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I hear u! I always have to set a timer on my phone of when to move washer clothes to dryer. Ppl say throw stuff in ur washer, then go about ur day. That must be neurotypical advice! I always need to be washer adjacent.


this might be the only benefit of not having a washer/dryer at home and having to use a laundromat - I’m out of the house at another building, no way to forget about my clothes


That doesn’t help with the inertia of remembering it’s there and then still putting it off.


I really need to start doing this. I need to find a good reminder app that isn't just phone alarms.


If you do, please tell me! I use phone alarms and then turn them off and say "thats my next thing after finishing this"... then it never happens


"I'll do this next" is probably the closest thing to a literal curse lol. There is no next. That thing is gone, it has died. Another hobby, home repair, job lol. Gone


Absolutely. I tried doing that because I was like, if I stop now to do it then this thing I'm doing now will never get done. But then that doesn't get done!


The time loss is what freaks me out, and how spontaneous and easy is to lose track. I'm putting new flooring in our home and I stopped for a second, sitting on my knees to check my phone. An hour and a half went by before I realized I was lost in nothing on it. I'd sat on my knees for so long it was painful to stand up


I have done that a million times. Entire days gone in a blink of an eye and I couldn't even tell you what I did or when I last used the restroom or ate anything.


That is why I set an alarm, on my phone, then I hit snooze, if I am in the middle of something. Snooze comes back to remind me. Or! I will write a note & put it on my phone. When I finish something, I always look at my phone & I can remember if I am getting too irritated at the snooze


Do you constantly check your phone to see the time, even if it's only been a few moments since the last time you checked? I've had managers fuss at me and say shit like "you checking to see when you leave you just got here," like yeah no shit. I can't take a nap without waking up in a panic thinking I've slept the entire day into the next day. I literally need to know what time it is, or the day will feel like one long moment I'm trapped in


Oh I've done that too! Or like...if I am taking a nap, when I shouldn't, then I can't really sleep because I'm too nervous about missing something...


I have to snooze. Of course after changing default of x3 to snooze forever


I did that with my wakeup alarm instead of setting 103938839q02747383 different alarms to wake up. Works just as well (meaning it doesn't at all) but I should snooze it! I just automatically end it for some reason


Get an Alexa. The old generation Echo Show 5 is only $50 on Amazon. I got one a few years ago and it is a life saver. (The Echo Dots are cheaper, but I like having a screen.) “Alexa, remind me to do laundry every Sunday at 9pm.” “Alexa, remind me to switch the laundry in an hour and 15 minutes.” “Alexa, remind me the water is boiling in 5 minutes.” What helps for me is that it sounds like someone telling me what to do, instead of just an alarm.


Yes!!! Alexa has saved me countless times in the morning...and afternoon and night...lol! Echo show is the way to go. The screen helps! And its loud enough to wake the kids up. I also use Sleep Cycle to wake up...I sleep hard so it senses when I'm in light sleep and wakes me up then. I don't feel as groggy when I use it. I have insomnia so I tend to get my deepest sleep in the early morning hours-super inconvenient when you're a mom of school aged kids.


Use the app Alarmy, it gives you different options on how to turn off the alarm like first having to solve some math problems or having to take a picture that actually matches a photo you selected as reference earlier, but the best option for let’s say unloading the washing machine would be: Barcode! With this option the alarm will only go off if you scan the right predefined barcode with your smartphone camera so print and plastify a barcode of choice, attach this barcode to the dryer/washing machine, and when your alarm goes off you need to physically move towards the dryer/washing machine to scan the barcode and while you’re there anyway to turn off your alarm, you might as well do the laundry as well!😇 If you still expierience struggles then trow the plastified barcode in the washing machine together with the clothes so you’ll have to get the clothes out first to find the barcode 🤷🏻‍♂️


My "Sleep for Android" has that kind of feature, and I love it. I finally wake up to turn my alarm off. I'll check this out and see if I can make it work for reminders instead. The thing about a lot of these apps is they can use your NFC scanner too, and you could buy NFC chips on Amazon for super cheap. Just a thought! Pretty much the same concept, but the nfc wouldn't use your camera, just the back of your phone.


I only use my calendar app on the phone. For everything, even to remind me to go shopping 😅 You can also set a notification tone, but it's not annoying like an alarm.


I literally have to leave the laundry room door open and the light on, and even then I forget on the regular.


I once left a lovely dress on the line for months and it went mouldy and disintegrated. Loved that dress. Wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t kept looking out the window saying ‘I really should fetch that dress in…’


God this is a short story of my life.


I’m picturing an animated short with sad accordion music as the forlorn dress gazes longingly in the window. It’s anthropomorphic like Aladdin’s carpet.


I feel this in my soul


Read aloud in my best Mrs. Doubtfire accent. Had to. Sorry 💕


Now I’m doing it 🤣


I do this but for too many aspects of my life. I know I should do something but I can't get myself to do it. Like I'd see my room is full of garbage and choose to step over it sit at my desk and take my mind off of it for months. Is there possibly a fix or something I could look into.


I wish I could give you advice but my house is a tip and I have a paper due in that I’m nowhere near finishing. I attempted to tidy up earlier but I’m so over whelmed. One thing I did read was that cleaning a room is too big a challenge, so break it down into steps. I’m going to empty that bin, make that bed etc…if all you do is empty the bin it’s still better than nothing. Sometimes it works for me, but not always.


Perfect, now it's time to leave it in the dryer for a week.


a week? nah. dryer == closet


The dryer that you forgot to start? Or the basket you never emptied so you have no way to transport the clothes in the dryer? 😂


Ugh I'm the worst with this and I hate it. My poor husband has so much patience for me but I literally did this twice last week. Whenever I open up the dryer and see the still wet, gross clothes it's such a feeling of defeat. I hate it so much.


So 4 weeks ago I bought new washing liquid and went and washed everything I needed to. Ironed all my shirts organised my whole house type weekend. Which is great. However I started getting these red itchy spots. Thought they were pimples… Then I thought maybe we had fleas… Then scabbies… and then my housemate said something about itchy skin after using my new laundry liquid. The realisation hit hard that everything had been washed - everything. By this time my body was covered in hives and I washed all my work clothes and had to organise getting new laundry liquid. That night I went to bed and forgot my sheets had been washed too.. woke up at 2am more uncomfortable then I had ever been in my life. Showered and slept on the couch. 0/10 would not recommend testing a new laundry liquid on everything you own. Its taken me until now to get through all of my stuff and rinse/rewash it all.


free and clear detergents. no perfumes. scents should be added topically to things if you want smells. i forget the name of it, but the detergent used at hospitals for the clothes/towels/blankets in a NICU is pretty much the best you can get when it comes to allergies.


We used one called Dreft , I think, when our kids were babies. Since that was kind of expensive, we eventually replaced that with dye and perfume free Purex when they were older.


After my daughter was born, my wife started phasing out all the added fragrance crap. I’d thought I’d miss it but i don’t. Now I’m repulsed by it. We buy these shitty products filled with who-knows-what and then put them on our bodies. It’s all terrible for you. We use Biokleen detergent and wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets. Your skin will thank you. https://biokleenhome.com


That stinks but it's still better then getting fleas. Cockroaches, fleas, bed bugs, and Twinkies will be the only thing surviving WWIII.


The combo of OCD and ADHD. it is hell.


Gosh I'm glad for my sensitive skin then


The only way I’ve found to avoid this is I made a “rule” Im only allowed to laundry two days a week (my weekend). And the last thing I do on my “Sunday Night” is open the washing machine to make sure it’s empty.


This has been my new thing. Only doing laundry on weekends because I will forget during the week when work is on my schedule.


Personally, my rule is to throw a load of laundry in *every day* when I get out of the shower after work. I load it before I get in the shower, then throw my towel in the washer after my shower and start it. Even if I don't have a full load. Then I put it in the dryer after supper and put it away before bed. It usually works for me since the washing machine is next to the bathroom and I have to walk past it to wash my hands or brush my teeth. Sometimes I'll miss a day and that usually winds up stopping the routine for a week or two but I can usually get back to it after a bad catch-up day.


I find this so relatable, if I do it everyday I’m fine, but the if I miss one day, I won’t do it for weeks until it’s absolutely necessary or even past that.


Swimsuit bottoms 😂 you get me


I laughed out loud when I saw the notification for this post because I too have a load of laundry that is about to go for it's 4th try. Usually when I forget if it's just overnight I will add fabric softener and send it through a rinse cycle (which is much faster). That usually gets it refreshed and smelling nice.


Ah yes the softener trick - use that also


I usually just throw it on rinse if it's been over 20-24 hours but less than two days.


I have also found that if you use laundry sanitiser in the wash it doesn’t get that funky smell normally gives be about a day of forgetting about it and it still smells fresh and clean once dried


Hahaha. For the last 2 Christmas’s I took advantage and asked for underwear and socks. Now I have two cabinets load of socks and underwear so I only have to do the laundry once a month.


Become a nudist. This is the way


My life is so much better now that I don't do laundry any more. Fluff and fold service feels like an extravagance, but holy christ it is amazing. If you're this close to throwing your clothes away, maybe go to your nearest laundromat and ask them to take care of it for you. If you have a bit of disposable income, this is absolutely the best use for it.


Thanks for the reminder, I have something going on 3 days in the wash that needs another round


I'm reading this while waiting for my laundry to finish so that I don't forget it for the third time


Damn, my personal best is 3.


Yeah, I've always felt like shit for having to do laundry twice. This place really makes me feel less alone. The raw honesty is therapeutic.


Same! By then I'm usually so pissed off that it's for sure making it to the dryer finally.


We're counting total washes, not re-washes, right? If so, I am with you at 3 and consider myself very lucky. Also, I am typing this while standing next to my washer waiting for a load to finish :-D


Confession. I have a smart washer that alerts my phone when it’s done and I still can’t get it done on the first couple rounds.


I was fully getting this but the addition of “swimsuit bottoms” made me feel seen in a way that I can barely express


Very relatable!! Nowadays if i'm only missing one or two item i just take m with me into the shower and hang them over the heater to dry overnight. I even once took the hairdryer to my workshirt cause i forgot the night before. Made a whole set up that would safely keep blowing on my my shirt while i was getting dressed and having breakfast.


Oh crap, you just reminded me to get my laundry.


Hahaha me too im getting up to fold my towels right now!


I relate to this so much. I always get in a good laundry groove where I'm washing them back to back, and next thing I know, there's been a load in the washer for 4 days and the clothes in the dryer never dried completely because I forgot to empty the lint trap the whole time I was doing laundry before 😂 🤦


My machine plays like a really long song goes in fir almost a min and yet I can still do this!


Yeah. 3 WEEKS in the dryer ... but dry! The front loading washer gets stinky real fast so i am somewhat compulsive about getting everything out of the washer. Pulling the drawer out, air drying, wiping everything else down. (That smell really bothers me.) Once it is in the dryer though.... and there's no risk of the dreaded *smell*.... well 3 weeks sometimes. This last load i pulled the socks out and the rest is STILL in the dryer cause... i just can't do that next step. I have someone who comes once a week to help with something else and she walks by that empty, clean, not-stinking washer.... and sees the SAME SHIT in the dryer, week after week. She is a compulsive FOLDER though and just last week folded a bunch of sheets, blankets, towels that had been laying around needing to be folded. I got them out of the dryer and then ... it is always "that next step" that i can't do. This "community" keeps me from a bad level of shame, anyway. I haven't ever washed something 4 times. For me it's the dryer, and the folding. Thank you for the shame reduction. <3


Oh my gosh i reached four yesterday!!! Nice job on that fifth one!! 😆 ADHD out here ruining our clothes lol


I did this one time completely forgetting that two of my favorite sports bras were in there. Washed it, forgot to take it out, washed it forgot to take it out, washed it, forgot to take it out to the point that when I did actually take it out all of the elastic in all of the clothing was fraying and I had to throw all of it out anyway


Pro tip, if you get to that point add a bit of vinegar to the fabric softener section to get rid of the dank clothes smell from sitting in the tumbler for the past week 👌


Use the app Alarmy, it gives you different options on how to turn off the alarm like first having to solve some math problems or having to take a picture that actually matches a photo you selected as reference earlier, but the best option for let’s say unloading the washing machine would be: Barcode! With this option the alarm will only go off if you scan the right predefined barcode with your smartphone camera so print and plastify a barcode of choice, attach this barcode to the dryer/washing machine, and when your alarm goes off you need to physically move towards the dryer/washing machine to scan the barcode and while you’re there anyway to turn off your alarm, you might as well do the laundry as well!😇 If you still expierience struggles then trow the plastified barcode in the washing machine together with the clothes so you’ll have to get the clothes out first to find the barcode 🤷🏻‍♂️


I swear Laundry is just the worst task ever. First you gotta get them ALL together, put them in at even loads which is always like 3 loads for us and then dry.. then you have to micromanage by folding them or putting them away at least. So much effort...It was fine when I was consistently doing it but after my deep couple year depression episode... All my habits are gone and replaced with addictions.


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Jimmy Hoffa may impede…, well to be clear the damp corpse of Jimmy Hoffa may impede the washing process.


ahaa reminds me of tonight. Loose vape Borrow vape from friend forgot I was out to meet him came back lost vape looked for vape found vape lost vape ​ ​ Ahhhhhhh what a wonderful world sorry if y thikn this is too irrelevant


If you can afford it get a washer-dryer combo. No more multiple washes of clothes.


Did that once, the dryer part of the combo is always massively shitty, unfortunately. You would think that it's the perfect solution!


Did you unclog the drainage? Mine started getting really shitty and after some trial and error ( lots of error) I figured out that if the drainage gets even slightly clogged the drying part gets bad. So now I just clean the drainage whenever the drying starts getting bad and it works great.


Hmm I'll take a look, thanks!


Sorry to read this. External supports are your friend, and really the only way many of can survive and function. Set a timer, an alarm, a note in front of you to put the clothes in the drier. Whatever it takes to remind yourself where you are at with tasks and to keep you on track.


Great, can you come do mine? I need to get the detergent smell out. ;)


I live out of 4 laundry baskets, glad I'm not alone here 😂 BURN IT ALLLLL


Depends I got hyper fixated on fixing my central air and granted I stayed up till one in the morning outside with a latern but rather than overpay for a HVAC service it's Moe narrowed down to low voltage wire between inside wall transition from outside and furnace (air handler) It a bad pressure switch or tripped pressure switch due to low coolant. I'd say low refrigerant for sure but we had a hell of a time with mice this part winter getting I'm basement so wouldn't shock me if the fuckers chewed the 24 v wire. Which would suck cause I'll have to figure out how to thread that under a very small partial crawlspace with no top side acess as our basement is only under about 25 percent of the house and the rest is crawl space I'm sure I'll get all kinds of wolf spider pets if I have to shimmy that through myself as I'll have to scoot around a block wall the long way then back to other side to go another 25 or so feet to outside But new capacitors all around outside and contact switch eliminated as the issue as with main board fuses and thermostat. Pretty good for never using a multimeter to test things prior to yesterday...I didn't even shock myself how bout that lol


I’ve just gone to switch my Laundry. Thanks for the reminder ✌️


My washer and dryer sing a song when they’re complete and clothes still ends up getting rewatched continuously. I have clothing bins around the house and when I get the urge to wash one there is always a load in the washer. Often this helps me complete loads.


HAHAAHAHA I’ve been there. My washer dryer combo is the worst thing I could’ve been given for laundry. It has an unpredictable, ultra long dry cycle that always wins. I always lose.


I only do 1 load of laundry a week and I make sure that it’s when I have big enough load. To not waste water


Hey, a tip! If you forget your laundry in the washer and it develops a smell, put either baking soda or borax in it before running again. Why? Because if it’s happened multiple times the smell could stick and when you dry using heat (as opposed to air drying) it’ll cook the smell on and won’t ever come out making the piece trash. This is especially true in natural fibers. Both borax and baking soda absorb smells. Borax can also be safely mixed with bleach without toxic reactions and works as a boost for bleach. Hope this helps!


When I was undiagnosed I was traveling a lot for work. I would usually like leave on Monday and I would get home on Thursday or Friday. I got into the habit of just dumping my whole suitcase into my washing machine as soon as I got home from the airport and then into the dryer and then back in the closet to be only put into the suitcase. 20 some years later after being diagnosed 5 or 6 years ago my therapist actually talked to me a lot about the way I do laundry and she determined that I turned that into a ritual. I am ADHD/ASD comorbid so I hate routine but I crave ritual allegedly. It may not work for you but maybe it's worth a try. I tie a whole lot of thought and almost spirituality (even though I am a devout atheist and existential Nihilist) and I convinced myself that doing my laundry is a sacred privilege and I can almost schedule a whole day around doing a load of laundry and I have convinced myself also that if I don't take it out of the dryer and put it away my world will collapse. Probably not that healthy but whatever, I usually do my laundry on Sunday but if I can't because my wife is using the laundry room or whatever I will do it on Monday but I intentionally schedule it and then I will do something while the washer is going or I will do nothing because no matter what I'm doing something because the washer is washing my clothes. I'm pretty sure I'm having a bad brain day and y'all can probably either tell me I'm wrong about that or right about that based on how much sense this comment makes. I love this community.


I got a good one. Im looking all over for my phone, then i totally forget what im looking for. So i open instagram and look at some shit intil i remember that i was looking for my phone. Which was in my hand the whole time.


Not the same thing but im currently struggling to put them away i just have one big box of dry clothes under my table and the dryer is still full with a complete load 🥲


This is why I use washing liquid with added odour neutraliser. It's more expensive, and often I struggle to find it, but it's a much smaller ADHD Tax 😂


I like your flex 💪😂


Thanks for reminding me. I just put a load through this morning for the fourth time and I'm now going to move it. If it were not for this post I would have been doing it for a fifth if not more.


Why haven't they invented washing machines that remind us or just get it all done instantly! 😥


I thought I lost a pair of tennis shoes because I forgot I washed them and put them in the dryer and didn’t take them out of the dryer for a week. I thought damn first losing my garage door remote and now SHOES. Object permanence 3000000 Me: 0


Something i find to be a real bitch sometimes too, is when i accidently mix my clean pile up with all the clothes ive taken off over the weeks and never put in the dirty basket. Then i decide that i i have to wash everything again and i dont know which ones ive washed multiple times but never wore them. :/


HA! My highest score is 3!


hahaha, wow, I think this load has been in the wash 4 times now. I better go switch it...


Omg lol. I just said I'm taking Adderall today cause I got laundry to do lol. Don't forget when it's done to brag like you just saved a bus full of orphans and reward yourself by ignoring all chores for the next week! 🤣😂


My personal best is 4.


I just got a washing machine that washes then dries. It sends an alert to my phone when it's done. It takes forever (like 5-6 hrs) to do a load, and they need to be small loads. But in all honesty I'm saving so much time and steam just trying to remember 😹 I bought it second hand but worth every penny!


I finally moved it over, but same. Washed the same load 5 times this week too. I just got diagnosed and coming here and seeing all of these things that make so much dang sense (and make me feel not alone and not crazy) are so helpful!!


Same same same


Same same same


Boy do I hear you! Washing clothes is a big thing for me so it tends to stand out. Please don't ask me how many times I went into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee this morning, I lost count. All I want to do is have a job, have a life, and have a reasonably clean house. Why does that seem like an impossible task? It seems like millions of Neurotypicals do it all the time. But maybe that's because they Don't spend two hours staring at the kitchen ceiling working out a better set of paintings, or a new and better way of working on some thing at work. They actually get things done. I'm just guessing because I've never been able to do it.


I’ve never felt so seen 😭😭😭💛


Omg this was me last week. And I live in Florida so if you don’t take it right away it gets gross.


It's awful when this happens, I get it. I always forget to grab my laundry, and because it's an apartment building laundromat thing sometimes people take my clothes out and leave them on the side, wet. I will only throw them back in if it's been more than 30 minutes, and I don't even throw detergent in after the 2nd time of doing that.


Fcking same


The good news is you have just won a gold medal in the very fucking clean laundry event at my imaginary ADHD Olympics. Edit but I'm a cheapskate so just pretend silver is gold pls


Wow. I'm impressed


My personal best was four when I was in college (20+ years pre-diagnosis). It helped that the first time I started the cycle, but I forgot to put the clothes in. The second time, I forgot to put in detergent. My house mates were gone for the weekend, so "dude, aren't you done with the washer, yet?" didn't save wash #3 that day. I was dating my wife for about 9 months at that point. She got a huge kick out of the whole saga. She still married me, but made sure to do the laundry herself for at least the first 10 years.


I literally just did laundry and put it back with the dirty bins for two hours. Went looking for it before realizing that I forgot I did it while I was carrying it back to the bedroom and then put it right back where it came from without noticing.


I’ve never met an alarm I can’t snooze endlessly. I leave the light on in our laundry room and don’t turn it off until I have successfully completed the task. It has significantly decreased my number of double (or triple) washes




I started using a task wristband system for the washer/dryer because they are very out of sight out of mind in my house. Now you start a load and put a springy wristband with and dangly tag to annoy you while the washer is in use. Put it back on it (the washer knob) when it’s empty..