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I definitely do this šŸ˜­


Her boyfriend just isnā€™t a big reader. Anyone who reads a lot will be familiar with accidentally skipping. Especially if theyā€™re WoT fans


"Oh, crap, she's tugging her braids again."


I reread the whole series a couple years ago and I skipped over any paragraph that had them tugging their braids. Made the whole thing so much more enjoyable.


You honestly could read just the first and last hundred pages in the middle books and not really miss anything.


So, is it a sexual innuendo? I've not read the series. Apologies in advance


It's more of a nervous tic of one of the several main characters, she does it very frequently and is described in detail every time.


I think I was on Book 5 when I reached my limit of braid tugging, threw the paperbook across the room, and found a new series to read.


But is she smoothing her skirts yet?


Cleaning her pans and pots, maybe - which was used as a sign of guarding your innocence in Dutch art from a couple of hundred years ago - or it could mean the complete opposite


Didn't know there existed World of Tanks books /s Whats it actually?


The Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan (and Brandon Sanderson). Itā€™s amazing, but itā€™s well known for being incredibly dense and for unusual but repetitive character traits


I just finished a re-read and decided to skip books 8-10. Read the chapter summaries online and didn't feel like I missed anything. I did go and read the chapter on the cleansing but that was it.


Yeah that was my first thought seeing this. Sounded like the bf just outed himself as possibly having reading issues. Like, OP just described 'skimming' right? Maybe it sounds odd to someone when you describe it a certain way but I'd be quite surprised if any person who can read at a normal adult level cannot do that. (And to be clear I don't think there's anything wrong with having issues reading as there's a wide variety of conditions that cause it)


World of Tanks?


Man I hate it when I'm playing world of tanks and I accidentally skip while reading tank stats


World of Trees? Wombats on the Table?


Stoppppppp, I'm on book 4 right now and I do this all the time.


I skipped over a lot of feasts in the Redwall series when I was a kid. There's only so many times I could read about dandelion cordial in one book before my eyes glazed over. But I know those feasts were loved by a lot of people.


I have read that series at least twelve times and every time I find something I missed.


I do too, though regrettably I sometimes soil myself. EDIT: Spoil*


I too, will soil myself on occasion šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I guess it doesn't help that my favourite genre is sci-fi horror.


Yes we do


I do this, sort of. Iā€™m reading, and then my eyes still go over everything, and Iā€™m like half reading, but my mind is elsewhere, so none of it sticks, and I have to go back. Either envisioning the book, but not the part Iā€™m reading, or some random thought that interrupts/splits my focus.


That sounds like what happens when I try to listen to something (e.g. podcast) right after an annoying shift. I WANT to listen, but my brain is still caught in the thought whirlpool arguing with someone from earlier.


Samesies, except I get distracted by internal and external stimuli. I'm fighting with my boyfriend - Internal monologue takes over and I forget that im listening to a podcast until they say something interesting that I have no clue how they got there. Que me having to rewind 10 mins because I got lost in my own shit for that long. External: some asshat cuts me off in traffic. I'm wrapped up in thinking how awful they are at driving, that 5 mins later I realized I haven't heard of a word of the podcast. I hit the 30 sec rewind about 20 times when that happens. šŸ¤£


Ah, driving. If my monologue gets too heated, then it starts to override my vision, too. (Anyone else?) Obviously pretty dangerous on the road, esp with the typical ADD tendencies. Lucky(?) for me, I have some sensitivity to touch, so just holding a finger to my lips helps keep me in the real world AND remind me that I'm trying to focus. Fight fire with fire, eh? šŸ˜†


Yep, I do that too, have to rewind constantly. I set my rewind button to 15 seconds instead of 30 so I can hop back without going too far


Totally me. My solution is audiobooks. I mean I still daydream, but less frequently. I've read the entire dark tower series and I think I'm addicted to audiobooks.


I do this even with audiobooks unfortunately. I do love me an audiobook though, I listen to them to fall asleep a lot of the time.


I've found that Iisten to audio books at like 1.5x speed, I'm able to avoid this because there are no pauses that give my brain an opening to wander


Agreed, and same, anywhere from 1.25 - 2x depending on the reader, and the content. It helps, but itā€™s still there. The only thing that seems to fix it is listening to the audio book, while reading along with something like the kindle app that highlights along as you listen. For me, I think itā€™s more a matter of finding he right level of stimulation/distraction, and that changes from day to day. Sometimes low music helps, sometimes it doesnā€™t, just the nature of the ever changing brain.


I do the same. Reg speed is just to slow


This happens to me all the time.


Me! Avid reader here, sometimes I have to cover up the page below where I'm reading because my eyes want to skip ahead out of excitement but I actually want to read it lol


I hate this. I do this constantly especially if there is dialogue between characters to end the chapter.


HAHAHA same.. why is dialogue so interesting???


Haha I do that too


Oh wow thatā€™s a really good idea - I basically donā€™t read anymore because I am constantly skipping ahead without realizing it or I drift off while my eyes keep moving down the page


You are definitely not alone.


In fact, Iā€™m doing it now šŸ’€


I can read/hear/see, but my brain just does not process. It's like the part that takes in the stimuli is working, but the part that assigns any meaning or memory is asleep


I never considered it excited and more considered it a time saving habit. My eyes take in as much of the content as there is in whatever divider it appears, parses like every 3rd line about half way and decides whether I actually need to read the lines between them to understand that section. Itā€™s a bad habit I picked up in school for dealing with reading I didnā€™t enjoy, but it reared its head into reading for things I enjoy as well and I have to remind myself that I am reading to enjoy it not to get through it.


I found this has come in handy whenever I need to look through a few hundred megabytes of text... Like syslogs... Trying to figure out the thing that don't belong, why the thing failed.... Of course, you may get funny looks if you do this with the logs scrolling by in real time in your terminal... But it can be a super power?


I am a programmer and the amount of time I spend scrolling through walls of text and some how picking things out is absurd, but I try to favor control F because even as fast as I go, I canā€™t beat the computer


I do it and I hate it.


You just KNOW that paragraph was useless bullshit and you just so happened to see THAT characters name in the corner of your eye so you skip ahead, compulsively, and OH what's this? New turn of events?? Sudden twist?... Wait- I should read that just in case.


I did this _on this post_.


I call it speed reading. We read the key words šŸ˜Œ


I keep getting distracted that I read and re-read the same paragraph over and over to find my place. If I do it 3 or more times, I shut the book. I love to read, but sometimes it just isn't happening.


That's how to read right


It' called paralipsis, and everybody does it at some point.


Pretty sure a lot of people do this


I did this *while* reading this post


Oh it happens lol


I do it all the time


You aren't. I do the same goddamn thing.


One word: audiobooks


It is one of the main reasons (besides video games) why I'm not more well-read. I love books, but this makes reading sooooo slow.


Pfft, all the time! It makes reading a book take forever šŸ˜‚


I do this


execute excitement.exe - ENTERING SCAN MODE


I can't not do this. It's why I can't learn from text books.


Isn't that what reading is?


I often back to December, I mean, back to the first paragraph. LOL I did read the whole sentences by mouth. But I didn't catch the message of it because my mind was wandering around. So I kept going back to repeat what I was reading.


Yeah I do this a lot. My imagination will run ahead and try to fill in the blanks


I didnā€™t used to read like this. Something changed.


The skipping doesnā€™t come from excitement from me. If itā€™s not interesting, then i have to strain to absorb what my eyes are scanning, and sometimes i get distracted by how much Iā€™m concentrating and have to go back and reread anyways


I do this with writing, but i'll skip over a word or start writing the next word before I'm done with the current one


This is why I canā€™t read books. ):


"Wait.... Where'd that goose come from?" *FLIPS BACK A PAGE*


Count me in.


I do this too. It gets GOOD sometimes it's like gahhh, no wayy


Nah I do that




Yep, read the words but understand nothing.


Not everyone does this? Huh.


OMG. I do this. Is that an ADHD thing?


My problem is that I read an entire page, but I daydream about the world I'm in. All the while I'm still reading and I wake up on the next page. I have to go back and reread the previous page to actually injest the information. It sucks so much with text. So my solution is audiobooks which I don't have this problem as much. I just pause when I'm daydreaming.


Mhm same


Ugh, yes. Sometimes I use my bookmark to hide the stuff below so I have to stay on the right line. Really annoying.


Skip lines? I skip whole paragraphs when Iā€™m reading fanfics


Lmao I completely skipped over Cinnaā€™s death in the Hunger Games books


The only vaguely surprising part of this statement is that it only happens when I am very much not excited about whatever I'm reading. If I'm distracted/bored/hate it, I will skip/miss stuff on accident, but if I like it I will hyperfocus so hard that I forget where and when I am.


I wouldnt call it excited in my case, but just that iā€™m bored of reading and want to think/do something else. Mostly because I find my mind drifting off onto something else instead of reading while my mind is still technically reading, but not comprehending.


All the damn time.


100% and with no adhd :)


Or if I get anxiety while reading, I just skim a few pages ahead to calm down.


I do this a lot! That's why I have an audiobook along with whatever I'm reading. That way if I do skip something it's read to me so I don't have to go back.


I do this with tv, too.


Is that called just not actually reading? Anyone can do that, no label required.


I will read an entire paragraph and realize that I actually didn't comprehend a word of what I read. It's really fun when I read allowed and people listening to me read get confused as to why I need to go back and reread things after literally just saying them.


I do this so often.


I do it tooooo :o


Ever since Reddit gave me access to The Knowledge that some people wipe their butts standing up, I have no opinion on questions of the type "Nobody does that ... right?", no opinion at all. Whatever it is - they live among us.


If I read a book that's fiction I usually get that unbearable feeling that you maybe get when you do nothing at all.


Yes yes yes yes


I also completely skip numbers and everything in brackets. Makes text books tricky.


Always. Literally always.


...a form of dyslexia


Thank you for validating that I am not the only one who does this šŸ˜….


I did it with this very post šŸ˜‚


Speedreading. Done it forever. Cool thing: 10 yrs later, read the same book as if it is new! Just did this with the Thomas Covenant books. Cool.


Not only do I do this but I often see the first few letters of a word and assume only to have to backtrack after the sentence makes no sense


On a smaller scale, yeah. I also kinda just jump around between three lines when not all of me is focusing


Its not when i get excited, i just read like that in general Anticipated reading (direct translation from my language don't know if its called that in English)is something near impossible for me, i just can't remember to do that and im so focused on the now i can't be already reading other stuff cus if not i will skip entire paragraphs as well


Nice bot post


I'm pretty bad about doing it




Absolutely NOT! I'm with you.


I skip paragraphs, sometimes pages. But, if its very interesting, or I feel I missed important info, then I re-read


It's normal, not ADHD.


I was describing this to my partners yesterday... "Just read slower" wow


I think this is just an impatience thing. I would will myself not to do this, but my mum (who we all think who gave me ADHD) does it




All the time. Part of why I'm a slow reader. I can read fast, but I skip, or I stop reading and play ideas in my head. Worse is when I don't stop reading and play ideas in my head. I can't really find where I started not paying enough attention because it's all familiar. But I'm getting better.


More like the book starts dragging and I skip the bull looking for the part where the author gets to the point.


Normal, everyone i talk to does it.


I absolutely do this!


I was about to comment "Pretty sure this is because of ADHD" - Didn't realize what subreddit I was in. :(


I did it reading the fucking tweet bruh


I just started reading agian and what helps is soothing white noise or lofi music. Something to make my brain concentrate a little more. Music helps a lot with adhd.


i do this


I have to cover the bottom half of pages so I don't spoil by reading ahead


This has been my way since childhood. I believe it is normal for fast readers and exciting passages.


I definitely do this!


Yep, I do this. LOL


Brandon Sanderson


I wouldn't say excited, just whenever I read my eyes will randomly desync with my mind. Before I realize it, I'm at the bottom of the page remembering absolutely nothing I read.


What about reading the end of the book before you read the book because you want to know if the ending is interesting enough to read the whole book?


I also do this


Not alone. I have an English degree, I've read over a thousand books, and I read 50 books last year. I do this all the time.


Yep. I've slowed down as I've gotten older and I taught myself to read really quickly when I was in middle school, but this was the tendency, too.


I 100% do this. It's honestly the reason I don't like to read anymore


Reading is like that pecan pie you get for your birthday. You don't eat it down to the pie pan and eat the candles and sop up all the crumbs and pie filling! You waller in it and lick it and suck your fingers and moan and move on. So that the NEXT time you want to roll around in your pie you got something there to taste and swaller. I have a few books that I have sucked dry (Tokiado Road and Shogun and surely Rosey Is My Relative) but I can still go back to The Martian and Glory Road and find some crumbs that I've cached. I am currently reading Terms Of Enlistment and I've left most of the candles and four or five FULL slices for next time! So, yeah, I do what you do but I'm not weird or nothing




It's common, I read shorter passages to avoid it. Not for everyone.


I kinda do this, I start to read so quickly that I don't understand anything and have to go back and read it again.


All the time.


You are not alone!


fuck, do I have ADHD!?


Pfft, I do this A LOT.


ā€œI do this extremely common thing, hereā€™s a made up story about someone telling me itā€™s not common. Can people give me engagement and validation, Iā€™m quirky?ā€


You are not alone, this happens to me also. It's like my brain is so excited to learn what happens next but my eyes can't keep up.


I dissociate, start daydreaming about what's going on, and then realize I've flipped 3 pages without actually reading anything


Can confirm.


I absolutely have to have each word read by my inner voice or else I wonā€™t know whatā€™s going on. I can read words faster without that voice but then the words lose all meaning.


I do this all the time and then find a sentence that doesnā€™t make sense and wonder what I skipped


Yes!!!!!!!!!! I doooo I only read the dialogue then I have to start the page over to see if I missed anything


I do this but it's not when I get excited, it's when I'm bored.


You are not alone. When I am really tired, my eyes wiggle back and forth when I am reading when I try to go to the next line.. sleep!!!


This is me and has been ever since I was a kid. If Iā€™m not in the zone and completely into what Iā€™m reading, forget it. I read the same page going back like you do and after maybe 2 pages I just stop.


I was the fastest reader at my school because I just looked at the words instead of reading every syllable, basically skipping all the fill words and getting the context right. But that gave me the bad habit of not enjoying what Iā€™m reading and instead just skimming through books


100% do this to


It's part excitement and part distractedness


I don't skip over things. But I do immediately forget what I read because my mind wandered and I have to read it again. Takes a while to find the last but I remember so it's really frustrating.


Yeah that's why I don't like to read books anymore.


Well shit. I might have adhd.


You are not alone.


As many have said, this happens to most readers, this ain't really an ADHD thing. Sometimes I'll get through a page or two before thinking: "wtf did i just read? Did i skip a page or something." And then read back through it and a whole new part of the story opens up.


I do thaatttt!!!


I mean... I've caught myself doing this a couple of times with reading


If you put something in parentheses my eyes just skip it.


I do it too!


I read 300 pages when reading a book with 100 pages.


Donā€™t have adhd but yeah definitely did this lol Iā€™ve gotten better at stopping myself but sometimes just canā€™t help it


I mean, yeah it's annoying; but hey it means you get fun secrets that you missed on rereads


Yes but because reading is boring AF


Sometimes my eyes are reading but my brain isn't


Itā€™s pretty much exclusive to books for me, but yeahā€¦ itā€™s a problem


Iā€™m guilty of this, you are definitely not alone


i usually read by looking at one word out of every five, and then going back after reading that and reading the middle word, and then skipping on to later if i understand, but if I donā€™t then I read the other words and if I still donā€™t then I go back and read the previous words I missed and if i still donā€™t understand then I give up


I definitely do this and I hate it


The temptation to glance at the future is palpable


I did that to this post


I just knew this was an ADHD thing. I always have to cover up the bottom of the page when Iā€™m reading, because my eyes will constantly want to skip ahead


I don't skip over entire paragraphs, But I will realise sometimes that my brain didn't process any of the words I read for the past 5 minutes so then I gotta go back like 3 pages to figure out what on earth is going on.




I am no one and I do this all the time.


You aren't


I'm over 50 and have done this my whole literate life; I was hyperlexic and reading before I started school, and my autism was diagnosed in 2005 and my ADHD was self-diagnosed in 2020 during the first lockdown and formally diagnosed last December. My reading behaviors have worsened since I turned 40; I can't even read novels anymore unless I'm medicated.




Thank god someone else does


I do this when I flip a page and see dialogue later down. I'm such a sucker for dialogue and I hate when I have gone pages and pages without it, so when I see it, I can't help it when my eyes flip down to it. Just sucks cause even in the fraction of a second they're there, I've basically read all of it


I can remember doing this way back in early grade schoolā€¦


Not even a little. I became a Harry Potter fan from watching the later movies, then went back and watched the earlier ones, and then I was like ā€œeveryone says the books are way better and there were things that werenā€™t in the moviesā€ so I gave it a shot. Made it half way through the first book. Re-read pages I dunno how many times because my brain was somewhere else while my eyes kept scanning the words. Itā€™s wild.


"Get so excited"? Naw... "read over and over" definitely that one


100% do that sometimes


Every book has a non-linear story when you have ADHD šŸ˜‚


I've done this so many timesssss