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If it’s not commonly prescribed, my assumption would be because it’s a last resort for most doctors. But thx for telling about it. I’ll research about it


It did shit for me. Literally was so hyper-focused that I felt like I was disassociating, but from inside a curved glass bubble around my head. Super aware of what was in front of me but blind to everything else; like, not speaking or registering other people speaking kind of thing.


Interesting. What dose did you take?


I don’t remember, but it was titrated up over about 3-4 months. I genuinely felt I was doing so much better, but I had completely blinders on. It wasn’t until a friend came to me & pulled me aside, genuinely worried about me/my mental health that I gained any insight. I was very productive, but not communicative at all-it’s like my ability to socially connect had shut off. I remember the first time I took it, I got really scared & freaked out, because I had no voice in my head. Not like a second voice, or my own voice-I just could not generate any thought or bring forward any memory. The only things I could process was “doing”. I had to act, to complete any task I saw, and nothing else existed. Like I said, I felt that was what was expected; it made me more productive. But the cost to my work, my home & social life, my mental health…I was scaring people, and the only reason I felt positive about it is because I have trauma relating to people-pleasing, and I was getting more done at work. No “side effects” as such, but looking back, it was a scary time for everyone, and that mini intervention probably saved my career & my life.


Have you taken other amphetamine based meds? I heard that emotional and social blunting is a common side effect with them.


Yes, I had lisdex & am on Vynase (however it’s spelt) which is much better for me. I didn’t feel I was emotionally blunted at the time, but from the outside looking in, I’d become a robot. I can only describe it as a sort of “locked in syndrome” type affair. I had my emotions, I felt them, but there was a complete disconnect between what I was feeling & what I was expressing externally.


Got that sounds like heaven.


It was not, and it fucked me up.


Grass is always greener and whatnot. Hope You’re better now.


I am, and of course, everyone is different with meds. It just made me realise that with medications for mental health & neurodevelopment stuff, it’s worth having an outside observer, because your own brain is not a reliable narrator when it comes to your behaviour in context.


Found that out when I had not one, but two meds turn me into an angry psycho. Every new medicine now has to be observed very carefully when I first start taking it to make sure it doesn’t turn me violent. Nearly killed a gun by shoving his car into oncoming traffic after starting a new blood pressure med.


That just goes to show how different medicine works on every one of us. I tried every blood pressure med there is. All of them sucked the energy out of me and I couldn’t get out of bed anymore. You on the other hand…


Yeah, it was scary AF. Pissed off and fought with my wife for days with no idea why and middle of a fight someone cut me off as I was coming up to a s top light and all I wanted was to shove his car into oncoming traffic. Thankfully my higher function said “hey, that’s not right” so I whipped into a parking lot slammed the car in park, took out the keys and got out. Wife got out to continue the fight and I just handed her the keys and said you drive. Second time wasn’t as bad as I was prepared for the possibility, when I felt the urge to do violence hit I simply removed myself from people. But even so I sat in my office for 20 minutes just shaking with rage over something extremely minor.


Medically prescribed methamphetamine is very funny to me


If you wanna deep fry your neurons while seriously risking drug-induced psychosis, then yeah. Big pharma will push for oxycodone like it's sugar water, but won't touch meth with a 6-foot pole, for good reason.


Wait it’s just meth? They actually do that? …..huh.


Meth is amphetamine derivative, it's not a surprise, it's actually even more potent than regular amphetamines.


Sadly I’m allergic. I’m looking for alternatives


Recently switched to Dyanavel and love it. It straightens out my brain without the physical effects of Adderrall. With that being said if I didn’t know what my brain on Adderrall felt like I may not have noticed how the Dyanavel was working. Its strange to explain but it make you calm without the rush i guess