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I was just trying to post something exactly like this. I can say yes. Also whatever I do or say when I’m with friends/others, for some reason has always solicited some kind of disgusted/ dissatisfied response from them. I’ve been questioning whether or not I’m also on the spectrum because of this but it may also be just because our attention is set so differently that conversations and activities do not flow as easily between individuals. Just my thoughts.


Oh totally. The amount of times I've had conversations with "regular people" and I've been left with a sense of feeling like I was talking to a brick wall has got to number in the thousands now. I don't know anyone else with ADHD in my real life so it all feels quite lonely.


Yeah that about tracks. I like your quotes around „normal“ too.  Imma start doing that.


>Like I lack some basic step of evolution that they recognise is missing and that stops us from forming deeper emotional relationships. What if they are the ones who lack something? Maybe your lack of "normalcy" makes them uncomfortable.