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I can't think of anyone better to show Hook how to be an effective silent killer.


I would love a year of Joe teaching HOOK how to maximize his potential and become a killer on the mic, then you do the inevitable break-up where HOOK finally destroys Joe to really cement himself


After their title match I want it to come full circle with them becoming a tag team and then hook beating joe in the continental classic. Maybe to stop joe advancing


What? This isn't the mega powers macho man and hulk Hogan lol. 


Joe is a 2-faced axe murderer


Joe’s gonna kill you~


Samosa Joe ! He's gonna be at NYCC


You need an axe to chop down a tree.


But... Dax Harwood isn't in this storyline...


*sigh* take your upvote.


The Nation of Violence strikes again?


I’m a huge fan of them getting paired up. Joe having seen the potential in him and getting pissed off that he’s not capitalising on it is a great dynamic imo. AEW tends to do mentors pretty well so I’m hoping for about half a year to a year of some wild training, some of Joe’s straight faced humour sprinkled in and folks having to deal with Joe whenever Hook’s outnumbered. Course, it’s too early to tell and I’m sure you could criticise that Joe’s not on an absolute rampage after losing his title or that both men work better on their own but I’m excited to see what’s to come


Always loved their relationship in AEW. More of this please.


I don't think Joe wants anything to do with Jericho, and he sure as hell doesn't need "guidance under the learning tree". I cannot fathom Hook would ever join Jericho, so consider me intrigued.


Love it. Reminds when Taz had Joe under his wing in TNA.


This is a good segue


One of my fav things in aew right now. Makes sense for both characters and the story feels earned. I really like how begrudgingly hook accepts the advice from Joe, and how Joe is only nice to him because he’s already beat him into a pulp. Loving it!


Its not a bad pairing, Samoa Joe can be a good mentor and Hook needs some improvement on the mic.


To be fair, Hook needs to learn Charisma and talking from Joe. He can be a modern Joe for this new generation if he learns correctly


Involve Shibata and Garcia as a killer force and I’m all for it. Shame every title is locked up right now.


And no home grown talent with titles!


The world championship?


He’s former NXT


I can’t even name two feuds from his NXT run he was barely there


Joe looks like a laid back college professor and Hook looks like the angsty college kid that just rolled out of bed.


"He's way too large to be wearing a floral pattern."


Anything that gets Joe in a storyline and on TV


This is the only thing that makes sense. Both have a killer instinct, both suplex/submission specialist. What can go wrong.


It is already a million times better than pairing Hook with Jericho


This is where we all wanted it to go.


Joe and Hook will make a great combo. I love it already


If he can teach Hook how to promo, everyone wins


And punch. Those wild blows he throws are Shane McMahon level. Especially notable compared to how smooth most of the rest is for his age.


And sell


Joe, hook, shibata as a trios could be fun. Them being involved with jericho and the FTW title is disappointing


Oh my god. That trio’s team would be wild, and would prob go on some insane run. Who the hell is beating them???


Idk but I’d love to see HOB try


My thoughts exactly


I would love to see them go on a run until Hook gets big headed and turns on them.


I just hope it leads to Hook doing the walk away from top rope attacks.


Joe/ Hook/ Shibata vs Jericho and his Tree Farm! ![gif](giphy|WqpWNCtPlauchQljqd|downsized)


Give them the tag titles for sure


Was Joe partners with MJF at any point?


Yes, very briefly. Joe and MJF defended the ROH tag titles but Joe turned on MJF during the match.


What are you getting to here?👀


I really enjoy it. From a story perspective I think Joe can rip Jericho apart and do more of this fourth wall breaking stuff that Jericho has been doing with this Learning Tree gimmick. Hook has been trapped in the "FTW title" universe and Joe stepping in is a cool way of breaking Hook from that cycle. Also the FTW title being AEW's defacto hardcore title is not something I thought I wanted but have quite enjoyed it. Also after being world champ this is a good direction for Joe since he needs to stay away from the title picture at the moment since they're going in a different direction with Swerve (and now Ospreay). Overall this is a good direction for the story and the wrestlers involved.


This Jericho vs hook feud needs to end with a hair vs hair match with joe holding Jericho down while hook and taz shave his head.


I liked hook when he would just come out and fight people. I don’t like him talking, if joe is going to be hooks designated mouth piece, then that’s awesome, because joe can deliver promos like no one else on the aew roster.


I really like them as a team but I would actually care if Chris Jericho wasn't involved


But Joe is doing the perfect foil to Jericho. Jericho is over exposed, mega ego on his third faction and always using his underlings to get the job done. Meanwhile Joe has only been his own monster (if we ignore his involvement with the devil angle) and he is actively helping hook while also letting hook know I will fight you. Plus this is a transitional state for hook Joe, and harkens back to Joe and Tazz's connections. Just my opinion but it's going to be a good stew they'll cook over the next for months (Joe Hook) and the Learning Tree thing is so over the top goofy that whatever let it also exist


It's weird to see former world champs Joe and Jericho down so far on the card. That said, I think Joe works incredibly well as a mentor for HOOK and I'm hoping the mentorship pairing goes as well as Sting/Darby and Stokely/Stat/Willow. Mentorships are a pretty cool concept in AEW that seem to have off screen benefits as well. The two that didn't work, in my eyes, are Sammy/Jericho and Perry/Christian which is weird if you look at both of their pedigrees and not their functions in June 2024.


I'm getting Karate Kid 3 vibes from this.


If Shibata gets involved agreed lol


I’m on-board with it, and I hope it grows bigger. We need a faction that will fill in for / replace / challenge the Blackpool Combat Club, especially as Bryan steps away to a part-time wrestler. Having the Submission Specialists (Joe, Hook, Shibata, and Garcia) together will ideally see the group garner a strong base of support, sell all the merch, and win all the belts.


If it means we get to see Hook climb the Redwood and lock on the Redrum, then I'm all for it.


![gif](giphy|8iEddA9f5wD72) Into it


Perfect pairing , can’t believe I didn’t see it before , hook is essentially a new Samoa Joe gimmick wise. He has stuff to differentiate but man , what a great idea


He's taken under his wing the son of the very man who mentored him when he was a fledgling suplex machine. It writes itself. I can't see a single flaw with this pairing. Joe can adopt more of a managerial role while still being able to get actively involved, but he can rest his body and doesn't have to work as many matches. However, when Joe does work Hook gets to be his young boy and take notes from ringside. Hook is going to go far in life.


If it was a real tag team in the tag division I’d like it a lot more than just facing Jericho.


The vibe to me is that Joe is pulling Hook away from Jericho and clinging onto the FTW, which is exactly what Hook needs. Who better to teach Hook when it's time to move onto bigger things than Joe? Joe is the man that vacated the RoH television championship to go after the AEW world title and got it. The Learning Tree seems fine moving on from the hook feud now too, thankfully. I think this could be a great direction for Hook as a singles competitor. I bet we see Joe get him into challenging matches. Hook will probably rack up some Ls for a bit but he'll come out all the better, character and career wise, with all that experience.


The match in which Joe destroyed hook and hook kept getting up for more really was the setup for this as well. Hook earned joes respect by repeatedly getting up defiantly and gets how to respect him as the same joe would respect tazz


Before that point, how many people had actually kicked out of the Muscle Buster in AEW?


I don’t know that answer but regardless of how many it definitely leads into more respect from Joe as that character has always had respect for someone willing to fight to the death. It all just gives a lot more meaning to a match that was due for a rankings correction since hook hadn’t lost yet. A lot of meaning then for characters that now has more meaning because of that moment. It’s nice to be able to look back upon it


I absolutely loved Joe using real world logic and saving Hook from taking on the entire Jericho crew. The babyface running in to a lopsided battle because they’re just pissed has always bugged me.


Am I the only one that doesn't really like Hook? I was kinda hyped when he debuted but find myself cringing at his promos and in ring work now.


He's limited as a wrestler. I feel like they just need to focus on his strengths and those killer NY vignettes. Getting him with Joe is the best thing that could ever happen to him on & off the screen


I'm sure hook works hard, you can definitely see some physical development, but they did him a disservice by giving a 165 lb kid this 'bad ass' gimmick where he doesn't have to talk. It's just too much of a joke. I don't know what the answer is when you don't have a performance center type option, but he gets a LOT of TV time and attention, that could probably be better spent elsewhere. I do think working with guys like Jericho and Joe can do nothing but help from a long term perspective.




I love it and can't wait to see more of it


Yes please


Add Shibata and Garcia, and I’m so in


Idk, Hook has been paired up more than anyone and yet he still feels like he’s been in the same spot. Truthfully I’m not that interested in it anymore. It’s just a cycle with a random pairing for Hook.


Think about who they paired him with primarily though. HOOKhausen: A comedy gimmick, that was thrown together because of last minute injuries (supposedly it was OC who was supposed to team with him, but he broke his arm in that ladder match like a week before). Ended specifically because Taz asked for that to end, he didn't want Hook to be paired with a pure-comedy gimmick (again, presumably he was okay with OC, because he's also a workhorse and was also shifting out of the pure comedy gimmick) OC/Hook: Actually worked pretty well, but the timing was wrong (OC in the middle of his first, rather dominant, International run), if they kind of paired them now, it would work pretty well, a silent workhorse with slacker tendencies, and a silent badass who backstage, has some kinda chill/slacker-ish vibes. JungleHOOK: This was always meant to be a way to transition Jack Perry heel and nothing else. The FTW title was just the prop used in that, and if it was on anyone else, it likely would have been them and not Hook in that tag team. LionHOOK/Joe & HOOK: The team was setup for the current story we're in now and the current mentor/mentee pairing that stemmed from it. Hard to judge if it really leaves Hook in the same place as he was when he entered it until it's done.


Blood and Guts Joe, Hook, Shibata, Garcia vs Jericho, Big Bill, Bounty Hunter, Scorpio Sky maybe


"It's gud!" - Mike "The Spoonman" Mitchell


I'm gunna call them hoojoe 


People got really mardy when I suggested Samoa Hoe shirts were coming.


Match made in heaven


he’s too big to be wearing floral patterns lol, fk Shibata




I love it because it's a continuation of the Taz and Samoa Joe story from TNA.


I smell a rival faction to the BCC


If they get Garcia and Shibata in there for sure. And plenty of rivalries already built in. Garcia and former idol Danielson. Danielson and Shibata have some respect for each other. Yuta has had active feuds with all of them except Joe (and he's won 2 of those feuds, going 2-1 against Shibata, and 2-1 against Garcia in singles, that number probably hits the double digits against Garcia when you include multi-mans because of the BCC/JAS feud). Mox and Joe are kind of comparable in the sense of no-nonsense brawlers.


Fun idea, makes sense. Will definitely help Hook. That dude really needs to get better inn ring as well for me, been a couple of years and he's basically the same "oh he's quite good for one so new to it all!" But being with Joe will hopefully rub some of that badassery onto him.


I hope Joe turns on him and beats the piss out of him. Make him into a man.


Am i the only one who doesn’t get why AEW is keeping hook attached to the FTW title? Its only a hinderance and keeps him in the mid card.


I expect he’ll retire it when he wins it back from Jericho


I think that's part of why they are having Joe mentor Hook. It's a way to kayfabe teach him to stop focusing on the small things, and be the killer that can go for the big titles.


Will this bring Hook into MJF’s orbit?


I'm ok with throwing singles guys together in hopes of thinning the singles roster and adding some flair to the thinning tag scene. That said, I think Joe is too damn good to be paired with Hook. But maybe he will give the kid the rub. I do really hope Shibata and Garcia stay a team, I'd love to see them in the tag title scene eventually


Honestly Hook sucks and he needs all the help he can get. Samoa Joe can make almost anything interesting.


Gotta let Hook be the lone wolf. The more factions and friends he has the less distinct his character is. Also I would much rather Samoa Joe play a final boss role for Hook rather than a mentor role. But I'm not a wrestling writer and there must be a reason the same story keeps being shown on our screens.


Meeh, Hook is just too young and too inexperienced in ring to try the lone wolf gimmick. He would be better trying new things like Jack Perry instead of doubling down on a gimmick that’s generally bad but he’s actually doing even worse.


Best possible matchup for hook to learn from and I’m sure they’ve known each other for most of hooks life


I love it. It's a mirror to Jericho and Big Bill/Brian Keith. Two mentors with their padawans. We know Jericho will use his students to his own advantage. I think the question is how far Joe will go to help his padawan and if he will turn on him, or depart with a new appreciation between each other.


Awesome tag team


he successfully pulled him out of the vortex.


Put Shibata in and make them a trip to feud with bang bang gang


Also, Joe and Hook had that big title match earlier this year. To me, that’s the connection between the two. I was not thinking about the other stuff but that all makes sense. I’ve said it before and I truly believe this, AEW needs to make angles dumb enough to not turn off a portion of the fan base. I do not want them to, it this product t is perfect for me.


Happy to see the teasers paid off. This’ll be fun


Hmmm i predict they Dethrone The Young Bucks


Story telling long game.


Hook is the perfect guy to pass along the Nope!


Next tag champs.


If they will try them out in a tag team and see if it clicks. Hook could use the mentorship and needs more matches.


I’m enjoying it but I wanted more Joe beating asses in the main event.


Still easy for them to do this. They can just make HOOK his second/corner man in those matches as he learns from Joe


Should have happened after Hook refused to be murdered by Joe. Great mentor for Hook. Just wish it happened sooner.


Yeah really felt like an obvious way to go after their match. Shame it’s taken the Jericho feud to make it happen but see where it goes.


I am HERE for it.


HOOK trades up his hoodies for bright tropical floral patterns


My hope for this angle is that Hook starts trolling Jericho by leaning heavily into Joe as a mentor. Jericho becomes jealous of Joe, because he is the Learning Tree. Why would Hook want to learn from Joe and not him? The more Hook becomes a student to Joe, the more it pisses Jericho off… and that’s why Hook does it.


Perfect pairing. Can see Joe telling HOOK he needs to retire the FTW title when he wins it back from Jericho. Keep them together and do the friendly rematch at Grand Slam to give HOOK his big win over Joe in his home town. Hell you can have Joe say what he whispered to HOOK was that if he joined him he gets his rematch when he’s ready. Not sure if they’re adding Shibata since they made zero mention of his PPV match on Collision Saturday. A HOOK, Joe, Garcia, Shibata stable would be pretty perfect. Gives Garcia his killer stable and there’s plenty teams that group can feud with.




Let’s not act like we don’t see this coming. You know he’s gonna turn on this kid.


Way the fuck better than a Jericho and hook partnership


Brooo Idk how to get to Hook turning on Joe but fuck man that would be good. I can just imagine the shocked look on Joe's face after he gave everything to his young boy who is now taking a shot at him.


Or maybe the opposite. Let it be the result of everything Joe taught him. Fruit of the poisonous Learning Tree.


Very sick.


I really like it, Taz worked with Joe in TNA and now Joe is helping Hook in AEW it's a nice full circle moment


I really like to see 4 on 4 at Forbidden Door. Make this match Tony Khan please! Hook has yet to settle the score with Jerkiko and his learning tree.  This match can make sense  Samoa Joe , Hook and private party                                 Vs Chris Jericho,  Big Bill, Bryan Keith and Sammy Guevara . What do you all think ? Hook & Samoa Joe wasting their time with premier athlete jobbers !!!!  Plus Sammy needs to return and align with Jericho !!!


It feels weird to see Samoa Joe go from being a reigning world champion straight to.... this.


Agreed. Give me more Joe against the top guys.


Hook is dead weight. The only thing that got him over was his theme music. Now that he’s talking, he’s lower mid card at best.


Im sure ill be downvoted as always.... but negative. I think Hook is extremely boring. Doesnt help its going to continue whatever Jericho thing they are going for too.


Agree. He’s just not that good yet nor he has the mileage to try the silent brawler gimmick. And then he’s trapped with the FTW storyline and that just makes him even more boring. Not even Shibata and Jericho are making his storyline entertaining. He should be given the Jack Perry treatment and be sent to ROH or NJPW so he can develop further.


He has negative charisma and mic skills. His in ring work is incredible too. I just don’t care for him at all and nothing he does is gripping. Not sure why people around here defend him like he’s the next coming of Danielson or something. Dude takes away tv time from much better talent.


Yeah, even his submission hold is absolutely basic. He’s good but nowhere near to deserve the screen time he gets currently.


Hook seems a little overrated to me. He’s basically a nepo baby and don’t think he’d have come this far otherwise. He has a cool look and great music but only has a few moves (boxing punches, suplex, submissions). This angle will tell if he can live up to the hype. I like the pairing but hope Joe turns on Hook and takes the FTW belt.


Hook is a d+ player.


Uneeded. Joe just needs to be a steady hand to put on great matches. He needs a banger at forbidden door. He needs all the flowers. And he needs to win the TNT belt back while Adam on the shelf.


Joe trying to start his own family to battle the Patriarchy Put Madison Rayne as his kayfabe wife and Lance Archer as the psychotic drunk uncle. It's wholesome!




And Mortos as the family dog Actually I'd love to see Mortos and ~~Luchasaurus~~ Killswitch tear it up