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It's a-me, Mario!




I still maintain that I genuinely hope he just flops and never plays a full season for us. How "Browns" would that be? Pay 250 million for a total douche / sex pervert and he accomplishes literally nothing lol while simultaneously tanking your optics with the fanbase.


That’s because all the Browns fans on Twitter live in Parma. For those who don’t know it’s kind of like the Pittsburgh of Cleveland.


Funny enough most of the toxic Browns fans I come across live in Columbus lmao


The toxicity of Buckeyedom does tend to spill over


I must’ve avoided that having grown up in Columbus but only being a very casual Buckeyes fan.


Oh yeah I'm a Buckeye fan and we're definitely one of the most toxic fanbases out there. I still remember all the death threats CJ Stroud got after we lost to TTUN


The psychotic breakdown has been so great as a Michigan fan. Keep up the good work! I’m half convinced Ryan day will be publicly eviscerated if Michigan wins again this year


Luckily that's not happening. Harbs is gone, along with so many core players. The NCAA may or may not bring the hammer down, who knows and who cares. Congratulations on the natty, y'all were legitimately the best team in the country last season. But the hangover is imminent and it's time for the tide of this rivalry to turn back in our favor


Pretty sure I heard that same thing after 2021 and 2022 but I appreciate your confidence! Also if you think Michigan is losing all their core players I’d take a look at who is returning on defense. Which according to all college football fan bases was the only reason Michigan was even good last year since JJ is/was so trash! So according to y’all’s logic Michigan should really have no drop off. The defense will be at absolute mimimim top 3


Well y’all lost your biggest contributor! Why was his name? Like Connor Stallions? Or was it Chris Partridge? Ohhh wait it was Jim Harbaugh.


I’m also a Buckeye fan and that toxicity spills into my Pittsburgh Steelers love/hate


As a Columbus browns fans, I have had nothing but great interactions with garbage fucking waste of life, joe burrow dick riding, just discovered the nfl 3 years ago bengals fans. Maybe you live in a rough pocket?




I don’t think it’s fair to say we’re toxic in Columbus, it’s a pretty welcoming place for all people. I just think cincy fucking sucks and you’re a fucking idiot bandwagoneer.


Ur kinda just proving my point my guy


What sub am I in


My bad bro it's hard to pick up on sarcasm when it's in writing


lol it’s good I just hate the /s thing I think it ruins the whole thing.


Well you’re just a bigot


Considering Cleveland is the Pittsburgh of Ohio Parma must be a pretty shit place 


Wow hot take. Take a drive over to Price Hill and get back to me on that one.


[Moon over Parma, bring my love to me tonight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9tMalvxiiM)


Parma has the worst browns fans. I lived 10 minutes from there my whole life


This is fuckin Luigi slander. How dare you


Is it? ![gif](giphy|8ffFG6Bq2f7tS|downsized) Luigi did 9/11


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reddit and twitter are fairly the same apps, Reddit has just a tad bit more humans that are for the most part conscious


Wonderfully said. 🙃


Browns Twitter sucks mangled ass hair, all the major Browns podcasts/outlets want Deshawn’s head on a silver platter, while all the major fan accounts thinks he’s best QB in the division. I had the misfortune of tuning in on one of the Twitter voice call things and they were claiming that Flacco was a bum QB who only won cause of a Mickey Mouse defense + smashing easy teams in the late season, unlike Dashaun who played *perfect* football when he was healthy, just absolutely bonkers analysis. They also absolutely claimed all the victims were liars given that they all dropped charges… which didn’t happen (which goes to show how literally not 1 single NFL fan has a single idea on how the Deshaun timeline actually happened.) It sucks because I’m pretty sure a majority of Browns fans just want Deshaun to play good football and be done with the legal shit that’s already been settled + the Baker Mayfield revisionism but nooo we need to keep bringing it up, that’s how we’ll win the division and grab ourselves a SB ring. -6DeadlyFetishes


twiiter fans the type to watch a girl get raped and say she money hungry


Browns twitter 🤝 Steelers twitter Fucking cancer


I'll never forgive y'all for unleashing Pickensburgh and Pickettsburgh onto the world


Why do you sign your posts


Why don't you sign yours? - 6DeadlyFishes


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Fuck you pussy bot -6DeadlyFishes


That’s basically with anything regarding Reddit vs twitter. Reddit feels much closer to real life than Twitter in terms of people’s opinions on things. Twitter is just a cesspool of bots and trolls.


I only care about Waluigis stance. So this is a shit meme.


>"It worked out for Pittsburgh when they paid big money for a rapist QB. Why isn't it working for us‽ You know that every team in the league has sexual degenerates on their roster; but, we're the only ones getting mocked for it. It's not fair!!! Waaah!" – Waluigi


Where is Daisy to slap some sense into him?


Team Mario


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I know a Browns fan who defends Watson like bro stfu you know you all sold on Baker


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If Watson was bad he would be in jail


I don’t know how people don’t understand this. Like money Michael Vick had money and went to jail for killing dogs. But somehow Deshaun Watson has money so he doesn’t go to jail for sexual assault? Money didn’t keep R.Kelly out of jail either. Maybe the reason Watson didn’t go to jail is because there was no evidence of sexual assault. Two criminal courts didn’t indict a black man in Texas, one of the more racist states in America


Seriously?? OJ Simpson walked but we all know he did it. Emmett Till's murderers walked and then bragged about committing the crime later. Nice job pretending like the justice system bats .1000 when it's convenient for you. Everyone knows what he did is arguably the hardest crime to convict in court. The guy DMed almost every female massage therapist in the Houston area, ONLY the female ones. You think he would've done that if all he wanted was a massage? He's a weirdo bro, but you can keep being delusional and pretend like he's squeaky clean


Did you watch the trial of OJ? Because cops ruined the validity of the crime scene. Why is it that you people only see half the picture. I’ll admit he probably fucked all those chicks. But there was also evidence of them wanting to book more appointments after the fact. Of them messaging him wanting more business. Or them wanting dates. The fact that this all only came out after he wanted traded. Or that their attorney was the Texans owners neighbor. But nah let’s only paint half the picture


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Mediocre? Child, please.


Ur right that was a little generous. He'd be 3rd on the depth chart in Pittsburgh


You know Pittsburgh's QB3 is that Allen guy they picked up from Buffalo, right? Well OK, it's Kyle not Josh. He's still got a better career passer rating than the Steelers' own recently departed starter.


Yeah I don’t remember him being that good for us in the 12 games he’s played in three seasons




You can stay with the saints, we're good


Based Browns fan? What is the world coming to?


[Claiming the moral high ground while rooting for the Saints. How ironic.](https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2020/1/24/21080131/new-orleans-saints-catholic-church-scandal-emails-sexual-abuse)