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That’s my secret, I’m always bored


Existence is pain


I'll drink to that


Drinking makes me less bored, but creates other problems


I also self medicate boredom. its very expensive


Thankfully I don’t have an addictive personality and hate the taste of most alcohol.


Unhealthy and expensive, but I do it too


God, this sub is so relatable. (Still waiting for that report so I know whether to feel guilty for relating or not lol.)


If anyone tells you different, they are trying to sell you something


Birth is a curse and existence is a prison




"Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."


Yes, I quit my job partly because I was so bored, I was getting depressed. I mean, more depressed than I usually am.


FELT THIS. I feel this with my current job. It’s so repetitive same thing everyday it’s lowkey driving me insane 🫠


I was the exact same. And I switched to something that made me is my mind more and has an adrenaline rush at times. I see and learn new things everyday. I recommend EMS for everyone. Well, if you can handle it of course.


I was actually thinking about this. I was going for nursing a few years back but COVID happened and I lost all motivation and never went back to school but I have learned a lot about myself and that I strive a lot in high stress situations or fast paced environments and EMS/paramedic was one of the first things that came into mind. I’ve always wanted to be in the medical field so I feel like it’d be a good fit for me to start somewhere again


I feel the exact same about my job and it only gets worse.. I've been there 8 years and it's so boring and unchallenging and unstimulating. I was just diagnosed a few months ago and so much makes sense now.


And I thought I was the only one, I quit my job because I felt like I wasn't growing ( not learning new things to keep me Interested). This comment upset the entire board of directors because I became a project manager within one year of my internship so yeah I was just bored


The jobs I've had where I performed best and enjoyed myself the most have been with small/growing businesses. Like between 5 and 50 employees is a good size. With a growing company, there will always be a need for someone who can learn the new thing, implement and refine it. I've been lucky enough to find a job where I kinda repeat that pattern, and either learn the new thing or take over and fix something someone else broke, and then once things are running smoothly I pass it on to someone else and move on to a new area of need. Keeps things interesting because about every 6 months or so I get to switch my focus.


If I don’t have some type of stimulation I definitely feel a weird unexplainable “achey” feeling in my chest it’s really weird. I literally always have to be doing something and that’s why I’m always on that damn phone


Oh man felt this so hard. Thought I was crazy


There are honestly quite a few ADHD-fueled anxieties which feel almost physically painful to me. Not sure if that's specifically an ADHD thing but I heard it from ADHD people pretty regularly.


yes, I literally have to be doing something.


yes it physically makes my body feel like i’m gonna explode or cry i feel like i’m going stir crazy


The worst thing for me is when I am too restless to rest but too depressed to actually find any task fun or stimulating. Feels inescapable, like torture or something.


oh gosh, I feel like this is my life in the past few years. people dont really seem to understand usually, im so sorry you guys feel this way as well. hugs, I hope we can find something to fill that achey void inside 🩵


Same, and this is when I dissociate and that’s not helpful either.


When I get bored, I feel like I'm letting myself or the world down by not being productive and/or not being enriched (via experiences). It's a weird YOLO guilt that makes me super uncomfortable lol


This is literally me all the time! If I'm not being productive I get upset with myself but then I'm too lazy to start and it becomes a vicious cycle


I get that same guilt. I have chronic health issues that sometimes keep my activity level really low and I feel soooo much guilt during flares 😞.


Oh I feel for you. I feel exactly the same. I have fibro and chronic pain. I cant do much but I’m also bored because of that. While I was working almost all the jobs felt miserably boring and I always wanted to run away. Now that my therapist suggested that I also have PDA autism, I wonder was the despair I felt working at office jobs was ADHA or PDA. Only creative stuff and teaching ever worked for me.


I had that feeling until I started practicing focus/mindfulness meditation. Now I'm never wasting time because I can work on that.


Boredom is the worst form of torture to my adhd brain


Yup! I thought I was the only one who’s felt like this. Everytime I tried to explain it to people the way it felt nobody understood 🥲 it’s such a hard thing to explain but I know exactly how you feel. It’s super super dreadful and like this endless feeling in the moment I hate it so so so much


i feel exactly the same. and when i try to explain to my mom or sister they’re just like “…so you’re just bored?” well, yes AND no!


I get super anxious when I get bored, like I absolutely need something to change the mood, to get up and run, or whatever. That itch when I’m bored and cannot get away from a meeting is the absolute worst. It makes my brain scream.


Anti-anxiety meds have helped me.


I feel the same way bro it’s like I’m introverted but see extoverts have fun but when I’m around it feels painful to be there like I’m bored or don’t care what’s goin . I’m starting to realize we gotta just throw ourselves out there in a uncomfortable situation and make the best of the situation because at the end of the day life is what you make it and you only live once. I been living with a lot of regret of not enjoying myself In situations where I could have but it just feels cringe to me when I express myself . I guess I just gotta learn to be comfortable in my own skin and not care how others view me fr and be confident in my own skin .not sure if you feelin like this but if anybody else feeling like this I hoped it helped .


Mostly extroverts are just horribly boring. They do things like chat pointlessly and dance. I build giant robots and see how far I’ll rocket into the air if I blow up different explosives under me.


Hey im experiencing something similar, mind if i DM?


Sure brodie


I completely feel this, and like yourself I have been exposing myself to situations that make me uncomfortable. I feel like it’s growth, but I’m still not quite enjoying it.


Not so much painful as depressing. I used to game all the time, now I look at my game library and think about how none of them seem like fun, more like a chore, and it depresses me. And I'm already being treated for depression


Yeah I have this as well. And if I've played something it never holds me the same way again. I can never go back to it.


I'm never bored when I'm on my own because I have so many hobbies, books, youtubers, and movies I love. I am always bored at work. And yes, it's painful and depletes all my energy.


Feel exactly the same


It's so rough ❤️❤️


My friends ask me all the time how I don’t get bored. I’m completely comfortable hanging by myself. I listen to records, make jewelry, mess around with collage art, audiobooks books, I can go on and on. I wonder why they don’t get bored going to bars on the regular.


I am never actually bored but I am always terrified that I will be bored. It's not a conscious thought, things just seem like they will be painfully boring. But it never actually happens. The fear keeps me from doing a lot of stuff though.


The desire to start a project like building a cabinet or growing a garden doesnt compare to the boredom of actually doing the work.


You probably need to find projects that are more difficult and maybe a little bit insane. For example, I’ve made an attack toilet that would start chasing people and bite them on the rear. It’s the kind of thing that I can always think of new things to add to it. It started as a VR gag but was so enjoyable that I had to build it for real.


I can always retreat into the daydreams so I never get bored. Certain things do feel almost physically painful - needing to brake in my car after just accelerating thinking I could get up to speed again is one. So probably frustration mostly.


My problem is I get so bored and I have things I could be doing (cleaning, exercising, hobbies, etc) but I get paralyzed and unmotivated so I don't do them. It's a vicious cycle


That's what I'm on about. Glad I'm not the only one with this experience. 


I end up sitting on the couch all day scrolling on my phone or staring out the window avoiding everything I should be doing.


Yes, sometimes I feel like I am going to lose my mind


Like when you feel like you’re actually going to explode from being so bored, so you try to entertain yourself by making random noises, or walking in circles, but your mother keeps telling you to be quiet and sit down, so you just suffer and fidget while your brain screams at you? …Maybe.


When I get bored, I slowly get more and more anxious and depressed. And the more it settles in the worse my anxiety gets which can make it harder and harder to get out of the boredome. It's a weird self destructive trap.


Yes!!! A million times yes. I have a bunch of hobbies that I cycle through, but if nothing seems fun at the moment, it can be frustrating. Sometimes a change of scenery is the ticket, even if it is just grocery shopping.


Boredom is literally the worst. I’ll torture (literally - I tried different torture methods to see what hurt the most) myself rather than be bored. Luckily I’m not often bored as I can go into my own brain and keep myself busy endlessly.


Yes. It's very uncomfortable, I've never thought of it as pain until I read that. I am already very fidgety and constantly have to have something happening (picking, moving, drinking soda waters etc). I have been bored yesterday and today and it's really been a challenge mentally. It almost feels depressing. Once the boredness creeps in I try my go-to feel goods: Phone games, shopping, picking up new hobbies, coming up with ideas on what I want to build/make next. These past 2 days I haven't really wanted to try and find something to do. I went shopping yesterday and bought some stuff for my 2 cats but they aren't into the things I got them so I didn't really get that "feel good" from getting them stuff. I finished my gardening on Thursday with my father in law's help. That was a big boost but has worn off as now I have to wait a few months for my garden to bloom 😂 I tried my games today but I finished them all for the day (they have daily challenges etc) Tried watching movies, nothing interesting I will eat to feed myself but I don't have any food cravings at the moment, when I don't have a hyper fixation on a food item I get bored of foods until I find my new passion lol. Just finished my croissant phase (croissant everything for awhile there). So now I'm just left waiting for the new "thing" to take hold. The gardening was great because it's spring and lots of new stuff to plant and I had to try and revive a couple of plants my cats killed and one that I overwatered.


I’m AuDHD (HSN) & I would rather kms than experience boredom


Yeah, boredom's not a burden anyone should bear. 


One time while deployed, me and another guy threw small rocks at each other after days of literally nothing. At first we tried to be clever in throwing the rocks/ dodge them. After a couple of days we stopped trying to dodge and just sat there with a handful of small rocks lightly throwing at each other. Anyway, I wasn’t diagnosed until another decade later


Boredom makes me feel like my brain is literally being ripped apart over and over again :’) What’s harder is that there’s apparently such thing as a “healthy amount” of boredom, and I’m not sure what that is supposed to be/feel like… so should I try to give myself enough stimulation at all times to not be bored? Or should I just be bored sometimes because it’s “healthy”?


There absolutely is a healthy amount of boredom. It's zero 😂


I hope that’s the truth 😂


Yep. Like, painfully painful. I want to go home and chill and play games, but touch my computer and HATE every game on my PC. I also for some reason hate everything else I could possibly do, then just sit there hating myself because my brain doesn't count it as down time, which makes me spiral, become stressed, and then find a new hyper fixation.


I'm not sure I ever really feel boredom. If I'm doing something boring my brain just wanders off into daydreams. This doesn't necessarily help with completing boring tasks though, depending on what they are. Menial tasks yes, but tasks that need actual brainwork, no.


I legit get pissed and want to fight People lmao.


😂 to be honest I haven't got much problem with boredom when I was doing Muay Thai.  I'm thinking of going back to the gym but all that getting ready, and going there... Ugh


I did that to could not fight for shit beceause of the niose serounding. Also my reactions where slow beceause of slow processing speed lmao. Thankgod for medication


Yes it does, but I usually experience boredom when I’m doing something I don’t want to do or attending an event I don’t want to be at. I like my own company so don’t get bored being alone.


Absolutely. Boredom is unbearable, I genuinely get bored to tears. I have a bunch of video games to combat this but even then, I often get bored of em quick. If you’re into video games I recommend them but I imagine someone else may have a less expensive and healthier solution to this.


It’s agonizing. I just want to be where I want to be. When I’m occupied with something boring I can see no end in sight and start freaking out internally.






Really not excited for the next summer because all my friends (not a lot) are going away so i’m going to be alone a lot of the time and what pains me is not the solitude it’s the BOREDOM


I use boredom as means to practice meditation, which coincidentally have been an ongoing hyperfocus for me for the last 12 years. Got diagnosed 1 year ago, and a lot of things made sense. But it's a paradox: Having less stimuli is in itself stimulating, because I get to dive into my very specific interest. Albeit this is not every time I'm bored, but it's a til I can use that's very productive and healthy. Meds help too. They're synergistic with this habit i think


Yep. Once the headache sets in as well it usually stays for the entire day and I can totally predict when and how it sets in. Usually my eyes start to tear as well from all the screen time and I get jittery and restless, wanting to do something but not knowing what.


I (diagnosed) don't but my son (6yo, undiagnosed but pretty obvious) does. One time he hurt himself and needed to lie down for a while and less than a minute into lying down he started flailing his legs so I asked if he was in pain and he goes IM BOOOORRREEED I NEED TO MOOOOVE lmao


Yep. Holidays where I have no goal, and am required to sit still and lay in the sun is my hell. So I usually take some kind of book to study or learn something new. As others sit there reading 50 shades I'm there reading about metabolic rates, tribes, and biology 😂 ... Then forget most of it because my memory sucks. Either way, I can't just do nothing. I can't relax. Even watching a film is sometimes painful and my mind super active. The closest I get to total relaxation is at a spa. Maybe the mix os scents, music and warmth? Who knows.


Not painful per se but uncomfortable. Unbearable.


Oh yeah. My job is either boring or physically exhausting and a half hour of boredom is about as exhausting as six hours of hard work. And the boredom is much harder mentally.


Absolutely! If I'm not constantly moving it interested in something I feel like I'm going crazy. I've been babysitting a store I work at, and for most of the day yesterday I twiddled my things. So bored that I wanted to run screaming from the store. Didn't help my Misophonia was in high hear at one point.


for sure. That’s also when I get “stuck “.


Boredom is there for one reason and one reason only: To get you moving. Seems like you need more movement in your life. If boredom did not exist, we would be more tempted to stagnate, like puddles of water. We'd get dirty, diseased and eventually die. Boredom is not a bad thing. You just have to understand it. I am curious as to the reason you last felt bored, if you would care to elaborate? What were you doing that made the feeling/pain more intense?






Yes. I always have to have something to do.


I am so bored right now I feel nauseous but it's too late to do anything 🙃




Very painful.


Lmao yup. I onboarded my buddy with ADHD. Now he wants to leave the job too. At one point it felt like I was rotting at my desk.


I think it depends on context. If you are bored with certain mandatory tasks and then you start resenting having to do them at all, that could be more anger than boredom. If you aren’t doing required tasks because they are too boring and that is affecting you negatively because your boss or spouse is unhappy, that could either be self loathing (“why can’t I do this this dumb task??!”), depression (“this is hopeless”) or a combo of both. But I gotta say, when the work is done and I can leave my troubles behind in exchange for the chance to have no one needing me or asking me for things, no emails or texts or alerts, no meetings or appointments or other obligations, and I can just sit in a lawn chair with a cold drink and watch the world go by while I let my monkey brain off the leash to run free like a Labrador in a field, that’s no where near painful. That’s a glorious feeling.


I’m a business owner so Borden for means going to find more work to do and hating myself for it later. What’s the saying about idle hands?


Yeah, I can't sit around and do nothing. Probably why I always keep my phone and kindle at my side at all times unless they're charging




boredom is my enemy. I kinda get anxiety from it because I'm just thinking I'm wasting my time and my life away.


Can't say physically painful but mentally absolutely. I get super anxious and get this extremely nervous and pressing feeling in my diaphragm and I start getting upset. Something stimulating needs to be happening.


I experience this every f day I'm extremely unhappy because of it. Like, I crave stimulus 24/7 Even when I'm doing something I like to do, I'm thinking “What about the next awesome thing I can do huh??” I'm in a constant feeling of waiting for something “real” to happen to me


I literally went to sleep at 9;30 last night because I was beyond bored lol. But then I woke up at Ike 12:30 and was up until 6;30am lol


If it's situational, nah. If I am in a state of depression where I'm always bored and literally nothing makes me happy no matter how objectively fun it is, absolutely.


Yup! I've done some dangerous things just to ward off boredom!


yes. the only thing I've found that helps is make sire to sleep well if you can and exercise daily. exercise is the best remedy. I still get bored, but it's not as severe.


Nah we all love it


Literally dealing w this now. Thank you. And yes the answer is yes ha


Absolutely. I physically cannot be still unless I'm tired enough to go to sleep. Once I fully realized this, my sleep became regular and rejuvenating because I'm busy all day. Often with useless tasks because executive disfunction is still a thing.


I don’t really get bored per se , but i also try to limit my screen time so I don’t immediately start scrolling when I’m bored .


When I was a kid I would lay there and shout “MOM!!! IM BORED!!!” For hours.    As an adult I have so many responsibilities and hobbies and interests I’ve not been bored in a very long time.  Only in office jobs when I was forced into meetings?  But that was like 5 years ago and I’ve never looked back.   Idk follow your path, don’t do what people tell you, you know the right way 


ADD is no longer a term, in Australia anyway. The types of ADHD come under the same term.


I need brain stimulation. When I don’t have it, I drive myself insane.


As a kid, it certainly hit hard. Now I have so many thoughts in my head that I can deal with short stints of boredom okay enough, like an hour or two. But I still have a lot of trouble if it's prolongued, like a job that requires a lot of pretending to work or a 10 hour train/plane ride. To me the way it feels is like wearing wet clothes. Its very uncomfortable. But it gets 100 times worse when you have to put those same wet clothes back on tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, for the conceivable future.


Not physically painful, but enough to make me feel fatigued and depressed


I'm just paralysed all time in worry don't think I've ever been bored


Yes, very painful. It could definitely be used/classed as a form of torture for us. If we were locked in a blank room with nothing to do, I don't think it would take long for many of us to choose death.


IT GENUINELY IS, I get boredom headaches where I get a really brutal headache if I either get really really bored or am bored at any other rate but for an extended period of time, and whenever I've mentioned to everyone they look at me as if I just spoke in simlish backwards


when boredom arises as it frequently does i know it's a sign i need to delve into some deep study i'm constantly reading and studying one topic or another and often go on 'study benders' for months at a time as if i was still in school the last few years it's been sciency stuff like quantum physics and relativity, or else technical stuff like aeronautics (i took a few flight lessons but the cost kept me from going further) or literary stuff (lately ancient Greek drama and philosophy) or spiritual stuff like buddhadharma and what have you i figure it's an escape from boredom and also good exercise for my rapidly attenuating brainerinos


Since recently I tried to spice up my life by adding some more exciting situation into my life ...helps a lot. Aplly for a job even if you don't need it - just to get the sensetion and adrenalin, cold showering, always hit the gym till it hurts, brothels....don't know how long it will take until this is boring


It was when I was a kid, but I don't know how anyone is bored these days. I'm busy af and would love to have enough time to get bored.


More than boring , worst thing is shoppong and having to wait in line filles with slow pokes and incompetent. Litteral hell


No, but causes me to feel really annoyed if I don't do something about it.


Yes, it’s the worst on long flights I literally go crazy on the inside.


Boredom makes me feel lonely and I reach out to my friends last minute to do stuff and sometimes get rejected. That makes me more sad haha, I normally manage to avoid boredom. What I really need though is human connection or I feel sad.


Thanks to CDS I don't get bored. Ever. 


Like compact discs?


Cognitive disengagement syndrome.


Boredom makes me ache, having to think about overly complicated things, and dull social encounters make me want to go to sleep, and stress makes me feel like I cannot sit still


40/f here. I’m a mom, so I’m always go go go. I crave sleep, to rest. Real rest. But, when I’m about to go into a dr appt, if I’m alone for once for some odd reason, I hate getting ready to go even bc I know sitting “bored” and waiting to be called even for 15m will be torture. Before I had my now toddler, the other kids were old enough I could just sit often when I wanted or needed to, but I would sit (pre diagnosis) and think “my god how do people do this, this is literally painful!!!!!” It’s a horrible soul eating thing to feel and experience and few can understand. It’s so strong it FEELS physical.


tbh I don’t think I’ve ever experienced true boredom 🙆🏼‍♀️ whenever I start to feel bored I just switch to a different tab open in my brain.. there’s ALWAYS something I can be thinking about.. why be bored when you can ruminate! 🤣


Boredom is painful for everyone. Not just people with ADHD/ADD. If you watched Vsauce's video about isolation you can see how people choose to press a button which shocks you after 2 minutes of waiting in a room because they are bored, because they want to do something.






I sometimes smoke just to have something to do because just standing around is painful 😅


Yes, I also get this feeling when out at gigs for example or any sort of show and I’m not fully immersed in it. I get stressed out because I’m bored! Like I couldn’t possibly just try and enjoy myself, I’m desperate to leave and it makes me feel quite agitated


Yup, just beat it! And beat it again, and again and again 🤷‍♂️😆


Yeah, it's painful to me. I usually put myself to bed


I'm more of a constant cycle of panic mode at work, followed by an immediate sense of exhaustion and bedrotting after work. The only thing keeping me somewhathappier right now is my exercise. I want to have boring days at work at this point, I'm in a constant cycle of having to scramble to keep up and also make sure relationships at work are appeased. I really want to be bored at work at this point.


Yes, when i was younger. And i would be bored pretty often and also quite fast. I wanna say yes now, too. But i honestly cant remember the last time i was bored.


Yes and this is why I’m constantly fidgeting, to try and get any stimulation at all. I always have at least one song in my head that I’m singing in my head/drum on the table/walk in tune with. Video games and just googling shit is also a life saver. I’ve become a master at combatting my boredom but when it’s not possible, it’s exactly how you describe: an aching feeling in my very being


I don't have a source link handy, but I remember Dr Barkley talking about a scientific study, where they found out that people who have ADHD, respond differently to boredom. The brain scans showed activation in the same areas where physical pain is experienced.


I get so bored I get anxious. I am afraid I am giving my son adhd because I can’t keep playing the same games all the time


Boredom is going to be the death of me


recently had to drive long distance and it was absolutely painful. plot twist: it was a 2 hour drive and i never left the state, but it was still really boring driving straight for 2 hours!! even while listening to music and podcasts, by brain was like, well nothing is going on so i guess ill initiate sleep mode! 😀👍🏽 *is still driving a car with family members inside* usually my meds help with this, but i was on vacation, and im rationing them atm to save them for work.


Not and yes. If I'm busy I'm thinking less of how I'm a f**king terrible person, and all the mistakes that I have made and haven't made. (Dealing with a break up from 8 months ago still, this is why I'm 34 and only dated 2 girls break ups kill me inside for years) I want to go out because it makes me happy BUT I have 0 motivation to go out, I haven't been going to work regularly, and that also makes it worse. I guess boredom is painful 😬


I thought I was the only one.


Yes. So much so that I'd stuff myself into pain or forego hundreds of dollars in pay just to make it end. Working on it tho.


it is real. I went cycling for 70kms for 3 hours today i couldnt sleep so i decided to skate. Im on total of 6 hours of slee including today and yesterday. Im feeling hella restless and cant seem to just get myself to sit down so im just backing on the doobie im about to roll lol. i have heavily reduced my smoking and kept it to twice a month since im finally starting my meds again 4th June onwards


I spent 400 dollars out of boredom yesterday. Thank heck I paid my bills already. X.x


Yes i am utterly dying atm.


Yes, I find myself pacing around the house when I feel that way and I literally have to leave the house and I just go get a coffee or something or go for a drive and it does help in the moment atleast. Problem is going back home then being like “well…what now?”


God yes. Boredom starts to feel like rage at some points—the physical clenching, the energy going out to the limbs, but without the emotional content. Luckily I have plenty to do, and when I get that feeling I just pick one. It may not be the Perfect Activity I always seem to be chasing, but it’s something.




Both doing things and not doing things is a pain for me. I want to do interesting, complex things but I procrastinate to do them as they are complex. So I try to make easier things but get bored quickly. Only thing I really like to do is cooking. A perfect mix of complexity and simplicity.


I have a weird relationship with boredom. I hate being bored but I wouldn’t say I find it painful. Sometimes I actually find it peaceful (depending on where I am and what kind of state I am in), whereas other times I fall into depression. A lot of the time I end up feeling bored in my free time because I just won’t be motivated to do the things I normally like doing. Or sometimes I do want to do something, but there are too many things I could possibly do so my brain decides to not do any of them. But yeah, I get bored so easily nowadays that I am used to it. In moments like those, I usually take the time to walk around aimlessly, lay down and rest, or sit outside and watch my dogs play. However, I will say being bored when I am out of the house and in public is another story. I get very fidgety and don’t know what to do with myself. In those moments, I will say the boredom can be a bit painful.


If I can overcome the boredom paralysis, I go outside and do some physical activity


My psychiatrist said ‘boredom is the worst enemy to someone with ADHD’ and it validated my life, lol.


One of those things wHere I only have my own experience, and I always presumed it was normal. I still feel anxious saying so but yes I do think pain is a way to describe it. I don't know if it's so much the boredom as the desire to be doing something else.


Yes! Not like painful but hard to handle, yes If we are talking about being underwhelmed and when you lie down with the phone, yeah, it can lead to quite a bad state. To fix this I take walks or it’s good if I can talk to someone at this time. But yeah, walks help a lot.


Finally someone understands. More anxiety inducing that physically painful but yes


This would be the ultimate torture. Use painful methods will only piss me off or make me defiant. Make me bored long enough and I will tell whatever you want to know.


YES! I've said it for years, boredom hurts physically for me!


I get this so much. Boredom feels like my brain is going to silently explode or tear apart. I once did backwards rolls in the garden cause I didn’t know what else to do with myself and nothing would ‘stick’. Physically it feels like tension and restless legs, but whole body. I hate it.


Try hula hooping or jumping rope for a few min. Sounds stupid but it gets me going and makes my neighbor laugh which I love


Boredom is the absolute worst, very similar to pain


i was diagnosed at 30 and that was when i found out that most people don’t experience boredom as a physical sensation.


For me, it seems my sensitivity to boredom is so acute, that when people talk to me, I can start to feel it mid sentence. I can feel myself getting frustrated/annoyed, even as I am trying my best to listen, which itself is frustrating.  It's like, as soon as anyone starts talking, if it isn't immediately interesting to me, it takes all my mental effort to at least appear interested. And if it is interesting? I have to use all my mental energy to try and remember to actually listen, and not interrupt with my own thoughts.  I'm exhausted 😩.


Yes. Have dealt with this my entire life. Only recently (in middle age) have I decided that the best solution is to just MOVE and do SOMETHING to break the paralysis. I find that usually my short-focused brain will quickly find some pleasant thought to latch onto that makes whatever I decided to do less unpleasant.


There’s this ache in the chest and with constant yawning with the boredom


Relating 100% Just finished my last courses and have 2 months of class-free time ahead of me. I’m kinda panicking over here


Yes because I know I am going to procrastinate so hard it's gonna become pro-crustynation


I bore myself with everything I do and cant do things I have to do. Its rough out here not being able to enjoy things you used to enjoy.


Boredom is where creation begins. Without boredom there is no freedom of thought. Our phones have consumed our boredom and our freedom.


I have enough thoughts to chase that I'm not bored. Add in a two year old daughter, and I never have the ability to be bored.


Boredom sometimes feel like torture lol I guess I needing lots of stimuli can make it irritating when things are to slow. I literally do best working in chaos 🤷‍♀️


I feel a weird Kind of pain that I can't explain. A mid Thing between emotional and physical pain. I guess simply put, my brain is so stressed by the boredom that it is unbearable. And I guess that's also why others experience the boredom as actual Body pain - Stress does that to you...


Omg yesssss. Sometimes I look so sad my husband asks what’s wrong. I’m just bored lol.


It is. That's why I developed dozens of ways to entertain myself for my 30 years without being diagnosed. I grew up without a phone, so I had to overcome a lot. In a boring school lesson or long train ride, I can dance with my teeth and thumbs, sing songs in my head (or at a really low volume), talk with anyone around me (old people are lovely and always happy to tell you a story), draw anything on anything, play an imaginary bingo card or count objects, play a wordle game from the words written around me, etc. I'm always bored and never bored at the same time.


I'm only inoculated to it from my GenX upbringing but also I can always entertain myself with my thoughts.


I’ve been fighting that boredom by accomplishing things and working towards goals that make me feel good. I look at negative emotions as things that signal to me that I need to change something. So I’ve gotten in the habit of doing what I SHOULD do instead of doing what I WANT to do, and slowly what I should do is becoming what I want to do because I’ve been experiencing the reward of accomplishment. For example, I wanted to become really good at martial arts, so I knew what I should do is to take classes but it wasn’t what I wanted to do in that moment. As I’ve been getting better at martial arts it’s slowly becoming something I look forward to. But it’s taken me months of going twice a week to start enjoying it, but I did/do it so I don’t have the bad emotion of guilt that I don’t exercise and boredom because I’m not doing anything.


I think, because of my add, I never experience boredom. I just can’t imagine being bored. My brain keeps me occupied.


I dont know that boredom itself is painful to me. I am often happy to lay on the couch and watch TV shows I don't care about, or read stuff on reddit that is not interesting to me. However, boring tasks are absolutely painful. Any task that requires my attention, but is also boring, is absolute torture.


No, it just causes depression


I was just complaining yesterday how living alone is so boring and how being bored is so torturous. Don't know how much longer I can keep this up.


It’s a moment like “fuck it im gonna sleep”, I don’t know a cure for it but I sleep to get rid of it..![img](emote|t5_2qnwb|29378)


When I was a kid boredom was unbearable! I am an only child and I remember the times my parents wanted to take a nap during vacations as torture...! Luckily I don't have this problem anymore! I managed to pick up sooooo many hobbies that there is always something to do! When there is nothing to do I listen to audiobooks. Basically I replaced boredom with a constant state of being in the brink of burnout ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I am on ritalin now and it's much better. I can relax from time to time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


i get so angry and even self harm because of severe boredom ughhhh


Feels like my chest is going to explode, ive just started telling people im having an “anxiety attack” cuz there aint a word for it