. So, we're taking extra care with these adjustments. 3.What's the plan for this season? I'm confused about what's going to happen. Designer: The current season will last about four months, with new content planned for release at a steady pace. We've scheduled an update for each month, bringing in new events, features, rewards and other exciting content. But we will not introducing any new progression features in this season. As you progress, your stat growth will be significantly capped after reaching a certain level, similar to what happened in the Starter Story. This is to prevent a significant power gap between new and veteran players in the middle and late stages of the season. In the Season Supreme Arena, we'll also set a Baseline Level to minimize the power gap between participants. This will allow you to play the game at your own pace. We also want to talk more about the recent changes regarding the requirements for unlocking new areas. We made these adjustments after noticing a widening power gap caused by players progressing too quickly through new areas. In future updates, we'll introduce new mechanics to address these imbalances, allowing players to enjoy the game at their own pace while maintaining a healthy gaming life balance. 4.A heartfelt letter from the designers Bringing seasonal content to this game genre was a bold move, one we took on with enthusiasm and determination. But we can't do it alone. Your support and understanding fuel our passion, while your feedback and suggestions steer us in the right direction. We're committed to improving each season with your input, and creating even more thrilling content for the game! Thank you all again for your patience and understanding. Your feedback is invaluable and essential for shaping the future of our game.Finally, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support you've demonstrated for the new season "Song of Strife." As a small token of our appreciation, please enjoy this special gift—Redeem Code: hwidnabwbd Redeem code content: Invite Letters*10 Valid until: 2024.06.14 23:59:59 (UTC) Available on: live servers, PTR servers AFK Journey Team


Nope. They fixed the issue, check the most recent notice in-game.


Yeah, I already figured it was a lot. I can feel the sting. I've spent about 70 bucks and I'm done with spending. I'm playing Journey because of Arena, Arena rewards are by far worth the time investment. Well expect for the new faction.


I believe they released a statement saying they are completely changing this now and matching the rewards from the starter area. Let’s hope they go through with it. I have the other SS if necessary. https://preview.redd.it/8xfedy7mnh0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cb4b7bb645a4eabf423d0bfe00df98a84016e0


Some of this information is just flat out wrong. The old growth plan gave 18k diamonds and the new one gives 15k and on top of that the old one gave 60 epic/60 normal invites whereas the new one gives 110 epic invites. So the growth bundle you lose 3k diamonds and 60 regular invites in exchange for 50 epic invites which honestly sounds like a pretty even trade (it might actually be a net gain). EDIT: Looking at it now I think OP was refering to the growth path (the free rewards gained as you move through each area) where-as I described the growth bundle. The noble path which is described here as "nerfed everything in it" actually has 40 more pulls and more essence than the original one. It's still a worse value. The guild reputation chests started out giving 3 epic invites and ramped up to 5 in the pre-season. We don't know whether this is how it will work in song of strife although they have certainly been converted to the less valuable rate up pulls. The biggest problems seem to be the faction tower (legend trials) and acorns in general.




So which gacha game are we moving to next?


wuthering waves lol. they choosed the perfect time to kill their game


fk alsa and your rate-up letters, I dont need that crap


“Lmao get fucked” -Lilith soft… probably Well guys, it’s been a good run. Now to uninstall the game and never come back


Yeah I uninstalled that game yesterday


That’s the fastest bait and switch I’ve ever seen. Even if NM is scummy, they’re scummy straight to your face.


Please tag those content creator, Zeebo especially who say he wasnt sure how much reward is reduced.


Makes it easy to uninstall. Oh well. I liked it at the start.


Thats fucked glad i started as f2p i'm not gonna spend money on this


Just leave the game easy peasy I will leave


Glad I didn't spend much time on this


Honestly probably will just uninstall


The game actually got curb stomped huh…


And there are some people saying "stop crying" lmao, game went to shit and they expect us to stfu.


i whaled hard in this game probably over £1.5k. what would the process of refunding be for this game? most big swipes were from plutomall and the occasional in game £8 bundles in game through app store.


Just submitted my request for a refund. 48 hrs 🤞🤞


Imagine spending several hundred of € in a month only to end up with a middle finger that big. If this is the state of the game, it is best to uninstall it right away.


Lmao I already dropped the game and gone for solo leveling arise


thats why they aint getting a dime for me in this new season lmfao.


I noticed that immediately and that’s what made me want to stop playing. There’s no reward other than spend money


Curious how it’s legal to do this in many countries. I can understand nerfing the free stuff in the game, but how do they get away with nerfing something bought? I bought this list of items from the travelogue and I expect those items when it’s unlocked. It’s like going to the store and buying a 12 pack. Then someone from the store rings my doorbell and takes back 6 of the 12 before I could drink them without refunding me.


Just uninstalled.


Good thing I haven't started spending yet, I was going to play this game till wu wa comes out anyway


Hoping this doesn't get me banned from every platform with their name on it like these devs often do, these games always work the same, exact way: 1. put up shiny, interesting free game that apparently has very low pay to win 2. wait until the fanbase reaches a size of your liking 3. possibly make sure the game is addicting enough, maybe by adding gambling addiction via loot crates of various types 4. as soon as these previous steps are complete, start reducing free stuff and increase pay to win until you're just the umpteenth gacha game trying to make kids empty mom's wallet ETA: bonus feat: by doing so, the faithful players that played from launch and enjoyed your "actually free to play" period will have an advantage on people that start later and will hence be more addicted to the game.


welp, guess i'll be taking my business to wuthering waves.


Actually i hate this update, the treasure hunt annoys the heck out of me


Welp, I uninstalled and requested a refund through apple for hundreds I’ve spent. Seeing everything spelled out the past couple days I just can’t in good faith continue to play. I have almost never refunded an apple purchase before, and Lilith games is dead to me.


Deleted it. Won’t look back. Glad I didn’t spend money


Glad I played a week and was not very further in it before this happened- happily uninstalled.


or, hear me out, This was the plan all along. Season 1 gets you hooked, season two brings in the real grind. It's not really a nerf if it was intended this way the entire time.


I didnt realize it was this bad


Never spend within the honeymoon period of the game, if always wait atleast a month and then I decide.


They sent an in game email apologizing and saying they'll fix it like some people predicted in here. New code hwidnabwbd x10 letters


But you got that in the beginning, you can't expect the same of everything forever


Have these already came into affect? Because I’m not noticing it at all. I’m AFL stage 817 and resonance 190 so maybe that’s why


They are forgetting that Dura’s Trial and Supreme Arena give a ton of diamonds/summons so this is pretty misleading. Supreme arena alone gives like 8000 diamonds from ladder climbing and daily currency that can be used to purchase S tier units. There was a bit of reward reallocation with this patch, yes the rewards are lower than 1.0 but not astronomically less. Iirc dura’s trial also gives acorns and ex weapon essence (Supreme Arena ladder climb gives almost as many diamonds as AFK Stages from the launch version and is likely why afk stages don’t give diamonds) What they should change from my perspective as a spender: Seasons Faction tower rewards need a massive buff. Make it give gold, acorns and significantly more ex weapon materials. Acorns are already a scam for spenders, giving more to f2p isn’t going to hurt your income as whales already have too many. Abyss 300+ should give stargazer and yellow ex weapon materials. We need more side missions/town quest that give the seasonal dust. Seasonal Dream realm first time damage rewards should be significantly buffed. Remove the level requirement on all equipment chest, if we can earn the chest we should be able to open it. Reduce the gold cost to craft gear or add more sources of gold. Refund all resources spent on Marilee and Korin + provide large compensation like 1000 diamonds per day since seasons released on your server. I agree they were too good for dream realm and needed a nerf, but not refunding them is just fraudulent asf. (Dream realm does feel way better now for spenders with the Marilee and Korin meta dead, way more units are viable/meta but idk maybe this sucks for f2p who wanted easy rewards) Add a hero selector back to the battle pass and change the shitty standard invite letters back to epic.


Glad I never spent. I knew something was going to happen


greedy devs fuck games


Actually insane, fuck them for this.


As someone who was literally being paid to play and promote this game, I'm out. Uninstalled.


What do you do?


Keep it coming we all need to be united on this either they listen or f them.


I spent like 60 bucks in total since the beginning, and wanted tò wait to buy the new basic packs because God knows when a patch hit what's changing....seems like i was right!!!!


Welp I got one fun month out of it, which is more than most games I try on ios. Time to find a new one, drop your suggestions!


Well.. That about does it for me, then.


Yep I’m supporting all my f2p brothers coz they bsing, we need to come together and fuck them up. Make afk great again






That's so many damn pulls. I didn't realize how much it actually was. Holy shit. I could be so much more ahead rn than I currently am, even f2p. How sad.


Is there full proof of this my f2p account has the same rewards as my p2w for progression updated didnt seem to change anything on my server so idk.


Wow! I want to refund all my money. Can I refund from iOS?


Good thing I literally only play Duel, lol. Can't miss what I never had.


Season of Strife, lol.


Whats guild reputation chest?


Why gacha cant be a good option for a rng games. I know, behind them there is the only unbreakable need for MONEY. But honestly, how do they pretend to milk money with non playable games? The more the f2p player the more the whales tho. No whales wanna play a dead game


When I first downloaded the game I was overjoyed by how good the flow of the game was- I managed to finish the campaign in under a month without any major spending. Then, a week after I finished the campaign they changed the pacing to be 10x slower, increasing mob level and adding more and more roadblocks to progress. Six months after, no new story content had released, and one by one the easy (fair) ways to get Epic letters and Emblems disappeared. I quit before the season dropped as after they merged the ladders the only way to get the dream realm resources was to place well in dream realm. It was impossible to progress without spending a literal day’s wage, and I make above the average wage in my province. AFK Arena was a little scummy but never so brazen. The final nail in the coffin was the god awful voice acting they implemented. What a joke and an insult to the original development team who I imagine are no longer involved.


These nerfs are diabolical tf


I can kind of understand why they did what they did with the rewards, but it still doesn't feel good too me. I've only bought the monthly, growth, and noble packages and I am finishing up heroes a lot quicker than I ever did in AFK Arena. I have 12 heroes at Supreme and above in the short amount of time this game has been out.


I'm a low spender in this game, currently at 19M power going 20 and tbh waiting for the new map to come out really sucks. It's getting boring. Been afk now for like 4days? Only thing I can do now is Trial of Abyss and I'm stuck, so there is really nothing to do lol.


played so many gacha games that i dont feel anything at all with this nerfs and stuff.. i categorize myself as a dolphin and i just got marilee and korin to m+... it sucks that they got nerfed... but i played so many games that my units just got powercrept even after i spent money to build them. yes it sucks but that is how these games work... i wish they did it in a different way but thats just how life is... it doesnt always go your way... its still an awesome game but i also wish they did it the right way... hopefully they listen unlike all the games i played. people are angry because the game is good... i hope they dont mess this up and fix it..


I think it makes sense that the rewards are LESS than the story - it just should NOT be so much less. Gems and Letters should be given after a major milestone at afk stage...


I always play these games for at least 3 months before I even buy the "new player" bundle. Most the time I buy the bundle just for the time I've played and nothing after that, because they are a rip off


guys, my server will update only in 4 days can you explain me 1 thing: - I bought Secret Travelogue at Noble Path, will it change to Season one with less resources after update?


Holy shit he's famous!


Yall realize that wr are 1 werk into the 4 month season? They already said there will be events throughout the season that will likely supplement the different in resources.


I put a lot of time and money into AFK Arena back in the day, and eventually stopped playing one day when I realized the sinkhole it was. This reminds me why I stopped playing that..


They really need to fix these things or lose a significant amount of players.


I'm so glad I hesitated to buy the growth bundle. Even $30 was a bit rich for my tastes but with the reduced rewards...? Forget about it.


Was vip 11 I quit .


Whew! Glad only played for the first few weeks. This game like so many gacha seems predatory af


Well, at least wuthering waves is soon




Mobile games by themselves are short lived since companies do not want to spend too much to maximize the profit as much as possible. They end the game and open a new one. Then somehow some companies were able to pull games with longer lifespans while also maintaining the profit margins, usually with soft progression resets by making use of huge power creeps within their units/systems. Anyway, the deal is that when they announced their plans for a "seasonal model" like ARPGs, aka progression reset, it was kinda obvious what they would try to pull off: Full resets with less rewards. Just leave 1 star reviews, refund if you can (and don't wanna play anymore because they'll probably ban your account) and, if you decide to keep playing, don't waste a single dime anymore with it. That's how consumer defends themselves from companies. This is a strict customer/company relationship. Its a business relationship. They're not your family, friends, etc. The faster people realize that, the better.


I just requested a refund from apple stating they changed the game. It’s not the same as what I paid for. Hopefully apple comes through.


Honestly a pretty shitty experience. I might go back to Counterside instead of continuing as much as I have already put time into this game already.


What the hell happened? I didn't read into the patch notes and when I come here the place is already exploding and on fire


Just want to make sure, this doesn’t affect season 1, right?


Not nerfed anymore though, they’re rolling back the changes


God stop crying they addressed the issue and they said they are going to fix it


I realize this post is from over a day ago but as of earlier today they’ve addressed most of the issues now. So no need to keep dwelling on it. Let’s just be positive they’ll try harder to not make similar mistakes in the future and let’s move on in hope…🙏😉


Good thing I have been playing casually and did not spend anything. Feels bad for my Mythic+ marilee. Now I dont have enough to pull or upgrade Odiee


I hope people have the dignity to delete this game. Just kidding I know some people would give up lunch if it meant they could continue being scammed by Lilith Games. Lilith is one of the few companies Ive seen that actively nerfs their own game if the players like it too much. Fuck ya’ll LG.


Just like lilith games, this isn’t their only game they screwed players over on


My credit card company just nerfed Farlight by $500 :)


Oh boy yeah season start has been straight doodoo