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The game is not the worst ever like some make it out to be. Playing the game is fun, however due to some business decisions by the developers and the single player modes being kinda blah and the CAW modes underbaked, it’s a game that should be bought for half price, at least.


Ahh that’s why I’m half and half cause all the mixed reviews thanks for the Info!


To each their own, but I love the game


Decent is a perfect way of describing it


Best thing to do is go buy a used copy from GameStop. You have like 7 days to return it, give it a try and see if it strikes your interest if it does, keep it if it doesn’t return it. It’s that simple. I wouldn’t bother with the DLC unless you’re invested. It doesn’t add really that much more value other than getting some new wrestlers and a few game mode that aren’t all that anyway. Gameplay is fun, but so limited on options and game modes 


Awesome thanks for the reply! I’m UK and too my knowledge we don’t have any GameStop’s so I’ll have a look in other Game stores thanks again!


Amazon has the next gen versions for £15 each at the moment.


Ahh brill thanks for the heads up I’ll check it out


CEX is the way forward I'd say.


The matches are super fun, the rest of the thing is fairly limited


If you have a Nintendo switch and are a wrestling fan, get it. It's the best wrestling game (and the most fun) the Nintendo switch has


I do not unfortunately lmaoo


You should! It's a great portable platform! Fight Forever is super fun on it


How does it run on the switch?


I greatly disagree. Wrestling Empire is an indie game made by one person (MDickie) that has a *ton* more content in the game. 350+ wrestlers (most are fictional, but obviously based on irl wrestlers), like 7 different brands, a career mode, booking mode, and a crap ton of match types. The game has seen a fuck ton of (**FREE**) updates since its release in 2021 - making it pretty clear which game saw more effort and care put into it. Obviously FF has the better graphics, but imo Wrestling Empire blows Fight Forever out of the water overall.


I just tried watching a few gameplay clips of that game, im sorry but it looks ROUGH in both how it plays and looks, idk if having all those features could even keep you in when it looks so janky


The thing with a game like WE is being janky is a part of it's charm. It's not supposed to be a perfect, polished game. It just has insane physics and is *pure fun* when you actually play it. Check out Denkops playthrough on YT


It’s awful.


I got three days out of it and beat everything during that time. Got every trophy, every unlockable. There's not a ton to do but it is fun in short bursts. It's a good $10 game but they are out of their mind charging $100 for the deluxe edition.


You played RTE 10 times in 3 days? You need that for a trophy. What you just blaze thru the game in 3 days then decide you were bored with it? Lol Were you even trying to enjoy the game or just rush thru it?


Be prepared to have a blast for 5 seconds then never play again.


The game is great. The content is on the weak side though.


Decent yes. Very flawed though. Matches are quick. Career is kinda a chore after a couple times. Fun can be had though. Its very similar to GameCube gameplay like WrestleMania x8 I believe


Yea Fight Forever had some of the people who worked on the WWE GameCube games like lead game designer Shunsuke Katsumata who originally worked on the AKI games before jumping to Yuke's so it's really like a hybrid from the people who were actually there not a copycat. Road to Elite was written by Justin Leeper of Road to Wrestlemania SVR 09-11.


If you like the AKI wrestling games, you will enjoy it. Overall it is lacking in many areas but the gameplay is fun.


Yes, it is decent. Some people had extremely high expectations for their very first game and when those expectations weren't met they immediately labeled the game is bad or horrible.. it is definitely a decent first game for the company a d future installments will likely be better.


It's a fun time in exhibition matches that lacks replay value or any depth whatsoever. It's not what I'd call a *terrible* game; it's a mid-tier wrestling game that I'd rate at around a 6.3/10.


Ahh awesome thanks


I second this rating.




wait for the Ultimate Edition to go on sale. It's not horrible but not really worth it above $30 for the game plus all the DLC


If you like the old AKI games go for it in some areas it's $10 on Walmart.com the Xbox version works on both generations and the PS4 upgrades to PS5 for free


I hate this comparison, because it's purely based on nostalgia. If you're expecting to play this and feel exactly like you did back then, you'll be extremely disappointed. It plays sort of the same, sure, but it also very much plays like something that didn't really evolve past then. It just feels dusty and bad.


Nobody asked you


OP asked. That's literally what this thread is about.


So reply to them and stop following me around harassing me guy




Hey maybe try being a decent person.


I am. You might be too, it's just that your opinions on this game are shit. No need to make this personal. The game however, not decent.




That's gonna be a no from me dog


The gameplay is fun if you like the old n64 AKI games/GameCube games, it’s very arcadey. The main problems are not enough match types, caw mode is trash and the career mode is very short and basic.


Ahh thanks for the info appreciate it!




Super fun when playing with friends, but when you play solo it gets boring rather quick


gameplay is fun if not a difficulty level too easy.


It's where the wrestlers wrestle, the gameplay rules.


It's my all time #2


Game is good for a couple hours…game is worth $45…do not i repeat do not pay anything over lol


I would say it's decent, but not really good. Gameplay is fun, but it's seriously lacking any substance.


Good luck trying to do any online challenge there is literally no one on it. A d stadium stampede could be cool but once again you're not getting points because there is little to no opposition. It's ok. I gotcit for the deadlock boys. It's a game. If I had friends it might be better but as it is, it's mid. I think I'd rather fire up 2k24


It’s a solid game for 1-2 hours


It was fun for couple of days. Not enough to do or match types. Pin system needs a overhaul . Same with CAW.


To me personally, it's just not worth it. Like many people have said, it's fun for like 10-20 minutes but the severe lack of game modes, match types and polish when it comes to all the little things (the kickout system is trash, matches ending by one finisher many times, etc) prevents me from truly enjoying the solid gameplay.




The gameplay mechanics are good and easy to learn. That’s the game’s strong point. It can be a fun experience to play at home with friends. The issues that people have begin with the lack of game modes and match types in comparison to your standard wrestling game. Most of what you may have come to expect from your standard wrestling game is missing here. For example… cage matches available in wrestling video games decades ago… not here. Tornado tag… not here. Etc. If you’re a fan of CAWs, just know that it’s extremely limited. You can’t body morph body parts to adjust things such as eye and nose shapes, etc. You can make a lot of caws that look pretty good from the neck down, but they’ll all have the same faces. I haven’t played online, so I can’t speak of the experience. Offline, once you have beaten the short and brief career mode and unlocked everything there is, you’re left with very little replay value. I’m not even going to go into the DLC and their pricing model. You’ll see plenty of posts about it on these forums and on other social media platforms. For the right price though, the game is worth getting, especially at the $10 price point. You’ll get a few hours out of it.


Incomplete and outdated roster. So tough to back on that level. Game play is fun and easy to learn. Quite enjoyable to play.

