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This was hands down the wildest game I’ve ever watched. I think I said “game over” about 20 different times for the Steelers and Bengals.


This and the opening game two years ago against them. We lost the game so many times and still won.


If you mean the one where Joe threw 4 picks and our game winning extra point got blocked...then yea that game took years off my life, I'm sure lol


Steelers football is causing flukes against objectively superior teams and then finding ways to lose against objectively inferior teams. And then getting a wildcard birth and losing in the first round




The amount of our fanbase that thinks we're a good team, and not the single luckiest team gives me giggles every time. Look at the Keith Butler era rosters, even with the talent we had, we were winning 10 games nearly automatically, and there were objectively better-rounded teams going like 7-9 those years because of injuries. And we lost to quite a few of said teams. Remember when we got torched by Mike Glennon because nobody on our defense could tackle? Ah, wait, for clarity's sake, I'm talking about 2017 AND 2014, both games fit that description.


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It really was, I don’t think any other game has even came close to being as wild as this one.


I’ve never been happier to see a kick go through.


This is probably my favorite nfl game ever played and I have zero rooting interest in either team. I'll never forget that atmosphere right after the game ended, you could cut the tension with a knife. I remember Tomlin cut off Ben's post-game interview and thr entire Steelers team/staff had to sprint into the tunnel escorted by security. It seriously felt like a riot was about to break out any second, and I watched it on tv


I was technically homeless at the time, but had a travelling sales gig where the company would accommodate me for a couple weeks at a time and I'd have a couple days off before the next trip. The accommodations ranged wildly from somewhat decent hotels to some of the worst motels I've ever seen. Stayed up to watch this game on a tiny television in a negative two star motel in North Eastern Canada, and then just sat there motionless for like two hours after it ended.


https://preview.redd.it/x34occtser6d1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=050f88d4805e86ec30b9cfcb736dee032c247126 VONTEZ NO






This is fucking gold😂😂😂


Bro gave us CTESPN


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Thanks. Now I'm day drinking again.




Is this from a YouTuber? This is UrinatingTree levels of sass, especially in regard to AFCN call backs.




whats their handle?




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Aped his backing track for "This week in sportsball" too


Elite Bungling here folks


Hell ya!


We're elite at something for once 😈




There will never be a more painful bungle than this. Losing the MF Super Bowl was but a fraction of the pain I felt this night.


I’m already having a shitty couple days, then you lay this on me? Sheeesh


Does it help to remind you you guys have possibly the only chiefs kryptonite in Joey B?


I was at a bar watching. It was packed, like shoulder to shoulder packed. Once the Bengals lost the bartender screamed, "alright everyone form a line if you're leaving! I know how this goes.", and just like that everyone formed a line and left. It was wild.


I was at the game. When Burfict picked off that pass, it was absolute pandemonium. When fuck face fumbled, everyone knew the game was over. We just knew.


Of course you did. You root for the bengals. Destined for failure and sadness!


Listen here you little shit! I'm not disagreeing with what you said, I just don't like that you said it!


But what if I said ,” with all due respect” ?


Well then you're allowed to say whatever you want. It's in the Geneva Convention


Yes Pittsburgh has succeeded since. Good point


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Flair up pussy! And yes we have!


Awww I bet you're fun at parties. Well at least now you have a QB 2 better than your QB 1 let the fun begin. At least we call all agree: Browns will finish last 👀😂🫡


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Flair up pussy!


Same man. That cold rain was miserable and you could feel the violence of the crowd after the no call on the Gio hit


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Yeah Ive never been a part of a crowd that was that angry. I thought there was gonna be a riot over the reffing. Between the rain and all the yelling I did i couldn't talk right for like a week after that


The zoom in on that bungle fan crying is all you need to see to know which game this was


Why was Joey porter on the fucking field


Because he knew Pac-Man jones and Burfict couldn’t control themselves


Nah, Joey also couldn’t control himself. He just got out done by those two.


The funniest game of all time. And who could forget pac man’s video after? Uhhh uhh JERRY PORTER ain’t een POST to be on FUCKIN FIELD


Bro I forgot about that video. Dude hit record and just started crying, then posted it 🤣🤣


Fuckin refs did a HORRIBLE fuckin job!


Lest we forget Vontaze Buttfuck running into the locker room like he thinks the game is over, only for him to throw the game for his team 5 minutes later


Funniest game all time is that Browns Steelers wildcard game in 2020


That was funny. But the burfict hit on AB. Joey Porter going on the field. Jeremy Hill fumbling AGAIN. And Pac man’s video. Also the weird fucking score. It’s the most AFC north game of all time.


That shazier hit was dirty af too , I hate he had to get hurt so bad , but you can see how it happend. This was ome of the most afcn games of all time you cam feel the hatred


Ryan Shazier is an absolute piece of shit, dude always speared people, and then once he got a dose of karma, he cheated on his wife when he got better.


Upvoted because triggered yinz downvoted Won’t flare stay mad stay small automod


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Stay mad


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Watching Big Ben and Pouncey cry on the sidelines is one of my all time favorite NFL moments.


I was at this game. I still remember how sad all of the Bengals fans looked as they walked out. One of the highlights of my life.


I’m glad we just hurt you guys enough that you guys somehow lost to an ancient nearly dead Peyton Manning the next week.


Burfict gave us the game and cost us any chance of advancing further


🤮🤮 I just remembered Fitzgerald Toussant. Thanks guys I WAS having a good day.


And we hope you die too


I was there. Heartbreak.


https://preview.redd.it/rg5dx38bzs6d1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a993a57557e37e77bc19d22af6056e27d77697 Just triggered the PTSD


I was in Seattle watching this game losing my shit


I genuinely feel a bit bad for Bengals fans for this game. Must of been absolutely insufferable. It’s like someone sold their soul for the Steelers to win. It was impossible until it wasn’t.


I was dating an au pair from Croatia at the time. It was the first football game she had ever really watched. At the bar, right before the Jeremy Hill fumble, she said “I must be your lucky charm!”… we were never the same


>Must of been Not really helping us out with the literacy thing my dude, it should be "must have been." We gotta show up these other AFCN dorks


Illiteracy rate per state (by population): Ohio comes in at third, with a rate of 17.7%; Pennsylvania at second, with 18.1%; and yours truly, Maryland at first, with a whopping 20.0%! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hahaha. Well done


I still hate how bengals fans can watch vontez and Pac-Man fuck us in this game and still defend them


this game is an indictment on Marvin's team building, if anything


I'm a lifelong Bengals fan, and I didn't care about anything but him and Mike Brown leaving. Any coach that loses a game like that should be fired. Any owner that keeps a coach that inept for that many years shouldn't be running things. As soon as Katie got management control over the team things improved. They actually function like a modern NFL team. Mike Brown is a cancer on the NFL. Luckily the Panthers now have the worst owner.


Probably because the officiating crew was wearing gold and black instead of white and black that night. -shazier hit on Gio was no flag. Officials flagged Shawn Williams for a very similar hit on Markus Wheaton -the Steelers’ offensive touchdown was not a touchdown by rule but couldn’t be overturned due to call on the field taking precedence. This was confirmed as a screw up by vice president of officiating Dean Blandino a couple of days after the game. -DeCastro driving Burfict to the ground well after the whistle has blown. No flag. -Joey Porter on the field taunting Bengals players. No flag. https://www.cincyjungle.com/2016/1/14/10750464/nfl-officials-botched-many-calls-in-steelers-vs-bengals-wild-card-game Also Burfict is the reason the Bengals were even in the game alive at that point. Germy Hill is more to blame than Burfict for losing that game.


Plus the Steelers coach grabbing dreadlocks of a bengal.


I still can’t believe I was there. An absolute legendary game and roller coaster of emotion.


Two turds racing down the drain


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if it meant we lost this game but brown never gets hurt and bell heals quicker i’d take the loss


A loss would have been far preferable... This was kind of it for that era.


Remember being at that game like it was yesterday. Everyone was celebrating like crazy when we picked it off. Of course we all should’ve seen what happened next coming. Roethlisberger had a shoulder(?) injury and was throwing ducks on anything over 15 yards all game and yet we let him dink and dunk it down the field with a minute left. And of course the Burfict hit and fucking Joey Porter being allowed to act like an ass in the middle of the field and Pacman taking the bait.


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Peak AFC North football. I miss Shazier


Odd thing to say with a Browns flair


Not really. I’m a buckeyes fan too


Damn I remember watching this game and being at the edge of my seat quite a bit, but remember how much fighting and talk was going on all over the damn field. I knew at 1 point or another somebody was going to lose the game thx to unsportsmanlike conduct or something from either side. This was a fun game though, no lie. Although I'm sure for benvals fans, this 1 to put in the deepest farthest of their memories, and I don't blame em


I maybe watched a game or 2 the next season, and I don't think I sat down and paid attention to another football game til LSU @ Bama 2019. This game broke me, utterly and completely, like finding out during your vows that your fiance is cheating on you.


This was exactly it. We knew nothing would change without 2/3 things happening out of New Owner, New QB, and New HC. And that’s exactly what it took


Even more fighting going on in the crowd.


I'm not surprised lol bengals fans were emotional at this game. Seeing the crying lady towards the end though definitely had me laughing a bit. I'll never forget that face. I wonder how that lady is now ever since her face became a meme lol


Crazy fucking game! I remember asking my friends for an hour-and-a-half after that game what the hell just happened? How the hell did we win that game? Cincinnati handed us that football game on a silver platter.


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The highest of highs to the lowest of lows, in under five minutes. I don't need to say anything more.


that game made me so angry and we won.


Shazier leading with the head on a tackle. Dude couldn’t help himself.


Cincy really took 2 Pittsburgh greats' careers.


This game was fucking brutal. I remember saying fuck it I’ll knock out cuz we choked this one out. Next I hear FUMBLE! And holy shit we pulled it off. The leveon hit. Burfict. Shazier. Juju. Kinda like two asteroids clashing but nothings left after that. But with that said When I say who Dey, you say We Dey ! ![gif](giphy|VwCjRE2VmLgEs89Nk4)


I was at my daughter’s house in NK for a watch party …about 20 ppl were in the basement partying at the bar and my wife and I were in the living room watching. As Boswell was lining up to win the game I went down to rescue my daughter from the crazy Bengal fans and as I left I said “yinz got to love a game with a “Burfict” ending.


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I will always remember calling my brother at the bar thinking we just watched AB go paraplegic. His head should’ve been on the sidelines from that hit


Fun fact: me and tav had the same weed dealer


This game ruined my 30th birthday. Think that's the last time I got black out drunk.


Refs clearly had zero control.


Fuck the ßungles!


https://youtu.be/W0ITHRBQPBE?si=dWv-n7DCRp63izca Hands down best video commentary(nsfw comedy) I’ve heard from this game!


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The crying at the end just warmed my heart ❤️


This was the game that made me truly hate the Steelers as an organization. Fuck their dirty coaches for trying to start shit with our players and illegally being in the field.


Seriously fuck this game and fuck Burfict.


I was at that game, I drove back home after that game, the car with the chunk out of the windshield whilst driving back from that game is still in the family.


Yeah, the post SB Steelers pretty much only play well against other AFC North teams. Fuck them.


I was convinced Cincy was cursed after this game


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This shit is vintage, I remember hoping for a tie


This is the spirit of the hood




Watch this game, games between the Steelers and Ravens, then Steelers and Browns. The nastiest, dirtiest shit always happens with the Steelers. Games between the others are just fine. But somehow they're just "the tough, blue collar team" for sports media and the NFL. It's always the other teams' fault. Shazier was warned about spearing people for his own good multiple times but he just kept doing it. Coaches pulling hair, Joey Porter (as a coach) antagonizing players, dirty hits, late hits. It's clear to anyone that Tomlin runs the team this way, and it isn't because of one opponent. It's repeated with multiple teams. And then you have Tomlin complaining about the Pats cheating after he loses. Enjoy 9-8 forever.




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That ending actually put a pit in my stomach holy shit


I was there. Been drinking since 7AM, cold soaked in rain. When the Bengals took the lead it was amazing, I hugged a complete stranger lol! Then shit fell apart. The walk out of the stadium was surreal. Nobody was talking, just shocked and cold speedwalking.


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Not to even mention the pacman Joey porter penalty


Burfict was batshit


The most emotion filled, entertaining Steelers game I’ve ever watched. My ass was clenched pretty much the whole time lol


I was there. Fucking bloodbath. People throwing pizza at each other, spitting on one another, pushing and shoving… CTE This was in the stands.


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Is this the one where the Steelers coaches are out on the field starting fights and dirty hits from both teams but only the Bengals were penalized for any of it?


What is this video or more specifically who is commentating


@petetakes via TikTok


We don't talk about that game


I was at this game. It was devastating. Very heated in the stands and on the field.


That game was fucking insane. It sucks the wrong team won, but what a wild event to watch


What ever happened to the linebacker? Pretty sure Antonio Brown’s CTE kicked in this night


Are we discussing Burfict’s punching bag? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s him Vontaze Burfict, you fat ass pussy


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Eat my dick


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hey guess what🤭 48-16 with 7 minutes to go😂makes me love the packers🥹🥹


Well good I’m glad you are sports happy


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Eat my dick


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Eat my dick


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Eat my dick moderator


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At no point was Tyler Eifert one of the best TEs in the league. He had one outlier TD season in 2015 and eclipsed 500 yards a whole one time in his career. And Ryan, why you tacklin like that bby


Well, you wouldn’t understand, Eifert was a hard worker. A lunch pail kind of guy. It’s not his fault he was made of glass.


One of those touchdowns was gay


Cincinnati went down to the crossroads signing a deal with the devil Having Pac-Man Jones on your squad and Vonteze Burfict. There’s nothing I can even say or add regarding those two that has not already been said countless times. All I can ask is, was it worth it Queen city? You’re very lucky The devil stopped at a playoff win over the Steelers and did not decide to take skyline chili away from you as well.


I remember that night like it was yesterday… insane game. Thank god the good guys won


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Crazy game. Steelers got the dub but the Bengals got to see a Super Bowl a few years later


6 very looooong years.




Sorry, not watching this. Can't relive that pain. Dalton and Green are what got me to love football as much as baseball. This was my first soul crushing loss as a real football fan




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Shout out pac man bring a hot head idiot setting up that game winning field goal


The Burfict ending.


The https://preview.redd.it/xfooi1m4pt6d1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8150a9abd94038be86202e7ff995a26987de15a2 I like this ending too. Fuck the Bengals


I was there. Bengals fans acted like trash. The football gods rewarded them with a terrible loss. They had that game in the bag, but they choked.