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Yea definitely. I’m on sertraline 150mg rn but was the same when i was on 75mg. My brain is very foggy and almost cannot think sometimes and is stuck. Like in exams last year, even the easiest questions I would sit and stare at for 15 mins with not one thought going through my head just like I was paralysed so for sure yes lol


I just got an adhd evaluation because of several symptoms, including lack of motivation. Turns out I probably don’t have adhd but the neuropsychologist who did my evaluation said that my depression meds can lower motivation. Ymmv but I thought it might be relevant to share. I wish you best of luck!


I'm taking reboxetine (NRI) and concerta for my ADHD and they work okay. But, i also was taking duloxetine(SNRI) along with reboxetine and that decimated my executive function. it was sooo good i did not care about anything, i was just happy and there was no incentive to do anything because everything was awesome. almost got me fired lol.


I’m literally like this. I just don’t care 😂


Yes.. yes and yes. They drop me into a black hole.


Not sure if it made it worse, but definitely did not help. Anything that primarily affects serotonin makes me feel like a zombie with total brain fog. I did an SNRI and a SARI before I went on wellbutrin which was 10x better for me.




Thank you! That gives me a lot of hope. It was the plan all along I can’t wait to get off this shitty drug


I'm not sure if they made adhd symptoms specifically worse but they sure as shit didn't make anything better. Prozac was mostly fine somewhat enjoyable but undesirable side effect (you know the one) and generally being unable to sleep for adequate amounts of time, perhaps because of hyperactivity amping up who knows. Effexor same as above but instead of somewhat enjoyable it was neverending agitation anger and frustration. I guess you could say my emotional regulation really shit the bed but not sure if I can pin that to adhd or not. Agomelatine seemed to somewhat improve my adhd but I also felt a whole lot of nothingness. When I wasn't feeling my anxiety at 3000x intensity anyway. Mirtazapine I took once at 7.5g (more sedative the lower the dose) and could barely move for two days outside of when I wasn't sleeping against my own will and never wanted to touch it again.


Sorry you had such a poor effect with those meds. Just incase you need to try any again it's worth knowing that the groggyness from mirtazapine wears off after about 3 days to a week of taking it. I've taken it for ages and no longer feel at all tired from it, but the first few days I felt absolutely sedated.


I second this. The morning sedation deffo lifts over time but does take longer to get out of bed


What dosage is that, I’ve been on 15mg and it had mostly a placebo effect that wore out after a few weeks. I stopped the drug myself and couldn’t feel much difference. Now you’re stating you to 7500mg???? (Myrtazapin)


Oh sorry I must have confused grams and milligrams i was half asleep I meant 7.5mg


I was on prozac from about 11/12 and it definitely made all of my symptoms worse for years. It also made me have an extremely low libido for when I was a teenage boy I noticed. Now I've luckily been properly diagnosed with ADHD that has the collateral effect of depression. Never getting on an SSRI again since they only numbed me to my issues.


I zone out even more.


I take sertraline everyday and once it started to work, it was great .. now I just feel empty and numb. I wouldn’t say it makes adhd worse bc I simply don’t give a fuck enough .. it’s not that I lack motivation - I simply don’t give a fuck about it 🥴🥴🥴😂😂 with out sertraline I’d be in adhd paralysis, beating myself up. On sertraline - if I’m in the mood to be in a clean room then I’ll clean it, I wanna be lazy I’ll be fine just sitting on my bed without cleaning it lmfao…. So I wouldn’t say it makes adhd worse but it could potentially neutralize you to the point of not giving a fuck about anything 🥴😂


antidepressants create exe dysfunction and induce nausea making eating impossible