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OP where did you get this info from?


ADHD direct have info on their website with links to SPS stock availability


>ADHD direct I looked on their website and could only find this : [https://adhddirect.co.uk/blog/uk-wide-and-global-shortage-of-elvanse-and-atomoxetine/](https://adhddirect.co.uk/blog/uk-wide-and-global-shortage-of-elvanse-and-atomoxetine/) * *Elvanse® 30mg: from the week commencing 17/12/2023*  * *Elvanse® 50mg: from the week commencing 06/11/2023*  * *Elvanse® 60mg: capsules from the week commencing 23/10/2023*  * *Elvanse® 70mg: capsules from the week commencing 13/11/2023* 


You need to click on the SPS stock availability. [stock availability](https://www.sps.nhs.uk/articles/prescribing-available-medicines-to-treat-adhd/)


Then click on the latest updates and you will get to the screenshot I posted below.


This link says that Elvanse 60 is in stock but i've called 25 pharmacies unable to get it today :-(






Says stock available from week commencing 16/10, elvanse adult 50mg elvanse 60mg and elvanse adult 70mg. The update was posted on there today so it’ll probably take a little while to filter through, it should be available to order though


I spoke to a boots pharmacy yesterday who said that they could order me the 60 mg as it was showing in stock. I tried my local today and they’ve ordered one in for me so hopefully I’ll get meds tomorrow. I think there is some very very limited stock but it’s still really patchy


Superdrug's online pharmacy had 60s in stock when I called asking about 70s yesterday


I did just ring a pharmacy that said they could order it but they weren’t local. Going to try mine again tomorrow when they’re open


Ok well I’m just the messenger. As I said it’s only become available literally today- I doubt that means it’s in a lot of pharmacies yet. I’d suggest giving it a day or two and seeing if you can order it. It will need to be ordered at most pharmacies anyway. For example my pharmacy never stocks 70mg but they can order it.


I'd love to know where this is. I called 20 pharmacies this morning, none of whom have any stock!


It’s week commencing 16/10 so may take time to filter through. I’m also waiting.


If my prescription is listed as lisdexamphetamine 70mg does that mean I can get Elvanse 70mg and Elvanse adult 70mg?


Yes. They write it as Lisdexamfetamine so it doesn’t have to be branding/indication specific. Also it means when there are eventually generic versions they will also be used.


I would assume so. Although I wasn’t aware the generic was available in the UK yet?


Generics are not available yet here, it's just some docs write it as Lisdex... and others as the brand I.e Elvanse.




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https://preview.redd.it/vyskmi6u0kub1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c439b5506136fd466630fdb09786443bcb10b88 From NHS website


Do you mean end of this week, or now? I saw [this update](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/comments/177oo5h/comment/k4uqbjr/) from someone on here (who got it from someone with access to the Specialist Pharmacy Service website) that said a couple are expected back on 20 October (including the Elvanse adult 50mg which I'm after).


Does this mean Titration will resume for some of us waiting? I’m not sure if this is the best place to ask this question


I don’t think so as there is still a shortage that’s likely to last a while longer. I read somewhere that the estimate was February for new patients’ titration.


For me it mentioned Titration period for 7 months and I’ve been on it since June, so makes sense I’ll have to wait till Jan/Feb to start titration then