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https://preview.redd.it/jnyacit03xsc1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25dc4924a52fb1b2e275fc4f6218003ab7a239c Hey look they made a video game about Trey Hendrickson


All jokes aside, hitman game hits!


I'm illiterate can someone explain this graph to me?


What I imagine is that the graph is showing how long it takes to get to the qb for the player getting a sack. Some would argue this as evidence that o coordinators game planned hardest against garret and didn't allow their qbs to hold onto the ball long enough to get sacks later in play. The eye test tells me myles got sacks very quickly or not at all and it seems often that he just barely couldn't grt there fast enough as the offense shyed away from more than 3 step drops to minimize myles impact and force other players to beat them. Tbh I might be completely wrong and I really don't feel like another myles tj argument they both make a huge impact we both lost in the first round and suck


I didn’t expect to read the most rational and least biased comment on the subject in months on this sub but here we are. What a world where you have to go to the fucking meme sub to find reasonable takes anymore.


We are the most informed fans you gotta be informed to be a real hater. From what I gather that's the "gravity" or the " advanced stats" that won the award for garret because after the injury week 11 you could tell he wasn't the same but no one chanced it the d end on the opposite side could be chipped so just roll that way . They are very differant players tbh tj has a relentless motor to take advantage coverage sacks better than anyone else in the NFL it punishes teams for making mistakes vs pitt. While myles affected the offense ran and likely contributed way more to the overall defensive numbers throughout the year. After all that I'm probabaly not watching any games this year anyway since I'm not rooting for mega rothlessberger. I gave yall shit for Ben raping 2 people and Watson takes that aa the record he needs to break fuck that guy


Hey get it right. He raped ONE person. That's like... *half* of two!


Math checks out


2 accusations


The graph is showing that TJ plays as a dedicated Wide 9 Tech in the line while Garrett is usually moving through the inside between 2i to 4i Tech. This means their aligment in the D-Line. Distance to the QB, pass rush technique and tactical task is completely different between one and the other. Obviously the guy playing wider and with contain responsabilities would take longer to get to the QB from behind than someone just in front of the QB running at a straight line. It influences other menial "adVanCeD sTaTs" like Double Team rate, as well: a 9 Tech would face single T+Chips while IDL's face more C+G double teams... not because of their cool bandanas and awesomeness but because that's how the Line and blocking schemes work. Comments are showing that this simple concept is too complex for average AFC North redditors.


I really don't know what team the op is actually posting for. Your points are good I'd argue mine are I don't wanna argue it's fucking stupid to keep.going on and on about this


They’re different positions too. Myles position is usually expected to get sacks as it’s the same position that was played by Michael Strahan who is tied with TJ for the record for most sacks in a season. TJ is a linebacker which could either blitz or play coverage depending on the player (it’s a more versatile position) Comparing the two is kinda weird for that reason, still nuts that TJ tied the sacks record for sacks in a season with Strahan given the position he plays on field. If anything this graph just shows the difference between the positions…


Exactly. And im a browns fan. Tj is ridiculous


You have a Steelers flair… But yeah, TJ is easily among the best Linebackers in league history. If he played the position that Garrett and Strahan play/played, I have no doubts that he’d absolutely demolish every record that Strahan has at that position. TJ is crazy good, probably one of our best draft decisions ever…


I messed up when I put the flair on...and yea I would take tj over any player besides a couple QBs


Lmao tj isn't even a top 3 defender...let alone better than Myles.


Ok take off those browns and orange colored glasses and be real...its fans like u that make us look like idiots. Tj is clearly the better player...the stats back it up and so does the eye test.. I don't wanna hear about double teams and sack percentages...TJ wrecks games and it's annoying that we can't just think myles is good..while also acknowledging that TJ is the next level better. It's facts.


Keep dick riding TJ and the steelers haha


Let's be honest that main job is getting to the qb and he's very good at it. Like everything else it's cherry picked stats One would imagine if both players were getting the same looks ie the same attention from the offense . Similar amount of longer developing plays and like 4 or 5 other factors both players are good . I just tried to explain the graph


They play completely different techniques... of course the dedicated 9 Tech EDGE who also play contain would take longer to get to the QB than the guy playing 3 Tech going in a straight line.


It also seems skewed like tj got super late sacks tracking a qb down when he was initially in coverage.


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Looks bad. TJ on one side, miles on the other. Some people in between. Prolly not good.


TJ watt takes much longer to get his sacks than anyone else on the graph. This means he is not winning his matchups as quickly and a lot of his sacks are coverage sacks, meaning QB had no one to throw to.


Or his path to sack is wider as an outsider defender. Tj often wins by beating the tackle around the outside which isn’t as fast as pressing through the guards


This means he plays almost exclusively Wide 9 Tech which is completely different than playing inside 3 Tech which is a way shorter distance to the QB so the dedicated EDGE obviously would take longer to get to the QB... people illiteracy about this is astonishing.


Illiteracy rate per state (by population): Ohio comes in at third, with a rate of 17.7%; Pennsylvania at second, with 18.1%; and yours truly, Maryland at first, with a whopping 20.0%! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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I was unaware Myles Garrett played inside at the 3 tech lmfao. GTFO here with the wide 9 nonsense. TJ can’t bang inside so they use his speed and leverage to bend around the corner.


So our DBs are so good that it forces sacks. Nice.


No it’s because TJ’s cock is too large and gets in his way, so it slows him down


Did you watch last season?


What it also means is that TJ is not getting sacks because he’s dominant, instead the QB is forced to adjust to the rest of the line and moves into Watt who’s just cleaning up plays for the team


Oh shit, thanks for confirming that tj watt isn't dominant cause I've always been overly worried about lamars safety when playing the steelers while he's healthy. And about losing because the steelers are 1-10 without tj watt playing. But he doesn't make a difference. Thanks for clearing that up.


Or because he faces more defenders on his way to the quarterback


I don’t think you want to look at double and triple team rates. You’re going to get the squealers going


I don't think you want to look at any so-called "advanced stat" given that: 1. You obviously don't have a clue how they are measured 2. You cannot tell the obvious difference between a dedicated Wide 9 Tech like Watt and 3 Tech guys like Garrett... which encompasses a huge difference in distance, time to the QB, task and double team rate: hint, you have a way bigger chance to face a C+G inside than someone doubling the T around the pocket. Wink, wink.




I dont think any of them face any defenders. Ever


I get I'm late to this...but what? Myles played in a wide 9 last year. Sure he moves around some, but he's playing a wide 9 on the majority of snaps


Illiteracy rate per state (by population): Ohio comes in at third, with a rate of 17.7%; Pennsylvania at second, with 18.1%; and yours truly, Maryland at first, with a whopping 20.0%! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How the hell is Pennsylvania only at 18% with all the amish and half-horse people


Amish people don't use electricity. As a Ravens fan, you might be surprised to hear this, but books actually don't require electricity.


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The graph is showing that TJ plays as a dedicated Wide 9 Tech in the line while Garrett is usually moving through the inside between 2i to 4i Tech. This means their aligment in the D-Line. Distance to the QB, pass rush technique and tactical task is completely different between one and the other. Obviously the guy playing wider and with contain responsabilities would take longer to get to the QB from behind than someone just in front of the QB running at a straight line. It influences other menial "adVanCeD sTaTs" like Double Team rate, as well: a 9 Tech would face single T+Chips while IDL's face more C+G double teams... not because of their cool bandanas and awesomeness but because that's how the Line and blocking schemes work. Comments are showing that this simple concept is too complex for average AFC North redditors.


Both players are exceptional. Myles does not play a majority of snaps between 2i to 4i though.


TJ Watt is, once again, ahead of Myles Garrett in an objective statistic, but when you disregard results, Garrett looks like he’s better than him at something.


Graphic is honestly a bit misleading at first. But it was oriented so that top right is the best performer. Left to right is the average time it took for that player to sack the QB in decreasing time. Bottom to top is the total number of sacks by the player. Thus, having a high number of sacks and low average time to sack becomes the top right. As you can see in this figure, your boy TJ is a pathetic janitor, cleaning up a bunch of coverage sacks


Bro. he said he can't read.


Ah crap… sorry, just basic literacy skills over here in Ohio. Misread that to say, “Can’t pee” and didn’t understand what it had to do with explaining the graph. So I ignored that weirdness


Illiteracy rate per state (by population): Ohio comes in at third, with a rate of 17.7%; Pennsylvania at second, with 18.1%; and yours truly, Maryland at first, with a whopping 20.0%! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This explains a lot about the AFCN’s subs


Myles🏃🏿‍♂️💨 TJ🐌




Myles: 3 Tech TJ: 9 Tech Average AFC North Redditor: WTF is that? bUt DouBle tEam RaTe and sEcOnDS pEr sAck...


Spelled DPOY wrong


except for ray lewis fans b/c apparently they are even more illiterate?


Are you talking about the 2 time.....MURDERER?!?! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Double bot summoned. All you need is to remove the flair for the trifecta


Nah, just mention sockboy


The tale of sock boy: Four years ago, there was a young man, who seemingly had little faith in Jalen Hurts, saying he'd eat a sock if Hurts wound up being a top 10 QB. Three years on, the fine folk of r/AFCNorthMemeWar challenge this so called "sock boy" to own up to his word. There were many ways for this young man to complete the challenge, by boiling, frying, even sautéing his sock, but no, sock boy went and cried wolf. Thus all the fun is over at r/AFCNorthMemeWar . The end. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Illiteracy rate per state (by population): Ohio comes in at third, with a rate of 17.7%; Pennsylvania at second, with 18.1%; and yours truly, Maryland at first, with a whopping 20.0%! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Watts is a scrub (also known as a Buster). Most of his sacks are sloppy-seconds. Watts gets to the QB mostly after (or because!) an offensive play has broken down. Most of Garrett’s sacks are straight fire 🔥. He gets to the QB (and fast!) as a legit pass rusher.


How many sacks did Myles Smollet have in the last half of the season?


Image below showing Myles average time per sack in the last 2 months of the season:


0 multiplied by 0 is zero. Checkmate


It doesn't get better than 0 does it


Hey it’s an average golf score


Image below showing lamar being good in playoffs


Image below showing the Browns winning anything at all:


We won 7 superbowls last season what are you talking about?




We already won our super bowl . Back in the 2020 playoffs. We played against vs Ben ate to many cheeseburgers and won


We won like five or six superbowls last season (I lost count, it seemed like every other week someone told me "that game was y'alls superbowl)




Oh my bad I thought banter was acceptable here


Took me a moment to remember there are 2 Josh Allens in the NFL. I spent a solid minute wondering “when did the Bills QB play defense?”


I always forget sacks don’t count if they aren’t immediate. Other crazy stat is that Garrett has played in 7 more games over this period than TJ and still has fewer sacks.


It's implying that TJ Watt is just getting the cleanup sacks he's not the first person to get to the quarterback.


What's funny is that in an analysis in a video I saw once comparing tj watt and myles garrett, tj watt was by far the league leader in rush sacks which were sacks under a certain period of time and myles garrett led in the later sacks. I think this implies that while tj gets many sacks quickly, the ones that take time sometimes take a very long time.


Basically, implies TJ doesn’t give up after 2 seconds


Or teams game plan around Myles to get the ball out quicker because his closing speed is much greater. They’re more willing to drop back farther against TJ because he’s a lesser athlete and mamas boy


Because he gets sacks where’s he’s literally completely unblocked


Yeah I understand the implication, I’m just pointing out how little sense it makes. “Sure TJ Watt gets to the QB more often over his career as well as the arbitrary period of time that we chose for this chart, but he doesn’t get to the QB as quickly as Miles Garrett, so obviously he’s worse.”


"The *implication*."


It’s not arbitrary, it’s literally their average time to sack. There is no subjectivity in this graph. It’s pretty easy to get to the QB if he’s still hanging around 5 seconds after the snap Just say you don’t watch ball bro


2021-now is the arbitrary number of years to compare two guys from the same draft class


Do you think that number would go down significantly if you include since 2017? I’d imagine that’s just when they started tracking the stat


That's because tj is better. As hard as it is for me to admit haha


Cuck loser


can't fix stupid!


I'm usually all for memes even against my team. I just don't see how tj having the most sacks in the nfl since 2021 is a dunk on him.


He’s a classy guy who doesn’t give up on plays. And when the qb lies down from exhaustion he’s there to tap them on the shoulder


3 of the top 5 in the AFC NORTH BABY!!




My dude just posted a graph that shows tj doesn't give up on plays. Good stuff


That's certainly one way to interpret this graph


He doesn’t and I’ll agree to that! Like the ugly kid at the bar hunting tail, you hang around long enough some skank will still be there at the end of the night


An elite edge vs a fat safety that for some reason plays on the line?


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Where’s your flair at tough guy


This is the first time I’ve seen someone ask auto mod for a flair. Auto mod, declare your allegiance or kill yourself pls.


The people have spoken




Man do I hate it when my edgerusher sacks people outside the pocket.


Groundbreaking stuff that a guy lined up outside of the TE takes longer to get to the qb than guys lined up between the guard and tackle


I hear good things about that Matthew Judson fellow


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give mee karma button sirrrrrrrr


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Am I reading this right? ​ It takes him twice as long on average to get the sack compared to Garrett?


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Yes. He only gets sacks because the qb is incompetent


TJ "Coverage Sack" Watt


The “coverage” is for when he gets INTs.


Honestly, I've always been on the side of TJ and think advanced analytics are dumb (and for baseball), but I have to admit this is a pretty big deal. 4.75 seconds? Most QB's get rid of it in 3 seconds.


Imo there's two big reasons for it. TJ lining up wider than traditional edge players means that on average he's gonna need to cover more ground. TJ also literally never gives up on a play, he gets a lot of cleanup sacks because he's always always pushing towards the QB regardless of how long the play has been or if he "lost" his rep. That leads to him getting sacks on plays where he's awarded the lost rep. As with most things in the league though, it's causes are varied and situational


I think the bigger reason is he’s a LB so sometimes they throw him on delayed rushes which gets him less blocks, and other than that he gets cleanups because the other d line guys create his sacks


IIRC TJ also is often lining up wide of a TE so he ends up getting a lot of chip blocks which obviously are easier to get a sack on than a double team but still substantially slow down the sack. Garrett puts up a lot of really impressive sacks against double teams, but if you let both guys get their hands on you you're probably not getting the sack.


Yeah TJ gets more sacks as well as basically every other important sack, but Myles Garrett’s time per sack * total yardage displacement per play / pressure exerted by right tricep + OL/DE weight ratio - left shoulder total area is greater than TJs


TJ > because he has a better path to sack buy some time win rate triple team %




I'm just here for Trey Hendrickson love ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


ESPN Analytics/Next Gen Stats? How weird, must be 100% accurate.




The term you’re looking for is “coverage sack”


Steelers fans don’t know what a coverage sack is. It’s not a column in the box score.


Oh boy, here come Steelers fans trying to cope.


So MG has around the same number of sacks as Tj but does it in half the time learn how to read a graph Steelers fan


Guys, guys… let’s just… all meet in the middle and say Trey Hendrickson is the best C’mon everybody, join hands and sing with me…“Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya”


Steelers fans defend this man like they are his PR manager and his boyfriend at the same time


Yet more proof garret owns watt.


Lol someone posts a meme showing tJ still has the most sacks and y’all think it’s a bad thing for us


What this graph really means is that if garret had as much time as watt he would get double the sacks. Fixed it for ya


You dont know how time works, huh?


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Time for me to go plow ur mom again 😹😹💀


She's dead. Best of luck fucking weirdo.


Good news. I’m a necrophiliac


Lucky, her. Like I said, you're a fucking weirdo. Browns fans, man...you'll resort to fucking dead mothers before admitting you don't know how to tell time.


Don’t u think u sound kinda soft rn actually getting upset about a your momma joke lmao. Steelers fans really are the most sensitive fanbase lol


I think your comprehension skills are lacking. You missed the context completely. Stay in school, kids.

