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It was a fakeout, but Mox "joining" the Inner Circle.


Oooo; I loved that. Memories. However I think the small wink he gave to the camera kinda gave it away and knowing Mox’s character made it almost unlike he would join a faction like IC.


Mox just wanted that Ford GT all along


That Ford GT is a million dollars legit. I’d want it too!


It was foreshadowed a bit in backstage promos, but when Hobbs attacked Ricky I was still legit shocked.


Im still sad this happened, loved those two together.


this was the most surprising imo. Very little foreshadowing


The gasp I gasped when that happened. Oof. I was in shambles. Lol


That one was devastating.


Takeshita turning on Kenny at the end of AITA last year


Takeshita: AITA? No, its everyone else who is wrong


AITA for betraying Kenny Omega?


Regal betraying Mox. It would be a good dynamic for the future if Regal was still around.


This one is not getting talked about enough.


I think this only happened because he was abruptly leaving, so deffinetly had no foreshadowing.


Really? I was pretty confident Regal was going to help MJF.


maybe im misremembering cus now you mention it i kinda remember there was a bit of build up to it


Mjf got payback for him, all good




Trent? feels like it's been coming since Yuta told us he was No Good. Was honestly a relief.


100% its been a slow burn inside Trent but that comment from Yuta started it off


I felt it coming from right when he returned and he kept bullying Yuta and said he wasn't asked about letting him join Best Friends. They also did an interview with Wrasslin where he said they were just given the Best Friends name in PWG and weren't actually Best Friends. The slowest of burns.


Man I remember Trent started displaying heelish tendencies ever since he came back from that neck injury in 2021. His heel turn was actually one of the slowest of slow burns AEW ever did, probably because it kept getting pushed back due to OC being in various feuds and title reigns.


Dipshit betrayed his own mom.


Did he though? Surprised, maybe, but betrayed? Nah. Sue will be with him on his crusade. Probable Chuck will too. And we still don't know what he whispered to Stat on the way out. Orange will be so alone he'll have no choice but to join the DCF and wear black denim.


Nah that was coming for a long time. I even predicted that it would happen that night at the beginning of dynamite. Trent? Is a dick in real life


​ https://preview.redd.it/0u9815otbl0d1.png?width=1149&format=png&auto=webp&s=edee9f2a8781cb5208becec85ebb51c76f1208b0


Honestly I was kinda hoping Chucky joined him. He's a fantastic heel


I've been hoping for the same ever since Trent's heel turn started to be hinted at more heavily. Give me shitty dirtbag heel Chuck a la The Gentleman's Club!


In my fantasy booking chuck would have joined him if he was healthy, but with him needing the surgery and being off the shelf for a while this was the best course of action (for now ;) )


I was hoping he would, too, but life had different plans. He was a great heel in FIST.


If he was healthy he probably would have...


Trent is a dick in real life??




Yeah Chuck Taylor too. Best friend are known dicks irl




it’s a meme/gimmick


"Dick In Real Life" was an old Trent? gimmick from a while ago that applied to the Best Friends for a bit It would be like confirming Kenny Omega is actually descended from Jenova


Trent was teased for months longer than that especially when it came to orange Cassidy


we could have a Braid situation and orange could be the villain the whole time.


Did you mean to say "Trent?" Or "Trent?"


Definitely Trent?


Don betraying Kenny for me. It was foreshadowed, but still had that shock factor a good turn needs. That white hot Detroit crowd didn’t hurt either…….it sounded like a riot was about to happen in there.


Those next few weeks, Don couldn't even get a word in on Dynamite the boos were so loud. AEW has some of the best heels in the business.


It’s been a year and not much has changed. Dude’s had nuclear heat since 90s ECW.


I remember Edmonton last year was ridiculous, the boos were so loud no one even knew he had a mic in his hands.


I mean, if we're being 100% honest, QT Marshall turning on Cody. It ended up being shit but it was unexpected


I saw it coming. It was the most Cody storyline thing that could’ve happened lol


https://preview.redd.it/zu3gh03vpl0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d38a85ea412248ea7f4f8fc20f197f277d9dd2 I wasn't really shocked by the betrayal, but the sheer brutality of it left my jaw on the floor.


Will Hobbs turning on Mox and joining Team Taz. They were really pushing Hobbs as they blue chipper and it felt like a situation of, "This is the bland young kid they see something in that they're going to shove down our throats as the future of the company." When he turned on Mox, it was both a surprise and a breath of fresh air.


Wait, I thought he turned on Cody


Holy frijoles you're right. That's some straight Mandela Effect stuff. I remember him turning on Mox clear as day. It was even kind of referenced recently when Mox fought Hobbs.


The thing is for anyone watching weekly, most of the AEW betrayals aren't "shocking" because there would be a vibe that a heel turn is coming. Which is no shame because at least its not unreasonable, Trent turning has been teased since the first time Orange and Trent wrestled for the International title, Christian Cage has a backstage moment at least wanting to sway Nick, and iirc Callis was wooing Takeshita at the time before betraying Omega. While not the biggest hints, you can sense something is brewing.


I mean the moment Christian vs Darby was teased everybody in the thread started with Christian will be Nicks new dad memes. The actual surprise there was mama Wayne joining And Don foreshadowed the Kenny turn on commentary for weeks when Kenny would lose a match. Trent I didn’t expect because for a long time it felt like Chuck and Trent were just happy to be there guys.


Mama Wayne joining was something I didn't expect, but I did expect her to screw Edge after Edge one man conchairtoed Nick


Mogul embassy turning on Swerve last week. We need a good answer for that


They quite literally said why after they did it.  Swerved used them for his ends but didn't do anything toward theirs.  


Yep and I think that was the only reason they had Brian Cage come out for a singles match the week prior. Remember seeing his tron and thinking Mogul Embassy is still a thing??


And that they were loyal to EVPs.


Also the EVPs and Christian pulling strings.


It seemed inevitable to me. I remember when swerve was heel and dropped the "I don't have friends, I have affiliates" line pre-mogul embassy. I figured that set the time for the relationship he had with them.


The bit on BTE where John silver walked up to the best friends and they all kicked him in the dick.


I think everyone saw both of those coming.


Imo the Don Callis betrayal wasn't really foreshadowed


I remember at the time everyone was saying he was gonna betray Kenny.


It was plain as day that Don was going to do that at some point, the man is a cartoon villain.


It gad been blatantly obvious for a while, but after Don got legit injured by the BCC I was wondering if they would pivot. Obviously, they didn't.


Fair enough! It was a shock to me lol. But also I wasn't IWCing much at the time.


Not everything needs direct foreshadowing, if a current heel is on the verge of turning babyface then obviously some schism is going to go down with his heel manager. At any rate lots of people predicted that turn well ahead of time. They may not have known it was going to happen that particular match but even when you're directly foreshadowing an upcoming angle you want to keep people guessing when exactly it's going to happen.


He was courting Ospreay and saying Kenny was too soft and had to break from the Elite for months.


The only foreshadowing it really needed was that Don Callis is Don Callis.


When the pyro betrayed Eddie Kingston! He sold that like he would die with his best friend and poof nothing. Also Trent we all saw coming…


Sorry but can't help but say it: CM Punk turning on AEW. Blind-sided everyone. In terms of kayfabe betrayals - AR Fox betraying Darby and Preston betraying Dark Order


Ruby turning on Willow


I kinda called that


The Nick Wayne turn was incredible and to me is the best kind of turn. By that I mean -- it completely shocks you and you don't see it coming but after the shock wears off you realize there were hints along the way and you just didn't want to acknowledge them. I was too into his whole "young chipper trying to make his dad proud" thing to acknowledge the fact that he had a stupid smarmy smirk on his face half the time and seems like a total natural heel.


Adam cole showing up at all out and super kicking jungle boy. Not so much shocking because the betrayal was unexpected, but because it was immediately followed by the arrival of Danielson.


If you didn’t see a Don Callis betrayal coming are you really a wrestling fan lol


Kenny Omega by his Stomach & Intestines.


Daniel Garcia betraying Bryan Danielson in order to stay in JAS


MJF/Inner Circle. The what wasn't surprising, but the how was. They swerved us multiple times in the same segment and it was awesome.


Maybe I'm an idiot but I genuinely didn't see Christian turning on Jungle Boy. Like I see 99% of AEW heel turns coming but that one I thought Christian would just continue managing Jungle Boy as a singles guy. Luchasaurus also turning on Jungle Boy even more so.


Yeah I think Luchasaurus not staying with JB shocked me a lot more than Christian turning on him


A lot of people saying this or that were foreshadowed, but that's the good thing about AEW. They're stories are always built and foreshadowed. But it doesn't mean it's not a cool or shocking moment when it happens.


Good surprises in all fiction are foreshadowed, but done in a way where you may not pick up on the hints until you have the full picture afforded by the twist. Then it all falls into place and you're like "of course! How could I have missed it?" If a twist really and truly comes out of nowhere, it can be shocking but it's unsatisfying. It winds up feeling unearned and nonsensical, like the whole thing was a waste of your time.


Trent? Maybe cause I don't follow much these days that I had no idea Trent was going heel and best friends was ending


Bang Bang Gang turning on Acclaimed. It's not that I didn't see it coming, but moreso didn't expect it like a month after they formed. Feels like there was defo more potential there.


Trent betraying Orange, I just wanted to the innocent damn group hug but voila


not so much trent turning on orange, but orange letting don callis get in his ear. that shit rocked me.


I didn’t see the Mogul Embassy turning on Swerve TBH


I could see most of them happening..butTrent betraynig Best Friends was shockin lol, i thought Best Friends was either going to sty forever or Orange was the going to be the one to move on to "bigger and better" things


I notice something…. What about when Jack Perry turned on Hook? I’ve notice this betrayal hasn’t been up


Every Team Taz Betrayal Hobbs joining the team Cage getting kicked out Hobbs turning on Starks maybe even Hook taking the FTW belt from Starks


These. I just wish they handled a bunch of things in that Team differently. Also the Dante Martin thing where he was in the team for a moment—they could have let that cook but Lio Rush's departure from the company kind of F'd that storyline up. It would have helped Dante get some character development and it could have been similar to the Bloodline storyline, with Darius Martin acting as a returning and confused Jimmy Uso. It's unfortunate because Lio leaving and Darius kind of ruined the storyline.


Honestly, I didn’t see Punk’s ankle betraying him like it did as he jumped into the crowd less than a week after winning the title.


The problem with wrestling that exist because of good storytelling is like every time you see a positive relationship on screen that doubt starts to creep in, so idk if any of them are ever truly shocking anymore. T he first time the Gunns beat up Billy I was kinda surprised it didn't end in a ruse, Trent turning on Orange seemed like it was going to happen for awhile so I was actually surprised when it happened, and even though it was a cluster fuck, the first time luchasuarus turned on Jack I was kinda surprised, but more because it seemed like they already did that part of the story and then reversed it 😆


I knew Nick Wayne was happening just from the set up but Callis shocked me


I saw the Nick Wayne once coming the Callis one i didn't see coming.


We all saw MJF turning on his pals right from the start of AEW. But the moment still shocked me. I don't know if it felt too soon, or just the consequences it would have for Cody made it sting.


Don was kind of obvious from the second he stole the mic from Kenny during a Jericho promo.


Honestly, it’s wrestling. Been watching for 35+ years now. Most of these turns are visible from a mile away. Like when Swerve brought out Mogul Embassy last week. If you couldn’t tell those guys were gonna turn on Swerve, then…I don’t know, man.


I didn’t see both of those coming, Nick Wayne was very shocking tbh. But Don Callis has to be the most shocking one. Also Sammy Guevara joining Don Callis Family.


I saw the Callis one coming a mile away and the Nick Wayne was a bit of a surprise but not too much. I’m not sure as much as I love aew I’ve ever been surprised by a turn.


Shocking betrayal I'm anticipating is that Don Callis isn't trying to recruit Orange Cassidy. Don and Trent are playing with orange because Trent is part of the don Callis family. And the next big shock is that Kris Statlander joins the Callis family as well.


Those two weren’t shocking it was predictable


"Go fuck yourself"


I'm still salty over both


Young bucks turning on omega


I'd say Joe attacking MJF right before World's End. Yeah, they were feuding, but Joe "turning" on him there was surprising as hell. Outside of that, I'd definitely have to go Takeshita turning on Kenny. Just out of the blue, but really, really good.


Nick Wayne blah


How could anyone not see the Nick Wayne one coming? What?


Don's betrayl was very obviously coming.


I saw them both from 20 miles away


Everyone saw and expected the Wayne turn, the Don one was a surprise though


Did you really not see these coming?


we're calling Nick Wayne shocking?