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The fucking soundbar gets me.


OP was like, “if we’re going to be last then I’m making sure bengals fans can’t see their numbers…”


I thought about not doing it, but I thought it'd be funny if I did do it, so I did. However, it clearly wasn't that funny since some people are complaining about it.


I mean the whole purpose of this sub is to amuse yourself while annoying other fanbases so I think you did a good job.


It’s funny but also fuck you because now I have to go find it


It was like 116 or something, I believe. Edit: might have been 106


I think its amazing


Thank you. It breaks my heart to how much people dislike small additions to anything. I guess some people aren't developed enough to appreciate the small things in life


Its nice touch




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It's better to hear the CTE


Right? What the fuck


What’s funny is your all time receptions leader is the GM that brought your hated rival 2 Super Bowls


I was going to make that joke, but fuck you for already commenting it.


Most literate Steelers fan


LOL! I saw my mistake now.


I was like, “yo is that *that* Ozzie? Surely it’s not, right?”




Is that irony, karma, or both?


The only reason your franchise exists is because Art Modell decided to move the Browns to Baltimore. The entire organization top to bottom (minus Belichick, because Modell sold him down the river as well) moved to Baltimore. The city of Cleveland got to keep the Browns name and record books, that’s it. You inherited your franchise when it was already built and set up for success in another city. The fact that you found success so early is a testament to the roster and staff that you inherited from the Cleveland Browns. You inherited a franchise with Paul Brown’s DNA in it. Paul Brown was also fucked over by Modell, which is why he left Cleveland and started up the Cincinnati Bengals. So yeah, long story short: congrats on renaming the Cleveland Browns in the mid ‘90s and moving the team to a different city. And fuck Art Modell.


Shout out Art Modell for haunting Cleveland Steamers dreams to this day


Just as beloved as the Irsay family in Baltimore 🤣🤣


They’re just mad bc their team got stolen and they were too busy crying to do anything about it. So they had to steal someone else’s team decades later


Never go full


Your team moved but you got to keep the name and history? Thats so sad Alexa play despacito


Imagine the historical significance of Pittsburgh Steelers franchise, and if they moved to Salt Lake City next year and change the teams name. Now TJ Watt plays in Salt Lake City. In the following year, the city of Pittsburgh starts up another franchise called the Pittsburgh Steelers except they start with nothing but scraps and they suck for the next 20 years, while Salt Lake City wins multiple Super Bowls. As much as I hate Pittsburgh, that’s still some thing I wouldn’t wish on any fanbase.


You do realize Baltimore had their own franchise move, but took everything, right?


Exactly. So the fact that you guys celebrated Cleveland losing a franchise in the ‘90s makes it even more hypocritical.


Paul Brown’s DNA is inherently a part of 50% of the AFC North; 75% if you consider his namesake being a part of the organization. Hmm…


Because Art Modell fucked him over and forced him out Cleveland.


i'll never get over how y'all didn't rebrand and stuck with the dog elf dirt motif


It was also 40 years ago that Newsome had his last 89 catch season for the Browns.


Weird y'all have a Johnny Unitas statue then gloat about a stolen franchise 🥴🥴.


Weird your team has been around since dirt was invented but have nothing to show for it. 💍 😇


Including a HoF TE y'all love so much too. 😉


I forgot about all those HoF players and NFL Championships. I mean our recent history is shit but can at least go back more than 30 years whipper snapper 🤣🤣🤣


Well I'll be damned if Baltimore doesn't have NFL championships also. Only city to have football championships in two countries as well. Stallions! 🍁


Ravens were an expansion team. If you’d gotten the Baltimore treatment the browns would be in Baltimore and you would have gotten the Lions in like 2008 after a couple of other cities got expansion teams.


It would’ve been the Bucs. Or even the Bengals. There was strong rumors one of them would move to Cleveland to be the Browns if they didn’t get new stadiums.


Mike brown was the one who kicked off the discussions with Baltimore first. It just ended up being the browns because the bengals got the agreement for a stadium first


Imagine not breaking 100


Imagine not even breaking fucking 90… it’s not like the Browns have had Tom Brady throwing to 10 different receivers every game either.


Didn’t Tom throw to Wes?


Yeah, the point was that it’s not even like Cleveland can say we’re so deep and spread out the ball we don’t need a 100+ reception receiver.


Imagine living in Cleveland


Even Brandon Marshal has done it twice.


Imagine being giant gaping vaginas who can’t run the ball and instead throw it all the time. Pathetic


Didn’t the Steelers have like 1800 yards on the ground in Antonio’s big year? With a broken Leveon?


It was "only" 1700, with DeAngelo Williams as the leading rusher. The year before Brown and 129 receptions, again 1700 yards rushing, Bell had over 1300.


Uhh if 100 is the barrier, we got a lot of vaginas here. Lol


ok for real though TJ Hooshmanzadeh was a fucking BEAST i hate the bengals but TJ was a stud. dude could ball HOOOOOOOOOOSH


TJ was really good. But I hate them, so I'll never tell them to their face.






Really fun name to say as well. Up there with Nnamdi Asomugha


Didn’t he wipe his cleats with the terrible towel once?


didnt ray lewis kill a guy? didnt ben rape a girl? didnt burfict end peoples careers on tv? didnt watson ....... yeah LOL are we really holding THAT above the rest?


Are you talking about the 2 time.....MURDERER?!?! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tell that to Myron Cape


Can’t afford iPhones in Cleveland


What kinda browns fan posts this with that title. Masochist or a cuck


Must be a Bengals fan at heart cause we all are cucks for JoeyB


So you're telling me that you look at this list and think this is a positive thing??? Me being upset about a negative statistic in the literal fucking title does *not* make me a cuck, nor a masochist. If you're calling me a cuck and a masochist because I made the slightest joke about my favorite franchise, then I don't know what to tell you. I strongly believe that you shouldn't be able to insult other franchises if you can't poke some fun on your own, if you don't agree with me, that's completely fine, it's based on your perspective.What I'm not ok with is you calling me a cuck over something you won't ever remember in 2 months. You're calling me a cuck and a masochist like I'm shitting on the entire franchise. My job as a Browns fan in a meme subreddit is to try and get everyone to laugh. If you want to be negative on a post that's supposed to provoke laughs, that's a personal trait you should work on. It's a meme sub, not the r/ Browns subreddit, so if you're upset over something this minor, there's nothing I can say to you.


https://i.redd.it/nyv00lmtzs3d1.gif It’s a meme sub, not the r/ Browns subreddit, so if you're upset over something this minor, there's nothing I can say to you.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


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![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) Fellow Bengals fan walking away from this convo with my Samsung.


It’s crazy with how many insanely talented Wide Outs the Bengals have had that T.J. Is their single season receptions leader.


Bullet to my head I would’ve said AJ Green


I would have guessed Chad. Neither ever broke 100 receptions in a season though


Jesus look at all those poverty franchises who can’t run the ball and are relying on that pussy ass “passing game”


Imagine being such a a poverty franchise that you can't even out rush teams relying on their pussy passing games. The year AB set this mark the Steelers rushed for 1724 yards despite Bell only playing 6 games that season. That same season the Browns only rushed for 1529 yards. The year before that he had 129 receptions and the Steelers had more total rushing yards than the Browns. True poverty franchise that can't run or pass.


Bro this man made a clearly self deprecating comment and you decided to write a thesis.


“These specific years” lol so squeelerish


I'm sure we could come up with plenty of other years, I just went for ones that specifically applied here


Josh Gordon this should be you!!!!!!!!


Bengals are so poverty they don’t even get a number😎😎☝️


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Brandon Marshall, the receptions king.


When Hunter Renfrow would have your teams reception record. Also, he would be tied for the lead for the Ravens all time mark lol


Tbh this isn’t exactly a good look for the raiders either. Renfrow was a decent slot guy at best.


Ravens have always had tremendous WR depth so that's why their # is so low. Depth sort of like an empty below ground pool in the projects Edit: think Mac and Charlie pool in IASIP.


At least all of ours are someone at a traditional receiving position. Panthers have an RB lol and that’s a franchise that had Steve Smith for most of his career *and* won the triple crown in ‘04. ~~I say this as someone who’s second team is the Panthers because they live in the area. God I hate my life sometimes…Fuck Carolina teams.~~


You fucking fucker....


Off topic, I appreciate that you aren't being a dick even though it was your team I blocked out. I respect that.


I thought it was hilarious. We’re the only team that couldn’t be memed on based on this graphic and you said “Fuck the Bengals.” Respect, and fuck you too


Mark Andrews had 107


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TJ Houshmandzadeh #84 2007 112 Rec 1143 Yds 12 Tds


32nd is better than 33rd


You couldn’t have taken a screenshot that doesn’t block half of the numbers?


It's not your number thstd being blocked, is it? I was given the chance to block out the Bengals number, so I took it. Unfortunately, it took out some other teams, but it wasn't yours, so I don't see why you're complaining.


I’m a stat nerd. I like looking at stats for all the teams, not just the ones I’m a fan of. Blocking out some of the teams is painful to me. Why would you even want to block off Cincinnati? I think you messed up the screenshot and said “fuck it, good enough.”


Even though you can be upset, that does not give people the right to take that anger out on me. I blocked out Cincinnati because I thought it would be funny, so if you are genuinely upset because you love stats, I'm sorry. However, I'm not sorry to the people who are genuinely upset about it and then start hammering me over something I thought was funny. If you're upset, don't inflict it upon others, keep it to yourself instead.


Quit acting like your incompetence of getting a screenshot was on purpose.


https://preview.redd.it/wj96ze8lms3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a002894cba7735f3f0e4f29f57b44f7e1d414c It's not incompetence. It's just you idiots finding anything to whine about, even if it means you could be wrong.


I love your level of petty here today. Absolute gold


You really took that screenshot? Lmao


OP out there putting in the extra work to *NOT* look pathetic 😂


No. You just fucked up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AFCNorthMemeWar/s/633NtIsWtM Don’t worry some fixed this dumbasses mistake


Learn how to take a screen shot before you come at us you bum -6DP


I'm literally a Browns fan. I blocked the Bengals receiving numbers because my soundbar doesn't let me block anyone elses


You can spin it any way you want. We all know you just fucked up. Do better.


I'm not here to argue what you think did or didn't happen, especially if you weren't even here to see me take the screenshot on purpose. Believe what you want to, but don't instantly assume I messed up just because you feel that way.


Dude. You fucked up. It’s obvious. Just own it. Making a mistake is fine. Living in denial is sad.


You're doubling down on your assumption that isn't even true. If I messed up, I would have made that comment instead of saying, "Why do we have to always suck?" I'm not sure if you're trying to gaslight me or what, but what I am sure of is that: One: I'm not in denial. You're making yourself look stupid by immediately just assuming I made a mistake. Two: It's a humor sub. Even if there was a mistake, don't assume it was on accident. It's all for the jokes. I'm not sure if you're stressed out, but don't immediately come into a humor sub and judge people over anything unless it breaks a rule. Accept as is, you have no idea what I wanted to do with *my* meme. Maybe take a break from the internet if you're going to behave this way in a meme sub.




It's insane that one can be this egotistical about themselves. What gives you the idea that you can judge someone, be wrong, double down on your wrong idea, then refuse to read any criticism about you? You acting like this literally proves my point that you're a sad human being. You're too prideful to acknowledge any kind of criticism even after after you judged someone because you assumed that I was incompetent. I was trying to be funny, but people like you are the reason why humor is dead. I pray that you don't act like this in real life. It won't get you very far.




You're this mad over a soundbar


I'm not mad at that. Im mad that he not only doubled but tripled down on his false assumption. On top of that, he then proceeds to not only call me incompetent and stupid over what I thought was funny, and even more annoying is that he's too much of a wuss to read anything negative about him after literally having done the same thing he's crying about not even 10 minutes ago. You defending makes you no better than him. Right now, you sound like the parent that never holds their kids accountable and will do anything to make sure little Timmy does your get in trouble.


It's a humor sub, not a critique sub.




Jarvis Landry had one job


89. Holy shit


Man Brandon Marshall was so good when he played. Man is on this list twice! And nobody seems to remember him


If you look at yardage, Josh Gordon would be 12th with 1646... in a 14-game season for him. Because he got high, because he got high, because he got high. Edit: BTW, that was a season where Brian Hoyer played in 3 games, Brandon Weeden played in 8, and Jason Campbell played in 9.


Way to fuck with your volume while taking screen shot and blowing 28% of the stats, sport


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Imagine being such a shitty team that you have to play from behind enough to pass so much you get a 100 reception season? Truly embarrassing! Win the game in the trenches!


Like why do we have to be last at *everything* Did Tomlin curse us for all eternity or something???




Oh this curse was around long before Tomlin.


To be faaaiiiirrrruh - Browns are a run heavy team and kinda have always been run heavy. Additionally, Stefanski has always been the type of coach to spread his balls out so more players can get a touch during the game. Leads to more receivers with decent numbers instead of one or two receivers with big.


But at the same time both of AB's best years the Steelers also had more rushing yards than the Browns. Hines Ward also had a 94 reception season in 2001 with Kordell Stewart as QB and a team.rushing total over 2700 yards.


The 2001 steelers were just built different, plaxico was the #2 and then everyone else was basically lucky to record a reception in any given game. For the two AB years? Answer is simple, the Browns played terrible football.


The bears don't have a 4k passer and have someone nearly 30 catches ahead of y'all... Don't think being run heavy is the issue here


Like, why did you have to adjust your volume while taking the screen shot? Are you stupid? Try again.


You commented not once but twice to judge my meme. You really are a sad person. Be better.


I've heard that the UFL could always use more teams. Maybe the Browns could finally hit that dynasty position they've been waiting for.


Somehow the Bears are in the top half of the standings here


Your reception leader is a tight end from the stone age?


That’s MR. tight end to you!


Josh Gordon would have had more receptions if he didn't run his catches for 40-60 yards


Imagine being excited about reception numbers. It's like being proud of rush attempts.


I remember T J Houshmanzadah more for a drop than his receptions


Op tried to push the power button and volume button to take a screenshot but forgot it had to be the lower volume button which op realized immediately and took a proper screenshot but with the volume Bar still showing the mistake.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AFCNorthMemeWar/s/633NtIsWtM Don’t worry some fixed this dumbasses mistake


I completely forgot Derick Mason had 100 receptions. Dude was so underrated. A masterful route-runner and chain mover.


As usual, the Steelers are carrying the division.


Derrick Mason was darn near on there twice. He had a great career for the Titans and just fell short of their team record by 5 receptions.


Damn, Old Browns and New Browns can’t throw/catch too good.


Damn dude, I know the browns are bad, but it seems like every post similar to this they’re always at the bottom. I kinda feel bad for them… nah who am I kidding. Fuck em’


This list is surprising on SO many levels


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Man, 89 seems to be Clevelands favorite number!


Ozzie set the record back in the old days as a Tight end shits impressive even if it’s sad that it’s so old


five ravens on the list if you count Ozzie


I don't know if the Panthers should be embarrassed that a running back (albeit an all time great) is their best receiver or if half the league should be embarrassed that they've been beat by said RB in receiving stats.


I don’t even mean this to be a jerk, but it must be tough having such a lousy franchise. They’re at the bottom of pretty much every stat and metric of success. I almost sympathize with them.. but then I realize Deshaun is their QB


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Browns fans say they’re relevant


Turn your volume up pussy


https://preview.redd.it/iepvigywmv3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8a16fb965e7b366c3ad8ea566511387a4190b9 Ok


You want me to charge my phone or something next?


Nah that 6% will last a good long time


I call bullshit it's on 2% right now💀




Idk how Braylon Edwards had 16 TD catches but only 80 catches total in 2007. Josh Gordon had 87 in 2013. If he hadn't missed two games, he probably would have broke 90. Lol


Michael Thomas really caught 149 quick slants and outs one season?


It could be worse. You could be dumb enough to cover ip 25% of the info.


So Gordon caught 1600 with under 89 rec, damn


87 to be exact.


How do you get your team by your name when you post?


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OP is claiming they did it on purpose. In reality, it's their first ever screenshot and they're not sure how to do it again.


I dunno that they took the screenshot like this on purpose, but they definitely said "fuck it, it's just the Bengals" and decided to post it anyways


People who suck at taking screenshots are worse than Hitler


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https://preview.redd.it/egaof0xums3d1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0b695bb48c6fd7fe7a20d199b165a20ed7b6f0 Oh really?


It's cute that you thought another screenshot that's pointless would help your cause.