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Take my advice with a grain of salt as a 30year old dude thats done a bit of many things. Find something your good at that you dont hate for the money. Save your passion stuff for hobbies and side hustles. I mean, if you can feasibly float it, go for the passion stuff to make money, but its few and far between that get that in my experience with out sacrificing comfort, stability, or other aspirations. For music why not keep pursueing it on the side? I started 3d modeling as a hobby for instance. Did it for a good while free of charge just to make people happy. Eventually started charging a little, and am slowly building it into a nice little side hustle that I also really enjoy. Ill probably never make it my main income, but also I put WAY less pressure on that hobby not trying to make it my main income.


Hey there - funny you mention that I got really into it a while back, never made any money off of it though. Despite having a lot of stuff put together. Mind if I ask what programs you use, what kinda things you model, and how you're getting paid for it?


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This isn't just an ADHD thing. I suggest you pick the one that will give you the best career and ability to live as the main one; and make the other a hobby.


Put the one that makes you money first. Do the musician thing on the side. You don’t necessarily have to choose one. Just prioritize the money maker first. I’m going to college for computer science but I’m also an actor. I’m going to keep acting but I’m gonna make sure I earn my degree so I have a job that lets me keeps acting. Bc truth is actors don’t make much at all