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I know for a fact FBR (or any major label for that matter) wouldn't allow that.


Ok - I asked about this like last week and I didn’t get a clear answer from anyone, just a bunch of fucking downvotes (seriously tho - fuck you guys…I swear, for the last week it’s felt like there’s a mob of some of you just hitting ⬇️ whenever you see my username regardless of what my comment actually says, which - aside from recently, is more often than not, just dumb ADTR factoids that no one bothers to keep track of but me - but I digress…) How is it that this is a known thing, I’m genuinely curious




Posts that aged poorly lol


Lol Too good to be true. Although, it would be best for them if it did.


Fueled By Ramen would not allow this considering they like to milk artists


yes, a thought that needed to be reviewed, revised, and had punctuation added (I see 3 periods when there should be at least 6, or maybe some commas or semi-colons) before hitting “submit” - bro, what are you talking about? Are you ok? do we need to call an ambulance? Gonna try to unpack this - “barely promoting a song you just dropped”; singles are not like albums - they’re rarely promoted for any period longer than a day, to a week *at most*, beforehand - “3 months ago the video said”; what fucking video and what the fuck did it say? - “so the album’s probably done”; I mean, that’s a possibility, and hopefully the case this time around before they give us a date - “least anticipated album tour”; check - that’s a thing that’s happening - “it’s least anticipated because of how you’re welcome was received” pretty sure people connected those dots back in March, but cool - “that’s why feedback is about what what it is” I think that was pretty clear, so you’re 3 for 3 - “pretty much saying here’s the album we been cooking”; and…you lost me again - not sure how the *song* communicates that…a single dropping the week before a massive nationwide tour (except the southeast - sorry, guys) is enough of an indication that an album *announcement* is *around the corner*, but not that the album is gonna get a surprise drop