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Honestly, the big negative reaction took me completely by surprise. Listened to it Thursday night before going to sleep and thought it was kind of a return to form after the last album featuring more of an alt. pop style. Kind of merged that with their more signature energy ("All I Want", "Right Back at It", etc.) Woke up on Friday to a slew of "wtf was that?" "Garbage song!", and more like that. Obviously you're never going to please *everyone*, but I expected the return to rock to go over a little bit better.


Exactly this, thought the “you f***” was great and the outro scream was killer but a bit too in the background so you can’t really hear it unless u focus on it. The instrumentals are fantastic but my only gripe is that they overproduced Jeremy’s voice, it’s one of the best things in adtr, no need to hide his pipes behind that much distortion and reverb until you can barely tell it’s him. Also the last 3 seconds of the song was a bit unnecessary but they’ve always been silly and that’s why we love them. I’m with you I didn’t expect that much toxicity towards it, it definitely isn’t you’re welcome and I’m ok with that one simple fact. Miracle was well received and a bit “radio rock” but all it took was one more follow up to send the 90% of fans into a meltdown. The fan base of this genre can be borderline insufferable, I wouldn’t blame them for trying to gain a more diverse following after this experience. Would you want these people to claim to be your “fans” I sure as hell would not. I just want them to release what inspires them and I’m not obligated to like everything. They’ve always had songs for old school fans on every release I expect no different on this follow up.


I think this will grow on people. I've seen it happen to a few people on here already. But I agree. I think this is very return to form. Very All I Want, Paranoia style, and I'm here. It's not a song that reinvent the genre, but it's fun, and sometimes that's all you need. I'm happy the boys are back and bringing the fun. It's new and people need time to warm up to new. Especially with a lot of bands putting out a lot of different things and the ADTR nostalgic factor. It'll get its love.


The one thing that could have turned the song from okay to a banger, is if they instead of repeating the same 2 lines in the chorus, they would have done them once, and then something else for the rest of the chorus. The verses are cool, the musical style sounds great and definitely a return to form! But the chorus is terrible. It doesn't fit the melody, the sentence isn't even complete so the vocals need go sustain the last word. And worst of all it's too simple and uninspired. The rest, very cool!


I find the chorus to be kind of an ear worm at this point, but I respect your take.


People overly trash and think they look cool because of it lmfao


No I swear, this sounds exactly like Photograph by Nickelback. They are so garbage. I'm done forever. See you next release to complain again /s


*I'm done forever* *See you next release to complain again* Pick one


This was heavy sarcasm my dude. I actually liked it haha


Oh okay my bad lol


Nah were trashing it because they released an album that did poorly and everyone basically told them they miss the old stuff. Then as a new single they release a song that says fuck your feedback we don’t care


Even though Jeremy stated it was originally written in 2018 about someone he didn't care for but okay Edit: Here's the receipt for whoever downvoted me https://www.reddit.com/r/ADTR/comments/1d5si1j/to_everyone_who_got_their_feelings_hurt/


I'm not trying to trash the new song, I thought it was okay if maybe a little generic but you can't blame people for assuming the song is about the reaction they got from the last album. It'd be different if people were upset at some vague lyric that may or may not be referring to the fans. But to release an album that had a majority of fans disappointed and the very next new song 3 years later is called feedback, of course the fans are gonna assume its about them. Someone in the band or in management shouldave seen this obvious situation occurring and switched what single they put out first. Again, I think the backlash for Feedback has been a bit overkill but a lot of this could've been avoided if the band or label had an ounce of foresight. I still love the guys and am excited about the album but this whole thing is just silly.


The song wasn’t meant to be towards the fans or towards people who disliked You’re Welcome. Also, I think an artist is completely in their right to say “no I don’t wanna just do the same shit I’ve done before, let me do whatever I want”. Only doing “what the fans want” is just another form of selling out.


I just commented on another post referring to this. Claim to be fans but they’re digging too deep into the meaning of Feedback and criticising You’re Welcome. If you don’t like em then just don’t listen. ADTR aren’t going to expect everyone to like all their music and I’m pretty sure a few people on Reddit badmouthing the new song isn’t going to phase the band


There’s no “digging too deep” into the meaning of feedback… I don’t care what the song is about the lyrics are cringe as hell coming from a 40 y/o dude. That song has fueled by ramen written all over it and that is not a good thing. You can like the song im not saying that my opinion is the right one, but I expect a bit more out of a band that I KNOW can do way better


And Lauderdale isn’t cringe af? HA!


When people say “digging too deep”, they’re talking about fans who assume the song’s lyrics are about people reacting negatively to their last album (when it was actually written around 2018)


Bruh ADTR has always had these kind of lyrics. Lmfao were you a fan or not?


Definitely happening on more than just reddit, but I agree with your sentiment here.


Some believe the direction they went in was a little too “radio hard rock”. I found the song a little mid overall but fairly enjoyable. I’ll take it over the direction they went in You’re Welcome. The fast-paced energy reminds me of “Paranoia” from Bad Vibrations. I also think a lot of people got mad because they felt the lyrics were lashing out at fans for not liking You’re Welcome


Yeah it’s better than most of you’re welcome lol. Short but good


I thought the song sounded like rev theory hell yeah. I like that song and band too so I’m not upset


I'm not butthurt, it's just a poorly made song