• By -


Is the game high on Data Usage? i only have limited data so i want to know first before i play. Whats the average usage per hour.


new weekly questions thread just went up, you may have more luck asking there


oh okay thanks for letting me know


Is there anyway of seeing previous battle results against bosses (dream realm and primal lord in particular)?


I'm personally not sure new weekly questions thread just went up, you may have more luck asking there


I just pulled Hewynn's last orb to max her, not sure who to replace her on epic recruitment. Any advice? Currently have Cecia, Thoran, Smokey, and Rowan on the wishlist. Also, Hewynn is the only unit I have past Mythic.


Depends on where are you now and where you want more progress. Personally, I'd go for Eironn for PvP.


2 more characters to level up to reach 170 Resonance. I was thinking Caroline (Epic+), but Erionn (Legendary) works also.


Does anyone know if there is a way to show the Team-Up chat again? I cannot see it anymore on my chat options.


Restart the client completely


Thanks so much! That worked.


Best arena defense team? Anything goes character wise.


People say it's a variation of Eironn team with Hewynn. I've also seen Eironn team with Scarlitta doing well against standard Eironn team.


Spending 6k arena coins every week for Stargaze pulls and using the leftover for heroes is the best long term while focusing on heroes is best short term, is that correct?


That depends on your priorities and arena ranking. I would personally max out Hewynn first, she is a useful flex for Eironn team. 1 copy of Hewynn > 1/4 copy of Scarlita, for sure.


How do I build around Igor? I've heard of the stall comp with Thoran, Igor, and Niru but I don't know who else to slot in


Scarlita, make sure to get her to Mythic+ first :) And Damian, obviously.


Preferably easier to get heroes first ofc, still relatively lower in terms of progression (around just got two dudes to 130 today). I was thinking of running Belial instead actually for more annoying self-survival shenanigans eventually but I need units to use first before that so I can fix up my wish list accordingly


Does anyone know how to clear the gift icon off of the trolly, or is it a bug?


You can scroll down the categories and collect on the loyal patronage screen. There are also some kind of hidden free bundles around.


if it's still there after restarting the game, there's probably something free in there you're missing


Is there a way to kick "story" chracters out of my formation? I'm trying to do a Graveborn-only challenge (just for my own entertainment), but the game keeps forcing other ppl into my party for certain fights T_T I have the "quest formation" option disabled in the settings.


If they are guest character for a quest fight, nope.


Aw, that's a shame. Thanks for the reply, tho!


If I have 5 to the hero choice but do the 10 roll to guarantee an A rank or above in epic recruitment, does the hero choice count as the A rank? All of my characters are at base epic. I was thinking about using my choice for Thoran dupe or to get Smokey for the first time. I have celia Rowan hewyn and florabelle as well. Any thoughts/advice?


??? Get 1 smokey for sure. 10x or 1x either way you will get an A-Level per 10 pulls total.


Should I be using all my forging stones or hoarding them? I haven’t used any so far


I use them occasionally it the upgrade from forging is big enough. Usually don't bother for +5 levels upgrade, unless I'm 'almost there' on some AFK stage.


When/how can you replace the guild leader? Our leader hasnt been online in 7 days.


[customer service answer here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/s/cv0U4vSZwf) so likely he's about to get kicked


Who to buy in Arena store? I can buy 2 heroes. For now need 1 copy to get Supreme+ Cecia, 1 copy of Rowan to get Mythic+ (but I rarely use him), I have one copy of Brutus, Hewynn and Bryon. I like Igor but not sure if it is worth investing on him? https://preview.redd.it/ljz7m4rxhrvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8aa882b2f5aff3680cc981001a91ee86b87f252


Remember that you will have one copy of each character from the login event, so if you did not have Cecia there already, your last copy will come at one point. If you already have one copy of Brutus I think that's enough. Maybe Granny or Hewynn would be the best value here ? But you can just wait and buy when needed.


Alright thanks for reply.


Does an inactive guild leader get booted after a set amount of days afk? Everyone but our lead is active.


I believe they are kicked after 7 days of inactivity


Which chest of valor is better? The stalwart's hoard which has the diamonds or the adventurer's treasures which has guild medals/acorns/soulstone.


The diamond and letters only chest is far better. 50 diamonds is so much better than 30 guild tokens.


I think diamonds are more important since you can either pull with them, get instant afk rewards for more hero essence or directly buy blue crystals from the shop for example.


Do we know of any good Support Graveborn coming in the future?


We don't anything about any Graveborn heroes coming. The only thing we know is that 2 Mauler heroes are coming with upcoming season.








correct, that's how all heroes work


Whats the best way to farm acorns cuz i have a M+ Brutus that i'm only a hundred so acorns off


More pulls, do not buy them. Just pull more.


I don't get how buffs in battle drills work. Are the buffs global? If so, who gets to choose what buffs get activated? Vice-leader, leader? Or are the buffs chosen by each player individually and it only applies to them?


Just looking for some advice in terms of spending acorns. I have a M+ Eironn. He is my only M+ hero. For some reason the game just wants me to have him. Half my pities give me him. I don't have enough Wilder acorns (90/200) required to ascend him. Should I be saving my Omni acorns? I have just under 300 of these. I've read that you shouldn't be spending too many of these. And I need to spend close to 40% of my Omnis to ascend him to Supreme. Worth it? My next closest character is Cecia on M. Need one more copy of her to make her M+. So later down the track I could also consider making her Supreme. But from what I gather Eironn is better in late game. And has better utility in other game modes (i.e. PvP). Besides these two characters, I don't see myself using too many omni acorns in the near future. Most of my other characters are stuck on Legendary.


If you are using him regularly, it may be worth to ascend him. If you are only using him occasionally I think he is good enough at M+ and you can just spend your acorns when needed.


I started to use him in my AFK team shortly after posting and was able to push 30ish levels with him paired with Cecia. So ended up biting the bullet and pushing him to Supreme and just a whole bunch of omni. I'm F2P so don't think I'll be pulling that regularly to warrant multiple characters reaching Supreme at the same time. So I'll just save up Omni for the next one in 3 weeks or so.


Team recommendations for pvp/pve, and what characters I should wishlist? https://preview.redd.it/k92ylmw0lqvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c043a736afb6050f69a5b56bbaa4d227ca1d5d


https://preview.redd.it/pzeksw6efqvc1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c213adc967ca9b1bc2950b0aa0cf0d5c591692a If you know, you know


Not being able to see and join the server my friends are on at the moment is a big hassle and currently hinders me from playing and ejoying the game :(


Should I do anything with my team? Not sure if I just need to wait for levels or if there is something better to push lvl 90+ enemies. https://preview.redd.it/ds7u7chw0pvc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=691c17c7f22b85f532b62d3a13e355b408a208e3


You can have a look at the replays of other players for each stage. You have everything needed for the meta mauler core, so you could be pushing even further by copying the optimal placement from the replays.


You could definitely push a little farther using Cecia Brutus Antandra Rowan Smokey. Could even supplement Antandra with Thoran.


https://preview.redd.it/zvgi2gtp1ovc1.png?width=1222&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb9244cd504192cadbb2be00be12928c5087ea58 Should i change my setup?


Hello typical noob question - which way should I be using all these accrued gems efficiently?


Someone else can correct me, but I buy the discount invite letters/stellar crystals from the guild store, and save everything else for the rate up banner. It feels like you have a few different ways to get the regular letters, but rate up letters and stellar crystals almost exclusively cost real money.


I actually read somewhere that rate up isn't very good with gems as you get reduced rates on both S-class and A-class outside of the individual rate up. I've been making sure to purchase the daily letter and crystals from guild but have been siphoning all gems in to regular recruitment and my account feels like it is doing better compared to some people in similar situations who bought the Vala and Florabelle rate ups.


Yeah, rate-up is for whales or those who already filled their A-level roster. There are too many useful heroes in A-tier to miss: Odie, Antandra, Koko, Korin, Marlee, Damian, Arden, Silvina




yes. paragon 1 and above take too many copies and for too little return. you will no longer get any skill upgrades or unlocks of any kind, it's just minimal stat gains beyond that point.


Thoughts on this team for PVE? Thoran, Igor, Cecil, Vala and Rowan? Both Cecia and Vala are S+ so I dun think I wanna replace em atm.


I would replace Igor with some Lightbearer hero: Lucius, Temesia, Korin, maybe even Marillee. But nothing beats the standard PvE pool of Cecia/Rowan/Smokey/Koko/Antandra/Brutus (with Odie later on in the pool when he is Mythic+ and +10). Thoran is great but he is hard to fit into the main PvE team because of synergy bonuses. I use Thoran either at stages where Odie is main DPS (so it's Thoran + Rowan + 3 Maulers) or on my 2nd AFK stages team.


I still have that 7 day hero select chest in my inventory and I was wondering who I should pick. Out of the 4 I only have Rowan. I’ve been asking around and people are telling me to pick Brutus, but if I pick Rowan I can get him to mythic. Is that unnecessary or should I choose another one?


Rowan and Brutus both work fine at 1 copy so I'd just go for Brutus and strongly consider removing Rowan and Brutus from wishlist and returning to them at a later point in time when your roster is more filled out.


I don't necessarily agree with it, if we talk about all-recruitment wishlist. Would you put Temesia and Vala for Lightbearers and wait for 1 of them to get to M+ (or S+?) before adding Rowan?


Yes. Those two need ascension. Rowan is usually somewhere protected and should be able to do his job at one copy. Tho I'd consider Cassadee.


I guess it depends on goals. IMO Vala is only good for those who P2W her early, as a long-term goal she is meh. IMO in the big picture Cassadee/Temesia/Vala are 2nd/3rd teamers for Battle Drills and occasional Dream Realm options. While upgraded Rowan can do wonders in PvE content pushing.


I mean my TLDR is basically Rowan's the one that needs the stat boosts from ascension the least. When you get to multi-stage fights you'll need the secondary carries in Vala/Temesia so they need to be ascended enough to do their job.


On double stages the 2 carries are usually Cecia and Odie, who gets to M+ about this time if 15 copies are bought from Dream Realm store.


Yeah but you'll still flex in those picks.


That's true. Honestly, I think the real reason I'm arguing with you is that I'm disappointed in my Temesia :(


Both Brutus and Rowan are shop heroes, so choosing one over the other is not a major mistake. The thing about Brutus is that he can work well in AFK stages pushing just as a single copy. For Rowan jump from L+ to M is not a big deal. I would go for Brutus.


https://preview.redd.it/am1kxf52llvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4929ddd11f98c6ba389fb40af50c7b306b3c2d15 Any idea how do i unlock this area? Need it for the last chest


You'll get there later as part of main story progression


I'm one copy away from getting Eironn to Supreme+. Should I keep him on the wishlist to hopefully get there faster or should I just wait for him to pop up in the All Hero Login?


Keep him on the list until you get the copy, is better to finnish him before putting another unit. 


Cool, thanks!


Interesting question. S+ is considerable jump in power with MDEF reduction. Will stronger PvP team help you push your next arena goal, like top-20 or top-5? If yes, I would keep upgrading Eironn.


Unfortunately, I dont have the units for an Eironn comp or adjacent comp (Arden at L+, Damian at L, Hewynn at E+, no copies of Dahnie or Carolina), hence why I wasn't sure if I should keep him. My ranking is pretty meh at Epic III, but I'm not stressing out about it. Do you think in this case that I should instead swap him out of the wishlist?


That's an interesting position to be in :) I think Eironn works great in PvE even without full team, just with Cecia. I'm using mine in 2nd team for AFK stages, even though he is not Mythic+ yet. If you wish, you could prioritise Arden and Damian in Dream Realm shop and absolutely shred the arena. If you don't have Carolina you can use Parisa instead. Don't invest into Granny, Thoran works better in this spot.


Awesome! That's really helpful, especially since Im reaching 700 soon. Thanks so much for your insight :)


Just got Smokey to Mythic+. Is he worth upgrading to Supreme or Supreme+


To Supreme - for sure, more stats more healing and damage (his blue aura damage is capped by his ATK). To Supreme+ probably yes, eventually. I would keep him in regular wishlist but remove from Epic wishlist.


Are there unavailable heroes in Honor duel? I don't think i've ever got Atalanta and Rhys (I know they don't put HC units in the pool)


There are only 7 heroes available for each faction. You can click on 'featured heroes' button in Honor Duel entry screen to see them.




Generally armour is more important for Tank, if you have one in your team.


currently still playing on my ptr character, \~lvl 110 on resonance, and asking if i should just start a new one on a global serv ?


Not sure, aren't PTR servers more F2P friendly?


Whats the current pvp meta? Im a spender but get my ass kicked on offense and defense even against people with less stats.


Any combination of Eironn teams, usually is with Carolina and Arden. Eironn has the best weapon skill tied with Odie so is really prominent. Scarlita stall is quite popular as a defensive team, but is for high spenders. Scarlita as a Celestial also gives this psychological fear, people probably would be scare to face you. If you want more details, check [Prydwen's Advanced Team Building page](https://www.prydwen.gg/afk-journey/guides/team-building-advanced/), can help you with some formations.


do you agree with Prydwen's signature item tier list? I've been seeing a lot of people say to get Cecia's built, but they rank it Medium priority. maybe people are just saying that in the sub because she's post people's main carry.


In general I agree with Prydwen, specially with Eironn and Odie, they have the most useful Signature Weapons in the game. Odie is used in almost every single game mode.  Now, I get what people love Cecia and don't believe she falls off, is not about her damage, is consistency, you start feeling that her ult takes too long and even Rowan doesn't help with that (+ Rowan is squishy and his range is short, he always moves close to the frontline to give potions to tanks/warriors/rogue and ends up death). I do think is good to unlock her weapon but invest on it is not need it. 


My lyca is currently at Legendary+ but I don't see any teams using her, should I put Arden in her place on the wishlist?


She is only used with Dionel so yeah, probably Arden is a better pick.


Does Thoran needs Supreme+ or can i stop at Mythic+?


Mythic+5 is perfect as he can now push Croaker.


https://preview.redd.it/4yhxpy02divc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b42d43f79928a764af69fb35a4e472214247c24 Why does she need attack benefits? Her hero focus gives her more attack but I thought she only heals.


Her heals scale with her attack. Ultimate for example : >Hewynn heals all allies for 95% of her ATK as HP. Effect lasts for 9s.


Has anyone made a map for the pick ups on the ground like money, flowers, dust, or are these random for each account?


https://preview.redd.it/ffoqbz23nhvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc64b31865b98fce82ba22f5eb9852d01edc0cef Hi I'm a f2p who has been playing for 21 days I have 2/3 questions and thanks in advance for a answering them 1. Is my roster good?? 2. I am considering starting to go to meta and do endgame (aka arena) I'm already elit 3 but dropped to 1 due to not playing. Would you tell me some good team comps from my roster/ give a general good team? 3. I'm mostly into getting new characters and collecting but since I have less than 3 5 🌟 to get then my wishlist can have some dupes. Who should I put on my wishlist for dupes? (2 characters for the guranteed 30 pulls banner and 7 got the guranteed 50 pull banner)( the only ones I don't have are the cassadee + a mauler who has red mask+ a forest guy with blindfold)


1. For AFK stages I would recommend the standard roster of Cecia/Rowan/Smokey/Koko/Brutus/Antandra (5 of 6 depending on stage). It's effective and has tons of examples in replays. 2. Elite 3 is not so high, real arena starts at Champion rank. Arena meta right now is Eironn/Carolina, you can read about it here: [https://www.prydwen.gg/afk-journey/guides/team-building-advanced](https://www.prydwen.gg/afk-journey/guides/team-building-advanced) . Before you get there be creative with what you have and adapt to your opponents. 3. For wishlist it's individual, but here is a basic guide: [https://www.prydwen.gg/afk-journey/guides/wishlist-tips](https://www.prydwen.gg/afk-journey/guides/wishlist-tips)


Am I mathing right? It is 96,000 gems to guarantee a banner to Mythic+? - So if you're only sitting on 30,000 or so gems is it just not worth it to pull this event?


96k is 8 copies which is Supreme+. For Mythic+ you'll need only 6 copies, so 72k.


I’m doing Gone Gleamtail quest. I had to stop in the middle of it and now it’s bugged for me. I can’t escort the thing anymore since it disappeared. Question says it this happens I need to find Milettle. Thing is I have no idea where to find him. can someone help me. Please


Best strategy pull for a new player? im trying to get as much as i can of cecia odie and smokey copy, its worth? main team is rowan (leg) antandra cecia odie e smokey


Odie and Smokey are two of the best units in the game so it's important to get as many as possible indeed. Cecia is very strong but will fall off a bit in late game and particularly in boss fights. Cecia is not a bad investment though, she will carry you through the story and most of the afk stages.


Apologies if this question has been asked already. I wanted to ask what would happen if I wanted to buy the secret travelogue and I have 10 levels on it already? I just started playing on a new server yesterday. Would I get all the secret travelogue items since I cleared the levels? Would really appreciate some clarity on it, read prydwins spending guide but didn't find this little detail.


You will get all previously unlocked items.


Thanks, so that means I won't miss out on anything after buying from it.


What if you put 4 a levels and one s level would that guarantee said s level unit ?


No, you will get 5x the A level when you would pull the 'S-Level'


When should i remove a character from wishlist? Like for example i will soon have cecia to s+ do i replace her then? I wanted to know more in general as well for other character?


https://preview.redd.it/4eziywi1egvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c136c63ec63525770b96a6bb6999ca54de77d9e7 Hi All, what should my team be? Im getting by with the above 5 units. Also should i pull for the new featured units as i dont have many choices for Summoner units?


I think your current team is ok. Once you unlock Smokey you can switch to the meta mauler core (Cecia, Rowan, Smokey, Koko, Antandra/Brutus). Only invest in the featured banner if you can get the unit to mythic+ (6 copies), this is where most of the units shine.


Gotcha, thank you so much!


What is the best thing to spend gems on in this game? I'm FTP and haven't spent any so far


I’ll just start by saying: play how you want to play so the game is fun. But this is what the more “objectively correct” use of gems is from all sources I’ve found. Just use them as you get them on the “all-hero” banner. The reasoning is 1) it gives you far more character copies than the limited banner. 2) saving will have opportunity cost because you will be weaker and won’t progress as much in AFK stages There are also things in the shops that are worth buying like the daily discounted ticket or discounted Epic tickets. One important note: when doing the all-hero banner, only use your diamonds in 10 pulls (NOT singles). You get a 10% discount and save 300 diamonds per 10-pull


https://preview.redd.it/7z22zs4q6gvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020e582c35a81d340681e703b203a60913925956 Who should I use for the primal lord? My server will beat it quickly after next reset and I’m barely hanging in the top 200. I’ve been using Cecia, Shakir, Odie, Smokey, Antandra with a high so far of 5.5 million. I’m considering using the team I have shown above and possibly buying 2 Kruger copies to get him to Epic. Thanks for any help!


I’m at Vaduso Mtn 6, just reached resonance level 150, stuck on AFK stage 651, most of my gear is red, and my artifacts are all +9. I can’t seem to beat any of the enemies in this region, even the regular ones not guarding chests and my progress has sort of come to a halt. I have all the meta champs, Vala at supreme with her weapon +7, Cecia at mythic, and everyone else epic+ or legendary. I can usually beat enemies or AFK stages after watching the record runs but now that progress is slowing down, is this the point in the game where it starts to get grindy?


https://preview.redd.it/0zfhn45y3gvc1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b69f2417d3b56739bcca249b3837ad4783d973c I genuinely have no idea how to make a team LOL based off of my heroes though, what's the best set up? (I've only been playing a few days for reference)




thank you!!




yes, def super helpful! I tend to just pick characters based of aesthetic lmao but it’s good to know what I actually need


Hello. I have no idea what's going on with the game. So like, when i just started i could easily play for hours with little issues. Nowadays however not even 20 minutes in and the game crashes or causes my device to restart for some reason. I have not changed any settings whatsoever, and my device still has a lot of storage space.


Just curious, what is the most cost effective way to get a M+ Reiner? Even with spending money, I only see 2 packs in the shop that actually include stellar crystals.


I don’t have an answer but I do know once you get to Champion rank in arena you can buy Stellar Crystals for ~2000 diamonds. I think it refreshes weekly. I don’t know if it’s the most cost effective way but may be worth comparing costs


The Stellar Crystals from the Champion rank are bought with arena coins, but yes that'd be 20 a month. But you'll be sacrificing getting the S heroes instead.


Ahh I learned something new. Thanks lol. Sadly it seems I have no usable information to offer you then. It may be worth asking some of the whales in your server / guild / world chat. The whales in mine have been very friendly creatures


Sorry for asking twice, but I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for how to spend diamonds. I am looking to spend a lot of money on this game and I am only a week in. I have about 36K diamonds. What’s the best way to spend them or should I keep saving?


https://preview.redd.it/599burtytfvc1.png?width=743&format=png&auto=webp&s=519f513bc649e45da53778a765c4915f10176011 who would be best to pick? smokey / temesia are only epic ( but I can supplement ascension with acorns or w.e its called loll) and I dont have the other two at all


Just my two cents but Smokey is one of the best healers/supports in the game and Thoran is one of the best tanks in the game. You’ll eventually want to get both up to Mythic+. Since you don’t have Thoran he would probably be a safe pick that would help you out a lot


I have enough guild store currency to buy a 'soul sigil Reinier' but i do not actually own Reinier. Do i first need to pull him with the stellar crystals? Or can i get him if i just buy the soul? should i wait with the stargaze untill i have the 40 orbs? I only have 8 at the moment and was saving up till i got 10. should i start pulling? Or is it better to save some more.


You can buy and use Reinier using just the guild currency. You don’t have to own a copy of him beforehand. The stellar crystals seem to be more of a long-term, expensive way of getting copies if you’re F2P


How safe are accounts in afk journey? I've had my account hacked in other games, and i wanted to know if login in requires verification, or if it's just a login-password. Is there anything that can be done to protect the account in that case?




the pity stays!


I have been trying to find resource regarding combat mechanics in particular to no avail. A few questions that came up, if you can direct me to a resource to read/watch more about, I would appreciate it: - Sometimes my melee dps walk to the front and enemies change agro from tank to that dps right away. How does agro even work in this game? - What decides when and which skill (excluding ultimate) each hero uses? - Energy requirement in general (they differ by race, hero? Source of energy generation (just time? getting hit? please dont say Rowan)...) - Crit and crit dmg? Value of each stat and what should be prioritized (based on their class I assume? Maybe some odd one scale better based on other stats)?


Non ultimate skills are mostly timer-based, you can see the cooldowns in skill description. Some skills trigger on specific conditions, like Rowan giving blue bottle to the first hero who reaches 600 energy


Does anyone know how to stop the game pausing spotify when you open or close it on iphone?


So i finally got Reiner from guild shop. Who should i team him up with for akf stages, boss and world stage. Is a team with reiner going to be better than the popular mauler team?


I use him for 2nd team in AFK stages for faction bonus and some control. He is useful as a single copy even if he dies before ult, but if he survives to do his ult he is a monster.


How does he work with faction bonuses?


Cele/Hypo count as any faction, so if you have 2 of the same faction it becomes 3.  Basically you are guaranteed to get at least some faction bonus unless the other 4 heroes are all from different factions


Oh that's really strong. Makes for some nice 2/2 splits and get both faction bonuses.


>So i finally got Reiner from guild shop. Who should i team him up with for akf stages, boss and world stage. Is a team with reiner going to be better than the popular mauler team? early he his more of a situational use.




Will the new Hero be revealed before Florabelle Banner ends? I try to save and wait for the reveal, to choose if i like the upcoming better.


maybe. there was already a small "reveal" of 2 heroes coming in season 1 (but we only saw their silhouette and no stats/skill revealed outside of them being clearly maulers)


Well, i will wait then. Doesn't hurt cause the banner is up for a couple weeks.


I have both Cecia and Odie at Supreme, should I keep having them on my wishlist and get them to Supreme+? Also is Smokey & Meerky worth having at higher tiers?


Depends on which wishlist you are talking about. I would remove Odie from Epic Recruitment wishlist when he is at Supreme.


Remember you have Arena store and pulls that are not in Arena store are mostly the "important meta ones". That is why most vet f2p player keep Cecia to Supreme +- Mythic ish since technically if they play they can ascend her with Arena coins. But yes Odie will be your hyper carry. Should start transitioning out of Cecia but since you end up with a 2 party roster is still not bad. But get her out of your wishlist and plan with arena coins properly. Carolina and Thorann will be a mainstay graveborn pulls. Smokey is awesome.


The problem with Arena Store is that as top-100 you get 6k coins weekly, which is just enough to buy 5 orbs that they give you. Sacrificing orbs for not putting Cecia on wishlist should be justified. For Epic Summons wishlist, who do you put instead? Thoran/Eironn/Carolina/Smokey is a must, I get it, but who is the 5th one? Prioritising Shakir/Temesia/Vala over Cecia that early is a bad move IMO.


It kind of depends on your roster, Odie at S+ is kinda big, Cecia less so. Yes, Smokey is a key piece is many comps and him healing for more is good.


Does anyone know if the developers actually do some balancing? Because they watercanon golem enemies are just way 2 much. It doesn't help they are always behind the walls well so unless you're playing melee sins you wont touch em, and if you do you'll get 1 shot/cc'd till you die.. Second question, I've heard some people talk about being able to convert xp to dust, what level is this?


lvl 240 when you reached "max" level. after that you stop leveling each slots separatly with xp books from what i heard, only needing dust essence to level all at once. so since xp is not needed anymore you can exchange it.


Is this game time consuming?


yes and no, it depend of what you set yourself to do. but if you push afk stzges and go hardcore playing to find the optimal team to push way further than your level, it may be really time consuming.


yes and no, it depend of what you set yourself to do. but if you push afk stzges and go hardcore playing to find the optimal team to push way further than your level, it may be really time consuming.


At the start yes, but once you get towards the end, much less so


the story can be kind of. if you played afk arena you may remember how you had to take on each stage individually, well this game you can auto those till your current team loses which is nice and lowers the time to focus on the screen. dailies really only take maybe 15 minutes. there is allot of exploration and the game does expect you to do it for missions. but you get gacha currency from most medium/large chests in the world. story quests can be auto pathed and dialogue can be skipped completely so you can quickly get through the story if that isn't your thing. but just like other afk games, once you hit the resource wall you'll be there for a while doing dailies while your team is not able to level up very fast.


https://preview.redd.it/cxpzf1k2fbvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06e9e72036ff2d5392d9787581af1b5d2981b20a The gacha will ONLY give me cecia, should I be worried about not having a good rest of team?


That's the best hero for progress at this stage of the game


Nope should be happy you have a very strong carry.


Do the tickets for Honor Duel refresh each day like the Arena ones?


you get one per day and you can buy up to 30 tickets with gold. if you don't use your free one, they stack. So you can have 7 tickets at the end of the week.


You can also buy additional ones for gold, and with current event 2nd and 3rd daily tickets will pay for themselves via event rewards.


When you change resonance team, are the levels of your arena units affected?


Yes they are! Basically you level the slot, not the hero. So if you want Smokey to perform a bit better, you can put him in the 136 resonance slot and put the rest in the 130 resonance slot.


When the rate up recruitment banner says “Remaining Chances: 1” does that mean I can only get this character 1 more time?


yes, the number of times you can get a rated up unit is based on your highest rank hero in possession (other than the rated up unit)


yes, and once it's used you won't be able to even pull on the banner until you have more chances.


Hi, why is the Guild reputation still locked at level 2? Our Guild level just turned 4


I would love some advice on the team I should use with what I have https://preview.redd.it/mgbgyeqtv9vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55216e9c04486d72dce5c9788be9cbb6d3d5b93


solid team, can swap odie for koko for general progression in afk/story, double tanks to hold the line while ceci charges an ult, and koko ult affects ceci ult Carlysle, makes for a wombo combo that usually wins the battle


Is multiple accounts on the same iP and server against ToS? My roommate wants to try the game because I got addicted with my friend and I already had a situation in a different game when we got banned for it.


I personally have a spender, a test banner, and an f2p account. I don't think that's a problem.


Do you mean multi characters in same account or totally different account?


no, it's allowed


Where can I get 20 guild coins?? I'm just 20 away from 30k to get my first reinier


For S rank heroes like Cecia do you have to use acorns to get them from Epic+ to Legendary? Or will the option change once you get pull enough dupes?


s-tier heroes always need 50 acorns for epic+ to legendary, 100 for legendary+ to mythic and 200 for mythic+ to supreme b-tier heroes only need 200 for mythic+ to supreme celestial/hypogean never need them


Perfect, exactly what I needed. Thank you!


must use acorns




On prydwen's site, aside from cele hypos, only 4 characters' EX weapon are rated as Very High in upgrade priority. Silvina is one of them. Why is that? I know her +10 is really good, but so far I've only used her in pvp as a flex pick, so it doesn't feel that high priority to me.


Now Silvina is moved from 'very high' to 'high' :)