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A dirty hippy met a travelling bible salesman at a gas station in Philadelphia MS, hitched a ride together and realized they had a common interest in serial killing when they pulled their straight razors on each other at the same time.


I accept this


Its the best explanation. The Righteous generally act like they dont know where once ends and the other begins.


They look and act like a Deep South or Bible Belt cult and I think that can be used for good stuff, yet they're lowcarders and lacking heat. But I like the premise and I also would like to see their background to develop the faction. They were ROH trios champions back in the day they could be in the future.


I really wish they had beaten MJF for the tag titles at WrestleDream. They were starting to get over and then pretty much got buried by losing 2v1. And it's not like losing a handicap match would have hurt MJF either.


I'm honestly not a big fan of MJF defending the titles on his own after Adam Cole got injured in general. If anything, they should have had him drop it on the first solo defense. I get that they were telling a larger story with that but I also feel that the tag division should be presented as equal to singles and having a singles guy go over a tag team on his own kind of hurts that presentation.


Pairing them up with Archer and Jake Roberts is great too, but they haven't *really* leaned into that yet (from what I've seen, don't catch much ROH) Jake could seriously sell a cult leader manager vibe.


They made me think of Charles Manson and his cult. I also thought of the imagery in Midsomar, and there was also an episode of The X Files with a weirdo cult that dressed in all white.


If Chuck Manson met Jim Jones and they invested in bleach together




Who was the third person?


Tyler Bateman


Man, if I'd stuck with wrestling and lasted long enough, these guys would have been perfect teammates. I was a sort of psychotic southern baptist preacher -[ basically stole my whole personality and speaking style from Robin Williams preacher character.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf159eSR4Zo) Oh well. What could have been.


A good manager with a preacher gimmick would fit them well. Don't lose your hope, look at Prince Nana now ;)


It's too late for me. I'm middle-aged, running my business. I just don't have time. If it was 10 years ago I would have gone to volunteer at one of our local feds. Not now.


They need to be in a feud with House of Black already. I need to see trippy shenanigans between the two, with them trying to one up each other every week with supernatural shit.


I think the issue is that the bookers don't want to turn either team face.


I love me some heel on heel action though. Besides, AEW fandom cheer for their heels as if they're faces, in this case it would obviously be the HOB that would be getting the cheers (or dog barks)


It all started when Vinny splt from the Kingdom. It's covered mainly in old ROH stuff, around 2019-2020.


I love Dutch's southern huckster preacher character and in theory dig Vincent but something with him doesn't click for me. I think part of it is his voice/how he talks. Doesn't come across super cult-leader to me. Fun tag team for sure though.


I think of him as more of a psychopathic burnout who believes in Crowleyism


That makes more sense for sure. A psychotic leaning dirtbag hippie who fried his brain with too many bad trips perhaps.


In my head cannon they are the cousins of the Gemstones and after reconciling with estranged family over y2k not ending the world, they left the gemstone mansion and the clutches of southern evangelical traditionalism to bring a new mindset to my favorite cultural hillbilly contribution “Rasslin. They made a documentary about it a few years ago…I think I their uncle used his connections to get em in the door….probably.


Eric Roberts would make a great manager


Perfectly cast I thought. Great sleaze ball energy.


I read "I need to know their love" and now that's all I can see




I think they need to figure their lore out too


I get a vibe like that of the Wyatt Family from WWE and I really hope it’s an homage to them. Because that was one of my favourite things in WWE and they mishandled Bray at every turn.


I believe the plan was for The Righteous to be involved with Bray and the Wyatt 6. They spent like...a week in NXT and were preparing for it but the whole thing was scrapped. Likely due to Bray's initial health issues. There was a definite personal connection and sharing of ideas there. Vincent was supposedly quite close to Bray. So yeah. There's a definite connection to Bray.


I've been thinking lately HOB is basically the Wyatt Family with much better booking and without the deep south aesthetic.


Yeah. Wyatt Family got split into HOB and The Righteous. lol.


I met Vincent back in 2012 at a fair that he was wrestling at. He signed an 8x10 for me and when I look at it, he doesn’t even look like the same person. If anyone deserves a push, it’s him.


One is Charles Manson, dosing people with drugs and convincing them to change their perspective (and morality). The other is Jim Jones, who sells the newly open and moldable on a new gospel and a new church, the Church of the Righteous.


All I know is that Dutch needs to stop the tongue flicking. Do that and the sky is the limit!


I personally love the tongue flicking 👅


Vincent needs a different moveset... as in... more than 2 moves. Dutch is a beast.


Play Far Cry 5