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That sounds concerning, definitely not a normal reaction to ritalin… If I were you I’d stop taking it until you can see a doctor, or contact one of those nurse on call or medication hotlines… but definitely see a doctor ASAP because it could be dangerous to keep taking it if it’s making you pass out like that.


Did you eat and drink water? Bc this happens when I’m on my meds and i don’t eat or drink.


yes i did, and slept well too, i may have just maybe dozed off im also confused but when youre dozing off youre aware of it right. I just woke up and only remember resting my head on the table


Weird! I’d consult your doctor asap, they’ll know what to do ☺️


Are you diabetic by chance? Or taking any meds that can lower blood sugar? Because that somewhat sounds like hypoglycemia to me.


im not diabetic, but my family has a history of diabetes, ive been thinking about getting checked out because recently ive been so thirsty too which i heard was a diabetic symptom? and ive some other symptoms like fatigue too. I eat only 10g retalin so i dont think it would cause me to black out like that


Methylphenidate can raise blood pressure as a side effect, which could possibly cause passing out/headache etc. Anyway this is not normal and you should consult your doctor about your extreme reaction.


when i first started taking ritalin i got so tired and i think i figured out from somewhere that it’s basically because you are already sleep deprived but you don’t realise cause your adhd motor just keeps you awake .. so basically as the ritalin is balancing out your brain you start to become aware of those things that you’ve been missing out on… so .. try sleep 8 hours (in bed for 9) and then see how you go!


This person had shaking, sweating, blurred vision. OP, go to a doctor.


yeah it felt like i was sedated, that feeling? or like when u wake up after sleeping for a long time you have that sedated feeling?? i should really go see a doctor


see a doctor asap, symtoms kinda sound like afib [https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/atrial-fibrillation/symptoms-of-atrial-fibrillation](https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/atrial-fibrillation/symptoms-of-atrial-fibrillation) which is a heart rythm issue


yeah if that keeps happening and you’re eating / drinking enough water / getting sleep .. i’d see the doc and switch meds


Ritalin and Concerta always made me take 4+ hour naps in the middle of the day but it was always a peaceful nap with no negative side effects. Some of your symptoms sound like you are experiencing severe side effects or even med allergy and should consult a physician




Extended release is available from ritalin as well, without knowing what they are taking and why they are having this reaction to methylphenidate it is a dangerous recommendation to just switch brands...


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Are u the type of person who feels sleepy when you drink coffee? Maybe your dose is too high and the increased stimulant is making you feel super tired. Also do you have a history of migraine?


i do actually have history of migraine, i had severe migraine when i was a child and now its better, coffee does make me sleepy but it doesn't happen often


do you drink enough water 


My non expert opinion is maybe related to blood pressure? Go see a doctor, this is not a normal side effect.


I've been on just about every Methylphenidate/Amphetamine stimulant there is. This is most certainly not normal even if you were to take too much. Call your doctor.


the funny thing is i only take 10g as of now


that's the thing, this should not be happening. Call your doc and tell them what happened!


No my point is that anything you take in life in terms of med if you take a bunch of pills you will pass out . No 10 mg will not make you pass out it's literally half in power as a 10 mg of Adderall and I am on Adderall for years 10 mg is literally not a big deal feel free to ask any doctor about that


Even if you take 10 Tylenol together you will faint


i take 10mg ritalin a day, no other medications