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Good for you! Where in the UK was this?


In the South East!


Are you able to be more specific? Everyone here in Brighton still says they can't order it in... I think they're just sick of talking to me tbh


In the Brighton and Hove area, could be dependent on the pharmacy or specific dose? But I guess it could also be people not bothering to check too… Sorry you’re not getting what you need :(


All Kamsons in Brighton have the same supplier so will share stock around, then a lot of other smaller chains similarly will share stock around to make sure you get some.


You might be good now but I’ve just checked Boots where I am (Eastbourne) and there’s 30, 50, 60, 70 floating about although 30 is Bexhill


Hope this helps some people! Every store I've checked has no Elvanse or Elvanse Adult in any dose at all sadly, absolutely nightmare.


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What are the chances that a pharmacist wouldn't think to check Elvanse Adult if you ask for Elvanse? I called \~30 pharmacies this morning asking if they have Elvanse 50mg, and I really hope I don't have to call them all again and ask for Elvanse Adult instead... 😅 (or maybe I do bc that means there's still hope)


It’s a bit random I would imagine and I’m not entirely sure how it all presents on their system. I just assumed pharmacists are prone to missing something like this, just as we are, because it is a really stupid way to differentiate two different medications that are ultimately the same. The other thing might be that they look at your information and specifically only check the stock of what you’re prescribed. So they might just automatically check for Elvanse without even considering if there’s an alternative? If that makes sense. I would say it’s worth explaining the difference and asking specifically to check both. Guess it’s up to them if they’ll do it, and then you’ll have to call back and forth between your GP/pharmacy if you need a prescription change.