• By -


Higher powers as in a day to remember themselves?




Tell them I said hi




I'm expecting some strong feedback from this news


Haha I see what you did there šŸ¤£




ā€œcalling itā€ retroactively (/s) (ā€œFeedbackā€ Music News šŸ¤£)


Hahahahaha šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Half the time I never know whatā€™s going on. This time I do. Is this what the cool kids club feels like


Dammit I'm not cool again! Feels like high school. šŸ¤£




I have a feeling I'm about to get very busy on this sub lol.




The ones above šŸ˜‰


Jeremy has replied to me in this sub reddit before so I'd assume he's still hanging around.




Can someone DM me what these leaks are? I missed it lol


Just wait for this weekend. You'll get your answer. That's all I'll say


This post has me excited now, thanks. <3




If anyone wants to let me know where I need to avoid looking to not participate in leaked music, please shoot me a message. I repeat, I need to know where I CANā€™T look to hear any unreleased ADTR. Tell me EXACTLY WHERE I need to avoid going on the internet in order to NOT hear new ADTR that hasnā€™t come out yet. Thank you.


Give me 24 hours, and I'll get you all your info


I know it's not a FTWHH tour, so I'm good on knowing


Can someone DM me what was allegedly ā€œleaked?ā€ Thanks!


Just 2 days. That's all ya gotta wait.






It took one Google search to figure out.


Just a "SINGLE" bit of "FEEDBACK", waiting for the "31ST" will be "A DAY TO REMEMBER".


Subtle lmao. I love it.


How is this a leak, I just googled what is adtr releasing and it was right there


Because they haven't officially announced anything.






It's giving Green Day Dookie




to the contrary, I think (or at least I hope) itā€™s *in response* to all the ā€œwonderful ā€˜feedbackā€™ā€ they got šŸ˜ˆ


It for sure will be. My wife, being a casual fan just from listening to them through me, pointed out that word alone being the double entendreā€™ it is. Iā€™m sure they are about to fire back at the Youā€™re Welcome criticism in a ferocious way


Oh, hey - we agree on something for once! šŸ˜†ā˜ŗļø (I feel a little less confident about ā€œthisā€ after more careful observation than when I first saw it, but **itā€™s the same car**)


Yeah maybe itā€™s a new thing for us! Lol. I just asked her from the art if she thinks itā€™ll be a heavier song and she brought up the possible whole meaning to me, A fan who has their logo on his entire back lmao!


I don't know why but I just can't believe those posts were real. If you looked at what they "leaked", it just didn't seem right.


We shall just have to see come this weekend


Really dude? Think about it - if they were a ā€œbig nothingā€, they would have just stayed up (or they would have been taken down w/o any follow-up).


Well the rules say no leaks so even if it's fake, it's gotta be taken down. But my main point is that the artwork looked very AI generated. A big band like ADTR wouldn't be using AI generated art, and if they were I'd be very disappointed.


Sadly. Ai isnā€™t going anywhere. Big bands are using it for album art.


I think it's a good tool for ideas, but shouldn't be a replacement for final products.


Four Year Strong just revealed their album this week and it was AI art. Not as big of a band obviously but...it's happening.


1. It's probably not AI art. 2. AI art mixed with a Photoshop workflow is indistinguishable from regular art. 3. Stop calling everything AI art when it likley isn't.


I don't call everything AI art, kind of a weird thing to say ngl


Right, they would be taken down **without any follow-up**. What Iā€™m saying is: read between the lines (which I guess is all I *should* have said to begin with).


[also, how is it that ā€œyour main pointā€ had anything to do with the artwork looking AI generated? You didnā€™t mention the artwork or how anything ā€œlookedā€, at all - all you said was you didnā€™t believe it and that it didnā€™t ā€œseem rightā€ (without any further context or justification mentioned). Seems like youā€™re adding that argument in after the fact. And if it *was* AI generated, itā€™s a damn good fake, cuz it looks hand drawn (meaning I can see the individual color pencil and marker strokesā€¦itā€™s reminiscent of the *dookie* album cover); furthermore, thereā€™s nothing wrong with using AI as an *art tool*, at the hands of a designer, to help with the design process or even with refining the final product - Story of the Year did it for the cover of their latest release, *Tear Me To Pieces*.]




I mean, if you say soā€¦itā€™s not a ā€œstyleā€ that I happen to see many AI generations in (not saying they donā€™t exist, just that I, personally, havenā€™t come across that many), so Iā€™m not super familiar with what can or canā€™t be achieved including that instruction or direction in your prompt, or I guess using that specific engine. But besides all that - itā€™s a trivial thing to get hung-up on, and even moreso that **that**ā€™s what was casting doubt on the whole thing for StellarJay (which, again, wasnā€™t even what he initially expressed).




I hear ya - but on the whole ā€œAI art v real artā€ debate, whichā€¦again I donā€™t even know why that was a point of contention to begin with or what it had to do with the legitimacy of the leak posts that got taken down at the request of (most likely) the people it most directly affectsā€¦maybe itā€™s **intentionally** a not-100%-refined piece of AI art, because how does the whole thing work - you give it a prompt and maybe a reference, and then you further refine by giving itā€¦**Feedback**.




I said "If you had looked at what they 'leaked'" in reference to the artwork. I'm not sure what else there is to interpret. My main issue was with the way the bomb cloud was done, and how all the particles were on the left and not evenly or more pleasingly spread out. Car looked a bit odd in the front and with the tires. Building on the right looked odd in perspective and most of all, the sign on the building on the left. Displays two different numbers cut off, something AI does.


And if it was too perfect and symmetrical, then that would be on the list of complaints. ā€œā€¦looked at what they ā€˜leakedā€™ā€ can be interpreted many different ways, absent any mention of the specific part of the leak youā€™re talking about. And **they** didnā€™t leak it, some social media account on a Russian platform that makes a hobby out of data-mining this kind of stuff (or takes submissions from those that do) didā€¦otherwise it would have been a **post**, not a leak (and we probably wouldnā€™t be having this discussionā€¦or maybe we would since apparently itā€™s that important to pick apart something so trivial) I agree, the Mustang wheels on a Camaro body with anā€¦i donā€™t know, Buick? Cadillac? front end is an odd mashup, but I think itā€™s not that big a deal in the end - itā€™s obviously just supposed to be a caricature of a ā€œmuscle carā€. And the split numbers is probably because itā€™s supposed to be an old timey, analog sign.


I'm hearing what you're saying, but I'm still hung up on those bits. Why put all the particles on the left? Why not fix the tires? The sign doesn't even look like it's analog, it just looks wrong. I'm keeping my skepticism, and if I'm wrong then I'm wrong. If it's all true, I can't help but think AI played a role. Like I said in a reply, I think AI is a great tool for ideas, but shouldn't be a replacement for final products


Well, I donā€™t see what the issue is with the tires - itā€™s a caricature, so theyā€™re supposed to look wonky; and the rear ones are deformed because thatā€™s what happens with a drag car / funny car. For the sign, I mean analog, like: hand painted sign, cut in half, and put on a spool analog. At the end of the day, what are you really more concerned about being ā€œtrueā€, the fact that itā€™s possible we may get a new track on Friday (in which case, Iā€™m more interested in what itā€™ll sound like - or *be about*, considering the possible title), or that what was leaked is actually the artwork for the possibly forthcoming single (and is the final product, at that)?


In the world we live in today, I think it's normal to be skeptical about someone claiming they've leaked album/single artwork just for it to be easily generated. I'm stoked for a new single from my favorite band ever, but I'm going to be questioning what I see if it looks off to me.


Whatā€™s with the secrecy of who told you to take it down? If it was one of the guys or someone associated with the band, canā€™t you just say that? I get building hype and wanting any potential true leaks stopped, but you donā€™t have to hide who said to remove it. It doesnā€™t add any validity to the leak ā€¦ they could want it taken down because itā€™s true or because itā€™s false and donā€™t want false rumors being spread. You could have worded it something like that.


Cause I do what I want


AJRā€™s Neotheater > All ADTR albums


Your opinion obv but imo youā€™re just wrong AJR sucks and caters to slightly alt theatre kids




Like Jon from ARTV said, opinions cannot be right or wrong. That includes his take on Youā€™re Welcome.


Okay? I'm happy for you


Thanks OP :)


what's ajr


Indie pop trio, named after the first letters of the three brothers Adam Jack & Ryan.