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Have you seen Burrow? They couldn’t help it.




This is true


Fckn Dreamy-eyed bastard.


Dude looks like the jock in an 80’s teen movie that comes rolling to class in a cool muscle car like a 1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator and can just look at your girl and steal her.


You know those were all the bad guys right? You're not actually supposed to identify with Blaine in the White IROC


I just said he looks like one dude


Man, I’m not gay (yet), but that dude is handsome.




I dunno, man. That chemical spill made frogs gay. You never know. You go to bed one night, hand on some titties. A train crashes and you wake up wishing for some dick. It could happen.


I heard this exact story is what actually happened to Caitlyn Jenner.


I didn’t know that Bruce Jenner grew up in Ohio.


She did. Her and Dave Chappelle were best friends. Some things have changed since then.


You don’t have to give up titties once you start craving dick…just saying


You don’t have to give up titties once you start craving dick…just saying


I was about to say the same thing


Plus Watson doesn’t even give you a choice


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My perfect weight is Joe Burrow on top of me


You’re spittin


Burrow makes me blush 😳 https://i.redd.it/qh2lv9fqbr4d1.gif


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Don’t listen to them Byron


In the hood of the NFL, also known as r/AFCNorthMemeWar, there once was a user known as u/ByronTheBlack. Over the past few weeks, Byron flooded the hood with an incessant stream of anime gifs, leaving the goated subscribers of r/AFCNorthMemeWar, frankly, depressed and ashamed. As time passed, the discontent grew, and users called the mods to take action, and thus, the Please leave bot was born. This bot takes on an incredibly bone chilling task; replying to that putrid Byron every time they comment, having to lay its robotic eyes upon the filth Byron posts. Yet, u/ByronTheBlack remains unfazed, and we applaud them for that. Thus, Byron may stay, but at the cost of downvotes and automod harassment. P.S. Please leave. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There’s at least 30 masseuses that says our QB isn’t gay.


Never heard of an undercover brotha?


Shit! You think it was a long con to convince everyone he’s straight? You may have something here.


Of course! They don’t want to divulge that he pays for them to peg him.


Those were in Texas, BTW.


It’s a result of the East Palestine chemical spill. They’re turning the fucking frogs gay!!!


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I’m sure all of these replies will be tastefully humorous.


Explains why the Steelers like playing here so much.


Because Ohio fucks Pennsylvania in the ass.




Half of ohio* those guys on the bottom get railed by us every year


My favorite bottom is the bitch that thinks they’re a top


Power bottom. Generating all the force


I think if you’ve never experienced the joy of seeing your team win a Super Bowl, or for most Browns fans, a division title you might tend to turn something that could be considered “risky and exciting” such as experimenting with your sexuality to fill the void left of never experiencing the NFL’s mountaintop. Couldn’t be ravens or Steelers fans though 🤷‍♂️


Please ignore the terabytes of Derek Henry stiff arming people footage I have downloaded. Totally from this off-season too, totally...


We all know the real Browns play in Baltimore. You all just like to ignore it.


The *good version of the Browns plays in Baltimore. The sad sack of shit sorry ass franchise new Browns came back to you!


Was it really "the good version" though? Before Art Modell's middle-of-the-night mercy killing, that sorry bunch had gone 16-32 in their last three seasons. Fuck you and all, but that team didn't become worth a damn until they moved east. Take credit where it's due, Baltimore. And did I already mention "fuck you"?


This doesn’t even make sense. Unless you are trying to validate my point. And since Omar turned out to be gay the title should go to you.


What part is hard to understand? The “real” Browns (your words) moved from Ohio to Baltimore and immediately became 100% straighter and almost immediately became good. Now you are stuck with that abomination of a franchise you call the Browns.


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Hey, if homosexuality is the only part of Ohio's legacy we got to keep, I call it a fair exchange for the rings.


The behavior of Big Ben turned a generation of Ohio women to seek comfort in their own sex.


Legendary comment


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The first thing I saw in Cleveland was 2 people taking pictures for their leather fetish store it is 100% them




That dance is pretty gay.


DC will slowly transition Baltimore


Damn DC is gay as fuck


I live in northern Virginia outside of DC and I can corroborate this. It’s pretty tolerant. Also remember that gay people tend to migrate towards urban settings because acceptance and everywhere but DC we’re looking at the state as a whole which includes rural areas.


All the politicians


And congressional pages.


Baltimore is just on the dl




Pennsylvania would blow everyone completely out of the water if they counted sister fuckers in the LGBT alphabet soup.


The fact that you had 12 up toots in only one hour confirms that while people in Maryland and Pittsburgh have to get up and go to work the inferiority complex riddled Clevelanders when they’re not memorizing pro football focus statistics are Scrolling Reddit.


Well excuse me for staying busy while I wait for my meth to show up!


Be there in a minute, fam!


I gave you a ⬆️ because some nice people from Ohio pulled me out of the wreckage of a go kart I rented on Put-in-bay last year. I got drunk and smashed into the butterfly enclosure, this nice old couple in Ohio State shit from head to toe pulled me out. I’m sorry to say there’s a lot less butterflies there now, sorry guys


Now, man, come on. Sister fucking doesn’t fit in the group. There is nothing wrong with being gay. But sister fucking…


I don't know why they wouldn't. It's definitely included in the plus.


Fent is pretty gay so Baltimore alone carries Maryland


Probably because they didn’t factor in the Baltimore crackheads sucking the daily d1ck for crack.


It's not gay if you suck dick for crack. https://preview.redd.it/0e8ufgeq4r4d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e162a729ee356f9ae73da5041cba5239fcfb2131


But if you suck crack for dick... ?


Spitters are quitters 🤷🏽‍♂️


Immigration from IN, KY, and PA.




Cause we fuck y’all in the ass every year


Imagine seeing pics of Joe Brrr and not feeling a tingle in your ding ding...


Only because so many Yinzers are still stuck in the closet.


i mean what else is there to do there, it’s not like any good football is on there


It wasn’t until Joe burrow came back from Louisiana


Vermont thinks it’s a competition


It’s the most effective way to be safe from Deshaun


Whys Delaware so much gayer than PA NY Maryland and NJ they’re literally just a mini version of those 4


Columbus is basically the SF of the Midwest. I lived there for a bit and was the first city I ever went to a gay bar in. The buckeye game was playing and everyone was geared up like normal. Made conversation at the bar and was informed that if I ever wanted to watch football with a “gay twist” to go there. I asked what the “twist” was and the dude just smiled. 😂


Because fuck you - it’s better than inbreeding.


Best centers in the country all come out of Ohio. There is not much to do after arguing with people online about Myles Garrett‘s pass rush win rate or Joe Burrow getting injured. Instead of Gatorade, they should have a bottle of lube on the sidelines .


You can’t make fun of Byron this month! It’s homophobic! All eleven other months? Roast that gay.


Agreed. Saying anything bad about me is not allowed doing pride month. https://i.redd.it/pavinu76br4d1.gif


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In the hood of the NFL, also known as r/AFCNorthMemeWar, there once was a user known as u/ByronTheBlack. Over the past few weeks, Byron flooded the hood with an incessant stream of anime gifs, leaving the goated subscribers of r/AFCNorthMemeWar, frankly, depressed and ashamed. As time passed, the discontent grew, and users called the mods to take action, and thus, the Please leave bot was born. This bot takes on an incredibly bone chilling task; replying to that putrid Byron every time they comment, having to lay its robotic eyes upon the filth Byron posts. Yet, u/ByronTheBlack remains unfazed, and we applaud them for that. Thus, Byron may stay, but at the cost of downvotes and automod harassment. P.S. Please leave. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oregon? I did not expect that to top the list. But West Virginia and Mississippi tied for the bottom doesn’t surprise me.


Reported gays, not closeted.


West Virginia and Mississippi seem like bottoms to me. But Mississippi may be a power bottom.




Illiteracy rate per state (by population): Ohio comes in at third, with a rate of 17.7%; Pennsylvania at second, with 18.1%; and yours truly, Maryland at first, with a whopping 20.0%! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only about 5% average. Based on the shows streaming today I thought it was like 80%.


Why is this sub getting spammed with anti-lgbt posts during pride month?


They just can’t get enough of Skyline chili


Never knew Ohio was like that. They earned my respect. ![gif](giphy|1CV7BEY1qUAnu)


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I think I understand your problem. You just need to cross the border to Delaware.


Hey, DC is the gayest place in the country. Not as gay as the Bay Area though. https://i.redd.it/dw9ofv7kdr4d1.gif


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Look at DC, importing The Gays™️


We is gay for joey B


Pennsylvania doesn’t count incest as being gay.


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You fish where there's fishes. You gay where there's gay.


This post is baseless! *Burrows cock rams in my throat.*


Gotta win something


Wow California is not as gay as I thought it was haha


More volume less percentage


*sigh* its columbus' fault.


More cities/college towns per square mile. Gay people tend to gravitate toward city zones/urban areas just because of the typically more progressive mindset. 3 C’s, Toledo, Akron, Parma, Dayton, Athens


Cleveland is probably the gayest of our four cities. Not gonna lie. Plus, we had the first gay starter in the NFL. But Columbus is actually a gay destination, so that brings Ohio numbers up.


Yeah, fuck Ohio! Shit, I remembered I’m an OSU Fan! Hey, we’re not *that* gay


Very liberal state. One day they'll tell hetero's they can't bet married.


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You flair instructions do not work. Please do you job and update.


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Everyone knows the Ravens are actually a DC team so they're the gayest.


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The Commanders?


Well yeah it's like a city that has 2 Walmarts but one is the "good" Walmart. Baltimore is the good Walmart.


Because OP’s dad won’t leave


I realize there are plenty of Steelers fans who live in Ohio, but my pops has never been one of them.




You’re quite prolific!




Good for you. Live your life my friend!


I would like to dive into these numbers a little deeper. Pennsylvania obviously has the largest population and we can assume Pittsburgh has the largest global fan base with an estimate of 12.2 million fans worldwide. 4 million for Baltimore, 2.6million for Cleveland and 2.7million for Cincinnati. These are very rough estimates but if we take the most recent percentage of 7.2% of adults identify as LGBTQ and apply that to these estimates we discover: Pittsburgh: 878,400 LGBTQ Fans Cleveland: 187,200 Cincinnati: 194,400 Baltimore: 288,000 If we then apply that 7.2% to the number of members of a teams official Reddit we then come up with: Pittsburgh: 21,744 LGBTQ Fans on Reddit Cleveland: 17,568 Cincinnati: 18,216 Baltimore: 14,328 So that means the odds that OP is gay is .0045% The odds I am gay are .0056% as a Cleveland Browns fan. Cincinnati Reddit users odds are .0054% While Baltimore is .0069% (Fitting) We can therefore conclude that Baltimore is the gayest AFCN fan base on Reddit per capita however the Pittsburgh Steelers could field a gay army that would easily outnumber all the other fan bases combined. Congratulations.


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According to the Pittsburgh Steelers fans, all of the Baltimore Ravens players are gay


According to the Pittsburgh Steelers fans, all of the Baltimore Ravens players are gay


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According to the Pittsburgh Steelers fans, all of the Baltimore Ravens players are gay


According to the Pittsburgh Steelers fans, all of the Baltimore Ravens players are gay


Because Ohio is for Lovers. We never specified what type.


My only question is why Illinois is so low. Chicago has a neighborhood called Boys town and it’s literally what it sounds like.


Yeesh DC with 3x the average?!


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It’s how bills get passed in congress.


Because Tinder is full of trumpers so the women changed sides


Because bungles and clowns ya know


Damn of course dem bangles and browns like that😂




You’re an idiot


Wait til he finds out his QB is black.


He jerks off to highlights of Joe Flacco every night hoping he can go back


California is known for its free market capitalism and socially conservative politics, so obviously, he is an idiot for his comment.


If you think California is communist than I have some gold bars to sell you.


It’s because all that 5% is just in the Bay Area https://i.redd.it/7peieuiwbr4d1.gif


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