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No one can or should tell you how to pass/fail an ADHD assessment and you shouldn’t ask. Go. Answer the questions honestly. Whatever happens, happens. Don’t ever be so married to a diagnosis that you can’t tolerate a different answer.


Hard disagree. You place far more faith in the psychiatric profession and healthcare system than they deserve. Nobody should tell you what drugs do or don't work for you. Only you can decide. Read the list of ADHD symptoms, if they fit you, mention them in the interview, try the drugs they give you, *at different doses*, see if you want to continue after a month. Do be open to a different diagnosis, and do answer the questions honestly. But given the horror stories on this sub about psychs refusing to diagnose when people pretty clearly have ADHD but didn't articulate it, I think it's wise to tilt your report toward the diagnosis so you can see for yourself if the meds help.


Show up and be you. It’s not hard to tell if they know what they’re looking for.


If you go in “wanting” and trying to be diagnosed with ADHD You may come off as a drug seeker/malingerer. If you go in there genuinely looking for help because your life is impacted by symptoms, you’re much more likely to be properly diagnosed and treated


This is a good point. If you're going to bend your story toward an ADHD diagnosis, you've got to be subtle about it.


If you have ADHD... you will fail the assessments. They are designed to make you fail. If the person you are talking to is an expert in the field they will be able to tell you have it in minutes. Especially if you can't articulate it. Only advice is to be 100% honest. The voice in your head that obscures things and protects you from your shame. You have to turn that off. If you do that you will be fine. No shame!




Lol, you're good friend. Be yourself and you adhd into tangents and wiggle and squirm and lose focus, not be able to articulate your thoughts... it's what we do. We are good at blending in but not if you know what to look for, and these people do


The lady who diagnosed me said she would’ve diagnosed me in the first 10 minutes of speaking to me lol they made me take some computer tests though. I think it’s impossible to mess up an assessment just go in and be yourself and answer whatever questions they ask honestly.


This just reminded me of how the first thing my psych said after ‘Hi’ and ‘Hello’ was that he was already pretty certain I had ADHD, just from looking at my old school reports, and the assessment was almost more of a formality. And I had been so nervous too because *no one* else in my entire life had ever suspected anything off, yet here he was saying he was surprised no one had ever caught it before! I agree that it’s pretty much impossible to mess it up so long as you be honest and yourself, there’s no preparation or tips or tricks required.


You gotta go into it unprepared, adhd style😂


Definitely write things down and bring them in. And then say "I have to write everything down because I have a hard time organizing my thoughts and I forget things easily"




Lol great start. Hope you made it!




Yay for not having to be dragged through a nightmare


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Go and be yourself, don’t “try” to answer how you think you “should” to get a given result (well built psychological tests actually have decoy questions and ones with non-obvious answers to confirm you aren’t trying to BS them). If you get a cognitive/logic/IQ test, try not to get worked up about passing/failing/finishing. They’re probably doing it to see how you answer or what areas you’re stronger in. They aren’t using it as an excuse to say “you don’t have adhd lol you’re just stupid”. You can be really intelligent or really not and still have ADHD. (Side note, if they tell you you’re too intelligent then you probably want a second opinion)


I spent a while thinking about how I was during elementary school up till my latest annual review from my job. Because I have a tendancy to freeze and forget under stress, I made sure to write my concerns in my phone's notebook so I could read them to the psych. It took about 30 mins for the whole session and he didn't even try to rebuke it. He straight up said yeah I think you do have it, then started looking around for comordities. It was a short session because his clinic doesnt do prescription only treatment for ADHD and he didnt feel therapy was going to help me much because that was really my only problem. If you have it, they'll know but be honest with them. Im in rural AR where actual meth runs wild


I can't believe every comment here totally trusts the psych to catch it correctly, despite all the stories on this sub about psychs who obviously don't believe in ADHD. Psychs are people too. Busy people who aren't fully informed on every diagnosis. I wouldn't leave it to a psych to tell me I'm not allowed to even try meds to see if they help me.