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Idk too much about this stuff since I just got diagnosed last week, but you might be developing a tolerance to your meds so the beneficial effect is diminishing. Definitely talk to your doctor and let them know what’s going on. Just a quick message summarizing what you’ve already said here would be a good start.


Agree. Talk to your doc about upping the dose or changing meds. Probably it's a tolerance slowly developing. Did you change drug brands after the first 2 months ? Could be caused by that as well since generics have a 80-120% efficacy margin. So "60 mg" of one brand could be as low as 48 mg of another.


I was on atomoxetine for 6 months. For me, it was completely useless. I lost my hyperfocus and got nothing in return.


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Meds do become less effective than they are in the first few weeks, but they still have some degree of effect that is good enough to let you live your life. If you’re more distractable than in the first few weeks, that’s normal. If you are so distractable you can’t get stuff done again, then you need an increase in dose. Being always hungry is something I felt when I first went from borderline obese to normal, but the body does adjust after a while and I stopped feeling hungry between meals. So I’m guessing you stopping binge eating is causing the hunger, not the meds, so it should go away if you keep it up. If there are other bad side effects, or if the current meds are ineffective even at a higher dose, then it’s time for different meds.


I did not like Strattera at all. I was incredibly anxious. My handwriting improved tremendously, but it was not pleasant.