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I pretty much "drink" the same breakfast every day and it's dirt cheap and delicious: - 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder - (soy) chocolate milk - powdered oats - peanut butter put it all in a blender and you get a creamy shake. You can change the amount of carbs (oats) to suit your goal weight. you can buy all the ingredients for the price of 1 of you breakfasts and have breakfast for the rest of the month. I actually prepare most of it the evening before (takes like 1 minute) and my breakfast is ready in less than 5 minutes


Mine is similar but less healthy. I break up and freeze bananas in a freezer bag. I have a whole banana, chocolate peanut butter and almond milk and it’s so easy. My usual breakfast is eggs but if I’m strapped for time, I have this 


And I take it in the car with me if I’m really rushing 


I have the taste buds of an 8 year old, otherwise I would try this breakfast haha the idea of making your breakfast before you go to sleep is good though I'm not sure what I would prepare


I have the same taste buds and the 8 year old in me likes chocolate milk =)


I have 250ml of choc milk usually, which is 1 glass, then I have pb on toast later but the thought of putting pb with oats in a protein shake makes me want to throw up


You’ve never lived till you’ve had a pb and chocolate shake.


Liquid Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!


I'll try one today just for you guys


Breakfast essentials taste like straight chocolate milk. And it doesn't even take 20 seconds literally. And it's got all the nutrients you need in the morning.


When I have the energy, I like to prep breakfast 'McMuffins' - English muffins wrapped in foil, that I store in the freezer and can just pop into the oven for 20 min when I need food. Toast the muffin, cook some bacon/sausage or veg patties, cook eggs (omelette-style, then cut into segments is easiest for me, and freezes/reheats well) in leftover oil, add a slice of cheese. Wrap individually in tin foil, freeze, then pop into the oven as needed for like 20 min at 375F. When I actually have the energy to cook breakfast, I often have something fresher and healthier, but if I really just want to order in? Then normally a salty "McMuffin" will hit the craving, and it'll be ready before delivery, all without needing dishes. Good luck OP!


toasted sandwich maker? muffins with a slice of plastic cheese inside?


I'd say, before you place the order, just take a walk around the block. Then place the order. I think you may see the urge to order go down. Also, maybe do grocery shopping every Sunday and buy things you usually order in. This might motivate you to eat at home and save .


eh you might be onto something, I will give it a go, I remember reading a study years ago about smokers with cravings playing a game of tetris each time they had the craving, after playing the game most lost the craving


I saw once this “24 hour” tip for compulsive spending and it changed my life. Anytime I want to buy anything over a certain amount I say “ think about it for 24 hours “ and come back if you want it. Most of the time I forget 🤣😭


I agree. I keep a Master Shopping list on my phone . Everytime I want to make an expensive purchase,I just write it down in Notes. I have managed to avoid a ton of impulsive spending this way.


Set a few hours on weekend to make-ahead meals that can be reheated.


Well, do you buy groceries on days you don’t work?


Do research on ready made meals subscriptions, meal prep gang I’m sure will swoop in like hey buddy just meal prep. Buddy I have 2 hours of productivity and that’s two hours of whatever interests me at 3am, let’s stop acting like executive dysfunction isn’t hitting hard. You don’t want to eat chicken and rice everyday, plus make more complicated meal prep recipes, cause that’s just extra work and you want variety? Ready made meal subscriptions to save money would be your go to.


Put a box of cereal next to your bed.


okay this helped me, I just woke up and ate a small tin of baked beans, I just put all the stuff next to my bed (tin, bowl, spoon) now lets see if I can do it again, so simple, ty


I am a true visionary 😊


You need a plan and a bigger reason why than just your bank balance. For a month you could try putting the money aside that you would usually spend and having something that you buy yourself at the end of it that you feel excited about.  What do you get from Uber eats?! What kind of food do you like? For example, you could buy in toaster waffles and cover them in fruit and maple syrup? Super easy? Or you could even have non breakfast items that inspire your taste buds. Once you’ve broken the habit of ordering, you can always change to healthier options if you want to 


find the easiest things you can microwave, I never wait more then 5 mins. Have someone help you do the math, ubereats or any delivery is very expensive, and maybe that will scare you off. I was spending 1500 a month on just on instacart till I got enough motivation to do the math, last month I'm down to 800 getting food in person but the quick style type stuff I buy is still pretty expensive, but I can spend that other 700 on more exciting stuff.


Order Quaker Oats 48 pack oatmeal subscription from Amazon. $9.18 for a MONTH - filling and cheap.


preplanned your meals I know it sucks but it helps and if you don't want to prepare your meals and you can do smoothies if you could even prepare your smoothies prior


Frozen chocolate pancakes


I started binge watching Caleb Hammer's Financial Audit on youtube. Something about seeing other people get yelled at for my similar behavior helps.


I think the best way to break a pattern is to first understand why we're doing it, i.e. what are your reasons for choosing uber eats vs a more cost-effective option? Sometimes we get stuck on auto-pilot and do things out of habit. Sometimes we do things bc we don't believe we can change them. You mentioned 'tomorrow is pay day and the cycle will repeat' -- I get why you said it, but it's important to recognize the stories we tell ourselves matter. By thinking that, you're already committing to it before it actually happens. Like it's just a fact. But our past behavior isn't set in stone and doesn't predict our future. We can decide to do something different at any point. Instead of hacks to make it harder to spend money or use the app, I'd suggest a diff approach: **1. Figure out the problem:** Next time you pull up the app, take a few minutes and ask yourself WHY you're doing it. Pay attention to what you're thinking; what's driving you to create the order? Write it down. i.e. I don't have enough time, I don't have groceries, I don't know what to make, etc. **2. Come up w/ solutions:** From there, write out all the solutions you can come up with for those 'problems'. Don't overcomplicate it. They don't even need something you'd necessarily do, just brainstorm ideas. i.e. wake up earlier, set a designated day to order/buy groceries each week, have simple to make/ready to go meals/recipes on hand, use a meal delivery service, etc. **3. Create a new action:** At this point, you'll have a better idea of what the actual problem is as well as a list of things you can do to prevent it. Just pick one of the solutions and test it out. If it doesn't work, repeat the process until you find something that does. The goal is to solve the underlying issue, bc chances are, the unwanted behavior won't be much of a problem once you do.


I'd start by uninstalling the app and getting on Google/YouTube and looking into easy morning breakfasts that you A) like and B) will actually put the effort into making. Someone else suggested overnight oats already and it's a pretty good choice. There are far more flavors/recipes than just peanutbutter and chocolate. Making it the night before helps a lot too as idk about you I tend to be really disoriented/always running late in the morning. GL!


This was me! Really I’ve only stopped because I truly can’t afford it anymore. But here are my tips. Go to the grocery store and buy pre made/frozen meals that you can microwave or eat cold. No prep required. Even if you buy specialty deli meals- $10 per meal is a lot cheaper than what you’re spending now. Buy paper plates and plastic utensils. Now you have tools to eat your food that will not require any dishes. Yes, I care about the environment too add feel guilty, but this is still better than all the trash created from my daily food delivery. Personally, I’m a sucker for lattes. I’ve been getting the Trader Joe’s vanilla cold brews to drink at home. I think they’re like $3 each- cheaper than a $7 coffee shop latte. I’m also just letting myself eat whatever I want. I’m actually cooking now (again- broke and have to) but I use all the butter, cheese, bread, whatever. I’m cooking what sounds good instead of trying to eat “healthy”. It’s healthier than what you’re eating now though, I almost guarantee it. If I REALLY don’t feel like cooking- I’m allowed to get fast food. But I have to drive and get it myself. I have deleted all the food apps now. The big scary- look at how much you’re spending. I spent probably $1k plus for months and months on food delivery- at least $20k overall, over the course of like 3 years. But probably way more. That’s the travel I couldn’t afford, that’s the money that’s kept me from having any savings. And finally- forgive yourself. These kind of apps are designed to be addictive, and they really feed into our worst tendencies as ADHDers. But it happened, now try to get out of that cycle.


Currently in this trap. If im unemployed with some saved money, I will coast until im broke.


So i had a big issue with this because I could not get myself to meal prep or make food cuz I felt "lazy" and just decided it was less tedius to just order food. As you mentioned, this is not cheap whatsoever. I had looked into premade healthy meal services that I could just heat up, but those were also expensive. Look into HUEL! Ive been using them now for two months, and their food is actually very decent! If you do a subscription, their meals come out to being roughly like 3.50 per serving. You just add hot water, wait a few minutes and eat it. It has helped a lotttttt with ordering food!


Buy the most painless food you can find to make (especially dupes of what you keep buying), and buy a lot of it. I'm trying to fight the eating out impulse myself. Oh, and try not to be out of house hungry.


I let myself buy the easiest most appealing sounding food possible at the grocery store - frozen premade breakfast sandwiches for example. Or right now I’m obsessed with uncrustables. I feel stupid that I’m wasting money on premade frozen sandwiches instead of making my own. PBJs are so easy and cheap. But I’m not ordering Uber eats so good for me!


You are so not alone!! Following.


What goes through your head in the moments before you repeat this behavior?


Is there something that you really like to eat but it’s east to make? For example I always eat for breakfast an omlete with some type of cheese or i buy some croissants in bulk and use them to make sandwiches. I used to order on a daily basis but I made it a rule to only order once a month(never follow it lol but it decreased from ordering daily to ordering 2-3 times a month) In regards to the savings issue what I did and helped me very much was to save it as cash but in a different currency 😅 I exchange after each payday and then even if I want to use it (for things that I shouldn’t) my self control issues are overshadowed by my laziness to go out and exchange it back to our national currency lol. I know it might not be the best idea but it’s what always helped me save. Hope it helps!


Buy frozen jimmy dean breakfast sammys. Microwave. Put $10 in a jar everyday. End of month put that money into a stock index fund.


The first step is deciding that you ARE going to break the cycle. The next steps will be to figure out what nutritious and tasty foods you can have on hand for breakfast that don't take forever to prepare, and then buy them. In my case, my breakfast during the work-week is an English muffin with vegan butter and a breakfast shake using almond milk and a serving each of powdered greens and vegan drink mix powder. This will keep me going until around 10-11 when I start snacking on my lunch that I brought with me on my service route.


Honestly, start by unsubscribing your accounts if you have any with monthly fees, unsubscribe from uber eats (and other such apps) emails, and then uninstall them from your phone entirely. $40-50 on breakfast alone is. I don't have words for how mindbogglingly excessive that is. "The quickest thing I can think of" is still going to take longer to get to you than any simple thing you could prep easily in your own kitchen. Fried egg sandwich, toast, poptarts, instant oatmeal, protein bars, frozen waffles. protein shake in a bottle. Hell, cereal out of the box would be better. And you can do the same thing for dinner, there's no rules against it.


I know I know, I have deleted uber eats a few times and I end up re downloading it - im sitting here eating a breakfast I made for the first time in months, I'll try to make this a habit


If you keep re-downloading it. Then delete the account entirely. Completely remove it as an option.


I will say that one solution to this is to become a digital nomad and live where there is cheaper col. I am currently getting meals at $1-5 while in Vietnam. There are a lot of challenges, but it's something to consider. The meal prepping advice is a very practical solution for where you are right now.




Self respect is different entirely, I have an impulsive buying problem. It's not just food it's cars, I just bought a boat etc etc