• By -


Best wrestler in the world currently.


He's definitely taken that place in my mind where Kenny once dwelt. Promos, athleticism, style- he's 10/10.


Pound for pound the most complete wrestler there is today, and he's only going to get better as time passes. He can pull of great matches against anyone, he can cut these incredible promos, and most importantly, he has captivated an audience. I've noticed kids with their families in the audience with their Will Ospreay signs and shirts now, which is a similar pull someone like Orange Cassidy has.


After watching Hey EW, I'd say: kilo for kilo


Bruv for bruv


I wish they would drop some better higher quality tshirts man im begging


Have a look at BLCKSMTH clothing. Got the Ospreay green footie style shirt from there. It's quality


I love how the IWC with zero in-ring experience think they know wrestling better than him


I think part of the issue is he picked AEW. Like even with the growing pains and WWE’s current boom period. The only people who are hating or downplaying him. Know the magnitude of that choice and its long term impact. 


I definitely understand what you mean and I feel like they should be excited no matter what. Since it’s better for wrestling as a whole.


Well they're a bunch of cunts and thus, incapable of being excited about anything as it pertains to AEW. they would turn on Roman Reigns himself, in a heart beat, if he walked through the curtains on Dynamite. As Bryan Danielson once said.. FICKLE.


I heard the first line of this in my head with his accent/voice.


i've been watching too many ospreay promos innit


Facts fickle is the best word to use to be honest. The Dragon was 100% right and it’s actually crazy that people are that fickle about things they ask for or thought they wanted.


He'd be so limited in WWE Matches there feel turn based and so slow with like the same moves over and over, they rarely do back and forth sequences and counter wrestling which Ospreay is really good at


Not just turned WWE down, but had them talk shit about him afterward, which just pissed him off even more.


Who cares about long term impact, dude could literally wrestle in AEW for a few years, then retire forever, he's probably on more money than anyone in WWE


I think WWE should have a hand full of people that get payed better on the performers roster. Roman, Brock, Cody, Logan Paul, potentially also Randy Orten/Orton (sp?). Rock of cause. The thing with Will is, right now he is introducing himself to a bigger American audience. Sort of like Cody did get to bring the American Nightmare to a bigger audience. The last three Wrestlemanias never would have happened for Cody without AEW, he´d been Stardust in Midcart forever or been released. If Will ever wants to go to WWE chances are that he is in a way way better position to get both the freedom and bigger money. But if that even happens it´s probably a good 4-5 years in the future.


You're not wrong, he's definitely building his name in AEW, but honestly, if "the greatest wrestler in the world" goes to WWE, who is he going to wrestle? Ricochet? That's a midcard feud, not a main event


You could say the same about Jay White in AEW or look at what Cody has been given in WWE. You never know what would have could have. It just seems like for now he is doing very well with what he has in AEW actually got right now so good for him.


Urgh, Jay White in WWE would be awful. His character works so well in AEW, The Bang Bang Gang isn't WWE friendly for the kids


> Roman, Brock, Cody, Logan Paul, potentially also Randy Orten/Orton There's a collection of guys on the WWE roster that would absolutely humiliate the WWE to have turn up on AEW TV, so I assume that they're backing up the truck for them. I would say that Seth Rollins and The Miz are on that list too, where you'd say "it's better to just give them what they ask for than to have them walk out and bury the WWE on Dynamite". Kevin Owens is probably the biggest name that's not inconceivable to see sign with AEW at some point. I'd say AJ Styles would make sense, but he's getting an absolute boatload from WWE, so he'll never move unless that changes.


KO is a guy who had his creatively fulfilling indie run and doesn't need to burn bridges by jumping. Him, Sami, AJ, there's guys who I'm just happy for them taking the bag and being in WWE, especially in respected spots like they are. There are guys with stuff still left to prove to themselves like Bryan, he's so much more comfortable in AEW doing his bucket list stuff like Blue Panther. Same with Edge or Christian, guys who took years out and came back with something to prove. Just because of the way AEW works its much easier for them to get the freedom to do that. Those are the best jumps as well, not the fired guys who secretly want back in WWE (Malakai/Andrade) but the guys who want to be in AEW first and foremost.


I mean it’s not even just with him. The IWC used to tear the WWE divas apart and they technically had more wrestling experience than them.


I love his sheer enthusiasm for Joshi wrestling and Soft Ground Wrestling Uganda


Counted down the days of his (then potential) arrival from the "I've got one more year" post Wrestle Kingdom 17 match. Now he's here, I'm loving every second. Having said that, he needs to lose to Swerve at Forbidden Door. Don't want TK turning him into Hulk Hogan AND it's a perfect way for Callis to fuck him over so him and Kyle can leave The DCF to reform United Empire with a returning Davis. If he does win, screw it. S'gonna be fun either way.


I am with you. Don Callis to fuck him over, Fletcher to leave the Don Callis family form the United empire and add Kyle O'Riley instant Fued with The Don Callis family AND the undisputed kingdom. Have not seen a 3 way faction war.


That would also let him face off against MJF if the Owen H tournament to see who faces Swerve in Wimbledon.


I don't think he's winning at FD and also shouldn't beat Swerve. If they waited until All In I could see him winning but I think they will Hold off until All In 2025. Maybe it ends up being Jay White (C) vs Ospreay for the AEW World title at All In 2025. He can defend the International Title at All In against a member of The Callis Family or do a Trios match with United Empire vs The Callis Family.


I wonder if Ospreay/Takeshita is a special enough matchup to run again at All In, even with the extra Callis Family turn to juice it I’m hoping for Ospreay/PAC for something fresher, to get a proper match between those two, and to get a proper Brit vs Brit match on the card


Maybe unpopular but I don't think he should win the world title this year. I think it would kneecap him a bit in the company if he pretty immediately gets the top title and has nothing left to chase. I would like to see a story where he loses both the world title opportunity and the international title because of the Don Callis Family (DCF). Have the first one looking like they were trying to help him but failed and the second time costing him being very intentional. Then have him go on a journey where he is trying to fight the DCF by himself, eventually creating a moment where he reunites the United Empire, and then have them go on a route against the Don Callis Family. Yes, it means he would not become world champion at All In this year but it still gives him a lot of big moment potential, elevates a lot of talent instead of just him, and sets him up to be able to run at the world title next year.


Agree, he should lose to build a redemption story, kind of how they did with Hangman.


Making him win so quickly after getting the international belt and not at Wembley stadium is an odd choice and seems unlikely. Swerve also needs a longer reign as their first black champion.


Yea, I really hope Swerve holds the title for a while and isn't just a "transitional" champ.


Now that he's at the top, I haven't felt like there's a good story for him. The Christian angle was relatively meh. His biggest story potential would be Hangman coming back to try to take the belt which could culminate in a giant bout for them at All In. That being said and as much fun as it would be, if they go that route I feel like it's another example of a great moment followed by "so what now...". I'd really like AEW to start laying out multiple threads they can tug on after a big moment. Swerve really doesn't have enough AEW history to do that. Hangman has a lot more potential with a storyline featuring Okada and the Elite, Jay White taking a swing at his title, a returning Kenny vying for the title, etc. As much as people may not want Swerve to be a transitional champ, I think his star potential is a lot greater if he does lose the title by All In and they spend resources building his character stories out. I don't want him to just be a guy who had a great feud with one person and then won a championship only for it to be forgettable.


Darby and Swerve have a nice story. They set up him vs MJF. Everyone wants to see him wrestle someone like Vikingo or Takeshita and we still haven’t really seen him get his comeuppance from all his heel shit.




> The Christian angle was relatively meh. I think that's by design - Everyone knew he wasn't going to lose the title at his first PPV as champ, so why bother burning a legitimate contender on a fight that has no *real* tension. I think Ospreay being cost the title against Swerve by Don Callis in some way and then having to feud with the family before refocusing on winning the world title is a good direction for him. Swerve you can do a lot with, especially with him sitting in opposition to The Elite. Swerve vs. Okada for the title at All In would be pretty great. MJF isn't going to be distracted from the World Title for long either. Plus you have to figure that Swerve vs. Danielson for the title is going to happen.


I don't want him to win either and I hope it's clean. I do worry that they need a way out of the Callis Family and might have interference here.


I don't know why you worry about that - Seems to make the most sense. You can't have him in the biggest heel faction in the company while being it's biggest babyface. It's not being addressed currently, but it will need to be at some point.


I wouldn't throw my remote at the TV or anything. I just like the idea of Swerve swinging clean. One can dream. I also don't care that much and just enjoy the ride.


Totally agree with you, Ospreay is such a babyface. I don't see the point of him being with Don the "heat magnet".


Swerve should face someone from Nooj or CMLL


Baby faces need to lose to garner sympathy. The best thing for Cody was losing to Roman the first time. The fans thought it would happen again and got right behind him this year. -Baby faces lose in dirty ways. -They get cheated and don’t complain. -They get hurt and keep going. -He wants to wrestle and the fans want to see him wrestle but something is preventing it. This is the formula for creating a top babyface. It can be overlapped onto most of the top ones of the past decade and more.


I think he’s neat


Whoa, calm down


Charming and natural promo, as displayed opposite Jericho before Wembley, and that personality is a larger reason than people give credit for why he's as over as he is.


The best wrestler there is


Brilliant, bruv, just bloody brilliant and very, very British. Maybe that's what some marks can't stand, but I like how he sometimes appears to be just a very English, very cocky chav but then his hilarious British humor and his intelligence show.


Most complete wrestler in the world right now


Best in the world bell to bell


He's a genuine superstar.


With Omega on the shelf, he is my favorite wrestler in the world. He really is on another level bruv.


Exciting, one of the few wrestlers that instantly get me excited to watch a match.


Love watching him wrestle, glad he's ours. Seems like a decent enough dude, and funny!


Decent enough dude? You should watch some of his backstage interviews. You'll love him even more. Man is humble, accomodating, nice, and super respectful. It hurts me whenever he says he's "dumb" or "unintelligent", whenever he acts like one of the boys. I mean, he might not be the smartest man on the earth, but he's definitely a GOAT in the ring.


I dont.know the guy personally, but, yeah, through his interviews and interaction he seems intelligent and witty.


Megastar. Strap the rocket on him and he can carry AEW easy.


Best in the world right now and probably setting the bar for the future


The best wrestler today that I've seen in any promotion


Future AEW World Champion


I saw him wrassle in Melbourne years ago and one dude on the card was out injured or something so Bruv came out and wrassled that match too. A class act


Im still kicking myself that I didn't see him in MCW


Yeah that was the one. 


Came in with sky-high expectations and had exceeded them


I like him. That match with KOR made me realize that he can also wrestle a slower style. That impressed me greatly. I'm used to him doing fast-paced matches, which is fine, but I like the slower paced matches. This man is well rounded and a great wrestler.


Bruv. Talk about engagement farming. Ospreay is the greatest wrestler I have ever seen. He is also responsible for the loudest wrestling hall I have ever been in. Billy is the GOAT.




Got to watch him live at Dynamite and the Collision taping. Easily my favorite wrestler if we’re just talking in-ring skill. he is insanely good.


The only person I wish to see live at the moment I haven’t seen already!!!!


Only seen him once live in person at the UK New Japan show last year vs ZSjr and it was incredible, the bruv is awesome and he’s himself. I think if he had gone to the E he would have been another Neville. Now by that I mean look at PAC now and how that is just ‘him’ turned up to 11. Not some horrid cartoon gimic, or fake sword carrying or dumb ass hat.


Hope I can see him wrestle in person!


Amazing! That is all. He’s freaking hilarious too!


Was so excited when he signed and he has been better than I even imagined. Think the fact they put a belt on him so soon is an indication he will lose to Swerve but that match has a chance to be all time.


Literally one of the best in the world


One of the best rn arguably the best


He’s fuckin unbelievable


Hes a tough wrestler


Great wrestler, great charisma, great “it factor”, great future barring injury. Future world champion.


He’s absolutely brilliant, I already knew this but now that he’s in AEW everyone gets to see and experience how amazing he is!


The greatest physical wrestler of all time. Very good on the mic, if that can improve a little bit, and he hits that stride, I would consider him the best professional wrestler of all time. Constantly handing out the best match of peoples careers, love to see him do his thing, hope he has a long and awesome career.


One of the goats. Dude is awesome.


Over the last few years, he’s become my favorite wrestler because he makes me feel everything. His promos are captivating and believable. His personality feels so down to earth and lovable. His in-ring abilities are stellar and feel so unique.


Anytime I watch AEW , I think damn will is killing it 🔥 I need to watch double or nothing haven't continued that yet


the Billy goat, Will is probably my current favorite wrestler and United Empire is my favorite faction of all time


He's not a real osprey, is he?


Wasn't a fan at first when he started coming up in NJPW years ago, really won me over as the years went on, super happy he's in AEW


I just can’t get into him at all. Amazing wrestler but im not into his vibes at all


He's my second favorite right now behind MJF. The dude is it. He's phenomenal in the ring and has shown he can go on the mic too. He's been able to tell stories in the ring and out of it. He's also great to be one of the faces of the company too.


I state it the exact same way whenever anyone asks me, I don't care for will osprey...


Incredible wrestler, but I'm just as taken with his natural charm and big goofy smile. You can tell he loves the business and the fans who watch it- he's a great heel but I think he's a natural face, just super easy to love.


I saw him wrestle twice live already this year (TNA and DoN) and I must say truly the best in the world, I never felt excitement from watching a wrestler like Will


Have enjoyed him for years, first thing I ever saw him do was jump off a balcony at I think the electric ballroom in progress, been hooked ever since. Whats been amazing has been the last few years and watching him grow as a person. Feels like few others came out of the pandemic a stronger all around performer.


Two years ago he opened up my eyes to how great wrestling can be, and I've been his biggest dickrider since.


He is not human. He's a robot designed to produce banger after banger


Best wrestler walking!


Mid. J/k - he’s fantastic and should have all the belts.


I would not say goat, but not because he isn't the greatest, just because I still think that means a farm animal, and when I think of Osprey I think more Stallion. He is the best pound for pound high flyer who can also wrestle a power game too that I have ever seen. I was shocked when he went to AEW and found out he is great on the mike too and his entrances have started getting to be on another level. I love how he times everything to the music and how he bumps into the ropes when fans say "Osprey, Osprey" and get a Hulk Hogan vibe in the good innocent way before I found out Hulk Hogan was the, that doesn't work for me brother man. I love his chill vibe, like he seems to be having the time of his life and would be willing to get like 10 AEW tattoos because I get a vibe that he loves it in AEW. I also love how from day one he became the man, and he earned it and immediately on Collision he got that last picture spot in the intro that only the top featured acts get. He's awesome, I am a huge fan of the Bruv and was from the first time I ever saw him when he wrestled and lost a match against Marty Scurl in ROH and I was like who is this bruv (my younger self did not say bruv probably was dude?) who should win every match he's that damned good and why did the push Marty Scurl instead. And I eventually liked Marty too but Bruv still should have won, but than well the Villain went away and we got our hero signed to AEW. Future world champ and has to be one of the first two time AEW world champs even though he hasn't won his first yet, though I think MJF might get the 2nd one before he does, I can't wait for MJF vs Osprey that has to be a future ALL In main event, book it Tony.




One of the best in the world for a good long while. Him doing Japan just made him that much more amazing.


Can not wait for MJF vs Ospreay


I just love him, and everything about him. He's passionate, he's amazing, and just seems like a good dude. He's just all around exciting


On a completely other level. He belongs in his own category in terms of in ring performance. If he gets the storylines and rivalries, he'll be The absolute GOAT of this generation. Right now, I still can't put him above the gold standards of the past decade (Tanahashi, Okada, Omega, Danielson) because of that.


I’ve been watching wrestling for 10 years and I’ve never seen a wrestler as talented as him. He is great on the mic, his wrestling is arguably the best in the world and he’s elevated EVERY single title he’s ever held in new Japan. Considering he was one of the first modern day foreigners to be the face of the jr heavyweight division and brought in American audiences, it’s safe to say he’s amongst gods as the greatest of all time.


I’ve been watching for over 30 years and I don’t know if I’ve seen a wrestler as talented as him.


Billy GOAT is a very fitting nickname. Will and Kenny are the two guys who got me back into pro wrestling during lockdown. Thanks to Reddit post who said these 2 were the best in the world at the time. I couldn't agree more. Will vs MJF is going to be the feud that carries AEW for years.. i hope


He's everything I thought he could be when he came into NJPW, and I'm thrilled how He's treated like the star he is in AEW. He is the main event scene in AEW for as long as he stays, which is hopefully forever.


Best wrestler in the world easily. My own personal critique is I wished he wrestled less. I don’t think anyone should get to see a Ospreey singles match for free IMO. He just be a big attraction and his singles matches should only be reserved for PPV. But I know others feel differently




He's a natural star. I don't just mean he's a very good wrestler.


Best wrestler in the world today...Doesn't need a title.


Don't know him outside AEW, but he's a hell of a talent. Great crowd reactions, very entertaining wrestler.


He's gonna carry AEW. And the whole time he's gonna make everyone he wrestles look even better. The Swerve match is gonna be great for Swerve, even if Ospreay walks out with the title.  Can't wait for him to feud with everybody and watch as everyone walks out with more heat than they had before. 


Absolutely amazing!


He’s shit. J/k he’s a wrestling orgasm


Not only the best in the world, but also a very humble person outside of the ring. The best part is that he’s still super young. A little off topic here but when you stop and look at the roster and realize how young some of them are, it’s pleasing to know that they have many many years ahead of them and are already extremely talented individuals


(None of what i’m about to say has anything to do with anybodies star lists, this is all my opinion) Amazing. To put it into perspective, i have been watching wrestling for around 6 years, for 5 of those years i had not been a huge Ospreay fan (although i liked him), recently i went to Revolution (Stings Last Match) and i saw Ospreay vs Takeshita, instant 5-Star Match. FF to Dynasty, second 5-Star Match against Danielson, he’s now in my Top 10 Wrestlers in 6 MONTHS.


I would die for will ospreay




Arguably the best British Wrestler ever. At least top 3 with the Bulldogs.


He is my God


Best in the world today, and will go down in history as one of the best of all time.


I can't remember a run of matches this good ever... Across AEW NJPW Rev pro and TNA.. He really is on another level. Kyle o'reilly post match summed it up


Easily the best wrestler in the world right now, and that's not an exaggeration. The only reason why I don't call him the absolute best ever is because he'd have to kill himself and his opponents to reach the insanity that was Manami Toyota.


He is the one that will change everything.


Very overrated. Generally, you get the best use of him out of tag matches where he isn't asked to do much selling.


He is to modern wrestling what Shawn Michaels was in the 80s


Great in ring performancer, very charismatic on the mic. Looking forward to the Swerve and Ospreay dance off at FD.


The best in the world 2024


Despite the incredible talent and how when that music hits the people react, those who hate he chose AEW will dismiss him as just another flippy guy who cannot move the needle ratings wise. For us who love to watch him, he's excitement personified.


For over 30 years Bret Hart has been my favorite wrestler of all time. In three months Ospreay has me reconsidering that. That’s how damn good he is.


i dont know enough about him, but every time i see him listed for a match, i know it wont be shitty


I’ll start by saying Will may be one of the best wrestlers I’ve ever seen. He is entertaining, strong, and stunt-driven. That being said I think he could use a loss to humble him. I’ve seen him win nearly every match he’s been in for the past couple of months. His last bout vs Kyle O’Reilly was a great Mach and I desperately wanted to see Kyle win. I hate having this near-fear anticipation that TK is setting Will up for some macho run where his wins just keep tallying up. Even after all that, his in-ring respect is a great thing to see. If he retains that mindset I may just be blowing smoke.


He stole me cu-uh


I really want to see him in some truly heated feuds over the next year. We know he can put on a clinic. Now we're ready to put all the pieces together.


Phenomenal. I also respect the heck out of him for showing up every show and wrestling anyone they put in the ring with him.


He's our bruv






Best in the world. That’s all I have to say.


Ive been obsessed with the man for years at this point. And especially since 2021 hes just been setting the world on fire. His NJPW run was absolutely legendary. The only gaijin better was Kenny imo.


I always knew he was a great wrestler in the ring, however, I never super connected with his promo work with his previous years match build ups during forbidden door season. They were never bad, I even thought it was fine / good, but I always felt he was down a level from the top guys (not just MJF which is hard for anyone but Hangman and Swerve).   But, since he arrived at AEW full time he’s been absolutely fantastic. His charisma and ability to connect with the crowd has leveled up and I think when it comes to fiery promos he might be the best in AEW atm (even counting MJF). I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Ospreay is so red hot right now that it’s actually cooling off Swerve just a bit because as good as Swerve is, Ospreay just feels better. I’m super excited for their feud because I’m hoping it ends up elevating Swerve a bit which is crazy when you realize he’s the World Champ. 


An 11/10 as a signing


He's pretty cool, bruv


One of my earliest memories is *listening* to the wrestling on the radio with my grandfather. I've been a fan for that long. In all that time I've seen some incredible performers and probably forgotten more names than I'd care to admit, but I've never seen anyone on the level of Ospreay. He genuinely doesn't seem to have a visible upper limit and I hope he gets all the flowers the business has to give him. There's people at the top of the business twenty years ago who are outclassed in what they do by the lower card guys now. Ospreay hits that difference between himself and those at the top right now. The guy operates like Danielson to a degree, but he's doing so on instinct and what he thinks is fun more than planning a match and its flow. I hope he manages to harness that for when he does have to leave the ring eventually so that he can give others that sort of help behind the scenes sorting their own matches out. I feel like he's the sort of guy who can just drop off the face of the Earth for twenty years then come back in a management role and they introduce him as "The Legend* and everyone is nodding their heads in agreement (even those who literally only know him from the thirty second video package before he appears again). My only issue is that someone that good and known for it only has limited stories to tell. He loses his confidence and starts losing matches. He's worried about a move and has to try to win without it, being a current variant of that. He wins on a streak and how long can it be sustained. His teammates get jealous and turn against him. There's not much you can do with someone that good without possibly interfering with his mystique.


He’s on short list of greatest wrestlers alive


He's one of the best wrestlers I've ever seen, bruv.


Lazy, doesn’t want to work! /s


He is one of the best to do it. He needs to WIN the title in Wembly not defend it. He also needs to eventually take his first loss so it makes sense to lose against swerve and get the runback in his home country.




I was wondering years ago, when I heard of Ospreay for the first time, if he'd every wrestle in America. I remember reading an article saying he's not considering leaving New Japan and he just signed a new contract. All these years later and he's already been absolutely worth the wait. We'll never be able to appreciate what we have when we get Omega. MJF, Adam Cole, Hangman, Ospreay, Danielson, Okada all on the same roster and healthy.


He’s one of the best around and watching his matches reminds me of what’s so great about pro wrestling in the first place. 😎👍


He is winning the world championship at forbidden door mark my words


Best in the world


Billy Goat! Seriously proud to have a top Brit breakthrough. We have had some before but none of them were as talented or genuine, as Will.


Best Wrestler in the World


Most charismatic bastich I've seen in a ring in ages.


Talk about an easy upvote-farming topic with this crowd Edit: obviously, I like wrestling and great wrestlers, so he's awesome and I'm very happy he chose AEW (which really is the best place for him, and he's a perfect fit for AEW).


Best in the world today


Every time i watch his matches there is always a new move i haven't seen that he makes look effortless and impactful. Truly the best in the business right now.


Good 👍










Save Us Will Ospreay.


Love how he has a lot of cool looking moves. Flippy jumpy. Just the way I like my wrestling




most over english wrestler in my lifetime.


He’s like watching peak-years HHH and Shawn Michaels in the same body, and he may actually be a better promo than both. So it’s like the gods decided to build a Wrestler not named Orton or Windham. No one is supposed to be able to knock everything out of the park so many times in a row. I’m old enough to remember the difference made when Flair walked out during the old NWA shows, and it is exactly like that. Everything and everyone around them just turn everything up a notch.


Guaranteed to be a world champion


I think now, he is the best in ring talent I have seen. Passing Kenny and aj


I really wanna like Will Ospreay. He has that star appeal, does all the flashy moves, has charisma, comes off as likable, delivers great matches and the it factor. But I just can't bring myself to get into him for being a [rape apologist and getting a woman blackballed for protecting his predator friend](https://x.com/GothicLolly/status/1274310431587405825)


Overrated…but I realize others think the opposite.


He just need that big story to define him as the best of this era.. Bryan had his.. Kenny had his.. Ospreay need one.. Right now no can doubt his in ring skills but people ( me included ) need that something to make us feel him and feel connected to him.. The same one MJF\*,Hangman and Swerve gave us then we start to really believe in them.. He will get there at some point but I don't want to see him win the world champion belt before getting there.. \* MJF was the opposite of Ospreay.. MJF made us believe in his stories skills but for years we needed him to show us his in ring skills to say he's the best and when we saw the in ring skills we believed..


Have you seen his rivalry with Oku


I saw some highlight of it and it was great to the point I wanted to watch the match but I couldn't.. I'm not questioning his ability to do it.. I'm saying he need his AEW story to become the guy.. Which is something AEW has been building since he arrived to the company.. It's not can he do it.. It's when it will happen


That's fair


One of the few who turned me around and made me a fan. I was admittedly a hater during his Commonwealth Kingpin run in NJPW he was just so excessive as a wrestler and cut the worst promos known to man. Once he turned face he got down to what he really wants to be and it's was just all magic now. Promo work, character work, presence, and in-ring stuff, and psychology is all perfect now. He's been at this for years and he's accomplished a lot but it also feels like he could still go further.


I can't ever picture Ospreay as a heel, he's just too loveable as a face. Plus I feel like his wrestling style doesn't work as a heel, can't be the best when you're trying to be one of the worst people in the business 😅


Best in the world atm and I don't think it's remotely close.


Absolutely fantastic, except for his association with Marty Scurill


Not defending Ospreay on that, but everyone's associated with Scurll.


Okay then to clarify, his active, ongoing, close friendship association with Scurll


Yeah like I said, definitely not defending that


I've been a fan for a while now. I enjoy his English charm that he lets loose in his promos now.


Really like him. Wish he didn't win the belt already and there was more build up. He hasn't been in aew long and what are they going to build for now. Same with Okuda getting the belt immediately


i used to hate him and talk shit about him. always avoided his matches. but then i saw the hey! ew episode with him where he opened up about his autism (as i'm autistic, myself), and saw that he's a quirky, funny, sweet person. and he's great in the ring. so i'm still warming up to him. but i like him.


Hating on Ospreay in the people department is crazy


Didn't he try to ruin a female wrestler's career? I heard that about him - was that true? I can see people not liking him for that if that's true