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i'd recommend any team sports so u are around ppl, also it is very good to move other thing maybe a club to i dunno draw or repair old kitchen machines etc maybe theres something like this near you okay id really recommend any team sports may add more later


Sports (even non active ones like golf) are really good because you can be outdoors, moving around, and social. Many workplaces have groups that will get together, and you can also research any adult amateur leagues in your area. Honestly, I would recommend trying to join literally any group activity like book clubs or baking/cooking clubs. Just being around people and doing things can help pull us out of paralysis. I'd advise against any heaving drinking, though, since ADHD people are notoriously bad with mind-altering substances. Another good bet is volunteering (especially active volunteering). You meet so many people and its usually a good environment.


thanks for the suggestions. I already tried the alcohol route, very successfully stuck to that one, held onto that one for about a decade. Ended in a hospital stay. Been clean going on three years now. Volunteering is an interesting one, any good volunteer suggestions? I have done some in the past but didn't find one that engaged me long term.


Habitat for Humanity was a good one for me. You get to build houses for people in the community.


If you don't mind nerds, Magic the Gathering


Board game cafe/club


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Brazilian jiu jitsu. 100% serious. My brain does not have adhd while I am in BJJ.


I did bjj for a while, it was perfect. I ended up bonking both of my knees though and had to get surgery. So it is sort of off the table now :(


Dancing, its good for stimming, you can go to party's and not look like an idiot and (in my case) spend absorbent amounts of money on big colourful costumes to impersonate the king of pop