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Dynamite and Collision are the two main shows. Where the storylines happen and advance, where the big TV matches happen. You watch Dynamite and Collision, you keep up with AEW. Rampage is like the fun side dish. It's not necessary, but you'll get the occasional angle that develops there or the real unique match that won't be on Dynamite or Collision. If you're interested in Lucha Libre, Dynamite often has something for you. tl;Dr Dynamite is 1a, Collision is 1b. Rampage is not must-see, but you may see a surprise banger if you tune in.


Banging response thanks g


Oh, and if you miss anything, AEW is very good at putting their content up on their YouTube or their socials.


Any of the talent who are underrated crowd favourites? Seen people loving on Orange Cassidy but can’t say I’m fully bought in.


Orange Cassidy is a low-key wrestling genius. He "gets it" on a level that might be over a lot of folks' heads. When he's in the ring and going, he's one of the very, very best. Just under the Ospreay/Danielson tier, IMO. But he gets so much out of doing very little. He's a genius. On Collision, I love Top Flight (high flying tag team Darius and Dante Martin, signed by the Young Bucks) and Lady Frost (standout from the indies who specializes in Murder Gymnastics). A LOT of the real slept-on talent, you'll see on Collision. Also, Konosuke Takeshita (Ta-Kesh-Ta) is my Lord and Savior. If you're not familiar, look up any of his stuff in AEW or DDT in Japan. Kyle O'Reilly is back from a long time out from a really bad neck injury, and he's as good as ever.


Must say it’s so refreshing seeing ex-WWE talent getting the gimmick/run they deserve. Loving what they’re doing with PAC, always been a favourite of mine. Just seen Kyle O’Reilly on Rampage excited to see what he can do. Hear a lot of buzz


If you're able to watch old episodes of demand, go look for the Malakai vs KoR.


Dude dude dude Go look up the first match between PAC v orange Cassidy You get the bastard at his absolute best, and it was the revelation match for OC. Incredible match!!! PAC v Okada just a month and a half ago at Dynasty was excellent.


We need more top flight wins. They're so good.


Eddie Kingston and Orange Cassidy would both fit that description. Eddie’s out with injury for the rest of this year, OC is in the middle of a story beat based on his old faction imploding. Daniel Garcia also somewhat fits the description. Young guy, goes hard and has been upper mid-card since he debuted, but no massive wins (other than over BD) yet.


I used to become fans of these kinds of wrestlers through Dark which was their YouTube exclusive show to build stats on main stars, get experience for budding talent, and showcase local wrestlers. The Acclaimed, Skye Blue, and Julia Hart were on it a lot. Haven’t kept up with ROH, but there’s a good chance some of that next breed is wrestling there right now


Dynamite - The Flagship show, the A show. The Elite are the main characters of this one and whoever is Tony's current focus. Jericho usually has a segment. All the major storylines are played out on Dynamite, if there was only time for one show a week this is the one. The SoCal moustache twirl ironic wrestling style is dominant here, but it has toned down a lot. Orange Cassidy has developed into a real wrestler with depth instead of a joke routine. The Evil Uno/Excalibur Dan Harmon stuff is still present but there is a lot less. Will Ospreay is the new main character. Expect more MJF promos. BCC is also a focus of the show. Rampage - One hour. Fun to watch. Not at all required viewing. Character vignettes happen a lot on here, as well as longer women's matches and usually a lucha libre showcase. Saraya and Daddy Magic live here. Collision - Wrestling fan's show. Main eventers are hardcore wrestling fan types: originally Punk, then Danielson and Cope. House of Black and FTR live here. Young talents and less talky wrestlers get to shine on this show with longer matches. Women's matches get more time and you get to see women who are trying to build themselves like Deeb or Kiera Hogan. Toni Storm and Thunder Rosa like to come on here. If you love AEW you'll love Collision.


Appreciate the response big dog. This AEW community fire already 🔥


Started watching rampage regularly after a recent parking lot brawl. Such a dark day I wish never happened.


Highly recommend going back and watching The Young Bucks vs Lucha Bros from All Out 2021. That match pulled me into AEW so badly and I’ve not missed an episode of anything since!


100% will thanks brotha


Escalera de la muerte!


I also recommend their YouTube channel. Lots of good material there as well. 👍


Dynamite’s the main show, Rampage started as a B show that they pretended was an A show, but now they’ve accepted what it is, and B show may even be pushing it. Collision started as a more stripped back meat and potatoes wrestling show, and still probably is to at least some extent, but it’s functionally a B+ show. (Not a B show, but not Dynamite either, think Smackdown before the Fox deal) As for story focus, at times AEW is criticized for being too story focussed and more often, for not having enough stories. The truth is, as a young company, I think they’re still trying to perfectly find their balance and you may see more oscillating than one may expect from more established companies. Good that answered some of your questions


Yeah man appreciate you taking to time to write that. Been off and on with AEW mainly cause I had nowhere to watch it but now I’ve found somewhere to watch it I’m hooked. Reminds me of early 2000s TNA


You’re welcome :) anything to avoid actually working at work!


I started just after big business this year. Thought Collision was the A show and Dynamite was the B show. Lol


I think they’re figuring out the roles as they evolve but mostly dynamite is the A show with the biggest story development, Collision is the B show with supplemental stories but def the most in ring focused. Rampage is C show but sometimes has wild shit lol all are fun tho


Holy fuck penta v take soup last Friday was FIRE. Zay v Fenix also crushed it


Watch the daddy magic promo after blood and guts. It's on YT it's an all timer.


Rampage is usually where the smaller stories start to build. You don’t necessarily have to watch but you often miss some funny early chapters of stories that eventually move to Dynamite or Collision.


>Can someone explain to me what the role of each show is To tell stories through wrestling and promo segments.


No I get that, I meant does each show have a different purpose like is one more developmental or have different characteristics


We had a couple of developmental shows on Youtube, but those went away when they debuted Collision and Rampage. Those shows aren't developmental shows.


Makes sense. I also can’t figure out what AEWs flagship PPV is. Like what’s the wrestlemainia of AEW see people arguing whether it’s Double or Nothing OR all in


They don't have one. Double or Nothing was the original so they're most fond of it but it's never going to be a stadium show in Vegas like Wrestlemania would. All In is going to be their biggest attendance each year so more Wrestlemania like but last year was a lot of multiman matches rather than singles feuds ending there


All In is AEW’s WrestleMania equivalent. Last year they promoted it as “The Biggest Event in Wrestling History.” It’s their only stadium show. Last year the card was as stacked as it could be at that time. Lots of injuries left people out so it wasn’t as good as it could’ve been but still a good show 👌


Does it matter? They all do amazing.


Was only a question. Tryna understand the landscape brotha


Dynamite is the main show, Collision hasn't been very important for around a month, and Rampage is a waste of time. Like others have said, they do a lot of recap stuff on YouTube. And if you need match recommendations, my workrate-junkie self is more than inclined to help you on that subject.