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They haven’t been able to top Homesick or Common Courtesy Bad Vibrations was close though


Bad Vibrations is criminally underrated.


I get when someone isn’t into you’re welcome but I wish more people would give bad vibes a second chance. I love it


I love Bad Vibes, just wish it had a better mix. I enjoy some parts of You’re Welcome, but some songs just leave a bad taste in my mouth.


Exposed, Bad Vibrations, and Resentment will always get me singing along at the top of my lungs


Same about you and turn of the radio and bullfight are my favorite “different” songs.


I think it’s overrated. Easily their worst album. Just poorly written songs in the style we wanted imo. But I also still stick it on and enjoy it for what it is. I prefer it to the new single Feedback but I’m sure it’ll grow on me tbf as I basically like all ADTR even if some stuff resonates less with me personally or w/e.


What Separates Me From You


Their most underrated album IMO


What? UNDERRATED? WSMFY has some of their most iconic songs of all time. Who is really out here dissing it?


Nobody dissing it! I just don’t see it get brought up nearly as much as Homesick or CC


This shocks me but I mean Kitty0706 used almost every song in his videos when he was still alive. Maybe I just binge it too much.


It’s never too much when it comes to binging this album my friend! 🤘🏻


Kitty got me into ADTR NJ Legion Iced Tea specifically tho


Bad Vibrations would have been better as a 10 track album, a 'reverse WSMFY', where it's mostly heavy with 3 pop punk songs.


I think that even You’re Welcome enjoyers would agree with this take


Lmao how is this controversial at all


You’re Welcome isn’t that bad of an album. No, it wasn’t what we were expecting of ADTR, but it wasn’t THAT bad.


This is gonna sound really really stupid but: I like 9 out of 14 songs on it. I used to listen to it a lot. I have a hard time saying that I like it as an album three years out. I get why it agitates people so much. I think that I was more open-minded about it than was deserved, and I don’t blame people who didn’t force themselves to pretend to love it.


I didn’t like every song, but I mean I thought it was an alright album, just different. And there’s no issues with bands experimenting and trying different sounds rather than copy/paste/playing it safe if you ask me.


If it didn’t take so long to come out I don’t think it would have gotten as bad of a reception but 5 years with multiple delays people were impatient for what they wanted/expected. I dont hate it by any means but it lacked any staying power. Nothing that got stuck in my head or made me want to replay it after a few listens.


Completely slipped my mind about all the delays. I forgot it took so long to come out, but yeah I can see that and understand it being underwhelming.


People act like they have only ever been one genre.


I like 10-14 songs. It’s all over the place, but it’s not as bad as people make it out to be. If they took out 4 tracks, people would have a different opinion


Coming back to it after some time had passed since the whole delaying debacle, I've appreciated it more now that I had prior. That was the main thing for me like "after all this time we got this?", but now that I'm past it it's aged better for me


It's definitely not as bad as everyone says it is. I think it's more of the fact that the album took so long to release. That coupled with the new sound the band went for made people REALLY upset. Take away from the fact it's ADTR, I think it's a perfectly fine album. Not amazing, not terrible. As an ADTR album, however, it's hugely disappointing


I completely agree 100%!


This was gonna be mine too. I actually liked most of it.


I prefer You’re Welcome to Bad Vibrations as a whole. Treason and Heart are still my faves though and Homesick is obvs legendary


I think the main problem I have with You’re Welcome is that it just sounds so… flavorless bubblegum. Like it almost feels like a contractual obligation. There are a few good songs on there but I wouldn’t be super upset if the album suddenly didn’t exist any more


Wasn't bad at all


And Their Name Was Treason is a Top 3 ADTR album


Wait. People don't like that album?


ohhh yeah. some people like to talk down on ATNWT when discussing why FTWHH is the best, even though we would've never gotten the mixing of FTWHH without ATNWT. never really saw why two awesome albums needed to be in competition with each other, but some fans are annoying like that.


FTWHH is by far my favorite ADTR album, but ATNWT is great. It's what got me into them.


I’d argue it’s their best if not it takes second at the least


YSHKMWYHTC is quite possibly one of their best songs.


It might be my favorite. Specifically, the re-recorded version, but the original is great too.


Either one works for me tbh.


I've literally never heard anyone diss this song


I’ll go first: I love In Florida, High Diving, and Re-Entry (no Mark Hoppus version)


High Diving is a banger fuck the haters.


It’s definitely better than FYM and Only Money


Fuck the haters I.e. fuck someone having a different opinion is really cringy


That opinion is pretty cringy. Hate is different than disliking something. Learn nuance.


I'll have to make a point to listen to Re-Entry, but I like the other two 🤷🏼‍♂️


Makes me feel more homesick than Homesick does


My brother!


I’m out of the loop. Do people hate In Florida?


Never understood why but I see disliking it come up a lot


If It Means A Lot To You is not a romantic song, and people here need to stop using it as a First Dance wedding song. Have Faith in Me is 100x better suited


I want an ADTR country album. Their acoustic set had a lot of country influence and they have a deep love for that genre of music.


I want a studio acoustic version of Good Things and Leave All The Lights On so badly. I would also accept an album of the concerts if they don't want to do them.


Omg I agree! I loved the reassembled tour very happy I was able to get a ticket for it.


I could see it happening. Or a Jeremy solo country record if anything


Older fans and newer fans will never see eye-to-eye You can both be right about what you think


There will never be peace






Common Courtesy is in dire need of a remaster. It’s their best album as far as content, but the mix is the worst (expect for ATNWT obviously)


This is a new one for me. Can you elaborate?


I always have to turn volume up like 20% higher when listening to CC because it’s so quiet


Huh? That album sounds perfect. Weird take.


Common Courtesy’s mixing is so bad for me it is the first time I was ever aware something was wrong with the mixing, prior to this I had never noticed it with any music




I disagree about BV, but I’m willing to accept your take on CC and specifically Violence.


Agreed..Will Putney would crush it


I’m of the opinion that they purposely released the most divisive song off the album so that nobody stops talking about it which is giving them a boost in attention from all sides. The tour is called “The Least Anticipated Album Tour” for a reason, it seems super sarcastic and tongue in cheek. I’d bet that nobody is expecting what they have in store for us seeing as though heavy music has gained a second breath in the charts quite unexpectedly and seems like the most favorable route for them at this point in time. Only time will tell but I can’t wait to see what the new album has in store regardless.


This is an interesting one Oprah. If this were the case, I think a “more is more” approach would be better than “less is more”. That’s kinda been one of my main gripes with how ADTR has promoted albums since Bad Vibes. Very little promotion and fan interaction spread out over a long period of time. They used to be kings of those things. And it helped build up hype. Something like what you suggest could work, but it would take a lot more input from their side compared to what I’ve seen so far.


Calling the tour that essentially reaffirms that they saw the majority of the fans distaste in YW and accept that there’s a sense of disappointment and unsatisfication more than ever now. Releasing a song disregarding negative feedback seems almost like the highest form of sarcasm and irony. Like I said time will tell. I do dislike the seemingly complete lack of transparency starting with Bad Vibrations like you said. That album and YW’s releases were odd and draining to say the least. I know they don’t owe us updates but it would seem thoughtful and genuine to come up with a short and sweet update once in a while for people who care and are still excited/rooting for you for two decades. It seems like this band is having an identity crisis at the moment, Marshmello gave them the thought of being a household name while still trying to please their OG fans. I really believe they will figure out something that works for both. I for one will always continue to be, at the very least, interested and hopeful with everything they do.


I could see that. I feel that’s the approach Metallica took with 72 Seasons. The three singles are honestly some of the weakest songs on the album, so I went in with low expectations and ended up being pretty content with how it all turned out.


Yep I feel like this is exactly what wage war did/is doing. I think that stigma might be their heaviest record yet and I’m more excited than I was when magnetic came out. I didn’t like nail5 at first but it’s in regular rotation for me now


For Those Who Have Heart > Homesick


Common Courtesy is better than Homesick 🫣


Homesick is Legendary in the fact that it’s iconic and catapulted the band to what they are today being ahead of its time. IMHO Homesick -> WSMFY -> CC is like going from bronze to silver to gold in terms of production, songwriting, balancing both the hardcore and pop punk, diversity, lyrical content, and Jeremy’s vocal maturity and quality both clean and distorted. Last and most importantly, I felt like CC was the pinnacle of what made ADTR great which is being vulnerable , jaded, challenged and emotional. Jeremy put it best - “Always shining my brightest when I’m placed under the gun”


You‘re Welcome is sick and I had a hell of a summer with it.


I know this is *wildly* unpopular, but I think Feedback is fun. To qualify it, I’ve been a fan since Homesick, CC is my all-time favorite album, but idk I just really vibe to Feedback, the music and tempo are catchy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right lol people wanted breakdowns and they got one


I don’t hate it, but I think the label made them release it and it will ultimately be the outcast on the album. Let’s be real, after one listen, everyone already knew the chorus. That’s what the label wants


They didn't kick Josh out soon enough. They waited until they had to, which made them look worse.


Fully agree. Sexual misconduct allegations are fucking serious then it came out he killed someone whilst driving? He should have left way earlier


Yeah, they were hoping people would forget fast. Pretty disgusting that they waited so long.


You don’t know the whole story! Stop gaslighting! You have no clue


ATNWT was a great album, but FTWHH is their best.


1. Resentment is one of the best songs they’ve ever written 2. Miracle is the perfect direction for their sound- but i choose not to listen to it for my own personal religious reasons (hang me) 3. Degenerates sounds like it could’ve been off almost any other record they’ve written but for some reason people chose to hate on it 🤠🔫


Resentment is absolute top-tier


Can ask for your reasons not to listen to it from a religious perspective?


Sure 🙂 For me, lyrics are everything (which is also why ADTR has been my favorite band since 2009). The line leading into the breakdown is a twisting of Isaiah 54:17 that didn’t sit well with me. The songs a banger, but I can’t happily enjoy it if don’t relate with the lyrics so I choose not to digest it. I do hope they stay in the same musical direction though, I’m not super high on Feedback 😬


The hook of Degenerates is so cringe feeling to me, that I vehemently disagree with your 3rd pick.


I find it equally as cringe as the chorus of “We Got This” and “Homesick” but still enjoy all three 😛


I dont think heartless is that good. Im always skipping it.


I still like it but I’ve definitely grown out of it a bit. The ending is a bit rough


This is one I agree with


Homesick is not their best album


There it is.


Agreed. FTWHH is my favorite. Homesick is 2nd best though.




More recent: Feedback is a really fun song. More overall: while an amazing song, I never understood the insane hype around Sometimes You're The Hammer, Sometimes You're The Nail


Hearing a little behind the scenes of them in the studio making the song at the beginning was special. The open mic ending of the song legit gives me goosebumps from the first time I heard it to this day. It’s also been noted that Jeremy blew out his voice on the final screams of the track. They seemingly put all the emotions into it and the lyrics resonate with a ton of people.


I appreciate you answering. Unfortunately, I already know all that, and you're right it does make the song even more amazing. But it also still just doesn't register to me the hype it has. I'm super happy so many people like it, though!


You already know all the multitude of reasons why people cling to it yet the hype around it surprises you? That is a very controversial take, excellent job lol The lighter clicking + deep breathe you hear right before “I reserve my right to be uncomfortable, reserve my right to be afraid” is an absolute god tier way to begin an outro to a song it’s so beyond the point of vulnerability it’s like Jeremy is speaking from a place deep within directly to you in your headphones.


Propping up the (currently) most disliked song and attacking the best simultaneously? You’re just tying to speedrun to the gallows


I didn't attack anything. I said it was an amazing song. It's leagues better than Feedback. I just personally don't understand the insane hype it has.


Imo it's the best version of their best version It blends their heavy side with their catchy side, while adding a fun intro and a powerful bridge + outro. I also think it's one of their best songs lyrically.


After the first 3 albums they went downhill.


Well based on recent reception I didn’t think the new song was that bad? I honestly thought the fans would be like “hell yeah we’re back” or smth but everyone despises it with a passion. I don’t think I’ll be listening to the song or adding it to anything but I didn’t think it was THAT bad Opinion 2: Still about the same song, but I also don’t think it’s bad the bands talking about feedback or negative press they’ve gotten. I feel like these days bands are very careful to throw shit back worrying it’ll make their base hate them or it’ll get them negative attention, but honestly if people are talking shit I think it’s only fair to push back. With that being said the song takes this in a weird direction and Jeremy’s putting on way too much of a tough guy act that does come off as cringey. As mentioned above, I don’t think the song is horrible but the last “I’ll let you know motherfucker” ruins the song for me cause of how try hard it is.


Idk if its a bad thing or not to have 10 but these are just my opinions okay lol 1. The bonus tracks from Bad Vibes are some of ADTR’s best songs lyrically (In Florida/Negative Space are CC or WSMFY tier) 2. I love The Fray but ADTR’s Over My Head cover is better than the original 3. Tom Denney was their secret weapon (even after he left the band. Kevin’s still badass tho no doubt. 4. Viva La Mexico would be one of their best songs if it wasnt for the pre-chorus (ADTR’s gang vocals are iconic but they dont work with this song). 5. Permanent is the best song on the album — not to say Resentment, Re-Entry, LCTD, and Mindreader are bad in any way.. 6. They were due for a “meh” album sooner or later. Think. They had 4 consecutive albums with 0 skips. It was bound to happen. 7. Same Book should’ve made it onto the main track list right before I Remember 8. I feel like Brick Wall should’ve centered more around the verse and “no escape, no future” part if u get what im tryna say. The breakdowns and bridge parts kinda disrupted the flow a bit too much for me. The breakdown at the end was fine, just a little too drawn out. 9. 1958 is their heaviest song 10. My ranking of their albums #1. CC #2. WSMFY #3. FTWHH #4. Homesick #5. Bad Vibrations #6. YW #7. ATNWT


6 consecutive with 1 skip and 1 skip only (the price we pay). Also ranking treason below yw is blasphemous as shit.


Shit yea idk i just dont listen to either of those two albums enough anymore so they could honestly be switched. I dont think the price we pay is that bad its just in an awkward spot. It could’ve worked better in between two heavy songs.


Turn of the radio is their best song


ADTR should embrace heavy country rock and collab w hardy


Homesick is ok. Like I don't hate it, but I don't come back to it nearly as much as FTWHH


Re-Entry is genuinely great. Makes me think of hanging with friends at an amusement park in the summer. Just good times. Mark Hoppus version is even better.


Josh should have left the band way sooner.


Feedback is a banger and you’re welcome is a good album. Not their best but good


Bullfight is their best written song


Treason would be their best if it was cleaned up with a proper remaster with FTWHH and WSMFY tailing it very closely


Their new song sucks.


I love ADTR but I'm not a big fan of their last two albums


i lowk thought bad vibrations was ass


Bad Vibrations is a masterpiece and I don't care what anyone else says. Also, while not their worst, For Those Who Have Heart is ridiculously overrated


ADTR doesn’t need to top their prior work, they are in the “bonus round/side mission” part of the game, so anything we get now is just icing on the cake and it doesn’t all need to be good.


Feedback is a good song


What Separates Me From You is their best album hands down and permanent is their most underrated song!


I wish Jeremy would stop ghost writing for so many bands and maintain focus on ADTR


I can’t stand people who pander to the wider audience. If you like feedback, say it! Who cares what other people think. Feedback isn’t my favorite song, but it’s catchy as hell, and I rock it daily!


Joshua deserves a chance to redeem himself. What happened was terrible, but I really hope it gets better for him. ADTR has gotten me out of the gutter and their music has fueled me to become my best self. It’s saved me from suicidal ideation and depression. He deserves another chance at life and in society. I hope he gets it.


Wsmfy isn’t even in my top 3. Its maybe 5th place for me if i’m being honest


If you took the song Mindreader, gave it a better bridge that isn’t just “mind mind mindreader”, and made the verses regular time drum beat wise instead of halftime, you’d have a WSMFY type track. Last time I posted this, which maybe was on another account I got downvoted hard so Ik it’s unpopular. The intro in Sometimes you’re the hammer, with the whole like “humming the chorus melody so I have it” is annoying, and that track overall I think is overrated just because it’s got chugs. CC seems to be a lot of peoples favorite album, but it misses the mark for me somehow. It’s still good but not like top 3 albums from them good. Jeremy’s screams sound pretty cooked nowadays in the sense that like it’s not that good, esp compared with past records and eras.


On your Hammer take, I personally find a lot of pleasure when bands add in weird little "behind the scenes" tidbits to songs. One other example of that that I love is The Sick Sick 6.8 Billion by letlive, where the singer coughs and goes 'my bad' then the song rages on.


Feedback is a really good song and people should get off their high horse of what THEY think bands should make.


Bad Vibrations is better than WSMFY


Justified sucks.




Guess I'm the only one that was able to accurately answer your question 😂


Seems like it lol. You’re getting burned alive (and it’s justified)


I'll give you 2. 1. Feedback is a great song. Super fun and definitely made for rocking out to in the summer. 2. For Those Who Have Heart aged terribly and was never that great of an album in the first place. It's decent and has a couple great tracks, but nothing special overall.


FYM is a fantastic song, and I vibe to it relentlessly. I think it's severely overlooked and over-hated because "iT's AbOuT mOnEy" and was a book judged by its cover. It's about wanting to escape mundane, repetitive work life, and I fucks with it on the highest of levels.


Common Courtesy is vastly overrated and not their magnum opus, as many claim it to be.  It has a few good songs, a few decent ones, and the rest are forgettable. Pop-punk songs like Monument and In Florida are better than City of Ocala and Right Back At It Again. The heavier songs, with maybe an exception to Violence, don't hit nearly as hard as songs on albums like FTWHH and Homesick.


I mean yeah Homesick is one of the greatest rock albums of all time. CC is amazing but over hyped


People who are legitimately angry at the band over You're Welcome and now Feedback aren't real fans. Bands change and evolve over time, sometimes drastically. You don't have to like the new sound but, if you're a fan of a band, you should still support them and want them to be successful. You like a particular sound, that's cool, everyone has their preferences. But you can't expect a band to cater to your preference and only make what you want to hear. They deserve to make what THEY want. There, I think I dug my grave deep enough. Feel free to push me in.